97 resultados para Hospice
Ethnobotanical relevance Cancer patients commonly use traditional medicines (TM) and in Thailand these are popular for both self-medication and as prescribed by TM practitioners, and are rarely monitored. A study was conducted at Wat Khampramong, a Thai Buddhist temple herbal medicine hospice, to document some of these practices as well as the hospice regime. Materials and methods Cancer patients (n=286) were surveyed shortly after admission as to which TMs they had previously taken and perceptions of effects experienced. They were also asked to describe their current symptoms. Treatment at the hospice is built upon an 11-herb anti-cancer formula, yod-ya-mareng, prescribed for all patients, and ideally, its effects would have been evaluated. However other herbal medicines and holistic practices are integral to the regime, so instead we attempted to assess the value of the patients׳ stay at the hospice by measuring any change in symptom burden, as they perceived it. Surviving patients (n=270) were therefore asked to describe their symptoms again just before leaving. Results 42% of patients (120/286; 95% CI 36.4%, 47.8%) had used herbal medicines before their arrival, with 31.7% (38/120; 95% CI 24%, 40.4%) using several at once. Mixed effects were reported for these products. After taking the herbal regime at Khampramong, 77% (208/270 95% CI; 71.7%, 81.7%) reported benefit, and a comparison of the incidence of the most common (pain, dyspepsia, abdominal or visceral pain, insomnia, fatigue) showed statistical significance (χ2 57.1, df 7, p<0.001). Conclusions A wide range of TMs is taken by cancer patients in Thailand and considered to provide more benefit than harm, and this perception extends to the temple regime. Patients reported a significant reduction in symptoms after staying at Khampramong, indicating an improvement in quality of life, the aim of hospices everywhere. Based on this evidence, it is not possible to justify the use of TM for cancer in general, but this study suggests that further research is warranted. The uncontrolled use of TMs, many of which are uncharacterised, raises concerns, and this work also highlights the fact that validated, robust methods of assessing holistic medical regimes are urgently needed.
Studien hade till syfte att beskriva faktorer som var av vikt i bemötandet av patienter inom palliativ vård och genomfördes som en systematisk litteraturstudie. Artiklar har sökts i olika databaser samt via manuell sökning. Sökorden som har använts var palliative care, caring, patients, end-of-life, hospice, cancer, needs, support och experience. Antal granskade artiklar var 11. Granskningen resulterade i fyra faktorer; information, kommunikation, känslomässig dimension och delaktighet i vården. Faktorerna omformulerades till teman enligt följande: Vikten av kunskap för att kunna ge information, Kommunikation mellan vårdpersonal och patient, Känslor som kan uppstå i livets slutskede och Patienternas delaktighet i vården. Informationen var viktig för att patienten skulle veta vad sjukdomen innebar och vad som kom att hända i framtiden. Vårdpersonalen fick känna av hur mycket information patienten kunde ta emot och hur mycket de ville veta om sjukdomen. Upprepning av informationen fick ges för att patienterna inte tidigare kunde smälta all information som de fått. Kommunikationen var grunden för att ett bemötande skulle kunna uppstå. Med kommunikationens hjälp byggdes relationer och förtroende upp mellan vårdpersonal och patienter, vilket var en förutsättning för att ge en god omvårdnad. Det var svårt för vårdpersonal som inte var specialiserade inom palliativ vård att kunna bemöta patienterna på ett tillfredsställande sätt. Patienterna upplevde att de fick en bättre vård av den specialiserade vårdpersonalen. Patienterna upplevde många olika känslor under sjukdomstiden. Frustration och maktlöshet för sjukdomen var vanliga upplevelser. Det var svårt för patienterna att släppa kontrollen över sin situation. Frustrationen upplevdes på grund av att de fick be vårdpersonalen om hjälp med de saker som de själva hade klarat av tidigare. Delaktighet i vården var en annan faktor som patienterna upplevde som viktig. De fick då vara med och bestämma över sin situation och sitt eget liv så långt det var möjligt.
One of the basic principles of the Brazilian Public Health System (SUS) is integral assistance, which considers the integrality of the individual, of service and care, which should necessarily include end of life care. Our aim was to analyze the work process of health professionals at the Family Health Strategy / Primary Care that already cared for people in the dying process to propose viable contributions to the Public Health area as regards the implementation of Palliative Care in Primary Care. We present data referring to the following themes: Singular Therapeutic Project (PTS); death quality as PTS goal (work purpose); the team's ways of doing (bonding as a pact condition). Eleven health professionals (four nurses and seven physicians) linked to the Family Health Strategy (ESF) of Campinas (São Paulo) participated on this research. From the interviews, data analysis followed the Socio-Historical Psychology theoretical and methodological approach. The professionals' activity was analyzed in articulation with the specificities of caring for people in the dying process. We found that action planning in health is oriented by the Singular Therapeutic Project (PTS), with an emphasis in social diagnosis and the need of a bond for attaining a pact. It is understood that the purpose of health professionals' activity is to promote dignity and life quality in the dying process, but integral care should include not only individual and family care, but also the defence of full human development during all phases of life.
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
Objective. To identify the perception of nurses with regard to the process of providing care to patients in the context of hospice care. Method. Qualitative study using the methodological framework Collective Subject Discourse. A total of 18 nursing professionals of the adult intensive care unit of a public hospital in São Paulo, Brazil were interviewed between June and August 2012. Results. The process of providing care to terminal patients is permeated by negative, conflictive and mixed feelings. As regards communication, while the participants acknowledge its importance as a therapeutic resource, they also admit a lack of professional qualification. Conclusion. The interviewees have difficulties to deal with care provided to terminal patients. The qualification of these professionals needs to be improved, starting in the undergraduate program.
The objective of this work was, from a bibliographical survey, to discuss the relationship between the subjects “Mental Health” and “Death”, in order to analyze possible contributions of the Psychiatric Reformation tied with the sphere of Palliative Cares. The characterization of madness as a social problem is related to the development of the capitalist mode of production. Unable to fulfill the requirements imposed by capital, insane persons are excluded from society and locked in psychiatric hospitals in order to be treated. In the same way, death is incompatible with the capitalist principles of accumulation of goods. Dying people are then transferred to the hospital in order to hide their invalidity, non-production and felt inexistence of wealth. Some principles for care in mental health that could be shared in the palliative cares are: deinstitutionalization; organization of assistance in a network; psychosocial assistance; interdisciplinarity and construction of the autonomy of family members and users. In this sense, some challenges are distinguished, between them, professional training.
OBJECTIVE: To understand the perception of nurses from the Family Health Strategy in relation to palliative care in the home. METHODS: A descriptive, exploratory study with a qualitative approach conducted with nine nurses from the Family Health Strategy of the municipality of Lavras - MG. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and data were subjected to content analysis. RESULTS: The various dimensions of care in the home context were identified, along with the performance and limitations of nurses in the care of the patient and his family at end of life. The capacity to establish a bond, by the proximity to people who receive their care, is a remarkable point of the action of these nurses with patients and families in end of life situations. CONCLUSION: The nurses consider the patient and his family as the unit of care, they have the opportunity to share solidarity, experiences and learning, not only from a professional standpoint, but above all, from a human one.
La sedazione palliativa come procedura terapeutica è ormai ampiamente affrontata e discussa in letteratura. A causa della delicatezza di tale procedura, molti studi affrontano le problematiche etiche ad essa relative con l’obiettivo di cercare una giustificazione morale e clinica. Questo lavoro intende affrontare la sedazione palliativa applicata ad un caso concreto. Seguendo la trama della storia di Matteo, uomo di 38 anni ricoverato in Hospice con diagnosi di cancro metastatico della mammella maschile (metastasi polmonari con incarceramento del polmone destro, metastasi diffuse a tutto il rachide, metastasi epatiche), verranno affrontate le problematiche etiche relative ad ogni fase della vicenda. In particolare i temi trattati sono i seguenti: il controllo di sé, la negoziazione della terapia e l’autodeterminazione; il principio di autonomia relazionale; l’etica del corpo; differenze tra sedazione palliativa ed eutanasia; le domande di fine vita e la spiritualità; documenti sul fine vita. Il paradigma teorico prescelto come punto di riferimento è quello dell’Etica della Cura.
Questa tesi propone un progetto di riqualificazione funzionale ed energetica del Polo ospedaliero civile di Castel San Pietro Terme, un complesso di edilizia sanitaria attivo dal 1870, che la AUSL proprietaria ha ora programmato di riqualificare. Il complesso, costituito da diversi edifici realizzati in epoche successive con un volume lordo riscaldato di 41670 m3, occupa un’area di 18415 m2. Sottoposto nel corso del tempo a ripetute modifiche e ampliamenti,oggi si presenta come un insieme eterogeneo di volumi, disorganici nell’aspetto ed interessati da importanti criticità: • prestazioni energetiche largamente inadeguate; • insufficiente resistenza alle azioni sismiche; • inefficiente distribuzione interna degli ambienti e delle funzioni. Partendo da un’analisi che dal complesso ospedaliero si estende sull’intera area di Castel San Pietro Terme, è stato definito un progetto che tiene conto delle peculiarità e delle criticità del luogo. Il progetto propone la riqualificazione dell’area antistante l’ingresso storico dell’ospedale tramite il collegamento diretto al parco fluviale, oggi interrotto da viale Oriani e da un parcheggio. Sul complesso edificato viene invece progettato un insieme di interventi differenziati, che rispondono all’obiettivo primario di adattare il polo ospedaliero a nuove funzioni sanitarie. La riorganizzazione prevede: • L’eliminazione del reparto di chirurgia; • L’adeguamento delle degenze a funzioni di hospice e lungodegenza per malati terminali; • L’ampliamento del progetto Casa della Salute che prevede locali ambulatoriali. Il progetto ha assunto questo programma funzionale,puntando a mantenere e riqualificare quanto più possibile l’esistente. E’ stato quindi previsto di: • Demolire il corpo del blocco operatorio. • Ridefinire volumetricamente il corpo delle degenze • Prevedere la costruzione di nuovi volumi per ospitare i poliambulatori. Per assicurare un adeguato livello di prestazioni,l’intervento ha puntato a far conseguire all’intero complesso la classe energetica A e ad adeguare la capacità di risposta al sisma, in particolare del corpo delle degenze, che presenta le condizioni più critiche. Le simulazioni eseguite con il software Termolog Epix3 attestano un valore di fabbisogno energetico finale pari a 5,10 kWh/m3 anno, con una riduzione del 92,7% rispetto ai livelli di consumo attuali. E' stata posta particolare attenzione anche al comfortdegli ambienti di degenza, verificato tramite l’utilizzo del software di simulazione energetica in regime dinamico IESVE che ha permesso di monitorare gli effetti ottenuti in relazione ad ogni scelta progettuale. I nuovi padiglioni sono stati progettati per integrare in modo funzionale i locali ambulatoriali ed alcuni ambienti dedicati alle terapie complementari per i lungodegenti. La tecnologia a setti portanti Xlam è stata preferita per la velocità di realizzazione. La sovrastante copertura costituita da una membrana di ETFE sostenuta da travi curve in legno lamellare, oltre ad assicurare il comfort ambientale tramite lo sfruttamento di sistemi passivi, permette di limitare i requisiti dell’involucro dei volumi sottostanti.
A subscale was developed to assess the quality of life of cancer patients with a life expectancy of six months or less. Phase I of this study identified the major concerns of 74 terminally ill cancer patients (19 with breast cancer, 19 with lung cancer, 18 with colorectal cancer, 9 with renal cell cancer, 9 with prostate cancer), 39 family caregivers, and 20 health care professionals. Patients interviewed were being treated at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center or at the Hospice at the Texas Medical Center in Houston. In Phase II, 120 patients (30 with breast cancer, 30 with lung cancer, 30 with colorectal cancer, 15 with prostate cancer, and 15 with renal cell cancer) rated the importance of these concerns for quality of life. Items retained for the subscale were rated as "extremely important" or "very important" by at least 60% of the sample and were reported as being applicable by at least two-thirds of the sample. The 61 concerns that were identified were formatted as a questionnaire for Phase III. In Phase III, 356 patients (89 with breast cancer, 88 with lung cancer, 88 with colorectal cancer, 44 with prostate cancer, and 47 with renal cell cancer) were interviewed to determine the subscale's reliability and sensitivity to change in clinical status. Both factor analysis and item response theory supported the inclusion of the same 35 items for the subscale. Internal consistency reliability was moderate to high for the subscale's domains: spiritual (0.87), existential (0.76), medical care (0.68), symptoms (0.67), social/family (0.66), and emotional (0.61). Test-retest correlation coefficients also were high for the domains: social/family (0.86), emotional (0.83), medical care (0.83), spiritual (0.75), existential (0.75), and symptoms (0.81).^ In addition, concurrent validity was supported by the high correlation between the subscale's symptom domain and symptom items from the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) scale (r = 0.74). Patients' functional status was assessed with the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Performance status rating. When ECOG categories were compared to subscale domains, patients who scored lower in functional status had lower scores in the spiritual, existential, social/family, and emotional domains. Patients who scored lower in physical well-being had higher scores in the symptom domain. Patient scores in the medical care domain were similar for each ECOG category. The results of this study support the subscale's use in assessing quality of life and the outcomes of palliative treatment for cancer patients in their last six months of life. ^
An unusual stroke-like clinical presentation of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: acute vestibular syndrome
INTRODUCTION Vertigo and dizziness are common neurological symptoms in general practice. Most patients have benign peripheral vestibular disorders, but some have dangerous central causes. Recent research has shown that bedside oculomotor examinations accurately discriminate central from peripheral lesions in those with new, acute, continuous vertigo/dizziness with nausea/vomiting, gait unsteadiness, and nystagmus, known as the acute vestibular syndrome. CASE REPORT A 56-year-old man presented to the emergency department with acute vestibular syndrome for 1 week. The patient had no focal neurological symptoms or signs. The presence of direction-fixed, horizontal nystagmus suppressed by visual fixation without vertical ocular misalignment (skew deviation) was consistent with an acute peripheral vestibulopathy, but bilaterally normal vestibuloocular reflexes, confirmed by quantitative horizontal head impulse testing, strongly indicated a central localization. Because of a long delay in care, the patient left the emergency department without treatment. He returned 1 week later with progressive gait disturbance, limb ataxia, myoclonus, and new cognitive deficits. His subsequent course included a rapid neurological decline culminating in home hospice placement and death within 1 month. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed restricted diffusion involving the basal ganglia and cerebral cortex. Spinal fluid 14-3-3 protein was elevated. The rapidly progressive clinical course with dementia, ataxia, and myoclonus plus corroborative neuroimaging and spinal fluid findings confirmed a clinicoradiographic diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease. CONCLUSIONS To our knowledge, this is the first report of an initial presentation of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease closely mimicking vestibular neuritis, expanding the known clinical spectrum of prion disease presentations. Despite the initial absence of neurological signs, the central lesion location was differentiated from a benign peripheral vestibulopathy at the first visit using simple bedside vestibular tests. Familiarity with these tests could help providers prevent initial misdiagnosis of important central disorders in patients presenting vertigo or dizziness.
t. 1. Kock, C.P. de. Les croix et le vent. Varennes, S., de. Un souvenir. Dash, csse. Désabusé. Saint-Félix, J. de. Solitude. Dash, csse. Toute la vie pour un jour. Varennes, S. de. Une partie à cheval. Varennes, S. de. Alice et Maria. -- t. 2. Beauvoir, R. de. O-mi-to-fo. Varennes, S. de. Emma. Dash, csse. Isabelle., Bazancourt, baron de. Hospice général à Dieppe. Soulié, F. Un ciel orageux.
"Le produit de la vente de cet ouvrage sera remis à l'hospice de Marie-Thérèse, par les soins de m. Théophile de Ferrières, rue de Cherche-Midi, no. 15."
Binder's title: Inventaire des archives hospitalières, Villefranche (Rhône)