934 resultados para Human Genome Project.


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The development of a highly reliable physical map with landmark sites spaced an average of 100 kbp apart has been a central goal of the Human Genome Project. We have approached the physical mapping of human chromosome 11 with this goal as a primary target. We have focused on strategies that would utilize yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) technology, thus permitting long-range coverage of hundreds of kilobases of genomic DNA, yet we sought to minimize the ambiguities inherent in the use of this technology, particularly the occurrence of chimeric genomic DNA clones. This was achieved through the development of a chromosome 11-specific YAC library from a human somatic cell hybrid line that has retained chromosome 11 as its sole human component.To maximize the efficiency of YAC contig assembly and extension, we have employed an Alu-PCR-based hybridization screening system. This system eliminates many of the more costly and time-consuming steps associated with sequence tagged site content mapping such as sequencing, primer production, and hierarchical screening, resulting in greater efficiency with increased throughput and reduced cost. Using these approaches, we have achieved YAC coverage for >90% of human chromosome 11, with an average intermarker distance of <100 kbp. Cytogenetic localization has been determined for each contig by fluorescent in situ hybridization and/or sequence tagged site content. The YAC contigs that we have generated should provide a robust framework to move forward to sequence-ready templates for the sequencing efforts of the Human Genome Project as well as more focused positional cloning on chromosome 11.


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We report several classes of human interspersed repeats that resemble fossils of DNA transposons, elements that move by excision and reintegration in the genome, whereas previously characterized mammalian repeats all appear to have accumulated by retrotransposition, which involves an RNA intermediate. The human genome contains at least 14 families and > 100,000 degenerate copies of short (180-1200 bp) elements that have 14- to 25-bp terminal inverted repeats and are flanked by either 8 bp or TA target site duplications. We describe two ancient 2.5-kb elements with coding capacity, Tigger1 and -2, that closely resemble pogo, a DNA transposon in Drosophila, and probably were responsible for the distribution of some of the short elements. The deduced pogo and Tigger proteins are related to products of five DNA transposons found in fungi and nematodes, and more distantly, to the Tc1 and mariner transposases. They also are very similar to the major mammalian centromere protein CENP-B, suggesting that this may have a transposase origin. We further identified relatively low-copy-number mariner elements in both human and sheep DNA. These belong to two subfamilies previously identified in insect genomes, suggesting lateral transfer between diverse species.


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Biologists require genetic as well as molecular tools to decipher genomic information and ultimately to understand gene function. The Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project is addressing these needs with a massive gene disruption project that uses individual, genetically engineered P transposable elements to target open reading frames throughout the Drosophila genome. DNA flanking the insertions is sequenced, thereby placing an extensive series of genetic markers on the physical genomic map and associating insertions with specific open reading frames and genes. Insertions from the collection now lie within or near most Drosophila genes, greatly reducing the time required to identify new mutations and analyze gene functions. Information revealed from these studies about P element site specificity is being used to target the remaining open reading frames.


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We report a general mass spectrometric approach for the rapid identification and characterization of proteins isolated by preparative two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This method possesses the inherent power to detect and structurally characterize covalent modifications. Absolute sensitivities of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization and high-energy collision-induced dissociation tandem mass spectrometry are exploited to determine the mass and sequence of subpicomole sample quantities of tryptic peptides. These data permit mass matching and sequence homology searching of computerized peptide mass and protein sequence data bases for known proteins and design of oligonucleotide probes for cloning unknown proteins. We have identified 11 proteins in lysates of human A375 melanoma cells, including: alpha-enolase, cytokeratin, stathmin, protein disulfide isomerase, tropomyosin, Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase, nucleoside diphosphate kinase A, galaptin, and triosephosphate isomerase. We have characterized several posttranslational modifications and chemical modifications that may result from electrophoresis or subsequent sample processing steps. Detection of comigrating and covalently modified proteins illustrates the necessity of peptide sequencing and the advantages of tandem mass spectrometry to reliably and unambiguously establish the identity of each protein. This technology paves the way for studies of cell-type dependent gene expression and studies of large suites of cellular proteins with unprecedented speed and rigor to provide information complementary to the ongoing Human Genome Project.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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There are 481 segments longer than 200 base pairs (bp) that are absolutely conserved (100% identity with no insertions or deletions) between orthologous regions of the human, rat, and mouse genomes. Nearly all of these segments are also conserved in the chicken and dog genomes, with an average of 95 and 99% identity, respectively. Many are also significantly conserved in fish. These ultraconserved elements of the human genome are most often located either overlapping exons in genes involved in RNA processing or in introns or nearby genes involved in the regulation of transcription and development. Along with more than 5000 sequences of over 100 bp that are absolutely conserved among the three sequenced mammals, these represent a class of genetic elements whose functions and evolutionary origins are yet to be determined, but which are more highly conserved between these species than are proteins and appear to be essential for the ontogeny of mammals and other vertebrates.


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The southern cattle tick, Boophilus microplus (Canestrini), causes annual economic losses in the hundreds of millions of dollars to cattle producers throughout the world, and ranks as the most economically important tick from a global perspective. Control failures attributable to the development of pesticide resistance have become commonplace, and novel control technologies are needed. The availability of the genome sequence will facilitate the development of these new technologies, and we are proposing sequencing to a 4-6X draft coverage. Many existing biological resources are available to facilitate a genome sequencing project, including several inbred laboratory tick strains, a database of approximate to 45,000 expressed sequence tags compiled into a B. microplus Gene Index, a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library, an established B. microplus cell line, and genomic DNA suitable for library synthesis. Collaborative projects are underway to map BACs and cDNAs to specific chromosomes and to sequence selected BAC clones. When completed, the genome sequences from the cow, B. microphis, and the B. microphis-borne pathogens Babesia bovis and Anaplasma marginale will enhance studies of host-vector-pathogen systems. Genes involved in the regeneration of amputated tick limbs and transitions through developmental stages are largely unknown. Studies of these and other interesting biological questions will be advanced by tick genome sequence data. Comparative genomics offers the prospect of new insight into many, perhaps all, aspects of the biology of ticks and the pathogens they transmit to farm animals and people. The B. microplus genome sequence will fill a major gap in comparative genomics: a sequence from the Metastriata lineage of ticks. The purpose of the article is to synergize interest in and provide rationales for sequencing the genome of B. microplus and for publicizing currently available genomic resources for this tick.


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The mapping and sequencing of the human genome has generated a large resource for answering questions about human disease. This achievement is akin in scientific importance to developing the periodic table of elements. Plastic surgery has always been at the frontier medical research. This resource will help us to improve our understanding on the many unknown physiological and pathogical conditions we deal with daily, such as wound heating keloid scar formation, Dupuytren's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, vascular malformation and carcinogenesis. We are primed in obtaining both disease and normal tissues to use this resource and applying it to clinical use. This review is about the human genome, the basis of gene expression profiling and how it will affect our clinical and research practices in the future and for those embarking on the use of this new technology as a research tool, we provide a brief insight on its limitations and pitfalls. (C) 2006 The British Association of Plastic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sustainability can be indicated by a number of factors. Populations need to be aged evenly, ensuring a healthy equilibrium. Job opportunities must be numerous and of wide varieties to balance incomes from different employment sectors. Regions must also sustain vital natural resources in the area which are directly related to a place being self-sustaining. These indicators prove to be true, especially in Newfoundland, where people have struggled to remain in the small traditional communities that they consider being there 'home.' The population of Corner Brook and the surrounding areas can be stratified according to the values people hold to their special place. Even though people in western Newfoundland hold strong ties to their home, some parts of the region even though people in western Newfoundland hold strong ties to their home, some parts of the region struggle with employment, low incomes, out-migration, and dependency on declining natural resources. The aim of this paper is to present the process of designing a sample strategy for a human values pilot survey conducted in the city of Corner Brook. It will present a theoretical background over the period 2002-2006 to be used for sampling strategy.


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A biologia molecular tem fornecido as ferramentas básicas para os geneticistas se aprofundarem nos mecanismos moleculares que influem na variação das doenças. Deve-se destacar a responsabilidade científica e moral dos pesquisadores, uma vez que os cientistas devem imaginar as consequências morais da aplicação comercial de testes genéticos, já que esse fato envolve não só o indivíduo e suas famílias, mas toda a população. Além de ser preciso, também, fazer uma reflexão sobre como essas informações do genoma humano serão utilizadas, para o bem ou mal. O objetivo desta revisão foi trazer à luz do conhecimento dados sobre características éticas da aplicação da biologia molecular, relacionando-a com os direitos do ser humano. Após análise bibliográfica, pôde-se observar que o Projeto Genoma Humano gerou várias possibilidades, como identificação de genes associados a doenças com propriedades sinergísticas, mas modificando às vezes comportamentos ao intervir geneticamente no ser humano, trazendo benefícios ou malefícios sociais. O grande desafio é decidir o que a humanidade pretende em relação a este gigantesco salto.


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L’èxit del Projecte Genoma Humà (PGH) l’any 2000 va fer de la “medicina personalitzada” una realitat més propera. Els descobriments del PGH han simplificat les tècniques de seqüenciació de tal manera que actualment qualsevol persona pot aconseguir la seva seqüència d’ADN complerta. La tecnologia de Read Mapping destaca en aquest tipus de tècniques i es caracteritza per manegar una gran quantitat de dades. Hadoop, el framework d’Apache per aplicacions intensives de dades sota el paradigma Map Reduce, resulta un aliat perfecte per aquest tipus de tecnologia i ha sigut l’opció escollida per a realitzar aquest projecte. Durant tot el treball es realitza l’estudi, l’anàlisi i les experimentacions necessàries per aconseguir un Algorisme Genètic innovador que utilitzi tot el potencial de Hadoop.