259 resultados para Heterotopic ossification


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A new species of Trichomycterus is described for the rio Iguaçu drainage in Southern Brazil. Trichomycterus igobi, new species, is readily distinguishable from all other species currently in the genus by its extremely large head (23.8-26.8 % SL), which is proportionally the largest head in any Trichomycteridae. That characteristic plus the relatively deep body result in a very short-bodied overall aspect, the most extremely such case in the genus Trichomycterus. Other diagnostic features that distinguish the new species from most or all of its congeners include a short caudal peduncle (15.4-19.7 % SL); an almost entirely cartilaginous second hypobranchial (with only vestigial ossification); a mesial expanded palatine ossification; a narrow cleithrum, falciform in shape; and the lack of a proximal posterior concavity on the third ceratobranchial. The new species seems to form a monophyletic group with T. stawiarski and other undescribed species (T. sp. C), also endemic to the rio Iguaçu. As putative synapomorphies, the three species share a rigid spine-like morphology of individual procurrent caudal-fin rays, an extended area of dorsal caudal-fin procurrent rays, and numerous branchiostegal rays (ten or eleven).


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Estudou-se a ossificação endocontral de 18 embriões e 12 fetos de até três meses de gestação, os quais foram coletados de úteros gestantes em frigoríficos e abatedouros. Os úteros foram dissecados e, em seguida, realizou-se uma incisão dorsal até o cérvix para avaliações macroscópicas dos embriões e fetos. Para o estudo microscópico foram realizadas técnicas de inclusão, seguidas de marcação dos depósitos de cálcio e fósforo, responsável pela ossificação dos moldes de cartilagem. Foram identificados hipertrofia da cartilagem e morte dos condrócitos e aumento da área de depósito de cálcio e fósforo, por volta da 10ª semana gestacional (74 dias). Durante a 11ª semana de gestação (81 dias), os grupamentos de carbonato de cálcio e fósforo espalharam-se por todo o osso, sendo mais intenso na diáfise.


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We have characterized the kinetic properties of ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 1 (E-NTPDase1) from rat osseous plate membranes. A novel finding of the present study is that the solubilized enzyme shows high- and low-affinity sites for the substrate in contrast with a single substrate site for the membrane-bound enzyme. In addition, contrary to the Michaelian chraracteristics of the membrane-bound enzyme, the site-site interactions after solubilization with 0.5% digitonin plus 0.1% lysolecithin resulted in a less active ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase, showing activity of about 398.3 nmol Pi min(-1) mg(-1). The solubilized enzyme has M(r) of 66-72 kDa, and its catalytic efficiency was significantly increased by magnesium and calcium ions; but the ATP/ADP activity ratio was always < 2.0. Partial purification and kinetic characterization of the rat osseous plate E-NTPDase1 in a solubilized form may lead to a better understanding of a possible function of the enzyme as a modulator of nucleotidase activity or purinergic signaling in matrix vesicle membranes. The simple procedure to obtain the enzyme in a solubilized form may also be attractive for comparative studies of particular features of the active sites from this and other ATPases.


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Tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP), present on the surface of chondrocyte- and osteoblast-derived matrix vesicles (MVs), plays key enzymatic functions during endochondral ossification. Many studies have shown that MVs are enriched in TNAP and also in cholesterol compared to the plasma membrane. Here we have studied the influence of cholesterol on the reconstitution of TNAP into dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC)-liposomes, monitoring the changes in lipid critical transition temperature (T(c)) and enthalpy variation (Delta H) using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). DPPC-liposomes revealed a T(c) of 41.5 degrees C and Delta H of 7.63 Kcal mol(-1). The gradual increase in cholesterol concentration decrease Delta H values, reaching a Delta H of 0.87 Kcal mol(-1) for DPPC: cholesterol system with 36 mol% of cholesterol. An increase in T(c), up to 47 degrees C for the DPPC:cholesterol liposomes (36 mol% of Chol), resulted from the increase in the area per molecule in the gel phase. TNAP (0.02 mg/mL) reconstitution was done with protein:lipid 1:10,000 (molar ratio), resulting in 85% of the added enzyme being incorporated. The presence of cholesterol reduced the incorporation of TNAP to 42% of the added enzyme when a lipid composition of 36 mol% of Chol was used. Furthermore, the presence of TNAP in proteoliposomes resulted in a reduction in Delta H. The gradual proportional increase of cholesterol in liposomes results in broadening of the phase transition peak and eventually eliminates the cooperative gel-to-liquid-crystalline phase transition of phospholipids bilayers. Thus, the formation of microdomains may facilitate the clustering of enzymes and transporters known to be functional in MVs during endochondral ossification. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Anorectal transplantation is a valid procedure for the treatment of anorectal dysfunction; however, the lack of a suitable animal model has hampered the development of this method. We describe a simple technique for anorectal transplantation in the rat and compare this procedure with colostomy. The anorectal segment including the skin surrounding the anus were freed by abdominal and perineal dissection. In a heterotopically transplanted group the segment was exteriorized by the formation of an anus through an abdominal incision. In an orthotopically transplanted group the segment was replaced in its original position and reimplanted by suturing. In another group a distal colostomy was performed. A sham-treated control group (simulated surgical procedure) was also included. Changes in behavior, characteristics of the stool, body weight and survival rate were assessed by daily clinical examination. Moribund animals, those with a weight loss of more than 30%, and those surviving at 1 month were killed by an overdose of anesthetic. The results were analyzed using the Mann Whitney, Student`s t and chi-squared tests, and p < 0.05 was considered significant. Within 4 days after the operation, animals submitted to orthotopic or heterotopic transplantation had achieved normal defecation, body weight gain and clinical evolution similar to the sham-treated group. The overall mortality in these groups was 4.16%. In contrast, colostomized animals showed a high incidence of diarrhea, intestinal obstruction, stress posture and violent behavior (pa parts per thousand currency sign0.05), and a mortality rate of 58.33%. Autotransplantation in the rat is a simple technique, achieves a high rate of success and better clinical evolution than colostomy. This model may ultimately lead to research into anorectal transplantation.


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Cryopreservation of parathyroid tissue is used in the surgical treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism. After surgical resection, the tissue is temporarily maintained in a cell culture solution until it arrives at the specialized laboratory where the cryopreservation process will take place. The present study evaluates the time that the human hyperplastic parathyroid gland tissue can wait before cryopreservation, based on parathyroid cell ultrastructural integrity. This prospective study included 11 patients who underwent total parathyroidectomy with heterotopic autotransplantation and cryopreservation of parathyroid tissue fragments. Part of the tissue was kept in cell culture solution at 4A degrees C. Five time periods between 2 and 24 h were defined, and parathyroid fragments were kept in the solution for that length of time. At the end of each period, the fragments were removed from the transport solution, fixed, and prepared for ultrathin sections. Of the 11 cases studied, 10 showed ultrastructural findings consistent with cellular viability in tissue fragments that remained in the transport solution up to 12 h. Electron microscopy revealed that cell adhesion and the integrity of plasma membranes, nuclei, and mitochondria were preserved in one case for up to 24 h. Changes in mitochondrial structure represented the most constant ultrastructural damage seen in the cases studied, in addition to the presence of edema and cell vacuoles. Analysis of the ultrastructure of hyperplastic parathyroid gland tissue showed that ultrastructural integrity was in most cases properly maintained in fragments stored up to 12 h in a cell culture solution at 4A degrees C.


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The Egr proteins, Egr-1, Egr-2, Egr-3 and Egr-4, are closely related members of a subclass of immediate early gene-encoded, inducible transcription factors. They share a highly homologous DNA-binding domain which recognises an identical DNA response element. In addition, they have several less-well conserved structural features in common. As immediate early proteins, the Egr transcription factors are rapidly induced by diverse extracellular stimuli within the nervous system in a discretely controlled manner. The basal expression of the Egr proteins in the developing and adult rat brain and the induction of Egr proteins by neurotransmitter analogue stimulation, physiological mimetic and brain injury paradigms is reviewed. We review evidence indicating that Egr proteins are subject to tight differential control through diverse mechanisms at several levels of regulation. These include transcriptional, translational and posttranslational (including glycosylation, phosphorylation and redox) mechanisms and protein-protein interaction. Ultimately the differentially co-ordinated Egr response may lead to discrete effects on target gene expression. Some of the known target genes of Egr proteins and functions of the Egr proteins in different cell types are also highlighted. Future directions for research into the control and function of the different Egr proteins are also explored. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Hypothesis: This study aimed to evaluate the biocompatibility of alpha-tricalcium phosphate bone cement in the obliteration of the mastoid cavity in guinea pigs. Background: Treatment with open cavity mastoidectomy can present poor functional results in chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma, especially if the cavity is large. Partial or total obliteration of the cavity can overcome these problems. Alpha-tricalcium phosphate bone cement has physicochemical characteristics that suggest its potential in mastoid cavity obliteration. Materials and Methods: Twenty guinea pigs were studied. All animals underwent surgery involving the dorsal tympanic bulla. In the study group animals (n = 10), mastoid cavity obliteration was performed with alpha-tricalcium phosphate bone cement. In the control group animals (n = 10), the cavity was left unfilled. On postoperative day 60, the animals were sacrificed and studied for signs of rejection of the material and other complications. Temporal bones were removed for histopathological study, in which the type and degree of inflammatory response, as well as the degree of ossification, were analyzed. Results: The mortality rate was the same in both groups. Deaths were attributed to anesthetic complications in the initial postoperative period. In the animals that survived, there were no complications, and there was good healing of the incision in both groups. There were no clinical signs of rejection of the material, and the histopathological analysis of the cement group revealed no signs of foreign body reaction (inflammatory response). Conclusion: Alpha-tricalcium phosphate bone cement is biocompatible in the mastoid cavity of guinea pigs.


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Bone transport is based on the principle of distraction osteogenesis described by Ilizarov and is a consecrated method for the treatment of segmental bone defects. One of its most problematic and, paradoxically, least studied aspects is the consolidation of the docking site. We studied histologically the ossification of the docking site and regenerate to determine any difference between them. Nine adult sheep were submitted to correction of a 1-cm tibial diaphyseal defect using a system of plate-fixed bone transport, with latency period of 1 week and 0.2 mm distraction of the transported segment four times a day. The sheep were divided into three groups of three animals each, according to the observation period of 3, 6 or 12 weeks between the fixation of the transported fragment and the euthanasia. The docking site and the regenerate were studied histologically on sections stained with Masson trichrome. The main mode of docking site ossification was the endochondral one and although intramembranous ossification was also observed simultaneously, it was limited to rare and small foci. In contrast, intramembranous ossification played the major role in the regenerate, with bone formation evolving from the base segment to the target segment. The experimental bone transport model proposed in the present study permits us to conclude that there is a clear difference between the ossification of the docking site and of the regenerate.


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Neural maturation involves diverse interaction and signaling mechanisms that are essential to the development of the nervous system. However, little is known about the development of neurons in heterotopic brain tissue in the lung, a rare abnormality observed in malformed babies and fetuses. The aim of this study was to identify the neurons and to investigate their maturation in experimental brain tissue heterotopia during fetal and neonatal periods. The fetuses from 24 pregnant female Swiss mice were used to induce brain tissue heterotopia on the 15th gestational day. Briefly, the brain of one fetus of each dam was extracted, disaggregated, and injected into the right hemithorax of siblings. Six of these fetuses with pulmonary brain tissue implantation were collected on the 18th gestational day (group E18), and six others were collected on the 8th postnatal day (group P8). The brain of each fetus from dams not submitted to any experimental procedure was collected on the 18th gestational day (group CE18) and on the 8th postnatal day (group CP8) to serve as a control for neuronal quantitation and maturation. Immunohistochemical staining of NeuN was used to assess neuron quantity and maturation. The NeuN labeling index was greater in the postnatal period than in the fetal period for the experimental and control groups (138 > E18 and CP8 > CE18), although there were fewer neurons in experimental than in control groups (P8 < CP8 and El 8 < CE1 8) (P < 0.005). These results indicate that fetal neuroblasts/neurons not only survive a dramatic event such as mechanical disaggregation, in the same way as it happens in human cases, but also they retain their development in heterotopia, irrespective of local tissue influences.


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Integrins and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) are crucially involved in interaction, proliferation, migration, and survival of the cells. However, there is no report in the literature about beta 1 integrin and VEGF expression in heterotopic brain tissue. The aim of this study was to assess beta 1 integrin and VEGF expression in experimental brain tissue heterotopia in the lung during both fetal and neonatal periods. Twenty-four pregnant female Swiss mice were used to induce brain tissue heterotopia on the 15th gestational day. Briefly, the brain of one fetus of each dam was extracted, disaggregated, and injected into the right hemithorax of siblings. Six of these fetuses with pulmonary brain tissue implantation were collected on the 18th gestational day (group E18) and six other on the eighth postnatal day (group P8). Immunohistochemistry of the fetal trunks showed implantation of glial fibrillary acidic protein- and neuronal nuclei-positive heterotopic brain tissue, which were also positive for beta 1 integrin and VEGF in both groups E18 and P8. These results indicate that brain tissue heterotopia during fetal and postnatal period is able to complete integration with the lung tissue as well as to induce vascular proliferation which are the necessary steps for a successful implantation.


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We assessed the repair of transverse, 3-mm wide bone gaps created at the distal radius in 28 dogs that were randomly divided into two 14-animal groups; one was the control group and the other received a daily, 20-min application of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound for 100 days. Sequential radiographs, histomorphometrics, bone fluorescent histology and bone vascularity assessments found that all animals from both groups obtained a stage of hypertrophic-type nonunion with fibrocartilage tissue formation throughout the region of osteotomy. However, treated animals exhibited areas of endochondral ossification within the fibrocartilage region. There was no difference in type of vascularity or the newly formed bone process obtained by tetracycline labeling. Application of low-intensity ultrasound was not capable of significantly changing the reparative process and it may not be sufficiently powerful to overcome a combination of local deleterious effects on bone healing, created by gapping, excessive motion and periosteal resection. (E-mail: jbvolpon@fmrp.usp.br) (C) 2010 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.


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Tityus serrulatus is the most venomous scorpion in Brazil. Little is known about the effect of maternal exposure to the venom on fetal development. We investigated the effect of low to moderate doses of the venom (0.3 or 1.0 mg/kg s.c. on either day 5 or day 10 of gestation) on pregnant rats and on their offspring. For dams, we observed their body weight gain and reproductive parameters. For the offspring, we observed their body weight and weight of internal organs and the number of live and dead fetuses, and we investigated whether the venom caused external, visceral, skeletal or histopathological alterations in the offspring. The offspring were examined on gestational day 21. Injection of the venom on gestational day 5 did not change the reproductive parameters of the dams, their weight or fetuses` weight. Rats that received the high dose of the venom (1.0 mg/kg) on gestational day 10 had heavier placentas and heavier fetuses with heavier lungs. Injections on day 10 of gestation did not alter the reproductive parameters of the dams nor their weight gain at either dose. The venom did not cause malformations of the fetal skeleton or viscera and did not delay fetal development with either dose. In conclusion, subcutaneous administration of 0.3 or 1.0 mg/kg T. serrulatus venom to pregnant Wistar rats at either day 5 or day 10 of gestation did not cause maternal or clear fetal toxicity. Subtle increases in placental weight and fetal body and lung weights observed following treatment with 1.0 mg/kg on day 10 of gestation were not associated with histopathological findings. Whether these observations represent a reaction to treatment and, if so, the underlying mechanisms and their toxicological impact remain to be examined further in future studies. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this study, Bmp-4, Wnt-5a and Shh gene expressions were compared during early craniofacial development in mice by comparative non-isotopic in situ hybridization. Wild-type C57BL/6J mice were studied at various stages of embryonic development (from 8.5- to 13.5-day-old embryos - E8.5-13.5). During early odontogenesis, transcripts for Bmp-4, Shh and Wnt-5a were co-localised at the tooth initiation stage. At E8.5, Shh mRNA expression was restricted to diencephalon and pharyngeal endoderm. Before maxillae and mandible ossification, Bmp-4 and Wnt-5a signals were detected in the mesenchymal cells and around Meckel`s cartilage. During palatogenesis, Shh was expressed only in the epithelium and Wnt-5a only in the mesenchyme of the elevating palatal shelves. During tongue development, Shh expression was found in mesenchyme, probably contributing to tongue miogenesis, while Wnt-5a signal was in the epithelium, possibly during placode development and papillae formation. Taken together, these findings suggest that Bmp-4, Shh and Wnt-5a gene expressions may act together on the epithelial mesenchymal interactions occurring in several aspects of the early mouse craniofacial development, such as odontogenesis, neuronal development, maxillae and mandible ossification, palatogenesis and tongue formation. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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This study evaluated the effect of TAK-778 [(2R, 4S)-(-)-N-(4-diethoxyphosphorylmethylphenyl)-1,2,4,5-tetrahydro-4-methyl-7,8-methylenedioxy-5-oxo-3-benzothiepin-2-carboxamide)] on in vitro osteogenic events and on gene expression of osteoblastic cells derived from human alveolar bone and the participation of estrogen receptors (ERs) on such effect. Osteoblastic cells were subcultured, with or without TAK-778 (10(-5) M), to evaluate cell growth and viability, total protein content, and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity at 7, 14, and 21 days; bone-like formation at 21 days; and gene expression, using cDNA microarray, at 7 days. Also, osteoblastic cells were exposed to TAK-778 (10-5 M) combined to ICI182,780, a nonspecific ER antagonist (10(-6) M), and gene expression was evaluated by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) at 7 days. TAK-778 induced a reduction in culture growth and an increase in cell synthesis, ALP activity, and bone-like formation. The cDNA microarray showed genes associated with cell adhesion and differentiation, skeletal development, ossification, and transforming growth factor-P receptor signaling pathway, with a tendency to be higher expressed in cells exposed to TAK-778. The gene expression of ALP, osteocalcin, Msh homeobox 2, receptor activator of NF-kappa B ligand, and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 was increased by TAK-778 as demonstrated by real-time PCR, and this effect was antagonized by ICI182,780. The present results demonstrated that TAK-778 acts at a transcriptional level to enhance the in vitro osteogenic process and that its effect on gene expression of osteoblastic cells is mediated, at least partially, through ERs. Based on these findings, TAK-778 could be considered in the treatment of bone metabolic disorders. Exp Biol Med 234:190-199, 2009