992 resultados para Historic buildings


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En aquest Projecte el que es planteja és abraçar el màxim d’elements patrimonials del municipi i crear una ruta, per conèixer, estudiar i descobrir quins són els elements més característics, emblemàtics, i més rellevants per després poder incloure’ls en la nostra proposta. En aquesta ruta, acabaran entrant doncs, tant el patrimoni inventariable, com el patrimoni intangible, sempre i quan tinguin una singularitat que la facin atractiva i interessant per al visitant. El que es vol és que aquest projecte sigui una alternativa real a les diferents rutes que es presenten al municipi de Llançà


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Els refugis d’alta muntanya per a excursionistes i alpinistes construïts durant les primeres dècades del segle XX són, sens dubte, un dels patrimonis arquitectònics més fràgils de les comarques pirinenques. Les ruïnes del vell refugi d’Ulldeter que projectà el 1907 Jeroni Martorell per al Centre Excursionista de Catalunya (CEC) en són una prova ben punyent


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Heritage tourism depends on a physical resource based primarily on listed buildings and scheduled monuments. Visiting or staying in a historic building provides a rich tourism experience, but historic environments date from eras when access for disabled people was not a consideration. Current UK Government policy now promotes social inclusion via an array of equal opportunities, widening participation and anti-discrimination policies. Historic environments enjoy considerable legislative protection from adverse change, but now need to balance conservation with public access for all. This paper discusses the basis of research being undertaken by The College of Estate Management funded by the Mercers Company of London and the Harold Samuel Trust. It assesses how the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act has changed the legal obligations of owners/operators in managing access to listed buildings in tourism use. It also examines the key stakeholders and power structures in the management of historic buildings and distinguishes other important players in the management process.


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There is a perception that Building Conservation as a career is different from the mainstream, and it appears to be more attractive to women - at whatever level - than many other careers in the construction industry. Whilst recruitment and publicity can be targeted, the culture within the construction industry can be a barrier to entry for anyone that is "different." As Clara Greed (1999) discovered in her research "the traits, beliefs and lifestyle peculiar to the construction tribe" can inhibit the entry to the industry of a number of groups outside the traditional pool. The growth of women in the workforce generally (some 50% according to Turrell et al, 2000) is nowhere near being matched within the construction industry as a whole - the Construction Industry Board placed it at around 8.6% in 2000 across all positions. The various UK industry and professional bodies are actively supporting the need to attract women, with the CITB saying they want a 10% year on year increase in participation, the RICS have their own Raising the Ratio working group and the RIBA have carried out research to find out "why women leave architecture."

Of course the whole of the industry is not unfriendly to women - there are a number of us who have been in the industry for many years and recognise it as a fulfilling and exciting career - a number of women work as surveyors working on historic buildings. The initiatives that are working towards change might have something to learn from Building Conservation - while the shortage of skills is just as severe in work with historc buildings - this area of work holds an attraction to women, not found elsewhere. This paper draws on research carried out to explore some of the reasons for this.

The study involved sending a questionnaire to twenty women already working in Building Conservation (the response rate was over 100%) and arranging for questionnaires to be completed by school students (male and female) choosing university courses in one school (60 questionnaires sent out, with 35 returned at a response rate of 58%)

The research showed that the majority women working in Building Conservation did not agree that men heavily dominated their sector of the industry, whereas within other areas of the construction industry men make up approximately 90% of the workforce. The research found that women often perceived the Construction Industry to be 'cut-throat', 'egotistical' and 'financially beneficial', whereas they thought Building Conservation required 'patience', 'care' and 'attention to detail'.

Of the women who took part in the research, 87% were working in Building Conservation because of a personal interest , and the main aspect of that attarction was history and architecture. The study examined attitudes of school students choosing careers and the research shows that when male and female sixth form students were told what Building Conservation was about and what it involved, 43% would consider a career in it and 49% would be interested in talking part in a work experience placement working with historic buildings. The shortage of people working in Building Conservation could be reduced if more people were educated about the profession in a way relevant to their skills and interests. In order to assist this action, the study examined ways to introduce Building Conservation careers to school girls and drew on the initiatives that the university is doing to promote careers in the built environment to schoolgirls.


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Architecture is considered the visible reflection of the local character of contexts. Therefore, conserving the architectural heritage is becoming one of the critical concepts in life, especially with the rapid change and transformation characterizing the globalization era. As a vital part of the broader context of the architecture; landscape architecture is also considered an effective tool of societies’ self representation. Gardens reflect a very special relationship between the man and nature and represent the history of the state of societies in which they were developed. Islamic gardens are one of the historic gardens having a special charm of their own. Gardens associated with Islamic period over several hundred years, are designed according to certain ideological principles employing certain physical elements shown in the west as well as the east. They represent an ideological continuity which is unique in its spread and development over a wide range of geographical and cultural regions. The Islamic architectural heritage is usually well protected. In the restoration process, the historic buildings are returned back to their original conditions. However, with the changing nature of gardens; it is sometimes hard to track back their original state. In that case, in order to conserve those gardens; it is important to study the design principles upon which the physical elements were chosen. In this paper, the principles of design of the original Islamic gardens will be reviewed through a quantitative analysis of a questionnaire. These principles will be compared to the current situation of the garden of Humayun’s Tomb built in the Mughal era in India, after its conservation in 2003.


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This research analyzes the actual Historic-Architectural Heritage of Assú City which is located in Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil, the study is based on both Assú s residents perception and technician s viewpoint. It looks forward to expose this community s relationship with the existing number of historic buildings, the scale of people s identity to the place and the association of this perception toward the preservation and conservation s scale of the historic settlement. Since the contextualization of the degradation s process of central areas, the study draw nea initially the conceptual aspects, focusing on the debate about heritage and the preservationist practice. The work complements the discussion through an approach on people-environment relationship and environmental perception, considering relevant factors for planning process. The obtained and presented data had diagnosed the condition of the architectural pile and also allowed this work to formulate recommendations for the studied area and architectural set in order to contribute for future urban politics implementation that consider the building, which are not only important to the considered population, but to the Rio Grande do Norte s History, as well


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The research project concerns the restoration of military real estate, starting from the procedures in progress in Italy related to dismission, with particular emphasis for Piacenza and the case study of Caserme Bixio and Nicolai (Comparto Nord/San Sisto-Cittadella). The work is aimed at defining the relationship between urban planning and rehabilitation of dismissed military areas, in order to create a synergic effort capable to face the transformation of these sites and their integration into the urban tissue. The results obtained from the various recordings performed in Italy and in USA during the preparation of this thesis may help to find a new possible scenario for the Comparto Nord and its historic buildings.


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La historia de la construcción de las catedrales góticas es la historia de la búsqueda de la luz. Esta afirmación casi metafísica, recoge una realidad asumida por todos los historiadores tanto de la arquitectura antigua como del resto de las artes. La luz en el gótico ha sido descrita bajo múltiples matices como son su carácter simbólico, cromático e incluso místico, sin embargo no existe, en el estudio del conocimiento de la luz gótica, ninguna referencia a la misma como realidad física cuantificable, cualificable y por tanto, clasificable. La presente tesis doctoral aborda el concepto de la iluminación gótica desde una perspectiva nueva. Demuestra, con un método analítico inédito, que la iluminación gótica es cuantificable y cualificable. Para ello analiza en profundidad la iluminación de una selección de 6 edificios muestra, las catedrales de Gerona, Toledo, Sevilla y León, la basílica de Santa María del Mar y la capilla de la Sainte Chapelle de París, mediante una toma de datos “in situ” de iluminación y su comparación con los datos lumínicos obtenidos por un programa de soleamiento de la simulación en tres dimensiones de los distintos proyectos originales góticos. El análisis exhaustivo de las muestras y su introducción en el método analítico descrito, permite determinar, en primer lugar, unas cualidades inéditas que identifican la luz de los espacios góticos según unos parámetros nuevos como son la intensidad, expresividad, recorrido, distorsión y color. También describe cuales son los factores determinantes, de nuevo inéditos, que modulan cada una de las cualidades y en que proporción lo hacen cada uno de ellos. Una vez establecidas las cualidades y los factores que las definen, la tesis doctoral establece los rangos en los que se mueven las distintas cualidades y que conformarán la definitiva clasificación según “tipos de cualidad lumínica”. Adicionalmente, la tesis propone un procedimiento abreviado de acercamiento a la realidad de la iluminación gótica a través de unas fórmulas matemáticas que relacionan los factores geométricos detectados y descritos en la tesis con el resultado luminoso del espacio en lo que concierne a las dos cualidades más importantes de las reflejadas, la intensidad y la expresividad. Gracias a este método y su procedimiento abreviado, la clasificación se hace extensible al resto de catedrales góticas del panorama español y europeo y abre el camino a nuevas clasificaciones de edificios históricos de distintas épocas, iniciando un apasionante camino por recorrer en la recuperación de “la luz original”. Esta clasificación y sus cualidades podrán a su vez, ser utilizadas como herramientas de conocimiento de un factor determinante a la hora de describir cualquier espacio gótico y su aportación pretende ser un nuevo condicionante a tener en cuenta en el futuro, ayudando a entender y respetar, en las posibles intervenciones a realizar sobre el patrimonio arquitectónico, aquello que fue en su inicio motor principal del proyecto arquitectónico y que hoy día no se valora suficientemente tan solo por falta de conocimiento: su luz. The history of the construction of the Gothic cathedrals is the history of the search for light. This almost etaphysical statement reflects a reality accepted by all historians both of ancient architecture and other arts. Light in the Gothic period has been described under multiple approaches such as its symbolic, chromatic and even mystical character. However, in the study of the Gothic light, no references exist to it as a physical quantifiable and qualifiable reality and therefore, classifiable. This dissertation deals with the concept of Gothic light from a new perspective. With a new analytical method, it shows that Gothic lighting is quantifiable and can be classified regarding quality. To this end, a selection of 6 buildings light samples are analyzed; the cathedrals of Gerona, Toledo, Seville and León, the basilica of Santa María of the Sea and the Sainte Chapelle in Paris. "In situ" lighting data is collected and it is compared with lighting data obtained by a program of sunlight of the 3D simulation of various Gothic original projects. The comprehensive analysis of the samples and the data introduced in the analytical method described, allows determining, first, important qualities that identify the light of Gothic spaces according to new parameters such as intensity, expressiveness, trajectory, distortion and color. It also describes the determinant factors, which modulate each of the qualities and in what proportion they do it. Once the qualities and factors that define them have been established, in this doctoral dissertation the ranges regarding different qualities are set, which will make up the final classification according to "types of light quality". In addition, this work proposes an abbreviated procedure approach to the reality of the Gothic lighting through some mathematical formulae, relating the geometric factors identified and described in the study with the bright result of space regarding the two most important qualities of the light,intensity and expressiveness. Thanks to this method and to the abbreviated procedure, the classification can be applied to other Spanish and European Gothic cathedrals and opens up the way to new classifications of historic buildings from different eras, starting an exciting road ahead in the recovery of the "original light". This classification and its qualities may in turn be used as tools to know a determinant factor when describing any Gothic space. Its contribution is intended to be a new conditioning factor to keep in mind in the future, helping to understand and respect, in possible interventions on the architectural heritage, what was the main engine to start the architectural project and which today is not valued enough due to the lack knowledge: the light.


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In many cases the only places available for the construction of a new car park are the existing streets or roads. These streets may also have important or historic buildings very close to the structure, which means that they cannot be disturbed in any way during the construction of the parking structure. In many cases the only places available for the construction of a new car park are the existing streets or roads. These streets may also have important or historic buildings very close to the structure, which means that they cannot be disturbed in any way during the construction of the parking structure.