990 resultados para Human anatomy.


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Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is a computerized medical imaging technique which reconstructs the electrical impedance images of a domain under test from the boundary voltage-current data measured by an EIT electronic instrumentation using an image reconstruction algorithm. Being a computed tomography technique, EIT injects a constant current to the patient's body through the surface electrodes surrounding the domain to be imaged (Omega) and tries to calculate the spatial distribution of electrical conductivity or resistivity of the closed conducting domain using the potentials developed at the domain boundary (partial derivative Omega). Practical phantoms are essentially required to study, test and calibrate a medical EIT system for certifying the system before applying it on patients for diagnostic imaging. Therefore, the EIT phantoms are essentially required to generate boundary data for studying and assessing the instrumentation and inverse solvers a in EIT. For proper assessment of an inverse solver of a 2D EIT system, a perfect 2D practical phantom is required. As the practical phantoms are the assemblies of the objects with 3D geometries, the developing of a practical 2D-phantom is a great challenge and therefore, the boundary data generated from the practical phantoms with 3D geometry are found inappropriate for assessing a 2D inverse solver. Furthermore, the boundary data errors contributed by the instrumentation are also difficult to separate from the errors developed by the 3D phantoms. Hence, the errorless boundary data are found essential to assess the inverse solver in 2D EIT. In this direction, a MatLAB-based Virtual Phantom for 2D EIT (MatVP2DEIT) is developed to generate accurate boundary data for assessing the 2D-EIT inverse solvers and the image reconstruction accuracy. MatVP2DEIT is a MatLAB-based computer program which simulates a phantom in computer and generates the boundary potential data as the outputs by using the combinations of different phantom parameters as the inputs to the program. Phantom diameter, inhomogeneity geometry (shape, size and position), number of inhomogeneities, applied current magnitude, background resistivity, inhomogeneity resistivity all are set as the phantom variables which are provided as the input parameters to the MatVP2DEIT for simulating different phantom configurations. A constant current injection is simulated at the phantom boundary with different current injection protocols and boundary potential data are calculated. Boundary data sets are generated with different phantom configurations obtained with the different combinations of the phantom variables and the resistivity images are reconstructed using EIDORS. Boundary data of the virtual phantoms, containing inhomogeneities with complex geometries, are also generated for different current injection patterns using MatVP2DEIT and the resistivity imaging is studied. The effect of regularization method on the image reconstruction is also studied with the data generated by MatVP2DEIT. Resistivity images are evaluated by studying the resistivity parameters and contrast parameters estimated from the elemental resistivity profiles of the reconstructed phantom domain. Results show that the MatVP2DEIT generates accurate boundary data for different types of single or multiple objects which are efficient and accurate enough to reconstruct the resistivity images in EIDORS. The spatial resolution studies show that, the resistivity imaging conducted with the boundary data generated by MatVP2DEIT with 2048 elements, can reconstruct two circular inhomogeneities placed with a minimum distance (boundary to boundary) of 2 mm. It is also observed that, in MatVP2DEIT with 2048 elements, the boundary data generated for a phantom with a circular inhomogeneity of a diameter less than 7% of that of the phantom domain can produce resistivity images in EIDORS with a 1968 element mesh. Results also show that the MatVP2DEIT accurately generates the boundary data for neighbouring, opposite reference and trigonometric current patterns which are very suitable for resistivity reconstruction studies. MatVP2DEIT generated data are also found suitable for studying the effect of the different regularization methods on reconstruction process. Comparing the reconstructed image with an original geometry made in MatVP2DEIT, it would be easier to study the resistivity imaging procedures as well as the inverse solver performance. Using the proposed MatVP2DEIT software with modified domains, the cross sectional anatomy of a number of body parts can be simulated in PC and the impedance image reconstruction of human anatomy can be studied.


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BACKGROUND: Hypoxia and ischemia induce neuronal damage, decreased neuronal numbers and synaptophysin levels, and deficits in learning and memory functions. Previous studies have shown that lycium barbarum polysaccharide, the most effective component of barbary wolfberry fruit, has protective effects on neural cells in hypoxia-ischemia. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of Naotan Pill on glutamate-treated neural cells and on cognitive function in juvenile rats following hypoxia-ischemia. DESIGN, TIME AND SETTING: The randomized, controlled, in vivo study was performed at the Cell Laboratory of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou Institute of Modern Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Gansu Provincial Rehabilitation Center Hospital, China from December 2005 to August 2006. The cellular neurobiology, in vitro experiment was conducted at the Institute of Human Anatomy, Histology, Embryology and Neuroscience, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Lanzhou University, and Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Gansu Provincial Rehabilitation Center Hospital, China from March 2007 to January 2008. MATERIALS: Naotan Pill, composed of barbary wolfberry fruit, danshen root, grassleaf sweetflag rhizome, and glossy privet fruit, was prepared by Gansu Provincial Rehabilitation Center, China. Rabbit anti-synaptophysin, choline acetyl transferase polyclonal antibody, streptavidin-biotin complex kit and diaminobenzidine kit (Boster, Wuhan, China), as well as glutamate (Hualian, Shanghai, China) were used in this study. METHODS: Cortical neural cells were isolated from neonatal Wistar rats. Neural cell damage models were induced using glutamate, and administered Naotan Pill prior to and following damage. A total of 54 juvenile Wistar rats were equally and randomly assigned into model, Naotan Pill, and sham operation groups. The left common carotid artery was ligated, and then rat models of hypoxic-ischemic injury were assigned to the model and Naotan Pill groups. At 2 days following model induction, rats in the Naotan Pill group were administered Naotan Pill suspension for 21 days. In the model and sham operation groups, rats received an equal volume of saline. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Neural cell morphology was observed using an inverted phase contrast microscope. Survival rate of neural cells was measured by MTT assay. Synaptophysin and choline acetyl transferase expression was observed in the hippocampal CA1 region of juvenile rats using immunohistochemistry. Cognitive function was tested by the Morris water maze. RESULTS: Pathological changes were detected in glutamate-treated neural cells. Neural cell morphology remained normal after Naotan Pill intervention. Absorbance and survival rate of neural cells were significantly greater following Naotan Pill intervention, compared to glutamate-treated neural cells (P < 0.05). Synaptophysin and choline acetyl transferase expression was lowest in the hippocampal CA1 region in the model group and highest in the sham operation group. Significant differences among groups were observed (P < 0.05). Escape latency and swimming distance were significantly longer in the model group compared to the Naotan Pill group (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Naotan Pill exhibited protective and repair effects on glutamate-treated neural cells. Naotan Pill upregulated synaptophysin and choline acetyl transferase expression in the hippocampus and improved cognitive function in rats following hypoxia-ischemia.


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In the context of trans-dermal drug delivery it is very important to have mechanistic insight into the barrier function of the skin's stratum corneum and the diffusion mechanisms of topically applied drugs. Currently spectroscopic imaging techniques are evolving which enable a spatial examination of various types of samples in a dynamic way. ATR-FTIR imaging opens up the possibility to monitor spatial diffusion profiles across the stratum corneum of a skin sample. Multivariate data analyses methods based on factor analysis are able to provide insight into the large amount of spectroscopically complex and highly overlapping signals generated. Multivariate target factor analysis was used for spectral resolution and local diffusion profiles with time through stratum corneum. A model drug, 4-cyanophenol in polyethylene glycol 600 and water was studied. Results indicate that the average diffusion profiles between spatially different locations show similar profiles despite the heterogeneous nature of the biological sample and the challenging experimental set-up.


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This paper presents a practical algorithm for the simulation of interactive deformation in a 3D polygonal mesh model. The algorithm combines the conventional simulation of deformation using a spring-mass-damping model, solved by explicit numerical integration, with a set of heuristics to describe certain features of the transient behaviour, to increase the speed and stability of solution. In particular, this algorithm was designed to be used in the simulation of synthetic environments where it is necessary to model realistically, in real time, the effect on non-rigid surfaces being touched, pushed, pulled or squashed. Such objects can be solid or hollow, and have plastic, elastic or fabric-like properties. The algorithm is presented in an integrated form including collision detection and adaptive refinement so that it may be used in a self-contained way as part of a simulation loop to include human interface devices that capture data and render a realistic stereoscopic image in real time. The algorithm is designed to be used with polygonal mesh models representing complex topology, such as the human anatomy in a virtual-surgery training simulator. The paper evaluates the model behaviour qualitatively and then concludes with some examples of the use of the algorithm.


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Cette recherche doctorale a été réalisée dans le cadre d’un projet de sauvetage archéologique à Villa de Álvarez, dans l’état de Colima (Mexique). Dans la zone géographique à l’étude, plusieurs traces indiquant la présence de contextes funéraires ont été relevées par le passé, mais aucun de ces sites n’a fait l’objet d’un rapport archéologique. L’état de Colima est connu pour ses tombes à puits (tumbas de tiro), ses céramiques de manufacture typique, ainsi que pour les fameux « chiens de Colima ». Malgré la relation entre ces objets et les contextes funéraires, peu d’études se sont attardées à comprendre la composante biologique de ces contextes, c’est-à-dire les êtres humains. Ainsi, la richesse du projet de sauvetage archéologique nous a donné l’opportunité de structurer un projet de recherche de thèse doctorale beaucoup plus profond en ce qui concerne un des sujets les plus importants de cette région mésoaméricaine : les traditions funéraires. C’est de cette façon, à la lumière des résultats particuliers obtenus sur le site du Tropel, que nous avons décidé de travailler les liens culturels existants entre ce dernier, la région de Colima, l’Ouest mésoaméricain et l’aire culturelle dans son ensemble. La campagne de fouille ainsi menée a permis la récupération de vingt-six individus de différents sexes et âges. Au moins quatre périodes d’occupation ont été enregistrées sur le site. La présence humaine sur le site s’étend donc de 339AD à 682 AD (datations au radiocarbone sur trois individus du site El Tropel), ce qui correspond à la phase archéologique Comala à Colima. L’abondance d’artefacts de cette phase dans les quatre strates culturelles du site a permis de réaliser une datation relative en relation avec l’apparition et la fréquence de céramiques d’autres phases culturelles connues : Ortices, Colima, Armería y Chanal. Concernant les pratiques funéraires, la fouille a permis de constater le traitement des cadavres avant, pendant et après l’enterrement des défunts. Bien que des contextes funéraires similaires aient déjà été mentionnés dans la région, aucun d’entre eux n’a pu être identifié clairement. Ces traitements funéraires démontrent l’existence chez les anciens habitants de Colima d’une transmission des connaissances concernant l’anatomie, les processus de décomposition des cadavres, et même possiblement d’un culte des os humains. Une étude ostéologique a été menée sur les squelettes afin de documenter les aspects démographiques, pathologiques, sociaux et économiques de la population du site. Parmi les éléments les plus significatifs de l’étude, il est possible de mentionner la présence de certaines pathologies peu connues dans cette région de la Mésoamérique telles que la syphilis et la tuberculose. Des déformations crâniennes ont aussi été observées, ainsi que la présence d’un déformateur crânien en céramique. De plus, de nombreuses données ont été relevées concernant la présence d’os wormiens sur les crânes déformés artificiellement. Finalement, des analyses d’isotopes stables ont été pratiquées sur des os des individus, ainsi que sur des os de chiens et de cerfs retrouvés sur le site, afin de mieux connaître l’alimentation et la vie des communautés anciennes de la région.


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Introduction: Aboriginal peoples are underrepresented within the healthcare professions, and recruitment of Aboriginal students has become a priority for medical schools in Canada. Because of very low high-school completion rates among youth living on-reserve, the Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Medicine launched in 2011 the Mini-école de la santé, a program where health sciences students visit aboriginal schools. Through activities and games, students introduce children to the discovery of health professions. In 2014, the Health Library joined the project with the development of a science books collection for the school libraries and by having a librarian participate in the school visits. Description: In collaboration with the two Atikamekw elementary schools to be visited in 2014, 70 children books on science, human anatomy and the health professions were selected and purchased for each school by the Health Library. A librarian joined the health sciences students during the schools visits and the book collection was integrated in the activities organised during the day. The books were afterwards donated to the school library. Outcomes: Children, school teachers and administrators greatly appreciated the collection. The books were integrated in the library school collections or in the classrooms collections. Discussion: Quality school libraries play an important role in student learning, and access to science and health sciences books could enhance children‘s interest for the health professions. By participating in this project, the library is supporting the Health sciences faculties in achieving their goal of reaching out to Aboriginal children and making them aware that a career in health sciences is possible for them. The collaboration has been successful and will be pursued: the Health library will work with the high schools in the same Atikamekw communities to develop science book collections and the schools will be visited in 2015. A Masters in Library and Information Science student will be joining the Mini-école. Upgrading all donated collections is planned as well.


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Un projecte del Departament de Ciències Mèdiques, amb el suport del Consell Social de la UdG, proporcionarà preparacions anatòmiques plastinades als sis instituts públics de la ciutat de Girona


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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There is little scholarly research on the history, teaching and research of human anatomy in Brazil. A broader vision of the progress of anatomy under different circumstances in the country is virtually non-existent, leaving researchers keen to study the subject insecure. This is compounded by the fact that the data available are not always reliable. This text retraces the development of the discipline of anatomy and its research and education in Brazil in general and São Paulo state in particular, which can largely be reduced to the action of the self-proclaimed Boverian school of anatomy, founded by Italian physician Alfonso Bovero at the same time as the Medical Faculty of the University of São Paulo.


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This monograph seeks to provide an exposition and theoretical examination of Ciência da Carne (“Science of the Flesh”), a series of artworks in woodcut printing executed after research into the artistic aspects of Human Anatomy, done throughout the Graduate Course in Visual Arts at UNESP’s Art Institute. Traditional procedures of naturalistic representation of the human figure often adopt the scientific basis of Anatomy as a means of interpreting the surface contours of the body from its inside out. The historical connection between Anatomy and Art, however, is not merely accidental, for it is integral to the development of both disciplines, which find themselves deeply related in the human impulse for self-discovery and reinvention of its own likeness. The series of artworks collected in Ciência da Carne explores, through the particular graphical language provided by woodcut printing, abstract arrangements of isolated anatomical elements, at once removed from the context of traditional figurative representation and from the didactic goals of medical illustration.


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The teaching of hearing physiology requires an knowledge integration of Human Anatomy, Biophysics, more precisely Bioacoustics and Bioelectrogenesis, as well as Neurophysiology. Students present difficulty to build knowledge about functional mechanisms of sound conduction and sensory transduction, especially if the elements are not visible forms, as the middle and inner ear structures. To make the teaching about hearing physiology and sensory perception easier, was produced a set of didactical materials about the subject. At first, a resin model that faithfully describes the anatomical relationship of the ossicles with the tympanic membrane was developed. Subsequently, a second model that, besides illustrates the mechanism of acoustic impedance overcoming, also reveals how acoustic sensorial transduction occurs in inner ear, was designed and produced. In the third didactical model, are visualized, through students interaction, areas of the cerebral cortex that interpret the different sensory modalities. In addition, were created three educational videos about hearing problems and a site on Human Hearing Physiology, available on Institute of Biosciences website. The results of this course conclusion monograph are presented in the form of articles that were submitted to Journal Physics in the School and the Journal of the Nucleus of Teaching


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Sulla base delle evidenze della letteratura (Fenaux, 2009; Lyons, JCO 2009), a partire da Settembre 2004 nel Nostro Istituto sono stati trattati 57 pazienti affetti da Sindrome Mielodisplastica (MDS) mediante terapia demetilante con 5-Azacitidina. Sono stati utilizzati differenti regimi terapeutici a seconda della classe di rischio IPSS: i pazienti a rischio basso/intermedio-1 hanno ricevuto Azacitidina 75 mg/mq/die sottocute per 5 giorni/mese (schema 5) per 8 cicli; i pazienti a rischio alto/intermedio-2 hanno ricevuto Azacitidina 50 mg/mq/die sottocute per 10 giorni/mese (schema 5+2+5) o Azacitidina 75 mg/mq/die per 7 giorni/mese (schema 7) fino a perdita della risposta. Su una casistica totale di 57 pazienti (15 a rischio basso/int-1; 41 rischio alto/int-2), l’87.7% (50 pazienti) sono risultati valutabili. Tra questi le risposte osservate sono state del 68% (34 pazienti), di cui il 14% (7 pazienti) ha ottenuto una Remissione Completa (CR) ed il 54% (27 pazienti) ha ottenuto un Hematologic Improvement (HI). La valutazione della risposta è stata eseguita secondo i criteri dell’International Working Group 2006 (IWG, Cheeson 2006). Le principali tossicità osservate sono state rappresentate da reazioni cutanee locali nel sito d’iniezione, tossicità gastrointestinale (stipsi e/o diarrea), mielotossicità, neutropenia febbrile, sepsi (3 pazienti). Tra i pazienti trattati abbiamo osservato la presenza di risposta ematologica prolungata (≥ 20 mesi) in 10 pazienti (20% dei pazienti valutabili). Inoltre, grazie alla collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Anatomia Umana dell’Università di Bologna (Prof. L. Cocco, Dott.ssa M.Y. Follo), tutti i pazienti trattati sono stati valutati per i livelli di espressione genica e metilazione del gene della fosfolipasi PI-PLC-beta1. I dati biologici così ottenuti sono stati correlati con quelli clinici, evidenziando la presenza di una correlazione tra i livelli di espressione genica e mutilazione della PI-PLC-beta1 e la risposta alla terapia demetilante con 5-Azacitidina.


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La studio dell’Anatomia umana presenta una varietà di sfaccettature, che sono alla base della reale comprensione del corpo umano; ovvero la vera anatomia non è quella rappresentata nei testi ma quella che appare durante la dissezione o nelle più sofisticate analisi di immagine. Lo scopo di questa tesi è stato quello di rivisitare alcune situazioni vascolari che possono andare incontro a variazioni e cercare di comprendere, anche con l’aiuto della bibliografia, se tali variazioni possono essere causa o epifenomeni di patologie a carico delle arterie affette dalle variazioni stesse o di territori da esse dipendenti per l’afflusso sanguigno. E’ stata condotta una analisi su preparati cadaverici in particolare in tre distretti: a) addome e tripode celiaco/mesenterica superiore; b) circolo cerebrale; d) orco aortico.


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Histomorphometric evaluation of the buccal aspects of periodontal tissues in rodents requires reproducible alignment of maxillae and highly precise sections containing central sections of buccal roots; this is a cumbersome and technically sensitive process due to the small specimen size. The aim of the present report is to describe and analyze a method to transfer virtual sections of micro-computer tomographic (CT)-generated image stacks to the microtome for undecalcified histological processing and to describe the anatomy of the periodontium in rat molars. A total of 84 undecalcified sections of all buccal roots of seven untreated rats was analyzed. The accuracy of section coordinate transfer from virtual micro-CT slice to the histological slice, right-left side differences and the measurement error for linear and angular measurements on micro-CT and on histological micrographs were calculated using the Bland-Altman method, interclass correlation coefficient and the method of moments estimator. Also, manual alignment of the micro-CT-scanned rat maxilla was compared with multiplanar computer-reconstructed alignment. The supra alveolar rat anatomy is rather similar to human anatomy, whereas the alveolar bone is of compact type and the keratinized gingival epithelium bends apical to join the junctional epithelium. The high methodological standardization presented herein ensures retrieval of histological slices with excellent display of anatomical microstructures, in a reproducible manner, minimizes random errors, and thereby may contribute to the reduction of number of animals needed.