970 resultados para House work
6.00 pm. If people like watching T.V. while they are eating their evening meal, space for a low table is needed (Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Space in the Home, 1963, p. 4).
This paper re-examines the 1961 Parker Morris report on housing standards in Britain. It explores the origins, scope, text and iconography of the report and suggests that these not only express a particularly modernist conception of space but one which presupposed very specific economic conditions and geographies.
Also known as Homes for Today and Tomorrow Parker Morris attempted, through the application of scientific principles, to define the minimum living space standards needed to accommodate household activities. But while early modernist research into notions of existenzminimum were the work of avant-garde architects and thinkers, Homes for Today and Tomorrow and its sister design manual Space in the Home were commissioned by the British State. This normalization of scientific enquiry into space can be considered not only as a response to new conditions in the mass production of housing – economies of scale, prefabrication, system-building and modular coordination – but also to the post-war boom in consumer goods. In this, it is suggested that the domestic interior was assigned a key role as a privileged site of mass consumption as the production and micro-management of space in Britain became integral to the development of a planned national economy underpinned by Fordist principles. Parker Morris, therefore, sought to accommodate activities which were pre-determined not so much by traditional social or familial ties but rather by recently introduced commodities such as the television set, white goods, table tennis tables and train sets. This relationship between the domestic interior and the national economy are emblematized by the series of placeless and scale-less diagrams executed by Gordon Cullen in Space in the Home. Here, walls dissolve as space flows from inside to outside in a homogenized and ephemeral landscape whose limits are perhaps only the boundaries of the nation state and the circuits of capital.
In Britain, Parker Morris was the last explicit State-sponsored attempt to prescribe a normative spatial programme for national living. The calm neutral efficiency of family-life expressed in its diagrams was almost immediately problematised by the rise of 1960s counter-culture, the feminist movement and the oil crisis of 1972 which altered perhaps forever the spatial, temporal and economic conditions it had taken for granted. The debate on space-standards, however, continues.
Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Energia
A presente dissertação foi realizada no âmbito do Mestrado de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial da Escola Superior de Estudos Industriais e de Gestão, de Vila do Conde. O projeto desenvolvido tem como tema principal a Otimização de processos de Logística in-house baseado num projeto, em contexto empresarial da empresa cliente, Continental Mabor S.A., da Rangel Distribuição e Logística, S.A. Este projeto tem como objetivo a “aglomeração” de dois armazéns do cliente, devido à necessidade de ocupação do armazém de produto acabado interno, para aumento da área de produção. Inicialmente foi feita uma revisão de literatura sobre os temas mais relevantes de suporte para o projeto, nomeadamente na otimização e melhoria contínua. Seguidamente é apresentado o Grupo Rangel, bem como a Rangel Distribuição e Logística, S.A., onde se enquadra o projeto e para se perceber o enquadramento e objetivo. A metodologia usada, caso de estudo, permitiu a aplicação de conceitos e ferramentas usados na literatura neste contexto, como ferramentas de otimização e melhoria continua como as melhores práticas de Kaizen-Lean. Na fase de diagnóstico do atual sistema, foi realizado um mapeamento de fluxo de processos e uma descrição detalhada do layout dos dois armazéns: Armazém de Produto Acabado (APA) e Armazém de Produto Acabado Externo (APAE), bem como todos os recursos, quer técnicos quer humanos necessários. Verificamos ao longo deste projeto várias limitações, inclusive limitações impostas pelo cliente, tal como não aprovar um estudo para um novo layout do armazém. Foi aprovado apenas a replicação do já existente. Com isto, depararam-se constrangimentos na gestão deste projeto. Os custos aumentaram significativamente, embora estes não sejam apresentados por questões de confidencialidade, principalmente com a necessidade de aquisição de novos equipamentos retráteis, e mais baterias para os mesmos, devido às grandes distâncias que irão ser percorridas. Finalmente foi projetado o sistema futuro, de acordo com as necessidades reais do cliente tendo em consideração a otimização de recursos e uma gestão magra (Lean Management). Foi desenvolvida a implementação da metodologia “Kaizen diário”, a dar início em 2016 juntamente com o novo projeto APAE. Com esta projeção foram identificados problemas e implicações no projeto, bem como possíveis melhorias.
A photograph at Baie Comeau with the caption "Cement hoist at work on paper store house construction".
This thesis Entitled Colour removal from dye house effluents using zero valent iron and fenton oxidation.Findings reported on kinetic profile during oxidation of dyes with Fenton’s reagent are in good agreement with observations of earlier workers on other organic substrates. This work goes a step further. Critical concentration of the dye at which the reaction mechanism undergoes transition has been identified.The oxidation of Reactive Yellow showed that the initial rates for decolorization increased linearly with an increase in hydrogen peroxide concentration over the range studied. Fenton oxidation of all dyes except Methylene Blue showed that the initial rates increased linearly with an in the ferrous sulphate concentration. This increase was observed only up to an optimum concentration beyond which further increase resulted in a decrease in the initial rates. Variation of initial rates with Ferrous sulphate concentration resulted in a linear plot passing through the origin indicating that the reaction is first order with respect to ferrous sulphate.
Die Qualität ökologischer Produkte wird über den Prozess und nicht am Produkt selbst bestimmt. Die zunehmende Nachfrage nach ökologischen Produkten fordert Methoden, die den Prozess am Produkt zeigen (Authentizitätsprüfung). Eine Literaturstudie für die vorliegende Habilitationsschrift ergab, dass ganzheitliche Verfahren sich dazu besonders eignen. Zu solchen ganzheitlichen Verfahren gehört die Biokristallisation. Bei diesem Verfahren kristallisiert eine Mischung aus Probe und CuCl2 auf einer Glasplatte zu einem Bild, das sowohl visuell, als auch computergestützt ausgewertet werden kann. Es wurden zunächst alle Schritte im Labor dokumentiert und entsprechende Standardarbeitsanweisungen erstellt. Mit einem eigens entwickelten Computerprogramm werden die Bedingungen während der Probenaufbereitung und Kristallisation für jede Probe und jedes Bild erfasst. Mit einer Texturanalyse können auch die für diese Arbeiten erstellte große Menge an Bildern ausgewertet und die Ergebnisse statistisch bearbeitet werden. Damit ist es möglich das Verfahren und Methoden für Weizen- und Möhrenproben zu charakterisieren. Es wurden verschiedene Einflussgrößen untersucht. Das Verfahren ist besonders gegenüber Änderungen in der Probenvorbereitung (z.B. Vermahlung, Mischungsverhältnis) empfindlich. Es wurde sowohl die Methodenstreuung, als auch der Anteil einzelner Schritte an der Gesamtstreuung für Weizen-, Möhren- und Apfelproben ermittelt. Die Verdampfung und Kristallisation hat den größten Anteil an der Gesamtstreuung. Die Durchführung eines Laboreignungstests zeigte, dass die so dokumentierten und charakterisierten Methoden in anderen Laboratorien erfolgreich eingesetzt werden können. Das Verfahren wurde für die nominale Unterscheidung von Weizen-, Möhren- und Apfelproben aus unterschiedlichem Anbau und Verarbeitungsschritten eingesetzt. Weizen-, Möhren- und Apfelproben aus definiertem Anbau können signifikant unterschieden werden. Weizen-, Möhren- und Apfelproben vom Erzeuger (Markt) konnten im Paarvergleich (ökologisch, konventionell) teilweise signifikant getrennt werden. Das Verfahren ist auch für die Charakterisierung von verarbeiteten Proben einsetzbar. Es konnte der Einfluss von Saftherstellung, Erwärmung und Alterung signifikant gezeigt werden. Darüber hinaus lässt sich das Verfahren auf weitere Probenarten anwenden. Das Verfahren arbeitet ganzheitlich, d.h. es werden keine Einzelstoffe analytisch bestimmt, sondern als Ergebnis wird ein Bild erhalten. Die Textur- und Struktureigenschaften dieses Bildes können mit standardisierten Methoden ausgewertet werden.
Virtual learning environments (VLEs) would appear to be particular effective in computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW) for active learning. Most research studies looking at computer-supported collaborative design have focused on either synchronous or asynchronous modes of communication, but near-synchronous working has received relatively little attention. Yet it could be argued that near-synchronous communication encourages creative, rhetorical and critical exchanges of ideas, building on each other’s contributions. Furthermore, although many researchers have carried out studies on collaborative design protocol, argumentation and constructive interaction, little is known about the interaction between drawing and dialogue in near-synchronous collaborative design. The paper reports the first stage of an investigation into the requirements for the design and development of interactive systems to support the learning of collaborative design activities. The aim of the study is to understand the collaborative design processes while sketching in a shared white board and audio conferencing media. Empirical data on design processes have been obtained from observation of seven sessions with groups of design students solving an interior space-planning problem of a lounge-diner in a virtual learning environment, Lyceum, an in-house software developed by the Open University to support its students in collaborative learning.
This paper explores Dworkin's 'law as a chain novel' analogy and considers the recent work of Dworkin and MacCormick through close scrutiny of two recent judgments of Lord Hoffmann, in Barlow Clowes v Eurotrust International [2005] UKPC 37 and Barker v Corus [2006] UKHL 20. The aim is to examine Dworkin's theory in the context of recent English private law decisions and determine whether Lord Hoffmann's approach to interpretation is consistent with that of Dworkin (as his Lordship has contended in the past). It is argued that Lord Hoffmann's treatment of recent decisions on which he himself sat raises significant questions regarding fidelity, coherence and the institutional structure of the House of Lords.
This article adds to our knowledge of the publishing history of James Hogg's most famous novel by examining a reader's report in the archives of the publishing house of Macmillan. It discusses the role played by the novelist S.R. Crockett in attempting to republish Hogg's novel in 1895, and examines the reasons behind Macmillan's decision to reject the work.
A wild house mouse (Mus domesticus) population originally trapped near Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom, and maintained as a colony in the laboratory, was subjected to the discriminating feeding period of the warfarin resistance test, as used by Wallace and MacSwiney (1976) and derived from the work of Rowe and Redfern (1964). Eighty percent of this heterogeneous population survived the resistance-test. A similar proportion of the population was found to survive the normally lethal dose of bromadiolone administered by oral gavage. The majority of this population of mice were classified as "warfarin-resistant" and "bromadiolone-resistant." The dose of 10mg.kg-1 of bromadiolone administered by oral gavage appeared to give good discrimination between susceptible and resistant individuals. The results of breeding tests indicate a single dominant gene that confers both "warfarin-resistance" and "bromadiolone-resistance", with complete expression of the resistance genotype in both males and females. Individual mice were classified as to genotype by back-crossing to a homozygous-susceptible strain, and resistance-testing the F1 generation. Separate strains of homozygous-resistant and homozygous-susceptible house mice are now being established.
At various times during the Quaternary, north-eastern England was a zone of confluence between dynamic ice lobes sourced from the Pennines, northern Scotland, the Cheviots, and Scandinavia. The region thus has some of the most complex exposures of Middle to Late Pleistocene sediments in Britain, with both interglacial and glacial sediments deposited in terrestrial and marine settings. We investigated sedimentary sequences exposed on the coastline of County Durham at Warren House Gill, and present a new model of British and Fennoscandian Ice Sheet interaction in the North Sea Basin during the Middle Pleistocene. The stratigraphy at Warren House Gill consists of a lower diamicton and upper estuarine sediments, both part of the Warren House Formation. They are separated from the overlying Weichselian Blackhall and Horden tills by a substantial unconformity. The lower diamicton of the Warren House Formation is re-interpreted here as an MIS 8 to 12 glaciomarine deposit containing ice-rafted lithics from north-eastern Scotland and the northeast North Sea, and is renamed the ‘Ash Gill Member’. It is dated by lithological comparison to the Easington Raised Beach, Middle Pleistocene Amino Acid Racemisation values, and indirectly by optically stimulated luminescence. The overlying shallow subaqueous sediments were deposited in an estuarine environment by suspension settling and bottom current activity. They are named the ‘Whitesides Member’, and form the uppermost member of the Warren House Formation. During glaciation, ice-rafted material was deposited in a marine embayment. There is no evidence of a grounded, onshore Scandinavian ice sheet in County Durham during MIS 6, which has long been held as the accepted stratigraphy. This has major implications for the currently accepted British Quaternary Stratigraphy. Combined with recent work on the Middle Pleistocene North Sea Drift from Norfolk, which is now suggested to have been deposited by a Scottish ice sheet, the presence of a Scandinavian ice sheet in eastern England at any time during the Quaternary is becoming increasingly doubtful.
Summary and discussion of the work of the Nazareth Archaeological Project between 2004-2010, focussing on the discovery of a first-century AD house below the 'lost' Byzantine 'Church of the Nutrition', said to have been built over the house where Jesus Christ was brought up.
Modem production systems accommodate broody hens in high densities, leading to the accumulation of excrement under the cages. This substrate is excellent for the development of sinantropic flies. Thus, the accomplishment of surveys in these places becomes essential, in order to plan better strategies of control. The present work aimed at studying the entornofauna and the seasonality of the species of dipterous present in the Crisdan poultry house located in the Municipality of Sao Joao da Boa Vista, the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. In the period of January of 2001 to December of 2002, 1,012,595 flies were captured using the ""jug-trap"". The species were identified: Drosophi-la repleta (Wollaston, 1858), Musca domestica (Linnaeus, 1758), Ophyra spp., Hennetria illucens (Linnaeus, 1758), Fannia canicularis (Linnaeus, 1761), Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 1794), and Sepsidae. More frequently D. repleta and M. domestica had added 99.47% of the dipterous. Increased rainfall and the collection months influenced the sampling of dipterous (P < 0.05). Drosophila repleta was the most abundant species, representing 91% of all captured flies. However, this diptera did not develop at the surveyed site since immatures were not captured therein.
Viewed from a historical perspective, a shift has occurred within the forestry and wood sector towards indoor work. In Sweden, the production of handcrafted log houses has now also begun to move indoors. With a point of departure in development processes within the log house sector involving working indoors, education, work attractiveness, between 2001-2005, the aim of this study was to compare indoor work with outdoor work, based on log house builders' experience of working on handcrafted log houses. Methods used in the interactive development project involving apprentices, experienced log house builders and researchers, were participation with continuous documentation of experiences and opinions; questions; interviews; and measurement of the work environment. The Attractive Work Model has been used in order to analyse perceptions and values. The changes, 15 out of 22 areas, were perceived both negatively and positively. Therefore, it can not be said that working on traditional, handcrafted log houses becomes more attractive if it is moved indoors. The majority wanted to work both outdoors and indoors, while most of the others only wanted to work outdoors. The results indicate that there is scope for developing more attractive work indoors by utilising experiences from log house builders and closely related activities such as the forestry and wood sector. Changes made within one area of work attractiveness affect other areas. Further research is needed both with regard to comparisons between indoor and outdoor work and regarding the interaction between the areas that are identified in the Attractive Work Model.
Este trabalho procura compreender um ambiente de negócios bastante específico. As empresas, diante dos fenômenos da globalização e do crescimento das exigências impostas pelos consumidores (produtos melhores a preços mais baixos), buscarão diversas soluções para enfrentar estes desafios. Soluções para otimizar as suas redes de suprimentos serão uma das possíveis respostas para este problema. As redes de suprimentos, quanto mais eficazes, estarão agregando mais valor ao produto final causando um impacto mínimo nos custos do produto, e terão uma papel importante na estratégia da empresa para vencer este desafio. Ao longo dessa dissertação serão avaliadas as relações existentes entre cliente e fornecedor e focadas algumas variáveis que influenciam este relacionamento. Através da análise das estratégias de verticalização, estaremos avaliando outras possibilidades de fornecimento que possam ser mais atraentes para as empresas, no que diz respeito à gerência de sua rede de fornecedores. O trabalho está centrado na análise da estratégia de verticalização e como são criadas as condições que favorecem a desverticalização, conduzindo a empresa para a solução de fornecimento através de uma produção "in house". O setor industrial será tomado como exemplo deste tipo de relacionamento, mais especificamente, o segmento de produção de embalagens plásticas. A produção "in house" , como será descrito mais detalhadamente adiante, se estabelece da seguinte forma: uma unidade produtiva de um fornecedor estratégico é construída dentro do ambiente físico do cliente. Desse local, o fornecedor supre as necessidades do cliente de um ou diversos itens necessários para a realização da sua atividade industrial. Diversas questões serão exploradas neste trabalho, dentre elas, em que situações vale a pena manter uma operação integrada verticalmente ou optar pela terceirização desta operação, que um dia foi verticalizada? Sob que condições esta seria uma boa solução para o fornecimento de insumos básicos para a produção? Este trabalho se desenvolverá a partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica assim como de um trabalho de campo, envolvendo a análise de diversas situações reais. vi Como identificar se a verticalização de um segmento oferecerá as vantagens esperadas? Quais são os principais fatores que devemos levar em conta para esta análise? Que tipo de modelo de desverticalização pode ser o mais adequado para a empresa cliente? Que medidas podem ser promovidas para se incrementar uma relação com o fornecedor "in house" ? Este estudo apresenta algumas propostas para responder às questões acima.