943 resultados para Hidrogen-peroxide
The effects of H2O2 were evaluated in the estuarine worm Laeonereis acuta (Polychaeta, Nereididae) collected at the Patos Lagoon estuary (Southern Brazil) and maintained in the laboratory under controlled salinity (10 psu diluted seawater) and temperature (20°C). The worms were exposed to H2O2 (10 and 50 µM) for 4, 7, and 10 days and the following variables were determined: oxygen consumption, catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase activity in both the supernatant and pellet fractions of whole body homogenates. The concentrations of non-protein sulfhydryl and lipid peroxides (LPO) were also measured. The oxygen consumption response was biphasic, decreasing after 4 days and increasing after 7 and 10 days of exposure to 50 µM H2O2 (P < 0.05). At the same H2O2 concentration, CAT activity was lower (P < 0.05) in the pellet fraction of worms exposed for 10 days compared to control. Non-protein sulfhydryl concentration and glutathione peroxidase activity were not affected by H2O2 exposure. After 10 days, LPO levels were higher (P < 0.05) in worms exposed to 50 µM H2O2 compared to control. The reduction in the antioxidant defense was paralleled by oxidative stress as indicated by higher LPO values (441% compared to control). The reduction of CAT activity in the pellet fraction may be related to protein oxidation. These results, taken together with previous findings, suggest that the worms were not able to cope with this H2O2 concentration.
Pretreatment of Escherichia coli cultures with the iron chelator 2,2’-dipyridyl (1 mM) protects against the lethal effects of low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (<15 mM). However, at H2O2 concentrations equal to or greater than 15 mM, dipyridyl pretreatment increases lethality and mutagenesis, which is attributed to the formation of different types of DNA lesions. We show here that pretreatment with dipyridyl (1 mM) prior to challenge with high H2O2 concentrations (≥15 mM) induced mainly G:C→A:T transitions (more than 100X with 15 mM and more than 250X with 20 mM over the spontaneous mutagenesis rate) in E. coli. In contrast, high H2O2 concentrations in the absence of dipyridyl preferentially induced A:T→T:A transversions (more than 1800X and more than 300X over spontaneous mutagenesis for 15 and 20 mM, respectively). We also show that in the fpg nth double mutant, the rpoB gene mutation (RifS-RifR) induced by 20 mM H2O2 alone (20X higher) was increased in 20 mM H2O2 and dipyridyl-treated cultures (110X higher), suggesting additional and/or different lesions in cells treated with H2O2 under iron deprivation. It is suggested that, upon iron deprivation, cytosine may be the main damaged base and the origin of the pre-mutagenic lesions induced by H2O2.
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of spin labels was used to monitor membrane dynamic changes in erythrocytes subjected to oxidative stress with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The lipid spin label, 5-doxyl stearic acid, responded to dramatic reductions in membrane fluidity, which was correlated with increases in the protein content of the membrane. Membrane rigidity, associated with the binding of hemoglobin (Hb) to the erythrocyte membrane, was also indicated by a spin-labeled maleimide, 5-MSL, covalently bound to the sulfhydryl groups of membrane proteins. At 2% hematocrit, these alterations in membrane occurred at very low concentrations of H2O2 (50 µM) after only 5 min of incubation at 37°C in azide phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. Lipid peroxidation, suggested by oxidative hemolysis and malondialdehyde formation, started at 300 µM H2O2 (for incubation of 3 h), which is a concentration about six times higher than those detected with the probes. Ascorbic acid and α-tocopherol protected the membrane against lipoperoxidation, but did not prevent the binding of proteins to the erythrocyte membrane. Moreover, the antioxidant (+)-catechin, which also failed to prevent the cross-linking of cytoskeletal proteins with Hb, was very effective in protecting erythrocyte ghosts from lipid peroxidation induced by the Fenton reaction. This study also showed that EPR spectroscopy can be useful to assess the molecular dynamics of red blood cell membranes in both the lipid and protein domains and examine oxidation processes in a system that is so vulnerable to oxidation.
Cookies were prepared with the replacement of 20% of wheat flour by chemically (alkaline hydrogen peroxide) and physically (extrusion) treated oat hulls, with the objective to investigate the possibility of use of this modified material. Cookies elaborated with the untreated hulls were used as control. Cookies were evaluated for their physical (spread ratio, specific volume and color) and sensory characteristics, and no difference was detected (p<0.05) among the cookies in relation to the physical properties. Triangule test, used to verify difference (p<0.05) among treated and untreated cookies, confirmed the efficiency of the treatment in sensory level. The acceptance level of cookies with treated fiber was evaluated by potential consumers of the product, obtaining 91% acceptance. The cookies presented 10.6 g of dietary fiber per 100 g of product.
Kinetics and product studies of the decompositions of allyl-t-butyl peroxide and 3-hydroperoxy- l-propene (allyl hydroperoxide ) in tolune were investigated. Decompositions of allyl-t-butyl peroxide in toluene at 130-1600 followed first order kinetics with an activation energy of 32.8 K.cals/mol and a log A factor of 13.65. The rates of decomposition were lowered in presence of the radical trap~methyl styrene. By the radical trap method, the induced decomposition at 1300 is shown to be 12.5%. From the yield of 4-phenyl-l,2- epoxy butane the major path of induced decomposition is shown to be via an addition mechanism. On the other hand, di-t-butYl peroxyoxalate induced decomposition of this peroxide at 600 proceeded by an abstraction mechanism. Induced decomposition of peroxides and hydroperoxides containing the allyl system is proposed to occur mainly through an addition mechanism at these higher temperatures. Allyl hydroperoxide in toluene at 165-1850 decomposes following 3/2 order kinetics with an Ea of 30.2 K.cals per mole and log A of 10.6. Enormous production of radicals through chain branching may explain these relatively low values of E and log A. The complexity of the reaction is indicated a by the formation of various products of the decomposition. A study of the radical attack of the hydro peroxide at lower temperatures is suggested as a further work to throw more light on the nature of decomposition of this hydroperoxide.
Re~tes artd pJ~oducts of tllerma]. d,ecom.position of sec-butyl peroxide at 110 - 150°C i.n four solvents h,ave been determined. The d,ecompos i tion vJas sb.o\'\Tn to be tlnlmolecl.llar wi tho energies of activation in toluene, benzene, and cyclohexane of 36 .7-+ 1.0, 33.2 +- 1..0, 33.t~) +.. 1.0 I'(:cal/mol respectively. The activation energy of thermal decomposition for the d,et.1terated peroxide was found to be 37.2 4:- 1.0 KC8:1/1TIol in toluene. A.bo1J.t 70 - 80/~ ol~ tJJ.e' pl~od.1..1CtS could, be explained by kn01rJ11 reactions of free allcoxy raclicals J and very littJ...e, i.f allY, disPl"Opox~tiol'lation of tll10 sec-butoxy radica.ls in t116 solvent cage could be detected. The oth,er 20 - 30% of the peroxide yielded H2 and metb.:'ll etb..yl 1{etol1e. Tl1.e yield. o:f H2 "'lIas unafJ:'ected by the nature or the viscosity of the solvent, but H2 was not formed when s-t1U202 lrJaS phctolyzed. in tolttene at 35°C nor 'tl!Jrl.en the peroxide 1;'JaS tl1.ermally o..ecoJnposed. in the gas p11ase. ~pC-Dideutero-~-butYlperoxide was prepared and decomposed in toluene at 110 - 150°C. The yield of D2 was about ·•e1ne same 248 the yield. of I{2 from s-Bu202, bU.t th.e rate of decomposition (at 135°C) 1iJas only 1/1.55 as fast. Ivlecl1.anisms fOl') J:1ydrogen produ.ction are discussed, but none satisfactorily explains all the evidence.
The kinetics and solvent effects on the thermal decomposition of isopropyl peroxide and 1, 2-dioxane
Rates of H2 formation have been determined for the thermal decomposition of isopropyl peroxide at l30o-l50oC in toluene and methanol and at l400C in isopropyl alcohol and water. Product studies have been carried out at l400C in these solvents. The decomposition of isopropyl peroxide was shown to be unimolecular with energies of activation in toluene, and methanol of 39.1, 23.08 Kcal/mole respectively. It has been shown that the rates of H2 formation in decomposition of isopropyl peroxide are solvent dependent and that the ~ vs "'2';' values (parameters for solvent polarity) givesastraight line. Mechanisms for hydrogen production are discussed which satisfactorily explain the stabilization of the six-centered transition state by the solvent. One possibility is that of conformation stabilization by solvent and the other, a transition state with sufficient ionic character to be stabilized by a polar solvent. Rates of thermal decomposition of 1,2-dioxane in tert-butylbenzene at l40o-l70oC have been determined. The activation energy was found to be 33.4 Kcal/mole. This lower activation energy, compared to that for the decomposition of isopropyl peroxide in toluene (39.1 Kcal/mole) has been explained in terms of ring strain. Decomposition of 1,2 dioxane in MeOH does not follow a first order reaction. Several mechanisms have been suggested for the products observed for decomposition of 1;2-dioxane in toluene and methanol.
Nous avons récemment démontré que les espèces réactives oxygénées induisent une augmentation de l’expression des protéines Giα dans les cellules du muscle lisse vasculaire (CMLV) provenant d’aortes de rats spontanément hypertendus (SHR, de l’anglais spontaneously hypertensive rats). La présente étude a pour but d’étudier les effets du peroxyde d’hydrogène (H2O2), un oxydant qui induit le stress oxydatif, sur l’expression de Giα et sur l’activité de l’adénylate cyclase, et d’explorer les voies de signalisation sous-jacentes responsables de cette réponse. Nos résultats montrent que H2O2 induit une augmentation de l’expression des protéines Giα-2 et Giα-3 de manière dose- et temps-dépendante avec une augmentation maximale de 40-50% à 100 µM après 1 heure, sans affecter l’expression de Gsα. L’expression des protéines Giα a été maintenue au niveau normal en presence de AG 1478, AG1295, PD98059 et la wortmannine, des inhibiteurs d’EGF-R (de l’anglais epidermal growth factor receptor), PDGFR-β (de l’anglais platelet-derived growth factor receptor β), de la voie de signalisation ras-ERK1/2 (de l’anglais extracellular regulated kinase1/2), et de la voie de la PI3Kinase-AKT (de l’anglais phosphatidyl inositol-3 kinase), respectivement. En outre, le traitement des CMLV avec H2O2 a induit une augmentation du degré de phosphorylation d’EGF-R, PDGF-R, ERK1/2 et AKT; et cette expression a été maintenue au niveau témoin par leurs inhibiteurs respectifs. Les inhibiteurs d’EGF-R et PDGF-R ont aussi induit une diminution du degré de phosphorylation de ERK1/2, et AKT/PKB. En outre, la transfection des cellules avec le siRNA (de l’anglais, small interfering ribonucleic acid) de EGF-R et PDGFR-β a atténué la surexpression des protéines Giα-2 et Giα-3 induite par le traitement au H2O2. La surexpression des protéines Giα induite par H2O2 a été corrélée avec une augmentation de la fonction de la protéine Giα. L’inhibition de l’activité de l’adénylate cyclase par de faibles concentrations de GTPγS après stimulation par la forskoline a augmenté de 20% dans les cellules traitées au H2O2. En outre, le traitement des CMLV au H2O2 a aussi accru l’inhibition de l’activité de l’adénylate cyclase par les hormones inhibitrices telles que l’angiotensine II, oxotrémorine et C-ANP4-23. D’autre part, la stimulation de l’adénylate cyclase induite par GTPγS, glucagon, isoprotérénol, forskoline, et le fluorure de sodium (NaF) a été atténuée de façon significative dans les cellules traitées au H2O2. Ces résultats suggèrent que H2O2 induit la surexpression des protéines Giα-2 and Giα-3 via la transactivation des récepteurs des facteurs de croissance EGF-R, PDGFR-β et l’activation des voies de signalisation ras-ERK1/2 et PI3K-AKT Mot-cles: Protéines Giα, peroxyde d’hydrogène, stress oxydant, récepteurs des facteurs de croissance, MAP kinases, adénylate cyclase, hypertension
Zeolite Y-encapsulated ruthenium(III) complexes of Schiff bases derived from 3-hydroxyquinoxaline-2-carboxaldehyde and 1,2- phenylenediamine, 2-aminophenol, or 2-aminobenzimidazole (RuYqpd, RuYqap and RuYqab, respectively) and the Schiff bases derived from salicylaldehyde and 1,2-phenylenediamine, 2-aminophenol, or 2-aminobenzimidazole (RuYsalpd, RuYsalap and RuYsalab, respectively) have been prepared and characterized. These complexes, except RuYqpd, catalyze catechol oxidation by H2O2 selectively to 1,2,4-trihydroxybenzene. RuYqpd is inactive. A comparative study of the initial rates and percentage conversion of the reaction was done in all cases. Turn over frequency of the catalysts was also calculated. The catalytic activity of the complexes is in the order RuYqap > RuYqab for quinoxaline-based complexes and RuYsalap > RuYsalpd > RuYsalab for salicylidene-based complexes. The reaction is believed to proceed through the formation of a Ru(V) species.
Wet peroxide oxidation (WPO) of phenol is an effective means for the production of diphenols, which are of great industrial importance. An added advantage of this method is the removal of phenol from wastewater effluents. Hydroxylation of phenol occurs efficiently over mixed iron aluminium pillared montmorillonites. An initial induction period is noticed in all cases. A thorough study on the reaction variables suggests free radical mechanism for the reaction.
La tesi doctoral presentada té com a objectius principals l'estudi de les etapes fonamentals de desintegració i flotació en un procés de destintatge de papers vell de qualitats elevades per a poder millorar l'eficàcia d'aquestes etapes clau. Conté una revisió teòrica completa i molt actualitzada del procés de desintegració i flotació tant a nivell macroscòpic com microscòpic. La metodologia de treball en el laboratori, la posada a punt dels aparells, així com les anàlisis efectuades per a valorar la resposta del procés (anàlisi de blancor, anàlisi d'imatge i anàlisi de la concentració efectiva de tinta residual) estan descrites en el capítol de material i mètodes. La posada en marxa permet obtenir unes primeres conclusions respecte la necessitat de treballar amb una matèria primera homogènia i respecte la no significació de la temperatura de desintegració dins l'interval de treball permès al laboratori (20-50°C). L'anàlisi de les variables mecàniques de desintegració: consistència de desintegració (c), velocitat d'agitació en la desintegració (N) i temps de desintegració (t), permet de discernir que la consistència de desintegració és una variable fonamental. El valor de consistència igual al 10% marca el límit d'existència de les forces d'impacte mecànic en la suspensió fibrosa. A consistències superiors, les forces viscoses i d'acceleració dominen l'etapa de desintegració. Existeix una interacció entre la consistència i el temps de desintegració, optimitzant-se aquesta darrera variable en funció del valor de la consistència. La velocitat d'agitació és significativa només per a valors de consistència de desintegració inferiors al 10%. En aquests casos, incrementar el valor de N de 800 a 1400 rpm representa una disminució de 14 punts en el factor de destintabilitat. L'anàlisi de les variables químiques de desintegració: concentració de silicat sòdic (% Na2SiO3), peròxid d'hidrogen (% H2O2) i hidròxid sòdic (% Na2OH), proporciona resultats força significatius. El silicat sòdic presenta un efecte altament dispersant corroborat per les corbes de distribució dels diàmetres de partícula de tinta obtingudes mitjançant anàlisi d'imatges. L'hidròxid sòdic també presenta un efecte dispersant tot i que no és tant important com el del silicat sòdic. Aquests efectes dispersants són deguts principalment a l'increment de les repulsions electrostàtiques que aporten a la suspensió fibrosa aquests reactius químics fent disminuir l'eficàcia d'eliminació de l'etapa de flotació. El peròxid d'hidrogen utilitzat generalment com agent blanquejant, actua en aquests casos com a neutralitzador dels grups hidroxil provinents tant del silicat sòdic com de l'hidròxid sòdic, disminuint la repulsió electrostàtica dins la suspensió. Amb l'anàlisi de les variables hidrodinàmiques de flotació: consistència de flotació (c), velocitat d'agitació durant la flotació (N) i cabal d'aire aplicat (q), s'aconsegueix la seva optimització dins el rang de treball permès al laboratori. Valors elevats tant de la velocitat d'agitació com del cabal d'aire aplicat durant la flotació permeten eliminar majors quantitats de tinta. La consistència de flotació assoleix valors òptims depenent de les condicions de flux dins la cel·la de flotació. Les metodologies d'anàlisi emprades permeten obtenir diferents factors de destintabilitat. Entre aquests factors existeix una correlació important (determinada pels coeficients de correlació de Pearson) que permet assegurar la utilització de la blancor com a paràmetre fonamental en l'anàlisi del destintatge de papers vells, sempre i quan es complementi amb anàlisis d'imatge o bé amb anàlisi de la concentració efectiva de tinta residual. S'aconsegueixen expressions empíriques tipus exponencial que relacionen aquests factors de destintabilitat amb les variables experimentals. L' estudi de les cinètiques de flotació permet calcular les constants cinètiques (kBlancor, kERIC, kSupimp) en funció de les variables experimentals, obtenint un model empíric de flotació que relacionant-lo amb els paràmetres microscòpics que afecten realment l'eliminació de partícules de tinta, deriva en un model fonamental molt més difícil d'interpretar. Mitjançant l'estudi d'aquestes cinètiques separades per classes, també s'aconsegueix determinar que l'eficàcia d'eliminació de partícules de tinta és màxima si el seu diàmetre equivalent és superior a 50 μm. Les partícules amb diàmetres equivalents inferiors a 15 μm no són eliminades en les condicions de flotació analitzades. Es pot dir que és físicament impossible eliminar partícules de tinta de diàmetres molt diferents amb la mateixa eficiència i sota les mateixes condicions de treball. El rendiment del procés analitzat en funció de l'eliminació de sòlids per l'etapa de flotació no ha presentat relacions significatives amb cap de les variables experimentals analitzades. Únicament es pot concloure que addicionar quantitats elevades de silicat sòdic provoca una disminució tant de sòlids com de matèria inorgànica presents en les escumes de flotació.
L'activació d'oxigen que té lloc en els éssers vius constitueix una font d'inspiració pel desenvolupament d'alternatives als oxidants tradicionals, considerats altament tòxics i nocius. En aquesta treball s'utilitzen compostos sintètics com a models del centre actiu de proteïnes dinuclears de coure i mononuclears de ferro de tipus no-hemo que participen en l'activació d'oxigen en els éssers vius. Els sistemes dinuclears de coure mostren un centre de tipus coure(III) bis(oxo) que és capaç de dur a terme l'ortho-hidroxilació de fenols de manera similar a la reacció que catalitza la proteïna tirosinasa. Per altra banda, els sistemes de ferro desenvolupats en aquest treball actuen com a models de les dioxigenases de Rieske i poden dur a terme l'hidroxilació estereoespecífica d'alcans i l'epoxidació i cis-dihidroxilació d'olefines utilitzant peròxid d'hidrogen com a agent oxidant. Tot plegat demostra que el desenvolupament de sistemes model constitueix una bona estratègia per l'estudi dels sistemes naturals.
The Holocene estuarine silts of the Severn Estuary Levels (southwest Britain) are representative of their kind in northwest Europe. They contain two broad types of plant material: particles codeposited with mineral grains from the estuarine water body, and extraneous debris (stems of indigenous prior plants; post depositional root matter) which is difficult to remove completely by physical means. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide before laser granulometry removes all plant material regardless of kind, drastically reduces values for the mean grain size and median size relative to untreated samples, but has little effect on the mode, except for a restricted group of bimodal-platykurtic, medium-coarse silts. It is concluded that, in the case of sediments of the general kind examined, no advantages acrue from the treatment of samples with hydrogen peroxide prior to analysis. Although a discrete rather than continuous variable, values of the mode obtained from untreated sediments are suggested to be acceptable for most purposes where a measure of central tendency is required.
Recently. Carter and Handy [J. Chem. Phys. 113 (2000) 987] have introduced the theory of the reaction path Hamiltonian (RPH) [J. Chem. Phys. 72 (1980) 99] into the variational scheme MULTIMODE, for the calculation of the J = 0 vibrational levels of polyatomic molecules, which have a single large-amplitude motion. In this theory the reaction path coordinate s becomes the fourth dimension of the moment-of-inertia tensor, and must be treated separately from the remaining 3N - 7 normal coordinates in the MULTIMODE program. In the modified program, complete integration is performed over s, and the M-mode MULTIMODE coupling approximation for the evaluation of the matrix elements applies only to the 3N - 7 normal coordinates. In this paper the new algorithm is extended to the calculation of rotational-vibration energy levels (i.e. J > 0) with the RPH, following from our analogous implementation for rigid molecules [Theoret. Chem. Acc. 100 (1998) 191]. The full theory is given, and all extra terms have been included to give the exact kinetic energy operator. In order to validate the new code, we report studies on hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), where the reaction path is equivalent to torsional motion. H2O2 has previously been studied variationally using a valence coordinate Hamiltonian; complete agreement for calculated rovibrational levels is obtained between the previous results and those from the new code, using the identical potential surface. MULTIMODE is now able to calculate rovibrational levels for polyatomic molecules which have one large-amplitude motion. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.