948 resultados para Histograms of Oriented Gradients


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Following the success achieved in previous research projects usin non-destructive methods to estimate the physical and mechanical aging of particle and fibre boards, this paper studies the relationships between aging, physical and mechanical changes, using non-destructive measurements of oriented strand board (OSB). 184 pieces of OSB board from a French source were tested to analyze its actual physical and mechanical properties. The same properties were estimated using acoustic non-destructive methods (ultrasound and stress wave velocity) during a physical laboratory aging test. Measurements were recorded of propagation wave velocity with the sensors aligned, edge to edge, and forming an angle of 45 degrees, with both sensors on the same face of the board. This is because aligned measures are not possible on site. The velocity results are always higher in 45 degree measurements. Given the results of statistical analysis, it can be concluded that there is a strong relationship between acoustic measurements and the decline in physical and mechanical properties of the panels due to aging. The authors propose several models to estimate the physical and mechanical properties of board, as well as their degree of aging. The best results are obtained using ultrasound, although the difference in comparison with the stress wave method is not very significant. A reliable prediction of the degree of deterioration (aging) of board is presented.


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During embryonic development, formation of individual vertebrae requires that the paraxial mesoderm becomes divided into regular segmental units known as somites. Somites are sequentially formed at the anterior end of the presomitic mesoderm (PSM) resulting from functional interactions between the oscillatory activity of signals promoting segmentation and a moving wavefront of tissue competence to those signals, eventually generating a constant flow of new somites at regular intervals. According to the current model for somitogenesis, the wavefront results from the combined activity of two opposing functional gradients in the PSM involving the Fgf, Wnt and retinoic acid (RA) signaling pathways. Here, I use published data to evaluate the wavefront model. A critical analysis of those studies seems to support a role for Wnt signaling, but raise doubts regarding the extent to which Fgf and RA signaling contribute to this process.


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The orientations of lines and edges are important in defining the structure of the visual environment, and observers can detect differences in line orientation within the first few hundred milliseconds of scene viewing. The present work is a psychophysical investigation of the mechanisms of early visual orientation-processing. In experiments with briefly presented displays of line elements, observers indicated whether all the elements were uniformly oriented or whether a uniquely oriented target was present among uniformly oriented nontargets. The minimum difference between nontarget and target orientations that was required for effective target-detection (the orientation increment threshold) varied little with the number of elements and their spatial density, but the percentage of correct responses in detection of a large orientation-difference increased with increasing element density. The differing variations with element density of thresholds and percent-correct scores may indicate the operation of more than one mechanism in early visual orientation-processIng. Reducing element length caused threshold to increase with increasing number of elements, showing that the effectiveness of rapid, spatially parallel orientation-processing depends on element length. Orientational anisotropy in line-target detection has been reported previously: a coarse periodic variation and some finer variations in orientation increment threshold with nontarget orientation have been found. In the present work, the prominence of the coarse variation in relation to finer variations decreased with increasing effective viewing duration, as if the operation of coarse orientation-processing mechanisms precedes the operation of finer ones. Orientational anisotropy was prominent even when observers lay horizontally and viewed displays by looking upwards through a black cylinder that excluded all possible visual references for orientation. So, gravitational and visual cues are not essential to the definition of an orientational reference frame for early vision, and such a reference can be well defined by retinocentric neural coding, awareness of body-axis orientation, or both.


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Three sites were cored on the landward slope of the Nankai margin of southwest Japan during Leg 190 of the Ocean Drilling Program. Sites 1175 and 1176 are located in a trench-slope basin that was constructed during the early Pleistocene (~1 Ma) by frontal offscraping of coarse-grained trench-wedge deposits. Rapid uplift elevated the substrate above the calcite compensation depth and rerouted a transverse canyon-channel system that had delivered most of the trench sediment during the late Pliocene (1.06-1.95 Ma). The basin's depth is now ~3000 to 3020 m below sea level. Clay-sized detritus (<2 µm) did not change significantly in composition during the transition from trench-floor to slope-basin environment. Relative mineral abundances for the two slope-basin sites average 36-37 wt% illite, 25 wt% smectite, 22-24 wt% chlorite, and 15-16 wt% quartz. Site 1178 is located higher up the landward slope at a water depth of 1741 m, ~70 km from the present-day deformation front. There is a pronounced discontinuity ~200 m below seafloor between muddy slope-apron deposits (Quaternary-late Miocene) and sandier trench-wedge deposits (late Miocene; 6.8-9.63 Ma). Clay minerals change downsection from an illite-chlorite assemblage (similar to Sites 1175 and 1176) to one that contains substantial amounts of smectite (average = 45 wt% of the clay-sized fraction; maximum = 76 wt%). Mixing in the water column homogenizes fine-grained suspended sediment eroded from the Izu-Bonin volcanic arc, the Izu-Honshu collision zone, and the Outer Zone of Kyushu and Shikoku, but the spatial balance among those contributors has shifted through time. Closure of the Central America Seaway at ~3 Ma was particularly important because it triggered intensification of the Kuroshio Current. With stronger and deeper flow of surface water toward the northeast, the flux of smectite from the Izu-Bonin volcanic arc was dampened and more detrital illite and chlorite were transported into the Shikoku-Nankai system from the Outer Zone of Japan.


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Salinity gradient power (SGP) is the energy that can be obtained from the mixing entropy of two solutions with a different salt concentration. River estuary, as a place for mixing salt water and fresh water, has a huge potential of this renewable energy. In this study, this potential in the estuaries of rivers leading to the Persian Gulf and the factors affecting it are analysis and assessment. Since most of the full water rivers are in the Asia, this continent with the potential power of 338GW is a second major source of energy from the salinity gradient power in the world (Wetsus institute, 2009). Persian Gulf, with the proper salinity gradient in its river estuaries, has Particular importance for extraction of this energy. Considering the total river flow into the Persian Gulf, which is approximately equal to 3486 m3/s, the amount of theoretical extractable power from salinity gradient in this region is 5.2GW. Iran, with its numerous rivers along the coast of the Persian Gulf, has a great share of this energy source. For example, with study calculations done on data from three hydrometery stations located on the Arvand River, Khorramshahr Station with releasing 1.91M/ energy which is obtained by combining 1.26m3 river water with 0.74 m3 sea water, is devoted to itself extracting the maximum amount of extractable energy. Considering the average of annual discharge of Arvand River in Khorramshahr hydrometery station, the amount of theoretical extractable power is 955 MW. Another part of parameters that are studied in this research, are the intrusion length of salt water and its flushing time in the estuary that have a significant influence on the salinity gradient power. According to the calculation done in conditions HWS and the average discharge of rivers, the maximum of salinity intrusion length in to the estuary of the river by 41km is related to Arvand River and the lowest with 8km is for Helle River. Also the highest rate of salt water flushing time in the estuary with 9.8 days is related to the Arvand River and the lowest with 3.3 days is for Helle River. Influence of these two parameters on reduces the amount of extractable energy from salinity gradient power as well as can be seen in the estuaries of the rivers studied. For example, at the estuary of the Arvand River in the interval 8.9 days, salinity gradient power decreases 9.2%. But another part of this research focuses on the design of a suitable system for extracting electrical energy from the salinity gradient. So far, five methods have been proposed to convert this energy to electricity that among them, reverse electro-dialysis (RED) method and pressure-retarded osmosis (PRO) method have special importance in practical terms. In theory both techniques generate the same amount of energy from given volumes of sea and river water with specified salinity; in practice the RED technique seems to be more attractive for power generation using sea water and river water. Because it is less necessity of salinity gradient to PRO method. In addition to this, in RED method, it does not need to use turbine to change energy and the electricity generation is started when two solutions are mixed. In this research, the power density and the efficiency of generated energy was assessment by designing a physical method. The physical designed model is an unicellular reverse electro-dialysis battery with nano heterogenic membrane has 20cmx20cm dimension, which produced power density 0.58 W/m2 by using river water (1 g NaCl/lit) and sea water (30 g NaCl/lit) in laboratorial condition. This value was obtained because of nano method used on the membrane of this system and suitable design of the cell which led to increase the yield of the system efficiency 11% more than non nano ones.


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Automated digital recordings are useful for large-scale temporal and spatial environmental monitoring. An important research effort has been the automated classification of calling bird species. In this paper we examine a related task, retrieval of birdcalls from a database of audio recordings, similar to a user supplied query call. Such a retrieval task can sometimes be more useful than an automated classifier. We compare three approaches to similarity-based birdcall retrieval using spectral ridge features and two kinds of gradient features, structure tensor and the histogram of oriented gradients. The retrieval accuracy of our spectral ridge method is 94% compared to 82% for the structure tensor method and 90% for the histogram of gradients method. Additionally, this approach potentially offers a more compact representation and is more computationally efficient.


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Computer Vision has seen a resurgence in the parts-based representation for objects over the past few years. The parts are usually annotated beforehand for training. We present an annotation free parts-based representation for the pedestrian using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF). We show that NMF is able to capture the wide range of pose and clothing of the pedestrians. We use a modified form of NMF i.e. NMF with sparsity constraints on the factored matrices. We also make use of Riemannian distance metric for similarity measurements in NMF space as the basis vectors generated by NMF aren't orthogonal. We show that for 1% drop in accuracy as compared to the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) representation we can achieve robustness to partial occlusion.


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The last few years have seen considerable progress in pedestrian detection. Recent work has established a combination of oriented gradients and optic flow as effective features although the detection rates are still unsatisfactory for practical use. This paper introduces a new type of motion feature, the co-occurrence flow (CoF). The advance is to capture relative movements of different parts of the entire body, unlike existing motion features which extract internal motion in a local fashion. Through evaluations on the TUD-Brussels pedestrian dataset, we show that our motion feature based on co-occurrence flow contributes to boost the performance of existing methods. © 2011 IEEE.


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Monitoring the location of resources on large scale, congested, outdoor sites can be performed more efficiently with vision tracking, as this approach does not require any pre-tagging of resources. However, the greatest impediment to the use of vision tracking in this case is the lack of detection methods that are needed to automatically mark the resources of interest and initiate the tracking. This paper presents such a novel method for construction worker detection that localizes construction workers in video frames. The proposed method exploits motion, shape, and color cues to narrow down the detection regions to moving objects, people, and finally construction workers, respectively. The three cues are characterized by using background subtraction, the histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), and the HSV color histogram. The method has been tested on videos taken in various environments. The results demonstrate its suitability for automatic initialization of vision trackers.


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[ES] El presente TFG consiste en una aplicación para la detección de personas de cuerpo entero. La idea es aplicar este detector a las continuas imágenes recogidas en tiempo real a través de una web-cam, o de un archivo con formato de vídeo que se encuentre ubicado en el propio sistema. El código está escrito en C++. Para conseguir este objetivo nos basamos en el uso conjunto de dos sistemas de detección ya existentes: primero, OpenCV, mediante un método de histograma de gradientes orientados, el cual ya proporciona propiamente un detector de personas que será aplicado a cada una de las imágenes del stream de vídeo; por otro lado, el detector facial de la librería Encara que se aplica a cada una de las detecciones de supuestas personas obtenidas en el método de OpenCV, para comprobar si hay una cara en la supuesta persona detectada. En caso de ser así, y de haber una cara más o menos correctamente situada, determinamos que es realmente una persona. Para cada persona detectada se guardan sus datos de situación en la imagen, en una lista, para posteriormente compararlos con los datos obtenidos en frames anteriores, e intentar hacer un  seguimiento de todas las personas. Visualmente se observaría como se va recuadrando cada persona con un color determinado aleatorio asignado a cada una, mientras se visualiza el vídeo. También se registra la hora y frame de aparición, y la hora y frame de salida, de cada persona detectada, quedando estos datos guardados tanto en un fichero de log, como en una base de datos. Los resultados son, bastante satisfactorios, aunque con posibilidades de mejora, ya que es un trabajo que permite combinar otras técnicas diferentes a las descritas. Debido a la complejidad de los métodos empleados se destaca la necesidad de alta capacidad de computación para poder ejecutar la aplicación en tiempo real sin ralentizaciones. 


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In this paper, we propose a fully automatic, robust approach for segmenting proximal femur in conventional X-ray images. Our method is based on hierarchical landmark detection by random forest regression, where the detection results of 22 global landmarks are used to do the spatial normalization, and the detection results of the 59 local landmarks serve as the image cue for instantiation of a statistical shape model of the proximal femur. To detect landmarks in both levels, we use multi-resolution HoG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) as features which can achieve better accuracy and robustness. The efficacy of the present method is demonstrated by experiments conducted on 150 clinical x-ray images. It was found that the present method could achieve an average point-to-curve error of 2.0 mm and that the present method was robust to low image contrast, noise and occlusions caused by implants.