71 resultados para Heroism


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Essays: The American scholar. An address. Man the reformer. Self-reliance. Compensation. Friendship. Heroism. The over-soul. Circles. The poet. Character. Manners. Gifts. Nature. Politics. New England reformers. Worship. Beauty.--English traits.


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Includes "A tribute to Haïtien heroism / by Norris Wright Cuney," and an oration of Frederick Douglass delivered on the occasion of the dedication of the Haitien pavilion at the World's fair, Chicago, 1893.


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One of the intentions underpinning section 1 of the Compensation Act 2006 was to provide reassurance to individual volunteers, and voluntary organisations, involved in what the provision called ‘desirable activities’ and including sport. The perception was that such volunteers, motivated by an apprehension about their increased vulnerability to negligence liability, and as driven by a fear of a wider societal compensation culture, were engaging excessively in risk-averse behaviour to the detriment of such socially desirable activities. Academic commentary on section 1 of the Compensation Act 2006 has largely regarded the provision as unnecessary and doing little more than restating existing common law practice. This article argues otherwise and, on critically reviewing the emerging jurisprudence, posits the alternative view that section 1, in practice, affords an enhanced level of protection and safeguarding for individuals undertaking functions in connection with a desirable activity. Nonetheless, the occasionally idiosyncratic judicial interpretation given to term ‘desirable activity’, potentially compounded by recent enactment of the Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism Act 2015, remains problematic. Two points of interest will be used to inform this debate. First, an analysis of the then House of Lords’ decision in Tomlinson and its celebrated ‘balancing exercise’ when assessing reasonableness in the context of negligence liability. Second, a fuller analysis of the application of section 1 in the specific context of negligence actions relating to the coaching of sport where it is argued that the, albeit limited, jurisprudence might support the practical utility of a heightened evidential threshold of gross negligence.


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O presente trabalho pretende analisar o conflito entre o protagonista do romance de Lima Barreto Triste fim de Policarpo Quaresma e o seu mundo, o mundo que representa ficcionalmente o Rio de Janeiro da Primeira República, tendo como referencial teórico A teoria do romance, de Georg Lukács. Busca-se aplicar ao herói Policarpo Quaresma dois conceitos elaborados nesta obra: o conceito de heroísmo problemático e o conceito de idealismo abstrato. Policarpo Quaresma será entendido, portanto, como um herói problemático, sujeito a um idealismo abstrato que o coloca em descompasso com a realidade concreta em que vive, o que lhe configura, perante as demais personagens do meio que o circunda, a imagem de um “visionário. Como, de acordo com Georg Lukács, o herói problemático, que se encontra em conflito com o seu mundo, surge com o romance na modernidade, este estudo visa ressaltar o caráter moderno da obra ficcional de Lima Barreto, buscando contribuir para sua reinserção no sistema literário brasileiro como obra própria, produção autônoma, para além do epíteto de pré-modernista.


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This thesis examines three key moments in the intersecting histories of Scotland, Ireland and England, and their impact on literature. Chapter one Robert Bruce and the Last King of Ireland: Writing the Irish Invasion, 1315- 1826‘, is split into two parts. Part one, Barbour‘s (other) Bruce‘ focuses on John Barbour‘s The Bruce (1375) and its depiction of the Bruce‘s Irish campaign (1315-1318). It first examines the invasion material from the perspective of the existing Irish and Scottish relationship and their opposition to English authority. It highlights possible political and ideological motivations behind Barbour‘s negative portrait of Edward Bruce - whom Barbour presents as the catalyst for the invasion and the source of its carnage and ultimate failure - and his partisan comparison between Edward and his brother Robert I. It also probes the socio-polticial and ideological background to the Bruce and its depiction of the Irish campaign, in addition to Edward and Robert. It peers behind some of the Bruce‘s most lauded themes such as chivalry, heroism, loyalty, and patriotism, and exposes its militaristic feudal ideology, its propaganda rich rhetoric, and its illusions of freedom‘. Part one concludes with an examination of two of the Irish section‘s most marginalised figures, the Irish and a laundry woman. Part two, Cultural Memories of the Bruce Invasion of Ireland, 1375-1826‘, examines the cultural memory of the Bruce invasion in three literary works from the Medieval, Early Modern and Romantic periods. The first, and by far the most significant memorialisation of the invasion is Barbour‘s Bruce, which is positioned for the first time within the tradition of ars memoriae (art of memory) and present-day cultural memory theories. The Bruce is evaluated as a site of memory and Barbour‘s methods are compared with Icelandic literature of the same period. The recall of the invasion in late sixteenth century Anglo-Irish literature is then considered, specifically Edmund Spenser‘s A View of the State of Ireland, which is viewed in the context of contemporary Ulster politics. The final text to be considered is William Hamilton Drummond‘s Bruce’s Invasion of Ireland (1826). It is argued that Drummond‘s poem offers an alternative Irish version of the invasion; a counter-memory that responds to nineteenth-century British politics, in addition to the controversy surrounding the publication of the Ossian fragments. Chapter two, The Scots in Ulster: Policies, Proposals and Projects, 1551-1575‘, examines the struggle between Irish and Scottish Gaels and the English for dominance in north Ulster, and its impact on England‘s wider colonial ideology, strategy, literature and life writing. Part one entitled Noisy neighbours, 1551-1567‘ covers the deputyships of Sir James Croft, Sir Thomas Radcliffe, and Sir Henry Sidney, and examines English colonial writing during a crucial period when the Scots provoked an increase in militarisation in the region. Part two Devices, Advices, and Descriptions, 1567-1575‘, deals with the relationship between the Scots and Turlough O‘Neill, the influence of the 5th Earl of Argyll, and the rise of Sorley Boy MacDonnell. It proposes that a renewed Gaelic alliance hindered England‘s conquest of Ireland and generated numerous plantation proposals and projects for Ulster. Many of which exhibit a blurring‘ between the documentary and the literary; while all attest to the considerable impact of the Gaelic Scots in both motivating and frustrating various projects for that province, the most prominent of which were undertaken by Sir Thomas Smith in 1571 and Walter Devereux, 1st Earl of Essex in 1573.


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A presente dissertação tem como objeto de estudo a pesca do bacalhau feita por portugueses sob a bandeira de Portugal durante o período do Estado Novo (1933-1974). Investigou-se as razões para um investimento e um protecionismo tão forte à indústria da pesca do bacalhau. É indissociável do estudo da demanda portuguesa por este peixe, à época muito abundante no noroeste atlântico, as políticas autárcicas e de subsistência pilares da economia do Estado Novo, assim como a implantação e robustecimento da Instituição Corporativa. Subjacente a estas linhas de matriz económica mas paradigmáticas do novo regime, estava também a reconstrução da identidade portuguesa, a sacralização do trabalho e a heroicidade do pescador português do bacalhau. A existência da tentativa de revivificação da glória dos descobrimentos na pesca do bacalhau. A criação de um ambiente social, político e religioso que levaram à persecução destas políticas e consequentemente do engrandecimento da estrutura do Estado Novo, resultando até na sedimentação de apoio popular. O desenvolvimento da frota de pesca longínqua foi quase uma única janela de oportunidades para o conhecimento de novos mundos. A montante e a jusante da atividade piscatória também se desenvolveram indústrias e comércio internacional. A participação em organizações internacionais de regulação das pescas proporcionou contatos Institucionais com outras nações, não raro utilizados para quebrar isolamentos e propagandear o Estado Novo e as suas manifestações culturais e identitárias que suscitaram relacionamentos interculturais. Para além destes contatos mais formais, também se desenvolveram contatos informais, que se repercutiram na criação e manifestação de conhecimento mútuo e claro de condições para a gestação da interculturidade. Estes desenvolvimentos de relações informais, de contatos profissionais também geraram relações culturais que se manifestaram em projetos individuais de vida associados às migrações.


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El constructivismo ruso se define como una práctica artística que respondió a las demandas sociales y culturales de una nueva sociedad. Se desarrolló como movimiento vanguardista que se propuso realizar un programa de vinculación de la obra artística con la vida, dejando atrás las formas del arte burgués y abriendo nuevas posibilidades a las funciones del arte en las condiciones sociales de la Revolución. El presente trabajo se propone la actualización de ese legado, me-diante apropiaciones irónicas de algunos de sus productos, en relación con las representaciones del heroísmo y el triunfalismo, del héroe y las masas, en los procesos políticos y culturales de la actualidad. En la medida que ese género de lenguaje ha sido utilizado en otros contex-tos, y las formulas constructivistas desbordan su enclave original en otras coor-denadas geopolíticas, este proyecto procura aprovechar las formulaciones ideoestéticas que fueron sustento de las propuestas constructivistas y productivis-tas al respecto de las experimentaciones del fotomontaje, la faktura y la factogra-fia.


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This article examines the portrayal of female Gentile rescuers in Holocaust films. We analyze two recent and somewhat unconventional Eastern European films, Agnieszka Holland’s In Darkness (Poland, 2011) and Jan Hrebejk’s Divided We Fall (Czech Republic, 2000), which, to varying degrees, disrupt conventional narratives of selfless heroism and avoid the eroticized objectification of women common in many (particularly American) Holocaust films. Nevertheless, a detailed analysis reveals how these films also marginalize or erase women’s roles as rescuers, either in preference to narratives of dominative masculine heroism or in order to undertake a politico-religious appropriation of the Holocaust, each of which implicitly excludes and exploits the feminine. In both cases, the films trivialize women’s particular and complex historical experiences, including sexual violence, and subordinate them to masculine interests.


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Volet cinématographique d’une révolution d’ordre social, la Nouvelle Vague a cristallisé les changements qui ont bouleversé la société européenne au début des années soixante. De l’émancipation sexuelle à la mise en scène d’une jeunesse affranchie, elle sut se faire le miroir cinématographique d’une libération des mœurs qui fit entrer les Européens dans une ère nouvelle. Si une nouvelle conception du cinéma suffit à accorder une place de choix au mouvement dans son histoire, ses représentants ont également forgé une nouvelle figure du héros masculin dans le paysage cinématographique français. Loin des héros lisses de l'académisme ou de la gravité de ceux du réalisme poétique qui l'ont par exemple précédé, l'héroïsme conjugué par la Nouvelle Vague insufflait légèreté, oisiveté et désinvolture à des protagonistes dont le dilettantisme des acteurs Jean-Pierre Léaud et Jean-Paul Belmondo (par exemple) en constitua le parangon. Le travail de recherche dont il est ici question visera principalement à s’interroger sur la façon dont ce héros atypique semble s’être annexé aux voix du cinéma français contemporain qui en présentent une mosaïque de réinterprétations. Mouvement dont le rayonnement ne semble toujours pas s’être tari – son héritage est encore revendiqué par plusieurs cinéastes – et qui dépasse la sphère du cinéma, nous viserons surtout à rendre compte de la pérennité de la Nouvelle Vague à travers l'examen de la perpétuation de son héritage par de nouvelles générations d'auteurs. Ce projet de mémoire s'essaiera notamment à la définition d'une identité du héros cinématographique français contemporain qui ne nous semble a priori pas si éloignée de celle colportée dans les années soixante par les porte-étendards de la Nouvelle Vague.


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Volet cinématographique d’une révolution d’ordre social, la Nouvelle Vague a cristallisé les changements qui ont bouleversé la société européenne au début des années soixante. De l’émancipation sexuelle à la mise en scène d’une jeunesse affranchie, elle sut se faire le miroir cinématographique d’une libération des mœurs qui fit entrer les Européens dans une ère nouvelle. Si une nouvelle conception du cinéma suffit à accorder une place de choix au mouvement dans son histoire, ses représentants ont également forgé une nouvelle figure du héros masculin dans le paysage cinématographique français. Loin des héros lisses de l'académisme ou de la gravité de ceux du réalisme poétique qui l'ont par exemple précédé, l'héroïsme conjugué par la Nouvelle Vague insufflait légèreté, oisiveté et désinvolture à des protagonistes dont le dilettantisme des acteurs Jean-Pierre Léaud et Jean-Paul Belmondo (par exemple) en constitua le parangon. Le travail de recherche dont il est ici question visera principalement à s’interroger sur la façon dont ce héros atypique semble s’être annexé aux voix du cinéma français contemporain qui en présentent une mosaïque de réinterprétations. Mouvement dont le rayonnement ne semble toujours pas s’être tari – son héritage est encore revendiqué par plusieurs cinéastes – et qui dépasse la sphère du cinéma, nous viserons surtout à rendre compte de la pérennité de la Nouvelle Vague à travers l'examen de la perpétuation de son héritage par de nouvelles générations d'auteurs. Ce projet de mémoire s'essaiera notamment à la définition d'une identité du héros cinématographique français contemporain qui ne nous semble a priori pas si éloignée de celle colportée dans les années soixante par les porte-étendards de la Nouvelle Vague.


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Esta investigación explora arqueológicamente el saber constituido sobre el campesinado en Colombia, en el período de 1965-1975, tomando como material empírico principal un archivo fotográfico documental que relacionaremos con hemerografía y las reconstrucciones socio-históricas de la década. Nuestro propósito es relacionar el archivo, sus condiciones, su porvenir, medios y definiciones con la constitución de subjetividades políticas. Las subjetividades son entendidas aquí en tanto procesos que al referir universos simbólicos socialmente compartidos, dotan al sujeto de un lenguaje cultural que a continuación internaliza, y adquiere así una singularidad que lo caracteriza y finalmente lo representa como “ser colectivo”. Descifraremos, a través de lo visible y lo oculto de las representaciones fotográficas, los enunciados posibles y las aproximaciones desde la sociología. Veremos como los discursos, por demás contradictorios, fungen a manera de proyectos de homogeneización de la cultura campesina efectuándose en la esfera de la heterogeneidad: campesinos marcados por diferencias entre sí, multiplicidad de subjetividades implicadas políticamente en los procesos inscritos dentro de la reforma agraria.