974 resultados para Hip-hop (Música)


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La tesis devela la connotación sistemática y multicausal de lo que a través de la investigación se denomina como "Procesos de Territorialización de la Inseguridad Ciudadana". Mediante un estudio de caso, se pone en evidencia la apropiación y captura sostenida en el tiempo de fenómenos como la inseguridad y la criminalidad, sobre determinadas zonas o barrios urbanos que por sus características socioeconómicas, políticas, geográficas, culturales, laborales y de mercado de quienes los habitan o frecuentan, se consideran como sectores "críticos y/o vulnerables".


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El estudio sobre la juventud y su relación con prácticas realizadas en los espacios públicos, especialmente la calle, ha tenido un renovado interés durante las últimas décadas. Estos debates se han vuelto relevantes en cuanto que los jóvenes parecen ocupar un lugar primordial en las escenas cotidianas de violencia, en particular los jóvenes de sectores populares. A través de un proceso etnográfico de carácter sistemático y sostenido en el tiempo identifico y explico las distintas interacciones de los jóvenes en los espacios públicos de cuatro barrios populares, centrando el análisis en las distintas formas de negociación con los actores armados, especialmente con la policía y el paramilitarismo. Lo que argumento es que hacer presencia en los espacios públicos, especialmente en la calle, termina por constituir en una opción de vida a través de los cuales fomentan una beligerancia social y política de resistencia pero ante todo como método que les permite proponer alternativas de existencia, por demás no violentas, frente a la violencia generalizada de la policía y el paramilitarismo. El problema radica en que muchas de las expresiones de algunos jóvenes terminan por reproducir los mecanismos de violencia del que son víctimas, aspecto que es identificado, por quienes acuden a la violencia, como una forma de reclamar un lugar en la comunidad, a permitirse ser reconocidos y escuchados y a sobrevivir en medio de una simultaneidad de violencias que cotidianamente los atropella y les vulnera los derechos. La violencia de estos jóvenes es una forma de no permitir que las esperanzas se diluyan, aunque paradójicamente también les puede quitar la vida


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Desea presentar al lector un recorrido por los cuerpos del Breakdance. Es una investigación que gira alrededor del análisis histórico del Breakdance, sus orígenes y la manera en que llega a nuestra región y a nuestro país. Además se analizan los cuerpos del Breakdance en lo que he llamado un rito a los cuerpos urbanos, es decir, en lo que se conoce con el nombre de batallas. Por último se analizarán estos cuerpos dentro del contexto de talleres y desde el concepto denominado como agenciamiento corporal. El propósito de esta tesis es abrir una puerta a investigaciones más amplias sobre el tema del Breakdance en particular y de la cultura Hip Hop en general.


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En el momento en que se activa la discusión del concepto de lo juvenil y de observar las representaciones e imaginarios que acompañan a este grupo etareo de la sociedad contemporánea, empiezan a aparecer nuevas nociones sobre las diferentes autoidentificaciones que circundan a los jóvenes. En este sentido se puede entender que los jóvenes son parte de un grupo social especial, sobre el cual recaen unos privilegios económicos de tiempo y de edad, de ahí que generalmente, el joven se distingue porque en cierta forma no se ha independizado de su familia nuclear, factor que ha facilitado para ser parte de nuevas formas del consumo en las industrial culturales y de construcciones de identidad a partir del consumo musical. Desde el relacionamiento del joven con el consumo de artefactos culturales, se pueden entender las construcciones identitarias que establece bajo parámetros muy específicos, de ahí que la cultura juvenil nos lleva a entender las identidades musicales que circundan en la sociedad juvenil contemporánea, identidades que parten desde el Rap, el Hip – Hop, el Reggae hasta el Rock, el Metal y el Black Metal. Este último segmento identitario de las culturas juveniles llama la atención porque aparenta ser una construcción que contiene unos valores sociales nuevos, puesto que la música (Black Metal) que guía dicha identidad tiene el propósito de romper los estereotipos sociales, religiosos, morales y políticos. Al establecerse el Black Metal como una cultura juvenil con un alto consumo en la ciudad de Quito nos encontramos con que los jóvenes pertenecientes a esta cultura tienen una concepción de familia que deviene de una construcción tradicional de la sociedad, pero que a su vez ellos reinterpretan y se rea-propian de esta forma de ser y estar en el mundo; de ahí que la noción de familia al interior del Black Metal no se construye como una entidad que es contraria a la concepción tradicional, por el contrario contiene parámetros monógamos heterosexuales. Se advierte además que se reformulan las prácticas de la sexualidad y la importancia que se le da a las mismas en la concepción de la construcción de una familia propia que se intenta sea adaptativa y que no reprima la construcción identitaria de los futuros hijos.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Baseado na pesquisa desenvolvida junto ao rap gospel/cristão evangélico em Belém do Pará, pude reunir dados que me levaram a refletir sobre questões gerais da antropologia. Desta forma, estruturei a dissertação na perpectiva de uma compilação de ensaios que tratam da questão de como é possivel a utilização da subjetividade, na construção do texto etnográfico. Esta subjetividade (minha e de meus manos do hip hop) emerge do que chamei de experiências, ou, os encontros no campo entre pesquisador, intermediários, interlocutores e informantes. Para a exposição da análise em si, sobre este sistema cultural (rap gospel), em forma de compreensão e interpretação, me vali da analogia com a composição, produção e gravação de um cd, na verdade, é como se cada ensaio contido aqui, constituísse uma faixa do disco Palavras Sagradas, rimas e experiências: Uma tentativa de compreensão sobre cristianismo pentecostal, rap e antropologia, do mc e antropólogo Bruno “B.O.” Borda, com uma faixa bônus inclusive. O rap rap gospel/cristão evangélico proporcionou-me reflexões sobre religião, juventude e relações raciais por um lado, e epistemologia, metodologia e arte por outro, fazendo com que eu apresentasse este trabalho com vistas muito mais de incitação ao questionamento e a dúvida, no melhor estilo filosófico, mantendo o rítimo e a poesia, para propiciar uma leitura mista, que atinja parceiros antropólogos e aliados hip hoppers, no mínimo.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Direct descendant of the music of the Black Atlantic, hip hop became the spokesman of excluded minorities, for example setting up of the reunification that is geographically separated through communication. The hip hop appropriated new forms of mass communication, allowing the reworking of the story through a counter-hegemonic discourse that seeks self-knowledge and appreciation of the roots of black people. The street culture is the narrative of disenfranchised youth, generating narrative of inclusion, which gave a space of enunciation periphery enabling them to intersubjective recognition. This project aims to discuss the role of hip hop as an agent conscientizing youth peripherals in order to bring to the debate the form of identity construction around the peripheral street culture since, as an intervention that acts as a symbolic system guiding cultural practices and attitudes of these young people. Methodologically, we analyzed specific bibliographical about hip hop and literature originating from the periphery itself. Selected discography of some rap groups. They are Racionais Mc's, 509-E and DJ Hum and Thaíde that constitute the vanguard of hip hop in Brazil. We use music from rapper Emicida this while some contemporary exponents of rap, with national and international. State of São Paulo in order to demonstrate that there is similarity between the questions proposed by the hip hop and the interior of the capital, the group selected Survey. We have used also press material, raising the issue in research on the internet, periodicals include the Rolling Stones and Caros Amigos


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Research Background - Young people with negative experiences of mainstream education often display low levels of traditional academic achievement. These young people tend to display considerable cultural and social resources developed through their repeated experiences of adversity. Education research has a duty to provide these young people with opportunities to showcase, assess and translate their social and cultural resources into symbolic forms of capital. This creative work addresses the following research question. How can educators develop disengaged teenager's social and cultural capital through live music performances? Research Contribution - These live music performances afford the young participants opportunities to display their artistic, technical, social and cultural resources through a popular cultural format. In doing so they require education institutions to provide venues that demonstrate the skills these young people acquire through flexible learning environments. The new knowledge derived from this research focuses on the academic and self confidence benefits for disengaged young people using festival performances as authentic learning activities. Research Significance - This research is significant because it aims to maximise the number of tangible outcomes related to a school-based arts project. The young participants gained technical, artistic, social and commercial skills during this project. This performance led to more recording and opportunities to perform at other youth festivals in SE QLD. Individual performances were distributed and downloaded via creative commons licences at the Australian Creative Resource Archive. It also contributed to their certified qualifications and acted as pilot research data for two competitively funded ARC grants (DP0209421 & LP0883643)


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Research Background - Young people with negative experiences of mainstream education often display low levels of traditional academic achievement. These young people tend to display considerable cultural and social resources developed through their repeated experiences of adversity. Education research has a duty to provide these young people with opportunities to showcase, assess and translate their social and cultural resources into symbolic forms of capital. This creative work addresses the research question, how can educators maximise the social and cultural capital they help young people acquire through live music performances and studio recordings? Research Contribution - This live music performance, built on existing artistic reputations of the artists, saw the lads support one of their local heroes from Brisbane Hip Hop music scene. In doing so they showcased what their three years of concerted musical engagement can achieve within supportive flexible learning environments. The new knowledge derived from this research focuses on the academic and self confidence benefits for disengaged young people using festival performances as authentic learning activities. Research Significance - This research is significant because it aims to maximise the number of tangible outcomes related to a school-based arts project. The young participants gained technical, artistic, social and commercial status during this project. Individual performances were distributed and downloaded via creative commons licences at the Australian Creative Resource Archive. This performance also contributed to their certified qualifications and acted as pilot research data for two competitively funded ARC grants (DP0209421 & LP0883643)


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How does a digitally mediated environment work towards the ongoing support of the Hip Hop landscape present in the work of Jonzi D productions UK National Tour of "Markus the Sadist"


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This book examines different aspects of Asian popular culture, including films, TV, music, comedy, folklore, cultural icons, the Internet and theme parks. It raises important questions such as – What are the implications of popularity of Asian popular culture for globalization? Do regional forces impede the globalizing of cultures? Or does the Asian popular culture flow act as a catalyst or conveying channel for cultural globalization? Does the globalization of culture pose a threat to local culture? It addresses two seemingly contradictory and yet parallel processes in the circulation of Asian popular culture: the interconnectedness between Asian popular culture and western culture in an era of cultural globalization that turns subjects such as Pokémon, Hip Hop or Cosmopolitan into truly global phenomena, and the local derivatives and versions of global culture that are necessarily disconnected from their origins in order to cater for the local market. It thereby presents a collective argument that, whilst local social formations, and patterns of consumption and participation in Asia are still very much dependent on global cultural developments and the phenomena of modernity, yet such dependence is often concretized, reshaped and distorted by the local media to cater for the local market. Contents: Introduction: Asian Popular Culture: The Global (Dis)continuity Anthony Y.H. Fung Part 1: The Dominance of Global Continuity: Cultural Localization and Adaptation 1. One Region, Two Modernities: Disneyland in Tokyo and Hong Kong Micky Lee and Anthony Y.H. Fung 2. Comic Travels: Disney Publishing in the People’s Republic of China Jennifer Altehenger 3. When Chinese Youth Meet Harry Potter: Translating Consumption and Middle Class Identification John Nguyet Erni 4.New Forms of Transborder Visuality in Urban China: Saving Face for Magazine Covers Eric Kit-Wai Ma 5. Cultural Consumption and Masculinity: A Case Study of GQ Magazine Covers in Taiwan Hong-Chi Shiau Part 2: Global Discontinuity: The Local Absorption of Global Culture 6. An Unlocalized and Unglobalized Subculture: English Language Independent Music in Singapore Kai Khiun Liew and Shzr Ee Tan 7. The Localized Production of Jamaican Music in Thailand Viriya Sawangchot 8. Consuming Online Games in Taiwan: Global Games and Local Market Lai-Chi Chen 9. The Rise of the Korean Cinema in Inbound and Outbound Globalization Shin Dong Kim Part 3: Cultural Domestication: A New Form of Global Continuity 10. Pocket Capitalism and Virtual Intimacy: Pokémon as a Symptom of Post-Industrial Youth Culture Anne Allison 11. Playing the Global Game: Japan Brand and Globalization Kukhee Choo Part 4: China as a Rising Market: Cultural Antagonism and Globalization 12. China’s New Creative Strategy: The Utilization of Cultural Soft Power and New Markets Michael Keane and Bonnie Liu 13. Renationalizing Hong Kong Cinema: The Gathering Force of the Mainland Market Michael Curtin


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Background Family child care homes (FCCHs) provide child care to 1.9 million children in the U.S., but many do not meet established child care standards for healthy eating and physical activity. Purpose To determine the effects of a community-based train-the-trainer intervention on FCCHs policies and practices related to healthy eating and physical activity. Design Quasi-experimental design with replication in three independent cohorts of FCCHs. Setting/participants Registered FCCHs from 15 counties across Kansas participated in the Healthy Kansas Kids (HKK) program. Resource and referral agencies (RRAs) in each county recruited and enrolled between five and 15 child care providers in their service delivery area to participate in the program. The number of registered FCCHs participating in HKK in Years 1 (2006-2007); 2 (2007-2008); and 3 (2008-2009) of the program were 85, 64, and 87, respectively. A stratified random sample of registered FCCHs operating in Kansas (n=297) served as a normative comparison group. Interventions Child care trainers from each RRA completed a series of train-the-trainer workshops related to promotion of healthy eating and physical activity. FCCHs were subsequently guided through a four-step iterative process consisting of (1) self-evaluation; (2) goal setting; (3) developing an action plan; and (4) evaluating progress toward meeting goals. FCCHs also received U. S. Department of Agriculture resources related to healthy eating and physical activity. Main outcome measures Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care (NAP SACC) self-assessment instrument (NAP SACC-SA). Analyses of outcome measures were conducted between 2008 and 2010. Results Healthy Kansas Kids FCCHs exhibited significant improvements in healthy eating (Delta=6.9%-7.1%) and physical activity (Delta=15.4%-19.2%) scores (p<0.05). Within each cohort, pre-intervention scores were not significantly different from the state average, whereas post-intervention scores were significantly higher than the state average. Conclusions Community-based train-the-trainer interventions to promote healthy eating and physical activity in FCCHs are feasible, sustainable, and effective.


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Tutkimus tarkastelee monikielisyyttä teini-ikäisten helsinkiläistyttöjen vuorovaikutuksessa. Työ kuuluu vuorovaikutuksellisen sosiolingvistiikan alaan ja keskittyy kielen leksikaaliseen tasoon. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisia monikielisiä resursseja monietnisessä nuorten tyttöjen ystäväpiirissä hyödynnetään ja millaisia funktioita niillä ryhmänsisäisessä vuorovaikutuksessa on. Tutkielman aineisto on kerätty etnografista tutkimusotetta ja osallistuvaa havainnointia hyödyntäen eräällä itähelsinkiläisellä nuorisotalolla ja koululla alkuvuodesta 2009. Aineisto koostuu vapaamuotoisissa tilanteissa tehdyistä nauhoituksista, haastatteluista ja kenttämuistiinpanoista. Tutkimuksen kohteena on kuuden yhdeksäsluokkalaisen tytön kiinteä ystäväpiiri, jonka jäsenistä neljällä on maahanmuuttajatausta, kaksi on etniseltä taustaltaan suomalaisia. Työn aluksi esittelen tutkimuksen kannalta keskeisiä tieteellisiä viitekehyksiä ja termejä. Työ asettuu sosiolingvistiikan ja keskustelunanalyysin risteyskohtaan sekä kaksi- ja monikielisyystutkimuksen läheisyyteen. Lyhyesti käsittelen myös Helsingin puhekielen tutkimusta sekä tyylin ja identiteetin kysymyksiä. Tutkimuksessa tarkastelen aineistossa esiintyvää monenlaista monikielisyyttä ryhmänsisäisessä vuorovaikutuksessa. Näistä keskeisimpinä käsittelen maahanmuuttajien äidinkielisiä sanoja ja ilmauksia, afroamerikkalaiseen nuorisokulttuuriin ja erityisesti hip hopiin viittaavaa englannin kielen käyttöä sekä muslimityttöjen jakamana uskonnon kielenä toimivaa arabian kieltä. Kysyn myös, tulisiko tutkittavia nimittää natiivi- vai toisen kielen puhujiksi, ja miksi. Valotan väitteitäni esimerkeillä tutkittavien erilaisista suomen kielen käyttötilanteista ja rekistereistä. Työ perehtyy myös siihen, miksi monikielisiä resursseja ylipäänsä käytetään. Keskeinen monikielisiä valintoja selittävä syy on sosiaalinen orientaatio. Erityisesti nuorisokulttuurit kuten hip hop tuntuvat vaikuttavan nuorten tekemiin kielellisiin valintoihin. Ne rakentavat ja tuovat ilmi puhujan identiteettiä samaan tapaan kuin se, kuinka pukeudutaan, millaista musiikkia kuunnellaan ja kuinka aikaa vietetään. Monikieliset ainekset toimivat myös tutkitun ryhmän sisäistä kiinteyttä rakentavana keinona: ystävän äidinkielisiä ilmauksia käytetään ryhmässä taajaan. Vieraalla kielellä kiroilu toimii paitsi me-koodina keskustelussa myös tarjoaa mahdollisuuden kiltin tytön roolin rajojen koetteluun. Tyypillisesti monikielisiä resursseja hyödynnetään aineistossa silloin, kun tutkittavat viettävät aikaansa isolla porukalla musiikkia kuunnellen, vitsaillen ja tanssien. Usein näissä tilanteissa on läsnä muitakin kuin ryhmään kuuluvia nuoria; erityisesti tyttöjen ja poikien välinen vuorovaikutus kutsuu puheeseen monikielisiä aineksia. Tällaisissa tilanteissa huumorilla on taipumus ketjuuntua liioittelujaksoiksi, joissa hyödynnetään ahkeraan myös muiden kuin suomen kielen varantoja. Tutkimus osoittaa, että kielen vaihtaminen yhden tai useamman vuoron mittaiseksi ajaksi liittyy usein keskustelun osallistumiskehikon rakentamiseen ja muokkaamiseen. Selkeimpänä esimerkkinä tästä on koodinvaihto kahden kielen välillä silloin, kun vain puhuja ja puhuteltavat puhuvat molempia kieliä. Tutkitut nuoret suhtautuvat uusien kielten oppimiseen ja niiden puhumiseen mutkattomasti ja hyväksyvästi. Jo muutaman sanan kokoisella kielitaidolla voidaan rakentaa yhteistä maaperää ja ilmaista solidaarisuutta muita kohtaan. Tutkimassani monietnisessä ja -kielisessä ystäväporukassa vallitseekin selkeä sosiaalinen orientaatio monikielisyyteen.