984 resultados para Histopathology (conjunctival keratoacanthoma)
Anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, produces brown lesions on guava fruits, causing severe losses on postharvest. In this study, the infection and colonization of guava fruits by C. gloeosporioides has been examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Fruits at the physiologically mature stage were inoculated with a 10(5) conidia/mL spore suspension. Afterward, fruits were incubated at 25 °C in a wet chamber for periods of 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 and 120 h to allow examination of the infection and colonization process. Conidia germination and appressoria formation occurred six hours after inoculation (h.a.i). Penetration occurred directly via penetration pegs from appressoria, which penetrated the host cuticle 48 h.a.i. Notably, the appressoria did not produce an appressorial cone surrounding the penetration pore. Infection vesicles were found in epidermal cells 96 h.a.i. The same fungal structures were found in epidermal and parenchymal cells of the host 120 h.a.i. Colonization strategy of C. gloeosporioides on guava fruit was intracellular hemibiotrophic.
BACKGROUND: Patients following solid organ transplantation have an increased risk of developing de novo bladder tumors, but their biology is poorly characterized. METHODS: We studied 1743 patients who underwent a transurethral resection of a newly diagnosed bladder tumor at a single institution. The histopathology, treatment, recurrence-free survival and overall survival were evaluated and compared between transplant and non-transplant patients. RESULTS: We identified 74 transplant patients who developed a de novo bladder tumor after a median post-transplantation interval of 62 months. The tumor was malignant in 29 patients (39 %). The most common benign lesion was nephrogenic adenoma (84 %), which neither coexisted with nor developed into malignant tumors during follow-up. Compared with non-transplant patients (n = 1669), transplant patients were significantly younger (median 55 vs 69 years, P < 0.001) and had a 9.0-fold higher odds of benign tumors (P < 0.001), while there were no differences in pathology among patients with urothelial carcinoma of the bladder (UCB). In a multivariable analysis for non-muscle-invasive UCB that was adjusted for the risk group, patients with a transplant had a 1.8-fold increased risk of recurrence (P = 0.048). Four of five transplant patients did not respond to Bacillus Calmette-Guérin instillations. There were no differences in overall survival after radical cystectomy (P = 0.87). CONCLUSIONS: The majority of bladder tumors in transplant patients are benign, and they neither coexist with nor develop into malignant tumors. Transplant patients with non-muscle-invasive UCB show an increased risk of disease recurrence, while those treated with radical cystectomy have similar outcomes to patients without a transplant.
Keratoacanthoma (KA) are common but exceptional benign tumors, often appearing on sun-exposed areas of light skinned people and showing spontaneous resolution. The goal of this study was to review existing literature, to point out the etiological complexity of KA biology and to answer the controversial debate if or not KA is a distinct entity or a variant of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Relying on recent results, we highlight that KA is an individual lesion with a unique molecular signature caused by alterations in the TGFβ signalling pathway. These recent findings will help to understand the nature of KA and to develop new reliable diagnostic tools, simplifying the discrimination of the histologically similar KA and SCC.
The presence of anti leptospiral agglutinins (microscopic agglutination test - MAT) and DNA of leptospires was investigated in the kidney and urine (Polymerase Chain Reaction - PCR) in samples collected at the time of slaughter of cattle originating from the dairy basin of Parnaíba, Piauí, Brazil, as also the lesions in kidney, lung, liver, uterus, ovary and placenta (histopathology and immunohistochemistry). In the MAT, Hardjo was the predominant serovar with the highest number of reagent animals for the strain Hardjobovis/Sponselee. Anti-leptospiral antigens were scored in epithelial cells, interstitial vascular endothelium, endothelium of glomerular capillaries and Bowman's capsule of 20 positive animals. Inflammatory cells were more common in the kidney. PCR was positive in urine and kidney tissue
The standard method for detection of bovine tuberculosis (TB) is the single intradermal tuberculin test (SITT). Nevertheless, current studies suggest that a single test is not enough to detect all cattle infected by TB, particularly when animals present different stages of infection. A dairy herd comprised of 270 cows was studied and 15 were reactive to SITT plus nine inconclusive animals. Blood samples (for IFN and ELISA) were collected from these 24 cows. At 30 days after injection of PPD, all the cows that were reactive to any of the employed tests were slaughtered, and tissues were processed by Bacteriology, Histopathology (HP) and PCR. According to HP 33.4% of the animals were positive, 45.8% inconclusive and 20.8% were negative. The inconclusive samples came from IFN positive animals, signalizing recent infection. Regarding the animals that were negative to HP, all of them were identified by IFN while ELISA was negative. Immune responses are different in recent and advanced infections, what supports the identification between chronically or recently infected animals. This multidisciplinary approach is mandatory for the interpretation of the various tools that are frequently employed for the diagnosis of TB and mainly to identify all infected animals.
The purpose of this study was to investigate histological changes in dairy cows' hooves with or without injuries from naturally acquired laminitis. Cull cows with no clinical signs of hoof abnormalities (G1, n=9) and those with macroscopic lesions associated with laminitis without (G2, n=23) or with lameness (G3, n=7) were used in the study. After slaughter, samples of dermo-epidermal junctions of sole, axial and dorsal regions of the hoof were obtained and histologically processed using HE and PAS staining. Congestion, hemorrhage and inflammatory infiltrate in the dermis of sole, axial and dorsal regions were blindly and semiquantitatively evaluated by the same researcher. Inflammatory infiltrate was evaluated in the dermal laminae of axial and dorsal regions. The morphology of epidermal cells and the presence of irregularities in three regions of the basement membrane (BM) length were examined using PAS staining. Scores of lesions in different regions of the hoof in the same group and in different groups for each region of the hoof were compared using non-parametric analyses. Inflammatory infiltrate in the dermis of all regions of the hoof was detected in all groups with no significant statistical difference. Cows with no clinical signs of hoof abnormalities secondary to laminitis (G1) have inflammation scores and epidermal cell changes similar to those of groups with laminitis injuries, suggesting the existence of a prodromal phase for this disease in bovines. BM had irregularities with a variable intensity along its length, however, with no difference among groups. The pattern of BM irregularities found has not been reported so far and does not resemble the BM collapse described in horses and cattle with induced acute laminitis. Is it concluded that even in the absence of macroscopic hoof signs associated to laminitis, dairy cows have histological injuries compatible with inflammation of the dermo-epidermal junction as in affected animals. Basement membrane of cows with or without laminitis associated lesions had irregularities with an irregular distribution along its length which need to be further studied.
The purpose of this study was to establish reference values for selected ophthalmic diagnostic tests in New Zealand rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). A total of 22 adult male rabbits were used. The ophthalmic tests included evaluation of tear production with Schirmer tear test 1(STT1) and Endodontic absorbent paper point tear test (EAPPTT) using two different commercial brand materials. Applanation tonometry, Culture of the conjunctival bacterial flora, , conjunctival cytology and conjunctival histology were also performed. Mean (±SD) for STT1, EAPPTTa, EAPPTTb and IOP was 7.27±2.51mm/min, 12.43±1.69mm/min, 15.24±2.07mm/min, 12.89±2.80mm Hg, respectively. Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus sp. and Bacillus sp. were predominant. The cytological evaluation revealed the presence columnar epithelial cells, superficial squamous keratinized cells, lymphocytes, heterophils, red blood cells, mucus and bacteria. The histological analysis revealed a stratified epithelium, characterized by the presence of columnar epithelial cells with a large number of goblet cells. The reported data can be used for therapeutic or experimental purposes.
There are doubts about the presence of glycosuria and the progress of glomerular disease. Some reports suggest that glycosuria could be an index of a more severe tubulointerstitial lesion. We investigated the presence of glycosuria in 60 patients with primary glomerular diseases: 17 patients (28%) had glycosuria and 43 patients (72%) were glycosuria free. The two groups were similar in age, arterial pressure and sex. Serum creatinine was higher in patients with glycosuria (2.0 ± 1.7 vs 1.3 ± 0.9 mg/dl, P<0.05). The protein excretion rate was 7.5 ± 3.7 vs 5.3 ± 4.2 g/day (P>0.05) in patients with and without glycosuria, respectively, while serum albumin was lower in patients with glycosuria (1.7 ± 0.6 vs 2.7 ± 1.0 g/dl, P<0.05). Several histological forms were present in the group with glycosuria, with membranous glomerulonephritis being the most frequent. Histological evidence of tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis prevailed in patients with glycosuria, suggesting a poor prognosis for these patients. We may conclude that the presence of glycosuria in patients with glomerular disease is associated with more pronounced tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis and therefore imply a poorer prognosis.
Until recently, dietary sources of nucleotides were thought not to be essential for good nutrition. Certain states with higher metabolic demands may require larger amounts that cannot be provided by endogenous production. The objective of the present study was to determine the action of nucleotides on the recovery from lactose-induced diarrhea in weaned rats. Thirty-six weanling Fisher rats were divided into two groups. Group 1 received a standard diet and group 2 received a diet containing lactose in place of starch. On the 10th day, six animals per group were sacrificed for histopathological evaluation. The remaining animals were divided into two other subgroups, each with 6 animals, receiving a control diet, a control diet with nucleotides (0.05% adenosine monophosphate, 0.05% guanosine monophosphate, 0.05% cytidine monophosphate, 0.05% uridine monophosphate and 0.05% inosine monophosphate), a diet with lactose, and a diet with lactose and nucleotides. On the 32nd day of the experiment all animals were sacrificed. Animals with diarrhea weighed less than animals without diarrhea. The introduction of nucleotides did not lead to weight gain. Mean diet consumption was lower in the group that continued to ingest lactose, with the group receiving lactose plus nucleotides showing a lower mean consumption. Animals receiving lactose had inflammatory reaction and deposits of periodic acid-Schiff-positive material in intestinal, hepatic and splenic tissues. The introduction of nucleotides led to an improvement of the intestinal inflammatory reaction. In lactose-induced diarrhea, when the stimulus is maintained - lactose overload - the nucleotides have a limited action on the weight gain and on recovery of intestinal morphology, although they have a protective effect on hepatic injury and improve the inflammatory response.
The participation of regulatory T (Treg) cells in B cell-induced T cell tolerance has been claimed in different models. In skin grafts, naive B cells were shown to induce graft tolerance. However, neither the contribution of Treg cells to B cell-induced skin tolerance nor their contribution to the histopathological diagnosis of graft acceptance has been addressed. Here, using male C57BL/6 naive B cells to tolerize female animals, we show that skin graft tolerance is dependent on CD25+ Treg cell activity and independent of B cell-derived IL-10. In fact, B cells from IL-10-deficient mice were able to induce skin graft tolerance while Treg depletion of the host inhibited 100% graft survival. We questioned how Treg cell-mediated tolerance would impact on histopathology. B cell-tolerized skin grafts showed pathological scores as high as a rejected skin from naive, non-tolerized mice due to loss of skin appendages, reduced keratinization and mononuclear cell infiltrate. However, in tolerized mice, 40% of graft infiltrating CD4+ cells were FoxP3+ Treg cells with a high Treg:Teff (effector T cell) ratio (6:1) as compared to non-tolerized mice where Tregs comprise less than 8% of total infiltrating CD4 cells with a Treg:Teff ratio below 1:1. These results render Treg cells an obligatory target for histopathological studies on tissue rejection that may help to diagnose and predict the outcome of a transplanted organ.
The present study is the first comprehensive approach towards histopathology of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) in Penaeus indicus. WSSV could be demonstrated in the nuclei of all tissues, except those of midgut, subjected of electron microscopic observation. They were the nuclei of gill, foregut, heart, hepatopancreatic connective tissue, hindgut, nerve and dorsal aorta. A comparison was made between the electron microscopic and histopathological observations and a greater degree of correlation between the two in depicting the severity of the infection of the infection was unraveled. The study also illustrated variations in response and susceptibility of various tissues to WSSV infection. Accordingly, out of the tissues investigated, gill, foregut, hindgut and dorsal aorta exhibited advanced viral multiplication than the other tissues such as heart, midgut, nerve and hepatopancreas. Even though hepatocytes were not infected the connective tissue nuclei were packed with virions.
Se estimó la sensibilidad y especificidad de la citología de impresión como prueba diagnóstica en lesiones conjuntivales clínicamente sospechosas de neoplasia usando como patrón de oro la patología. Se estudiaron 60 pacientes, que ingresaron al azar a la Fundación Oftalmológica Nacional, con diagnóstico clínico de neoplasia de superficie ocular o lesión sospechosa de neoplasia, quienes fueron sometidos a citología de impresión y posterior resección quirúrgica completa, más estudio patológico de la lesión. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo, analizando la sensibilidad y la especificidad con el método clásico y análisis bayesiano.