948 resultados para Homes maltractadors


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Elderly patients in palliative situations residing in a nursing home present characteristics and specificities that clearly distinguish them from patients with advanced cancer. Besides the difficulty to define a precise prognosis, their many comorbidities, their communication difficulties because of cognitive disorders, their high sensitivity to primary and secondary effects of drugs render their management a real challenge for physician and caregivers. Accompanying these patients at the end of their life also raises many ethical problems, especially when they are no longer able to express their wishes and have not previously expressed advance directives.


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De vegades els ximpanzés es comporten de manera agressiva cap als seus congèneres. Fa temps que s'estudien les batusses que de tant en tant mantenen els mascles de diferents grups, i se sap que en alguns casos diversos mascles s'han associat per assassinar un company que s'hagi mostrat especialment dominant. Joseph T. Feldblum i els seus col·laboradors, en diverses universitats i centres de recerca dels EUA, han analitzat un comportament agressiu molt específic que manifesten alguns ximpanzés mascle cap a les femelles del seu grup. Els resultats, publicats a Current Biology, indiquen que, paradoxalment, aquests mascles tenen més descendents que els no agressius, perquè les femelles que s'han aparellat amb ells rebutgen posteriors còpules amb altres mascles.


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En aquest monografic dedicat al cine hem recollit articles de directores de dues generacions perque ens expliquin la seva experiencia de fer pel.licules i també hem convidat a un crític perque ens parli, des de la seva diferencia de ser home, del cinema fet per dones


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In this report, we summarize results of our part of the ÄLYKOP-project on customer value creation in the intersection of the health care, ICT, forest and energy industries. The research directs to describe how industry transformation and convergence create new possibilities, business opportunities and even new industries.The report consists of findings which are presented former in academic publications. The publication discusses on customer value, service provision and resource basis of the novel concepts through multiple theorethical frameworks. The report is divided into three maim sections which are theoretical background, discussion on health care industry and evaluations regarding novel smart home concepts. Transaction cost economics and Resource- Based view on the firm provides the theoretical basis to analyze the prescribed phenomena. The health care industry analysis describes the most important changes in the demand conditions of health care services, and explores the features that are likely to open new business opportunities for a solution provider. The third part of the report on the smart home business provides illustrations few potential concepts that can be considered to provide solutions to economical problems which arise from aging of population. The results provide several recommendations for the smart home platform developers in public and private sectors. By the analysis, public organizations dominate service provision and private markets are emergent state at present. We argue that public-private partnerships are nececssary for creating key suppliers. Indeed, paying attion on appropriate regulation, service specifications and technology standards would foster diffusion of new services. The dynamics of the service provision networks is driven by need for new capabiltities which are required for adapting business concepts to new competitive situation. Finally, the smart home framework revealed links between conventionally distant business areas such as health care and energy distribution. The platform integrates functionalities different for purposes which however apply same resource basis.


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Although asthma has been commonly associated with sensitivity to cockroaches, a clear causal relationship between asthma, allergy to cockroaches and exposure levels has not been extensively investigated. The objective of the present study was to determine whether asthma occurs more frequently in children living in homes with high cockroach infestation. The intensity of household infestation was assessed by the number of dead insects after professional pesticide application. Children living in these houses in the metropolitan area of Recife, PE, were diagnosed as having asthma by means of a questionnaire based on the ISAAC study. All children had physician-diagnosed asthma and at least one acute exacerbation in the past year. Children of both sexes aged 4 to 12 years who had been living in the households for more than 2 years participated in this transverse study and had a good socioeconomic status. In the 172 houses studied, 79 children were considered to have been exposed to cockroaches and 93 not to have been exposed. Children living in residences with more than 5 dead cockroaches after pesticide application were considered to be at high infestation exposure. Asthma was diagnosed by the questionnaire in 31.6% (25/79) of the exposed group and in 11.8% (11/93) of the non-exposed group (P = 0.001), with a prevalence ratio of 3.45 (95%CI, 1.48-8.20). The present results indicate that exposure to cockroaches was significantly associated with asthma among the children studied and can be considered a risk factor for the disease. Blattella germanica and Periplaneta americana were the species found in 96% of the infested houses.


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Abstract The aim of this study was to analyze the microbiological quality of meals served in nursing homes in the city of Ponta Grossa, Paraná, before and after the training of food handlers. The first stage was to perform a checklist conforming with current legislation. The second consisted of the collection of 4 food samples from each location and a microbiological investigation in accordance with the relevant legislation. The third was the training of food handlers in relation to good food handling practices. The fourth was a further microbiological analysis of new samples. The application of a checklist showed that the locations met the requirements of current legislation. Of the 40 samples analyzed, 17.5% (7 samples) were unfit for consumption. Among the unfit samples 15% (6 samples) had coliforms at 45 °C, 2.5% (1 sample) had coagulase-positive staphylococci, 2.5% (1 sample) had Bacillus cereus and 2.5% (1 sample) had Salmonella sp. The results of this study show the importance of controlling the quality of food served to an age group that is prone to health risks.


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This research is qualitative in nature and has explored, by means of interviews, the '^^ experiences of 10 men in their roles in caring for their spouses with Alzheimer Disease (see glossary) in their homes. Additional data were collected by attending 3 formal support group meetings and one informal meeting of a group of men who brought their wives to a support group meeting for their wives with AD. The data retrieved supported the assumption that education about the disease, utilization of formal community support services, and attendance at caregiver support groups or programs can assist healthy male caregivers in caring for their wives with AD in their homes.


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Per suggeriment de la Comissió de Dona i Ciència, el 21 d'abril del 2006 la Junta Plenària del Consell Interuniversitari de Catalunya va instar de manera oficial que totes les unversitats catalanes iniciessin l'elaboració d'un pla d'igualtat entre homes i dones, i que aquest estigui redactat abans de finals de l'any 2007


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En aquest monografic dedicat al cine hem recollit articles de directores de dues generacions perque ens expliquin la seva experiencia de fer pel.licules i també hem convidat a un crític perque ens parli, des de la seva diferencia de ser home, del cinema fet per dones


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Ressenya del llibre 'Homes, vaixells i mercaderies de Tossa al Grau de València, 1459-1703', de Mario Zucchitello. Treball que estudia els intercanvis comercials entre el litoral selvatà i el Regne de València i la seva capital al segle XV


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Artículo incluido en el número de la revista dedicado íntegramente a la violencia de género


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Crédito común de Tecnología, destinado a los alumnos de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Básicamente se propone una ampliación de los principios básicos de la mecánica, sobretodo de la cinemática. Por eso se favorece la relación de este crédito con el área de Ciencias Experimentales. Para el crédito que presentamos es necesario tener unos conocimientos previos sobre matemáticas (ecuaciones lineales). El material para el alumnado contiene numerosas ilustraciones y dibujos para ejemplificarlo explicado y para realizar ejercicios. Se ofrece material para el profesor, como guía didáctica. Encontramos también, la bibliografía de algunas de las imágenes y fotocopias para realizar transparencias.


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Crédito de Lengua Clásica (Griego) y Ciencias Sociales. Forma parte de un proyecto que propone el aprendizaje del griego y el latín paralela y simultáneamente. El alumno ya tiene unas bases y contacto con las lenguas clásicas, lo que se pretende es profundizar un poco más. Los textos hacen referencia a Homero y a la guerra de Troia, a Empúries, Olipmia, Delfos y Esparta. Pretende una metodología activa y participativa. Aporta un material para el profesorado y otro para el alumnado..