985 resultados para High-shear Granulation
Analysis of the collapse of a precast r.c. industrial building during the 2012 Emilia earthquake, focus on the failure mechanisms in particular on the flexure-shear interactions. Analysis performed by a time history analysis using a FEM model with the software SAP2000. Finally a reconstruction of the collapse on the basis of the numerical data coming from the strength capacity of the elements failed, using formulation for lightly reinforced columns with high shear and bending moment.
Collagens are important platelet activators in the vascular subendothelium and vessel wall. Since the regulation of platelet activation is a key step in distinguishing normal haemostasis from pathological thrombosis, collagen interactions with platelets are important targets for pharmacological control. Platelets have two major receptors for collagens, the integrin alpha2beta1, with a major role in adhesion and platelet anchoring and the Ig superfamily member, GPVI, principally responsible for signalling and platelet activation. In addition, GPIb-V-IX, can be considered as an indirect collagen receptor acting via von Willebrand factor as bridging molecule and is essential for platelet interactions with collagen at high shear rates. There is some evidence for additional receptors, which may regulate the response to individual collagen types. This review discusses how these receptors work separately with specific agonists and proposes possible mechanisms for how they work together to regulate platelet activation by collagen, which remains controversial and poorly understood.
Specific inhibition of platelet function is a major target of anti-thrombotic drug research. Platelet receptors are both accessible and specific but have multiple functions often linked to a wide range of ligands. GPIb complex is best known as a major platelet receptor for von Willebrand factor essential for platelet adhesion under high shear conditions found in arteries and in thrombosis. Recent animal studies have supported inhibition of GPIb as a good candidate for anti-thrombotic drug development with several classes of proteins showing important specific effects and the required discrimination between roles in haemostasis and thrombosis is important to protect against bleeding complications. These include antibodies, several classes of snake venom proteins, mutant thrombin molecules and peptides affecting subunit interactions. However, due to the nature of its receptor-ligand interactions involving large protein-protein interfaces, the possibility of developing classic pharmaceutical inhibitors for long term (and perhaps oral) treatment is still unclear, and additional information about structural interactions and signalling mechanisms is essential.
BACKGROUND Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a progressive vascular disease associated with a high risk of cardiovascular morbidity and death. Antithrombotic prevention is usually applied by prescribing the antiplatelet agent aspirin. However, in patients with PAD aspirin fails to provide protection against myocardial infarction and death, only reducing the risk of ischemic stroke. Platelets may play a role in disease development, but this has not been tested by proper mechanistic studies. In the present study, we performed a systematic evaluation of platelet reactivity in whole blood from patients with PAD using two high-throughput assays, i.e. multi-agonist testing of platelet activation by flow cytometry and multi-parameter testing of thrombus formation on spotted microarrays. METHODS Blood was obtained from 40 patients (38 on aspirin) with PAD in majority class IIa/IIb and from 40 age-matched control subjects. Whole-blood flow cytometry and multiparameter thrombus formation under high-shear flow conditions were determined using recently developed and validated assays. RESULTS Flow cytometry of whole blood samples from aspirin-treated patients demonstrated unchanged high platelet responsiveness towards ADP, slightly elevated responsiveness after glycoprotein VI stimulation, and decreased responsiveness after PAR1 thrombin receptor stimulation, compared to the control subjects. Most parameters of thrombus formation under flow were similarly high for the patient and control groups. However, in vitro aspirin treatment caused a marked reduction in thrombus formation, especially on collagen surfaces. When compared per subject, markers of ADP- and collagen-induced integrin activation (flow cytometry) strongly correlated with parameters of collagen-dependent thrombus formation under flow, indicative of a common, subject-dependent regulation of both processes. CONCLUSION Despite of the use of aspirin, most platelet activation properties were in the normal range in whole-blood from class II PAD patients. These data underline the need for more effective antithrombotic pharmacoprotection in PAD.
The linear instability and breakdown to turbulence induced by an isolated roughness element in a boundary layer at Mach 2:5, over an isothermal flat plate with laminar adiabatic wall temperature, have been analysed by means of direct numerical simulations, aided by spatial BiGlobal and three-dimensional parabolized (PSE-3D) stability analyses. It is important to understand transition in this flow regime since the process can be slower than in incompressible flow and is crucial to prediction of local heat loads on next-generation flight vehicles. The results show that the roughness element, with a height of the order of the boundary layer displacement thickness, generates a highly unstable wake, which is composed of a low-velocity streak surrounded by a three-dimensional high-shear layer and is able to sustain the rapid growth of a number of instability modes. The most unstable of these modes are associated with varicose or sinuous deformations of the low-velocity streak; they are a consequence of the instability developing in the three-dimensional shear layer as a whole (the varicose mode) or in the lateral shear layers (the sinuous mode). The most unstable wake mode is of the varicose type and grows on average 17% faster tan the most unstable sinuous mode and 30 times faster than the most unstable boundary layer mode occurring in the absence of a roughness element. Due to the high growthrates registered in the presence of the roughness element, an amplification factor of N D 9 is reached within 50 roughness heights from the roughness trailing edge. The independently performed Navier–Stokes, spatial BiGlobal and PSE-3D stability results are in excellent agreement with each other, validating the use of simplified theories for roughness-induced transition involving wake instabilities. Following the linear stages of the laminar–turbulent transition process, the roll-up of the three-dimensional shear layer leads to the formation of a wedge of turbulence, which spreads laterally at a rate similar to that observed in the case of compressible turbulent spots for the same Mach number.
The design of containment walls suffering seismic loads traditionally has been realized with methods based on pseudoanalitic procedures such as Mononobe-Okabe's method, which it has led in certain occasions to insecure designs, that they have produced the ruin of many containment walls suffering the action of an earthquake. The recommendations gathered in Mononobe-Okabe's theory have been included in numerous Codes of Seismic Design. It is clear that a revision of these recommendations must be done. At present there is taking place an important review of the design methods of anti-seismic structures such as containment walls placed in an area of numerous earthquakes, by means of the introduction at the beginning of the decade of 1990 the Displacement Response Spectrum (DRS) and the Capacity Demand Diagram (CDD) that suppose an important change in the way of presenting the Elastic Response Spectrum (ERS). On the other hand in case of action of an earthquake, the dynamic characteristics of a soil have been referred traditionally to the speed of the shear waves that can be generated in a site, together with the characteristics of plasticity and damping of the soil. The Principle of the energy conservation explains why a shear upward propagating seismic wave can be amplified when travelling from a medium with high shear wave velocity (rock) to other medium with lower velocity (soil deposit), as it happened in the earthquake of Mexico of 1985. This amplification is a function of the speed gradient or of the contrast of impedances in the border of both types of mediums. A method is proposed in this paper for the design of containment walls in different soils, suffering to the action of an earthquake, based on the Performance-Based Seismic Design.
The Lapeyre-Triflo FURTIVA valve aims at combining the favorable hemodynamics of bioprosthetic heart valves with the durability of mechanical heart valves (MHVs). The pivoting region of MHVs is hemodynamically of special interest as it may be a region of high shear stresses, combined with areas of flow stagnation. Here, platelets can be activated and may form a thrombus which in the most severe case can compromise leaflet mobility. In this study we set up an experiment to replicate the pulsatile flow in the aortic root and to study the flow in the pivoting region under physiological hemodynamic conditions (CO = 4.5 L/min / CO = 3.0 L/min, f = 60 BPM). It was found that the flow velocity in the pivoting region could reach values close to that of the bulk flow during systole. At the onset of diastole the three valve leaflets closed in a very synchronous manner within an average closing time of 55 ms which is much slower than what has been measured for traditional bileaflet MHVs. Hot spots for elevated viscous shear stresses were found at the flanges of the housing and the tips of the leaflet ears. Systolic VSS was maximal during mid-systole and reached levels of up to 40 Pa.
This paper deals with the evolution of the state of dispersion of organically modified montmorillonites in epoxy or amine precursors. The epoxy prepolymer is a diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA) and the curing agent is an aliphatic diamine with a polyoxypropylene backbone (Jeffamine D2000). The clay dispersion is evaluated at the platelet scale (nanoscopic scale) from X-ray spectrometry [wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)] and at the aggregates scale (microscopic scale) from rheological analysis. The organoclays used form gels in the monomers above the percolation threshold if no shear is applied and present a mechanical gel/sol transition when shear stress increases. Gel strength and viscosity at high shear rates are linked to the nanometric state of dispersion and reveal the existence of two different organizations depending on organoclay/monomer interactions: (i) When the clay shows good interactions with the monomer, a significant swelling of the clay galleries by the monomer is obtained. These swollen particles lead to formation of weak gels which after shearing give high relative viscosity fluids. (ii) When the clay develops poor interactions with the monomer, the clay tends to reduce its exchange surface with the monomer and leads to a strongly connected gel. Shear breaks down this physical network leading to a very low relative viscosity fluid composed of nonswollen particles keeping a high aspect ratio. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
The Jameson Cell is a high intensity flotation device, which utilises induced air from the atmosphere. It was developed jointly by Mount Isa Mines and Professor Graeme Jameson of the University of Newcastle in the 1980s. It is proven to generate fine bubbles, in the order of 300 to 500 µm, in a high intensity, high shear and compact zone contained in the downcomer. This aerated mixture exits the downcomer into the pulp zone, which is the quiescent mineral and gangue separation zone. A number of Australian base metal flotation circuits feature a reverse flotation stage at the head of the circuit. Testwork and plant operating data has shown that the use of a Jameson Cell in the prefloat cleaner application has further improved prefloat gangue recovery and selectivity. Operation of a Jameson Cell in a carbonaceous/pyrite prefloat cleaner duty at the Mt Isa copper concentrator increased copper recovery and reduced pyrite in the copper concentrate. Testwork at Zinifex Century Zinc Mine showed a decrease in zinc losses by the utilisation of Jameson Cell prefloat cleaner. Appraisal of a Jameson Cell in a scalping role within the Mt Isa Copper Concentrator indicated significant benefits could be achieved.
Alginate is widely used as a viscosity enhancer in many different pharmaceutical formulations. The aim of this thesis is to quantitatively describe the functions of this polyelectrolyte in pharmaceutical systems. To do this the techniques used were Viscometry, Light Scattering, Continuous and Oscillatory Shear Rheometry, Numerical Analysis and Diffusion. Molecular characterization of the Alginate was carried out using Viscometry and Light Scattering to determine the molecular weight, the radius of gyration, the second virial coefficient and the Kuhn statistical segment length. The results showed good agreement with similar parameters obtained in previous studies. By blending Alginate with other polyelectrolytes, Xanthan Gum and 'Carbopol', in various proportions and with various methods of low and high shear preparation, a very wide range of dynamic rheological properties was found. Using oscillatory testing, the parameters often varied over several decades of magnitude. It was shown that the determination of the viscous and elastic components is particularly useful in describing the rheological 'profiles' of suspending agent blends and provides a step towards the non-empirical formulation of pharmaceutical disperse systems. Using numerical analysis of equations describing planar diffusion, it was shown that the analysis of drug release profiles alone does not provide unambiguous information about the mechanism of rate control. These principles were applied to the diffusion of Ibuprofen in Calcium Alginate gels. For diffusion in such non-Newtonian systems, emphasis was placed on the use of the elastic as well as the viscous component of viscoelasticity. It was found that the diffusion coefficients were relatively unaffected by increases in polymer concentration up to 5 per cent, yet the elasticities measured by oscillatory shear rheometry were increased. This was interpreted in the light of several theories of diffusion in gels.
Liposomes offer an ideal platform for the delivery of subunit vaccines, due to their versatility and flexibility, which allows for antigen as well as immunostimulatory lipids and TLR agonists to become associated with these bilayered vesicles. Liposomes have the ability to protect vaccine antigen, as well as enhance delivery to antigen presenting cells, whilst the importance of cationic surface charge for delivery of TB subunit vaccines and formation of an ‘antigen depot’ may play a key role in boosting cell-mediated immunity and Th1 immune responses. The rational design of vaccine adjuvants requires the thorough investigation into the physicochemical characteristics that dictate the function of a liposomal adjuvant. Within this thesis, physicochemical characteristics were investigated in order to show any effects on the biodistribution profiles and the ensuing immune responses of these formulations. Initially the role of liposome charge within the formulation was investigated and subsequently their efficacy as vaccine adjuvants in combination with their biodistribution was measured to allow the role of formulation in vaccine function to be considered. These results showed that cationic surface charge, in combination with high loading of H56 vaccine antigen through electrostatic binding, was crucial in the promotion of the ‘depot-effect’ at the injection site which increases the initiation of Th1 cell-mediated immune responses that are required to offer protection against tuberculosis. To further investigate this, different methods of liposome production were also investigated where antigen incorporation within the vesicles as well as surface adsorption were adopted. Using the dehydration-rehydration (DRV) method (where liposomes are freeze-dried in the presence of antigen to promote antigen encapsulation) and the double emulsion (DE) method, a range of liposomes entrapping antigen were formulated. Variation in the liposome preparation method can lead to antigen entrapment within the delivery system which has been shown to be greater for DRV-formulated liposomes compared to their DE-counterparts. This resulted in no significant effect on the vaccine biodistribution profile, as well as not significantly altering the efficacy of cationic liposomal adjuvants. To further enhance the efficacy of these systems, the addition of TLR agonists either at the vesicle surface as well as within the delivery system has been displayed through variation in the preparation method. Anionic liposomal adjuvants have been formulated, which displayed rapid drainage from the injection site to the draining lymph nodes and displayed a reduction in measured Th1 immune responses. However, variation in the preparation method can alter the immune response profile for anionic liposomal adjuvants with a bias in immune response to Th2 responses being noted. Through the use of high shear mixing and stepwise incorporation, the efficient loading of TLR agonist within liposomes has been shown. However, interestingly the conjugation between lipid and non-electrostatically bound TLR agonist, followed by insertion into the bilayer of DDA/TDB resulted in localised agonist retention at the injection site and further stimulation of the Th1 immune response at the SOI, spleen and draining lymphatics as well as enhanced antibody titres.
There is currently significant interest in particle-stabilized emulsions for a variety of applications and as precursors to other materials such as micro-capsules or colloidosomes. A prerequisite for many applications is the ability to produce stable droplets with a well-controlled size. The preparation of oil-in-water (o/w) emulsions stabilized by silica colloids has been demonstrated here using membrane ulsification techniques. Emulsions were produced using both a cross-flow membrane device and a rotating membrane reactor. Under the correct conditions, highly stable emulsions with very narrow droplet size distributions can be produced. Investigations into the effects of changing the cross-flow shear rate at a fixed droplet production rate illustrate the fine control over mean droplet size that is possible with these emulsification techniques. Evidence for the importance of particle adsorption kinetics onto growing droplets prior to detachment from the membrane surface was obtained by varying the droplet production rate under fixed shear conditions. The presence of a critical surface coverage by the stabilizing particles to prevent droplet coalescence was clearly seen. Comparison with samples produced using conventional high-shear homogenization highlights the improved control over size distribution available from these membrane techniques.
Cell exclusion is the phenomenon whereby the hematocrit and viscosity of blood decrease in areas of high stress. While this is well known in naturally occurring Poiseuille flow in the human body, it has never previously been shown in Couette flow, which occurs in implantable devices including blood pumps. The high-shear stresses that occur in the gap between the boundaries in Couette flow are known to cause hemolysis in erythrocytes. We propose to mitigate this damage by initiating cell exclusion through the use of a spiral-groove bearing (SGB) that will provide escape routes by which the cells may separate themselves from the plasma and the high stresses in the gap. The force between two bearings (one being the SGB) in Couette flow was measured. Stained erythrocytes, along with silver spheres of similar diameter to erythrocytes, were visualized across a transparent SGB at various gap heights. A reduction in the force across the bearing for human blood, compared with fluids of comparable viscosity, was found. This indicates a reduction in the viscosity of the fluid across the bearing due to a lowered hematocrit because of cell exclusion. The corresponding images clearly show both cells and spheres being excluded from the gap by entering the grooves. This is the first time the phenomenon of cell exclusion has been shown in Couette flow. It not only furthers our understanding of how blood responds to different flows but could also lead to improvements in the future design of medical devices.
The objective of this study was to gain further understanding and elucidation of the fluid dynamic factors and flow-induced mechanisms of the thrombogenic process of platelet deposition onto, and possible subsequent embolization from, the walls of an arterial stenosis. This has been accomplished by measurement of the axial dependence of platelet deposition within a modeled arterial stenosis for a transitional flow and a completely laminar flow field. The stenotic region of the model was collagen-coated to simulate a damaged endothelial lining of an artery. Fluid dynamics within a stenosis was studied using qualitative flow visualization, and was further compared to the in vitro platelet deposition studies. Normalized platelet density (NPD) measurements indicate decreased levels of NPD in the high shear throat region of the stenosis for a Reynolds number of 300 and a drastic increase in NPD at the throat for a Reynolds number of 175. This study provides further understanding of the flow dynamic effects on thrombus development within a stenosis. ^
Quantification of the lipid content in liposomal adjuvants for subunit vaccine formulation is of extreme importance, since this concentration impacts both efficacy and stability. In this paper, we outline a high performance liquid chromatography-evaporative light scattering detector (HPLC-ELSD) method that allows for the rapid and simultaneous quantification of lipid concentrations within liposomal systems prepared by three liposomal manufacturing techniques (lipid film hydration, high shear mixing, and microfluidics). The ELSD system was used to quantify four lipids: 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC), cholesterol, dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) bromide, and D-(+)-trehalose 6,6′-dibehenate (TDB). The developed method offers rapidity, high sensitivity, direct linearity, and a good consistency on the responses (R2 > 0.993 for the four lipids tested). The corresponding limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) were 0.11 and 0.36 mg/mL (DMPC), 0.02 and 0.80 mg/mL (cholesterol), 0.06 and 0.20 mg/mL (DDA), and 0.05 and 0.16 mg/mL (TDB), respectively. HPLC-ELSD was shown to be a rapid and effective method for the quantification of lipids within liposome formulations without the need for lipid extraction processes.