975 resultados para Human diet


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La mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) constituye la cuarta fuente mundial de calorías en la alimentación humana, es apta para la nutrición animal y para extracción de biocombustible. Este artículo tiene como objetivo evaluar el comportamiento de un modelo de tiempo térmico (TT) para caracterizar las fases fenológicas (FF) de dos cultivares de mandioca en un ciclo de crecimiento de 280 días, cultivados bajo condiciones de campo en Corrientes, Argentina. Las observaciones se realizaron durante las campañas 2007/2008 y 2008/2009. El cálculo del TT se basó en el método residual, la temperatura base fue 16°C. Entre ambos cultivares se observaron diferencias en los grados-día (GD) acumulados para cumplir las FF de expansión de la primera (00-01) y novena hoja (00-02 H9), y en la de engrosamiento de raíces (00-04 ERR), esta última relacionada con el índice de área foliar (IAF). Para completar el ciclo de crecimiento los cultivares Palomita y Amarilla requirieron entre 2027 y 2096 GD, respectivamente. El patrón de crecimiento y desarrollo fenológico de los cultivares de mandioca basado en los GD acumulados, puede utilizarse para caracterizar el progreso del cultivo en el bioambiente de Corrientes.


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Il sito archeologico di Arslantepe (provincia di Malatya, Turchia) rappresenta un caso di studio di potenziale interesse per l’interazione tra i mutamenti climatici e la storia della civiltà. Il sito, occupato quasi ininterrottamente per un periodo di tempo relativamente lungo (6250-2700 BP), ha fornito una grande quantità di reperti ossei, distribuiti lungo una stratigrafia archeologica relativamente dettagliata e supportata da datazioni al radiocarbonio. Tali reperti, indagati con le tecniche della geochimica degli isotopi stabili, possono costituire degli efficaci proxy paleoclimatici. In questo lavoro è stata studiata la composizione isotopica di 507 campioni di resti ossei umani e animali (prevalentemente pecore, capre, buoi). I rapporti isotopici studiati sono relativi a ossigeno (δ18Ocarb, δ18Oph), carbonio (δ13Ccarb, δ13Ccoll) e azoto (δ15N), misurati nella frazione minerale e organica dell’osso; la variabilità nel tempo di questi parametri, principalmente legati alla paleonutrizione, può essere correlata, direttamente o indirettamente, a cambiamenti dei parametri ambientali quali temperatura e umidità atmosferiche. I risultati indicano che la dieta degli animali selvatici e domestici di Arslantepe era quasi esclusivamente a base di piante a ciclo fotosintetico C3, generalmente tipiche di climi umidi o temperati. La presenza di piante C4, più tipiche di condizioni aride, sembrerebbe essere riconoscibile solamente nella dieta del bue (Bos taurus). La dieta umana era esclusivamente terrestre a base di cereali e carne di caprini con una percentuale esigua o del tutto assente di carne di maiale e bue. Dal punto di vista paleoclimatico il principale risultato del lavoro consiste nel riconoscimento della preservazione di un segnale paleoclimatico a lungo termine (δ18OW, composizione isotopica dell’ossigeno dell’acqua ingerita), che identifica un massimo relativo di umidità attorno al 5000 BP e che si correla, per andamento e ampiezza della variazione a record paleoclimatici di sedimenti lacustri collocati in regioni adiacenti all’area di studio. Sulla base del confronto dei tre segnali isotopici sono state inoltre riconosciute due anomalie climatiche siccitose a breve termine, apparentemente riferibili a due episodi di aridità a scala regionale documentati in letteratura.


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A growing human population, shifting human dietary habits, and climate change are negatively affecting global ecosystems on a massive scale. Expanding agricultural areas to feed a growing population drives extensive habitat loss, and climate change compounds stresses on both food security and ecosystems. Understanding the negative effects of human diet and climate change on agricultural and natural ecosystems provides a context within which potential technological and behavioral solutions can be proposed to help maximize conservation. The purpose of this research was to (1) examine the potential effects of climate change on the suitability of areas for commercial banana plantations in Latin America in the 2050s and how shifts in growing areas could affect protected areas; (2) test the ability of small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to map productivity of banana plantations as a potential tool for increasing yields and decreasing future plantation expansions; (3) project the effects on biodiversity of increasing rates of animal product consumption in developing megadiverse countries; and (4) estimate the capacity of global pasture biomass production and Fischer-Tropsch hydrocarbon synthesis (IGCC-FT) processing to meet electricity, gasoline and diesel needs. The results indicate that (1) the overall extent of areas suitable for conventional banana cultivation is predicted to decrease by 19% by 2050 because of a hotter and drier climate, but all current banana exporting countries are predicted to maintain some suitable areas with no effects on protected areas; (2) Spatial patterns of NDVI and ENDVI were significantly positively correlated with several metrics of fruit yield and quality, indicating that UAV systems can be used in banana plantations to map spatial patterns of fruit yield; (3) Livestock production is the single largest driver of habitat loss, and both livestock and feedstock production are increasing in developing biodiverse tropical countries. Reducing global animal product consumption should therefore be at the forefront of strategies aimed at reducing biodiversity loss; (4) Removing livestock from global pasture lands and instead utilizing the biomass production could produce enough energy to meet 100% of the electricity, gasoline, and diesel needs of over 40 countries with extensive grassland ecosystems, primarily in tropical developing countries.


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The dietary intake of sodium chloride has increased considerably over the last few decades due to changes in the human diet. This higher intake has been linked to a number of diseases including hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Numerous international health agencies, as well as the food industry, have now recommended a salt intake level of 5-6 g daily, approximately half of the average current daily intake level. Cereal products, and in particular bread, are a major source of salt in the Western diet. Therefore, any reduction in the level of salt in bread could have a major impact on global health. However, salt is a critical ingredient in bread production, and its reduction can have a deleterious effect on the production process as well as on the final bread quality characteristics such as shelf-life, bread volume and sensory characteristics, all deviating from the bakers’ and consumers’ expectations. This work addresses the feasibility of NaCl reduction in wheat bread focusing on options to compensate NaCl with the use of functional sourdoughs. Three strains were used for the application of low-salt bread; L. amylovorus DSM19280, W. cibaria MG1 and L. reuteri FF2hh2. The multifunctional strain L. reuteri FF2hh2 was tested the first time and its application could be demonstrated successfully. The functionalities were based on the production of exopolysaccharides as well as the production of antifungal compounds. While the exopolysaccharides, mainly high molecular dextrans, positively influenced mainly bread loaf volume, crumb structure and staling rate, the strains producing antifungal compounds prolonged the microbial shelf life significantly and compensated the lack of salt. The impact on the sensory characteristics of bread were evaluated by descriptive sensory evaluation. The increase in surface area as well as the presence of organic acids impacted significantly on the flavour profile of the sourdough bread samples. The flavour attribute “salt” could be enhanced by sourdough addition and increased the salty perception. Furthermore, a trained sensory panel evaluated for the first time the impact of yeast activity, based on different salt and yeast concentrations, on the volatile aroma profile of bread crumb samples. The analytical measurements using high resolution gas chromatography and proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) resulted in significantly different results based on different yeast activities. Nevertheless, the extent of the result could not be recognised by the sensory panel analysing the odour profile of the bread crumb samples. Hence, the consumer cannot recognised low-salt bread by its odour. The use of sourdough is a natural option to overcome the broad range of technological issues caused by salt reduction and also a more popular alternative compared to existing chemical salt replacers.


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Les graines de lin sont des oléagineux largement cultivés au Canada. Cependant, les résidus générés suite au processus d’extraction de l’huile contiennent une importante quantité de protéines et peuvent être valorisées dans l’alimentation humaine en raison, principalement, de certaines fractions peptidiques possédant des propriétés bioactives. Dans le cadre de ce travail, l’influence des hautes pressions hydrostatiques (HPH) sur un isolat de protéines de lin a été étudiée concernant les modifications de la structure protéique, l’hydrolyse enzymatique ainsi que l’activité antioxydante des hydrolysats. Ainsi, des solutions protéiques de lin (1% m/v) ont été soumises à un traitement de HPH à 600 MPa pendant 5 et 20 minutes, à 20°C et comparés à des échantillons non-pressurisés. Deux traitements subséquents d’hydrolyse ont été effectués suite au traitement ou non de pressurisation : une première hydrolyse trypsique suivie d’une deuxième par la pronase. Dans un premier temps, la caractérisation de l’isolat protéique de lin pressurisé et non pressurisé a été réalisée par spectrofluorimétrie et par une analyse de la taille des particules afin d’étudier l’effet de la pressurisation sur les HPH la matrice protéique végétale. Par la suite, les hydrolysats protéiques ont été caractérisés par HPLC-MS et leur capacité antioxydante a été déterminée par ORAC. Les résultats ont démontré que le niveau de pressurisation et la durée du traitement ont un impact sur la structure protéique en induisant la dissociation des protéines, et la formation d’agrégats. Ceux-ci seraient occasionnés par la décompression ou créés durant l’entreposage des isolats. Suite à l’hydrolyse enzymatique des solutions protéiques pressurisées ou non par la trypsine seule et par la trypsine-pronase, les analyses chromatographiques ont révélé que la concentration de certains peptides a été modifiée lorsque la trypsine seule était utilisée après un traitement à HPH. Enfin, les HPH ont amélioré la capacité antioxydante des hydrolysats obtenus lors de l’hydrolyse trypsine-pronase comparativement au contrôle non-pressurisé.


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Introduction - Feed supplies the necessary nutrients for the growth of healthy animals, which are a part of the human diet. The presence of toxigenic fungi in animal feed such as Aspergillus spp. may contribute to 1) the loss of nutritional value of feedstuff, since fungi will assimilate the most readily available nutrients present in the feed, and 2) the development of mycotoxicoses and chronic conditions, which can raise economic issues due to animal disease and contamination of animal derived products. Aim of the study - The goal of this work was to evaluate the incidence of Aspergilli, particularly from the Circumdati, Flavi and Fumigati sections, through real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) in 11 feed samples.


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Introduction Compounds exhibiting antioxidant activity have received much interest in the food industry because of their potential health benefits. Carotenoids such as lycopene, which in the human diet mainly derives from tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), have attracted much attention in this aspect and the study of their extraction, processing and storage procedures is of importance. Optical techniques potentially offer advantageous non-invasive and specific methods to monitor them. Objectives To obtain both fluorescence and Raman information to ascertain if ultrasound assisted extraction from tomato pulp has a detrimental effect on lycopene. Method Use of time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy to monitor carotenoids in a hexane extract obtained from tomato pulp with application of ultrasound treatment (583 kHz). The resultant spectra were a combination of scattering and fluorescence. Because of their different timescales, decay associated spectra could be used to separate fluorescence and Raman information. This simultaneous acquisition of two complementary techniques was coupled with a very high time-resolution fluorescence lifetime measurement of the lycopene. Results Spectroscopic data showed the presence of phytofluene and chlorophyll in addition to lycopene in the tomato extract. The time-resolved spectral measurement containing both fluorescence and Raman data, coupled with high resolution time-resolved measurements, where a lifetime of ~5 ps was attributed to lycopene, indicated lycopene appeared unaltered by ultrasound treatment. Detrimental changes were, however, observed in both chlorophyll and phytofluene contributions. Conclusion Extracted lycopene appeared unaffected by ultrasound treatment, while other constituents (chlorophyll and phytofluene) were degraded.


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Dissertação composta por 02 artigos.


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Cancer is a problem of global importance, since the incidence is increasing worldwide and therapeutic options are generally limited. Thus, it becomes imperative to find new therapeutic targets as well as new molecules with therapeutic potential for tumors. Flavonoids are polyphenolic compounds that may be potential therapeutic agents. Several studies have shown that these compounds have a higher anticancer potential. Among the flavonoids in the human diet, quercetin is one of the most important. In the last decades, several anticancer properties of quercetin have been described, such as cell signaling, pro-apoptotic, anti-proliferative and anti-oxidant effects, growth suppression. In fact, it is now well known that quercetin has diverse biological effects, inhibiting multiple enzymes involved in cell proliferation, as well as, in signal transduction pathways. On the other hand, there are also studies reporting potential synergistic effects when combined quercetin with chemotherapeutic agents or radiotherapy. In fact, several studies which aim to explore the anticancer potential of these combined treatments have already been published, the majority with promising results. Actually it is well known that quercetin can act on the chemosensitization and radiosensitization but also as chemoprotective and radioprotective, protecting normal cells of the side effects that results from chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which obviously provides notable advantages in their use in anticancer treatment. Thus, all these data indicate that quercetin may have a key role in anticancer treatment. In this context, this review is focused on the relationship between flavonoids and cancer, with special emphasis on the role of quercetin.


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Introduction: Dietary iber (DF) has been part of human diet since ever, and its beneits for the human health have been well estab-lished and scientiically conirmed. Among these stand improved gastrointestinal functions, prevent cholesterol, diabetes or CVD. Objectives: To study the level of knowledge of people residing in Portugal about the health effects related to an adequate ingestion of DF. Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out on a non-probabilistic sample of 382 adults residing in Portugal. The questionnaire included a section about the socio-demographic characteristics (age, gender, level of education and living environ- ment) and another about the relation between dietary iber and possible beneicial effects to treat and prevent diseases. The data was treated using the SPSS software (V22). Results: The results allowed concluding that people were dif- ferently informed about the effects of DF in preventing and/or treating different diseases, being constipation the most recog- nized, followed in decreasing order by obesity, bowel cancer, cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and breast can- cer. The results also showed that signiicant differences were encountered between age groups for most of the diseases evalu- ated, but not between genders, levels of education or living en- vironments. Conclusions: Generally, it was concluded that the participants in this study were relatively well informed about the roles of DF in preventing and/or treating various diseases.


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A growing human population, shifting human dietary habits, and climate change are negatively affecting global ecosystems on a massive scale. Expanding agricultural areas to feed a growing population drives extensive habitat loss, and climate change compounds stresses on both food security and ecosystems. Understanding the negative effects of human diet and climate change on agricultural and natural ecosystems provides a context within which potential technological and behavioral solutions can be proposed to help maximize conservation. The purpose of this research was to (1) examine the potential effects of climate change on the suitability of areas for commercial banana plantations in Latin America in the 2050s and how shifts in growing areas could affect protected areas; (2) test the ability of small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to map productivity of banana plantations as a potential tool for increasing yields and decreasing future plantation expansions; (3) project the effects on biodiversity of increasing rates of animal product consumption in developing megadiverse countries; and (4) estimate the capacity of global pasture biomass production and Fischer-Tropsch hydrocarbon synthesis (IGCC-FT) processing to meet electricity, gasoline and diesel needs. The results indicate that (1) the overall extent of areas suitable for conventional banana cultivation is predicted to decrease by 19% by 2050 because of a hotter and drier climate, but all current banana exporting countries are predicted to maintain some suitable areas with no effects on protected areas; (2) Spatial patterns of NDVI and ENDVI were significantly positively correlated with several metrics of fruit yield and quality, indicating that UAV systems can be used in banana plantations to map spatial patterns of fruit yield; (3) Livestock production is the single largest driver of habitat loss, and both livestock and feedstock production are increasing in developing biodiverse tropical countries. Reducing global animal product consumption should therefore be at the forefront of strategies aimed at reducing biodiversity loss; (4) Removing livestock from global pasture lands and instead utilizing the biomass production could produce enough energy to meet 100% of the electricity, gasoline, and diesel needs of over 40 countries with extensive grassland ecosystems, primarily in tropical developing countries.^


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Introdução: A fibra dietética (FD) tem feito parte da dieta humana desde há milénios, embora os seus benefícios tenham sido reconhecidos, principalmente, nas últimas décadas. Objetivos: Porque a FD é um componente importante de uma dieta saudável, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os hábitos de consumo dos Portugueses, bem como o seu conhecimento sobre os alimentos ricos em fibras e as suas atitudes em relação à rotulagem dos alimentos. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo transversal usando uma amostra não-probabilística de 382 participantes. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram que a ingestão de alimentos ricos em fibras, como frutas, vegetais e cereais, foi muito menor do que a ingestão recomendada. Os resultados também indicaram que a maioria das pessoas não presta a atenção desejada à rotulagem de alimentos ou à informação nutricional. Conclusões: O nível geral de conhecimento sobre FD foi considerado insatisfatório, e, portanto, é necessário mais educação nutricional e desenvolver esforços para informar as pessoas acerca da importância da FD como parte da sua dieta diária.


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The effect of plasma taken from normotensive humans, while on a low and high sodium diet, on [Na + K]-ATPase and 3H-ouabain binding was measured in tubules from guinea-pig kidneys. Plasma from the high sodium, compared to the low sodium, diet period: (a) inhibited [Na + K]-ATPase activity; (b) decreased 3H-ouabain affinity for binding sites; (c) increased the number of available 3H-ouabain binding sites; (d) decreased [Na + K]-ATPase turnover (activity/3H-ouabain binding sites). The inhibition of [Na + K]-ATPase suggests an increase in a (possible) natriuretic factor. The decreased affinity of 3H-ouabain binding suggests an endogenous ouabainoid, which may be the natriuretic factor.