987 resultados para Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza


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Maternal antibodies protect chicks from infection with pathogens early in life and may impact pathogen dynamics due to the alteration of the proportion of susceptible individuals in a population. We investigated the transfer of maternal antibodies against avian influenza virus (AIV) in a key AIV host species, the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos). Combining observations in both the field and in mallards kept in captivity, we connected maternal AIV antibody concentrations in eggs to (i) female body condition, (ii) female AIV antibody concentration, (iii) egg laying order, (iv) egg size and (v) embryo sex. We applied maternity analysis to the eggs collected in the field to account for intraspecific nest parasitism, which is reportedly high in Anseriformes, detecting parasitic eggs in one out of eight clutches. AIV antibody prevalence in free-living and captive females was respectively 48% and 56%, with 43% and 24% of the eggs receiving these antibodies maternally. In both field and captive study, maternal AIV antibody concentrations in egg yolk correlated positively with circulating AIV antibody concentrations in females. In the captive study, yolk AIV antibody concentrations correlated positively with egg laying order. Female body mass and egg size from the field and captive study, and embryos sex from the field study were not associated with maternal AIV antibody concentrations in eggs. Our study indicates that maternal AIV antibody transfer may potentially play an important role in shaping AIV infection dynamics in mallards.


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Understanding Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) infection dynamics in wildlife is crucial because of possible virus spill over to livestock and humans. Studies from the northern hemisphere have suggested several ecological and environmental drivers of AIV prevalence in wild birds. To determine if the same drivers apply in the southern hemisphere, where more irregular environmental conditions prevail, we investigated AIV prevalence in ducks in relation to biotic and abiotic factors in south-eastern Australia. We sampled duck faeces for AIV and tested for an effect of bird numbers, rainfall anomaly, temperature anomaly and long-term ENSO (El-Niño Southern Oscillation) patterns on AIV prevalence. We demonstrate a positive long term effect of ENSO-related rainfall on AIV prevalence. We also found a more immediate response to rainfall where AIV prevalence was positively related to rainfall in the preceding 3-7 months. Additionally, for one duck species we found a positive relationship between their numbers and AIV prevalence, while prevalence was negatively or not affected by duck numbers in the remaining four species studied. In Australia largely non-seasonal rainfall patterns determine breeding opportunities and thereby influence bird numbers. Based on our findings we suggest that rainfall influences age structures within populations, producing an influx of immunologically naïve juveniles within the population, which may subsequently affect AIV infection dynamics. Our study suggests that drivers of AIV dynamics in the northern hemisphere do not have the same influence at our south-east Australian field site in the southern hemisphere due to more erratic climatological conditions.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Heterogeneity in the transmission rates of pathogens across hosts or environments may produce disease hotspots, which are defined as specific sites, times or species associations in which the infection rate is consistently elevated. Hotspots for avian influenza virus (AIV) in wild birds are largely unstudied and poorly understood. A striking feature is the existence of a unique but consistent AIV hotspot in shorebirds (Charadriiformes) associated with a single species at a specific location and time (ruddy turnstone Arenaria interpres at Delaware Bay, USA, in May). This unique case, though a valuable reference, limits our capacity to explore and understand the general properties of AIV hotspots in shorebirds. Unfortunately, relatively few shorebirds have been sampled outside Delaware Bay and they belong to only a few shorebird families; there also has been a lack of consistent oropharyngeal sampling as a complement to cloacal sampling. In this study we looked for AIV hotspots associated with other shorebird species and/or with some of the larger congregation sites of shorebirds in the old world. We assembled and analysed a regionally extensive dataset of AIV prevalence from 69 shorebird species sampled in 25 countries across Africa and Western Eurasia. Despite this diverse and extensive coverage we did not detect any new shorebird AIV hotspots. Neither large shorebird congregation sites nor the ruddy turnstone were consistently associated with AIV hotspots. We did, however, find a low but widespread circulation of AIV in shorebirds that contrast with the absence of AIV previously reported in shorebirds in Europe. A very high AIV antibody prevalence coupled to a low infection rate was found in both first-year and adult birds of two migratory sandpiper species, suggesting the potential existence of an AIV hotspot along their migratory flyway that is yet to be discovered.


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OBJECTIVE: The study of HIV-1 rapid progressors has been limited to specific case reports. Nevertheless, identification and characterization of the viral and host factors involved in rapid progression are crucial when attempting to uncover the correlates of rapid disease outcome. DESIGN: We carried out comparative functional analyses in rapid progressors (n = 46) and standard progressors (n = 46) early after HIV-1 seroconversion (≤1 year). The viral traits tested were viral replicative capacity, co-receptor usage, and genomic variation. Host CD8 T-cell responses, humoral activity, and HLA immunogenetic markers were also determined. RESULTS: Our data demonstrate an unusual convergence of highly pathogenic HIV-1 strains in rapid progressors. Compared with standard progressors, rapid progressor viral strains show higher in-vitro replicative capacity (81.5 vs. 67.9%; P = 0.025) and greater X4/DM co-receptor usage (26.3 vs. 2.8%; P = 0.006) in early infection. Limited or absent functional HIV-1 CD8 T-cell responses and neutralizing activity were measured in rapid progressors. Moreover, the increase in common HLA allele-restricted CD8 T-cell escape mutations in rapid progressors acts as a signature of uncontrolled HIV-1 replication and early impairment of adaptive cellular responses. CONCLUSION: Our data support a dominant role for viral factors in rapid progressors. Robust HIV-1 replication and intrinsic viral properties limit host adaptive immune responses, thus driving rapid disease progression.


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Background: Nigeria was one of the 13 countries where avian influenza outbreak in poultry farms was reported during the 2006 avian influenza pandemic threat and was also the first country in Africa to report the presence of H5N1influenza among its poultry population. There are multiple hypotheses on how the avian influenza outbreak of 2006 was introduced to Nigeria, but the consensus is that once introduced, poultry farms and their workers were responsible for 70% of the spread of avian influenza virus to other poultry farms and the population. ^ The spread of avian influenza has been attributed to lack of compliance by poultry farms and their workers with poultry farm biosecurity measures. When poultry farms fail to adhere to biosecurity measures and there is an outbreak of infectious diseases like in 2006, epidemiological investigations usually assess poultry farm biosecurity—often with the aid of a questionnaire. Despite the importance of questionnaires in determining farm compliance with biosecurity measures, there have been few efforts to determine the validity of questionnaires designed to assess poultry farms risk factors. Hence, this study developed and validated a tool (questionnaire) that can be used for poultry farm risk stratification in Imo State, Nigeria. ^ Methods: Risk domains were generated using literature and recommendations from agricultural organizations and the Nigeria government for poultry farms. The risk domains were then used to develop a questionnaire. Both the risk domain and questionnaire were verified and modified by a group of five experts with a research interest in Nigeria's poultry industry and/or avian influenza prevention. Once a consensus was reached by the experts, the questionnaire was distributed to 30 selected poultry farms in Imo State, Nigeria that participated in this study. Survey responses were received for all the 30 poultry farms that were selected. The same poultry farms were visited one week after they completed the questionnaires for on-site observation. Agreement among survey and observation results were analyzed using a kappa test and rated as poor, fair, moderate, substantial, or nearly perfect; and internal consistency of the survey was also computed. ^ Result: Out of the 43 items on the questionnaire, 32 items were validated by this study. The agreement between the survey result and onsite observation was analyzed using kappa test and ranged from poor to nearly perfect. Most poultry farms had their best agreements in the contact section of the survey. The least agreement was noted in the farm management section of the survey. Thirty-two questions on the survey had a coefficient alpha > 0.70, which is a robust internal consistency for the survey. ^ Conclusion: This study developed 14 risk domains for poultry farms in Nigeria and validated 32 items from the original questionnaire that contained 43 items. The validated items can be used to determine the risk of introduction and spread of avian influenza virus in poultry farms in Imo State, Nigeria. After further validations in other states, regions and poultry farm sectors in Nigeria; this risk assessment tool can then be used to determine the risk profile of poultry farms across Nigeria.^


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The x-ray structure of a complex of sialic acid (Neu5Ac) with neuraminidase N9 subtype from A/tern/Australia/G70C/75 influenza virus at 4°C has revealed the location of a second Neu5Ac binding site on the surface of the enzyme. At 18°C, only the enzyme active site contains bound Neu5Ac. Neu5Ac binds in the second site in the chair conformation in a similar way to which it binds to hemagglutinin. The residues that interact with Neu5Ac at this second site are mostly conserved in avian strains, but not in human and swine strains, indicating that it has some as-yet-unknown biological function in birds.


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Although simian/human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) strain DH12 replicates to high titers and causes immunodeficiency in pig-tailed macaques, virus loads measured in SHIVDH12-infected rhesus monkeys are consistently 100-fold lower and none of 22 inoculated animals have developed disease. We previously reported that the administration of anti-human CD8 mAb to rhesus macaques at the time of primary SHIVDH12 infection resulted in marked elevations of virus loads. One of the treated animals experienced rapid and profound depletions of circulating CD4+ T lymphocytes. Although the CD4+ T cell number partially recovered, this monkey subsequently suffered significant weight loss and was euthanized. A tissue culture virus stock derived from this animal, designated SHIVDH12R, induced marked and rapid CD4+ cell loss after i.v. inoculation of rhesus monkeys. Retrospective analyses of clinical specimens, collected during the emergence of SHIVDH12R indicated: (i) the input cloned SHIV remained the predominant virus during the first 5–7 months of infection; (ii) variants bearing only a few of the SHIVDH12R consensus changes first appeared 7 months after the administration of anti-CD8 mAb; (iii) high titers of neutralizing antibody directed against the input SHIV were detected by week 10 and persisted throughout the infection; and (iv) no neutralizing antibody against SHIVDH12R ever developed.


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Understanding avian influenza infection dynamics in wildlife is crucial because of the possibility of virus spill over to livestock and humans. There are still knowledge gaps how different ecological and environmental factors influence infection dynamics in birds. My study highlights the importance of investigating disease dynamics in Australia.


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I sottotipi H1N1, H1N2 e H3N2 di influenza A virus sono largamente diffusi nella popolazione suina di tutto il mondo. Nel presente lavoro è stato sviluppato un protocollo di sequenziamento di c.d. nuova generazione, su piattaforma Ion Torrent PGM, idoneo per l’analisi di tutti i virus influenzali suini (SIV). Per valutare l’evoluzione molecolare dei SIV italiani, sono stati sequenziati ed analizzati mediante analisi genomica e filogenetica un totale di sessantadue ceppi di SIV appartenenti ai sottotipi H1N1, H1N2 e H3N2, isolati in Italia dal 1998 al 2014. Sono stati evidenziati in sei campioni due fenomeni di riassortimento: tutti i SIV H1N2 esaminati presentavano una neuraminidasi di derivazione umana, diversa da quella dei SIV H1N2 circolanti in Europa, inoltre l’emoagglutinina (HA) di due isolati H1N2 era originata dal riassortimento con un SIV H1N1 avian-like. L’analisi molecolare dell’HA ha permesso di rivelare un’inserzione di due amminoacidi in quattro SIV H1N1 pandemici e una delezione di due aminoacidi in quattro SIV H1N2, entrambe a livello del sito di legame con il recettore cellulare. E’ stata inoltre evidenziata un’elevata omologia di un SIV H1N1 con ceppi europei isolati negli anni ’80, suggerendo la possibile origine vaccinale di questo virus. E’ stato possibile, in aggiunta, applicare il nuovo protocollo sviluppato per sequenziare un virus influenzale aviare altamente patogeno trasmesso all’uomo, direttamente da campione biologico. La diversità genetica nei SIV esaminati in questo studio conferma l’importanza di un continuo monitoraggio della costellazione genomica dei virus influenzali nella popolazione suina.


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Human infection with a novel low pathogenicity influenza A(H7N9) virus in eastern China has recently raised global public health concerns (1). The geographic sources of infection have yet to be fully clarified, and confirmed human cases from 1 province have not been linked to those from other provinces. While some studies have identified epidemiologic characteristics of subtype H7N9 cases and clinical differences between these cases and cases of highly pathogenic influenza A(H5N1), another avian influenza affecting parts of China (2–4), the spatial epidemiology of human infection with influenza subtypes H7N9 and H5N1 in China has yet to be elucidated. To test the hypothesis of co-distribution of high-risk clusters of both types of infection, we used all available data on human cases in mainland China and investigated the geospatial epidemiologic features...


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Les travaux effectués au cours de ce mémoire ont permis de développer une alternative aux vaccins présentement utilisés contre le virus de l’influenza. Nous avons utilisé la nucléoprotéine (NP) de l’influenza comme base vaccinale puisque cette protéine est conservée chez les souches d’influenza A et qu’elle possède un potentiel de protection croisée. Nous avons montré que la multimérisation de la NP grâce à un gabarit d’ARN permet d’augmenter son immunogenicité. Cette multimérisation en pseudo-nucléoparticule virale (NLP) a augmenté la réponse humorale et cellulaire spécifique à NP et l’ajout d’un adjuvant (PAL) a permis d’amplifier davantage la réponse humorale contre NP. Une dose du vaccin candidat NLP-PAL n’a pas réussi à protéger des souris contre une infection létale avec une souche homotypique d’influenza. Cependant, des résultats avec un régime de deux immunisations montrent des résultats encourageants qui permettent d’espérer une protection envers une infection virale.


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We describe the characterization of influenza A virus infection of an established in vitro model of human pseudostratified mucociliary airway epithelium (HAE). Sialic acid receptors for both human and avian viruses, alpha-2,6- and alpha-2,3-linked sialic acids, respectively, were detected on the HAE cell surface, and their distribution accurately reflected that in human tracheobronchial tissue. Nonciliated cells present a higher proportion of alpha-2,6-linked sialic acid, while ciliated cells possess both sialic acid linkages. Although we found that human influenza viruses infected both ciliated and nonciliated cell types in the first round of infection, recent human H3N2 viruses infected a higher proportion of nonciliated cells in HAE than a 1968 pandemic-era human virus, which infected proportionally more ciliated cells. In contrast, avian influenza viruses exclusively infected ciliated cells. Although a broad-range neuraminidase abolished infection of HAE by human parainfluenza virus type 3, this treatment did not significantly affect infection by influenza viruses. All human viruses replicated efficiently in HAE, leading to accumulation of nascent virus released from the apical surface between 6 and 24 h postinfection with a low multiplicity of infection. Avian influenza A viruses also infected HAE, but spread was limited compared to that of human viruses. The nonciliated cell tropism of recent human H3N2 viruses reflects a preference for the sialic acid linkages displayed on these cell types and suggests a drift in the receptor binding phenotype of the H3 hemagglutinin protein as it evolves in humans away from its avian virus precursor.


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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Analytical methods accounting for imperfect detection are often used to facilitate reliable inference in population and community ecology. We contend that similar approaches are needed in disease ecology because these complicated systems are inherently difficult to observe without error. For example, wildlife disease studies often designate individuals, populations, or spatial units to states (e.g., susceptible, infected, post-infected), but the uncertainty associated with these state assignments remains largely ignored or unaccounted for. We demonstrate how recent developments incorporating observation error through repeated sampling extend quite naturally to hierarchical spatial models of disease effects, prevalence, and dynamics in natural systems. A highly pathogenic strain of avian influenza virus in migratory waterfowl and a pathogenic fungus recently implicated in the global loss of amphibian biodiversity are used as motivating examples. Both show that relatively simple modifications to study designs can greatly improve our understanding of complex spatio-temporal disease dynamics by rigorously accounting for uncertainty at each level of the hierarchy.