297 resultados para Heparan Sulfates
La possibilité de programmer une cellule dans le but de produire une protéine d’intérêt est apparue au début des années 1970 avec l’essor du génie génétique. Environ dix années plus tard, l’insuline issue de la plateforme de production microbienne Escherichia coli, fut la première protéine recombinante (r-protéine) humaine commercialisée. Les défis associés à la production de r-protéines plus complexes et glycosylées ont amené l’industrie biopharmaceutique à développer des systèmes d’expression en cellules de mammifères. Ces derniers permettent d’obtenir des protéines humaines correctement repliées et de ce fait, biologiquement actives. Afin de transférer le gène d’intérêt dans les cellules de mammifères, le polyéthylènimine (PEI) est certainement un des vecteurs synthétiques le plus utilisé en raison de son efficacité, mais aussi sa simplicité d’élaboration, son faible coût et sa stabilité en solution qui facilite son utilisation. Il est donc largement employé dans le contexte de la production de r-protéines à grande échelle et fait l’objet d’intenses recherches dans le domaine de la thérapie génique non virale. Le PEI est capable de condenser efficacement l’ADN plasmidique (vecteur d’expression contenant le gène d’intérêt) pour former des complexes de petites tailles appelés polyplexes. Ces derniers doivent contourner plusieurs étapes limitantes afin de délivrer le gène d’intérêt au noyau de la cellule hôte. Dans les conditions optimales du transfert de gène par le PEI, les polyplexes arborent une charge positive nette interagissant de manière électrostatique avec les protéoglycanes à héparane sulfate (HSPG) qui décorent la surface cellulaire. On observe deux familles d’HSPG exprimés en abondance à la surface des cellules de mammifères : les syndécanes (4 membres, SDC1-4) et les glypicanes (6 membres, GPC1-6). Si l’implication des HSPG dans l’attachement cellulaire des polyplexes est aujourd’hui largement acceptée, leur rôle individuel vis-à-vis de cet attachement et des étapes subséquentes du transfert de gène reste à confirmer. Après avoir optimisées les conditions de transfection des cellules de mammifères CHO et HEK293 dans le but de produire des r-protéines secrétées, nous avons entrepris des cinétiques de capture, d’internalisation des polyplexes et aussi d’expression du transgène afin de mieux comprendre le processus de transfert de gène. Nous avons pu observer des différences au niveau de ces paramètres de transfection dépendamment du système d’expression et des caractéristiques structurelles du PEI utilisé. Ces résultats présentés sous forme d’articles scientifiques constituent une base solide de l’enchaînement dans le temps des évènements essentiels à une transfection efficace des cellules CHO et HEK293 par le PEI. Chaque type cellulaire possède un profil d’expression des HSPG qui lui est propre, ces derniers étant plus ou moins permissifs au transfert de gène. En effet, une étude menée dans notre laboratoire montre que les SDC1 et SDC2 ont des rôles opposés vis-à-vis du transfert de gène. Alors que tous deux sont capables de lier les polyplexes, l’expression de SDC1 permet leur internalisation contrairement à l’expression de SDC2 qui l’inhibe. De plus, lorsque le SDC1 est exprimé à la surface des cellules HEK293, l’efficacité de transfection est augmentée de douze pourcents. En utilisant la capacité de SDC1 à induire l’internalisation des polyplexes, nous avons étudié le trafic intracellulaire des complexes SDC1 / polyplexes dans les cellules HEK293. De plus, nos observations suggèrent une nouvelle voie par laquelle les polyplexes pourraient atteindre efficacement le noyau cellulaire. Dans le contexte du transfert de gène, les HSPG sont essentiellement étudiés dans leur globalité. S’il est vrai que le rôle des syndécanes dans ce contexte est le sujet de quelques études, celui des glypicanes est inexploré. Grâce à une série de traitements chimiques et enzymatiques visant une approche « perte de fonction », l’importance de la sulfatation comme modification post-traductionnelle, l’effet des chaînes d’héparanes sulfates mais aussi des glypicanes sur l’attachement, l’internalisation des polyplexes, et l’expression du transgène ont été étudiés dans les cellules CHO et HEK293. L’ensemble de nos observations indique clairement que le rôle des HSPG dans le transfert de gène devrait être investigué individuellement plutôt que collectivement. En effet, le rôle spécifique de chaque membre des HSPG sur la capture des polyplexes et leur permissivité à l’expression génique demeure encore inconnu. En exprimant de manière transitoire chaque membre des syndécanes et glypicanes à la surface des cellules CHO, nous avons déterminé leur effet inhibiteur ou activateur sur la capture des polyplexes sans pouvoir conclure quant à l’effet de cette surexpression sur l’efficacité de transfection. Par contre, lorsqu’ils sont présents dans le milieu de culture, le domaine extracellulaire des HSPG réduit l’efficacité de transfection des cellules CHO sans induire la dissociation des polyplexes. Curieusement, lorsque chaque HSPG est exprimé de manière stable dans les cellules CHO, seulement une légère modulation de l’expression du transgène a pu être observée. Ces travaux ont contribué à la compréhension des mécanismes d'action du vecteur polycationique polyéthylènimine et à préciser le rôle des protéoglycanes à héparane sulfate dans le transfert de gène des cellules CHO et HEK293.
La possibilité de programmer une cellule dans le but de produire une protéine d’intérêt est apparue au début des années 1970 avec l’essor du génie génétique. Environ dix années plus tard, l’insuline issue de la plateforme de production microbienne Escherichia coli, fut la première protéine recombinante (r-protéine) humaine commercialisée. Les défis associés à la production de r-protéines plus complexes et glycosylées ont amené l’industrie biopharmaceutique à développer des systèmes d’expression en cellules de mammifères. Ces derniers permettent d’obtenir des protéines humaines correctement repliées et de ce fait, biologiquement actives. Afin de transférer le gène d’intérêt dans les cellules de mammifères, le polyéthylènimine (PEI) est certainement un des vecteurs synthétiques le plus utilisé en raison de son efficacité, mais aussi sa simplicité d’élaboration, son faible coût et sa stabilité en solution qui facilite son utilisation. Il est donc largement employé dans le contexte de la production de r-protéines à grande échelle et fait l’objet d’intenses recherches dans le domaine de la thérapie génique non virale. Le PEI est capable de condenser efficacement l’ADN plasmidique (vecteur d’expression contenant le gène d’intérêt) pour former des complexes de petites tailles appelés polyplexes. Ces derniers doivent contourner plusieurs étapes limitantes afin de délivrer le gène d’intérêt au noyau de la cellule hôte. Dans les conditions optimales du transfert de gène par le PEI, les polyplexes arborent une charge positive nette interagissant de manière électrostatique avec les protéoglycanes à héparane sulfate (HSPG) qui décorent la surface cellulaire. On observe deux familles d’HSPG exprimés en abondance à la surface des cellules de mammifères : les syndécanes (4 membres, SDC1-4) et les glypicanes (6 membres, GPC1-6). Si l’implication des HSPG dans l’attachement cellulaire des polyplexes est aujourd’hui largement acceptée, leur rôle individuel vis-à-vis de cet attachement et des étapes subséquentes du transfert de gène reste à confirmer. Après avoir optimisées les conditions de transfection des cellules de mammifères CHO et HEK293 dans le but de produire des r-protéines secrétées, nous avons entrepris des cinétiques de capture, d’internalisation des polyplexes et aussi d’expression du transgène afin de mieux comprendre le processus de transfert de gène. Nous avons pu observer des différences au niveau de ces paramètres de transfection dépendamment du système d’expression et des caractéristiques structurelles du PEI utilisé. Ces résultats présentés sous forme d’articles scientifiques constituent une base solide de l’enchaînement dans le temps des évènements essentiels à une transfection efficace des cellules CHO et HEK293 par le PEI. Chaque type cellulaire possède un profil d’expression des HSPG qui lui est propre, ces derniers étant plus ou moins permissifs au transfert de gène. En effet, une étude menée dans notre laboratoire montre que les SDC1 et SDC2 ont des rôles opposés vis-à-vis du transfert de gène. Alors que tous deux sont capables de lier les polyplexes, l’expression de SDC1 permet leur internalisation contrairement à l’expression de SDC2 qui l’inhibe. De plus, lorsque le SDC1 est exprimé à la surface des cellules HEK293, l’efficacité de transfection est augmentée de douze pourcents. En utilisant la capacité de SDC1 à induire l’internalisation des polyplexes, nous avons étudié le trafic intracellulaire des complexes SDC1 / polyplexes dans les cellules HEK293. De plus, nos observations suggèrent une nouvelle voie par laquelle les polyplexes pourraient atteindre efficacement le noyau cellulaire. Dans le contexte du transfert de gène, les HSPG sont essentiellement étudiés dans leur globalité. S’il est vrai que le rôle des syndécanes dans ce contexte est le sujet de quelques études, celui des glypicanes est inexploré. Grâce à une série de traitements chimiques et enzymatiques visant une approche « perte de fonction », l’importance de la sulfatation comme modification post-traductionnelle, l’effet des chaînes d’héparanes sulfates mais aussi des glypicanes sur l’attachement, l’internalisation des polyplexes, et l’expression du transgène ont été étudiés dans les cellules CHO et HEK293. L’ensemble de nos observations indique clairement que le rôle des HSPG dans le transfert de gène devrait être investigué individuellement plutôt que collectivement. En effet, le rôle spécifique de chaque membre des HSPG sur la capture des polyplexes et leur permissivité à l’expression génique demeure encore inconnu. En exprimant de manière transitoire chaque membre des syndécanes et glypicanes à la surface des cellules CHO, nous avons déterminé leur effet inhibiteur ou activateur sur la capture des polyplexes sans pouvoir conclure quant à l’effet de cette surexpression sur l’efficacité de transfection. Par contre, lorsqu’ils sont présents dans le milieu de culture, le domaine extracellulaire des HSPG réduit l’efficacité de transfection des cellules CHO sans induire la dissociation des polyplexes. Curieusement, lorsque chaque HSPG est exprimé de manière stable dans les cellules CHO, seulement une légère modulation de l’expression du transgène a pu être observée. Ces travaux ont contribué à la compréhension des mécanismes d'action du vecteur polycationique polyéthylènimine et à préciser le rôle des protéoglycanes à héparane sulfate dans le transfert de gène des cellules CHO et HEK293.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the amount of glycosaminoglycans in the uterine cervix during each phase of the rat estrous cycle. DESIGN: Based on vaginal smears, forty female, regularly cycling rats were divided into four groups (n = 10 for each group): GI - proestrous, GII - estrous, GIII - metaestrous and GIV - diestrous. Animals were sacrificed at each phase of the cycle, and the cervix was immediately removed and submitted to biochemical extraction and determination of sulfated glycosaminoglycans and hyaluronic acid. The results were analyzed by ANOVA followed by the Bonferroni post-hoc test. RESULTS: The uterine cervix had the highest amount of total sulfated glycosaminoglycans and dermatan sulfate during the estrous phase (8.90 ± 0.55 mg/g of cetonic extract, p<0.001; and 8.86 ± 0.57 mg/g of cetonic extract, p<0.001). In addition, there was more heparan sulfate at the cervix during the proestrous phase (0.185 ± 0.03 mg/g of cetonic extract) than during any other phase (p<0.001). There were no significant changes in the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the uterine cervix during the estrous cycle. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that the amount of total sulfated glycosaminoglycans may be influenced by hormonal fluctuations related to the estrous cycle, with dermatan sulfate and heparan sulfate being the glycosaminoglycans most sensitive to hormonal change.
OBJETIVO: Investigar os sintomas vocais e sensações laríngeas dos trabalhadores de uma usina de álcool e açúcar expostos a ruído e/ou substâncias químicas. MÉTODOS: Participaram 289 trabalhadores de uma usina de álcool e açúcar distribuídos em cinco grupos expostos (I- ruído; II- ruído, óleo, graxa, derivação de petróleo; III- ruído, ácidos, sulfatos, cloretos, nitratos; IV- ruído, poeiras respiráveis e sílica livre cristalizada; V- óleo, graxa, derivação de petróleo) e um grupo controle que responderam o questionário Condições de Produção Vocal - Professor adaptado à categoria profissional. Os grupos foram comparados em relação aos sintomas vocais, sensações laríngeas, tabagismo e riscos físicos e químicos. Esta comparação foi realizada por meio de análise estatística. RESULTADOS: O sintoma vocal e a sensação laríngea mais relatados pelos trabalhadores foram voz grave e tosse com catarro, respectivamente. Considerando o risco físico no ambiente de trabalho, os grupos I e IV foram os que mais citaram presença de ruído. Devido à sua exposição, os mesmos aumentavam a intensidade da voz (Efeito de Lombard-Tarneaud) e, assim, mencionaram sintomas vocais. Em relação aos riscos químicos no ambiente ocupacional, o grupo IV foi o que mais referiu presença de poeira e fumaça, e estas eram compostas por poeiras respiráveis e sílica. Tais exposições ocasionam sintomas vocais e sensações laríngeas e, consequentemente, alterações vocais. CONCLUSÃO: Sintomas vocais e sensações laríngeas podem estar relacionados a atividade profissional em que haja exposição a riscos físicos e/ou químicos.
Glypican-3 (GPC3) is a proteoglycan involved in proliferation and cell survival. Several reports demonstrated that GPC3 is downregulated in some tumors, such as breast cancer. Previously, we determined that GPC3 reexpression in the murine mammary adenocarcinoma LM3 cells induced an impairment of their invasive and metastatic capacities, associated with a decrease of their motility and an increase of their cell death. We demonstrated that GPC3 inhibits canonical Wnt signaling, as well as it activates non canonical pathway. Now, we identified signaling pathways responsible for the pro-apoptotic role of GPC3 in LM3 cells. We found for the first time that GPC3 inhibits the PI3K/Akt anti-apoptotic pathway while it stimulates the p38MAPK stress-activated one. We report a concomitant modulation of CDK inhibitors as well as of pro- and anti-apoptotic molecules. Our results provide new clues regarding the mechanism involved in the modulation induced by GPC3 of mammary tumor cell growth and survival.
In the plasma kallikrein-kinin system, it has been shown that when plasma prekallikrein (PM) and high molecular weight kininogen (HK) assemble on endothelial cells, plasma kallikrein (huPK) becomes available to cleave HK, releasing bradykinin, a potent mediator of the inflammatory response. Because the formation of soluble glycosaminoglycans occurs concomitantly during the inflammatory processes, the effect of these polysaccharides on the interaction of HK on the cell surface or extracellular matrix (ECM) of two endothelial cell lines (ECV304 and RAEC) was investigated. In the presence of Zn(+2), HK binding to the surface or ECM of RAEC was abolished by heparin; reduced by heparan sulfate, keratan sulfate, chondroitin 4-sulfate or dermatan sulfate; and not affected by chondroitin 6-sulfate. By contrast, only heparin reduced HK binding to the ECV304 cell surface or ECM. Using heparin-correlated molecules such as low molecular weight dextran sulfate, low molecular weight heparin and N-desulfated heparin, we suggest that these effects were mainly dependent on the charge density and on the N-sulfated glucosamine present in heparin. Surprisingly, PM binding to cell- or ECM-bound-HK and PM activation was not modified by heparin. However, the hydrolysis of HK by huPK, releasing BK in the fluid phase, was augmented by this glycosaminoglycan in the presence of Zn(2+). Thus, a functional dichotomy exists in which soluble glycosaminoglycans may possibly either increase or decrease the formation of BK. In conclusion, glycosaminoglycans that accumulated in inflammatory fluids or used as a therapeutic drug (e.g., heparin) could act as pro- or anti-inflammatory mediators depending on different factors within the cell environment. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
The mechanism of uptake of anthocyanins (as well as the type) from food in the intestine is not clear. Anthocyanin-rich extract from wild mulberry, composed of cyanidin-3-glucoside (79%) and cyanidin-3-rutino side (cy-3-rut) (19%), was orally administered to Wistar rats, and their concentrations were determined in plasma, kidney, and the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The 2 glycosylated forms showed maximum concentration at 15 minutes after oral administration, both in plasma and kidney. The cyanidin-3-glucoside and cy-3-rut were found in plasma as glucuronides, as sulfates of cyanidin, and as unchanged forms. The area under the curve of concentration vs time (AUC(0-8h)) was 2.76 +/- 0.88 mu g hour/mL and 9.74 +/- 0.75 mu g hour/g for plasma and kidney, respectively. In spite of the low absorption, the increase in plasma anthocyanin level resulted in a significant increase in antioxidant capacity (P < .05). In the GI tract (stomach and small and large intestines), cyanidin glycosides were found unchanged, but a low amount of the aglycone form was present. Anthocyanin glycosides were no longer detected in the GI tract after 8 hours of administration. In vitro fermentation showed that the 2 cyanidin glycosides were totally metabolized by the rat colonic microflora, explaining their disappearance. In addition, the 2 products of their degradation, cyanidin and protocatechuic acid, were not detected in plasma and probably do not influence plasma antioxidant capacity. As found by the everted sac model, anthocyanins were transported across the enterocyte by the sodium-dependent glucose transporter. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Mineralogical, hydrochemical and S isotope data were used to constrain hydrogeochemical processes that produce acid mine drainage from sulfidic waste at the historic Mount Morgan Au–Cu mine, and the factors controlling the concentration of SO4 and environmentally hazardous metals in the nearby Dee River in Queensland, Australia. Some highly contaminated acid waters, with metal contents up to hundreds of orders of magnitude greater than the Australia–New Zealand environmental standards, by-pass the water management system at the site and drain into the adjacent Dee River. Mine drainage precipitates at Mt. Morgan were classified into 4 major groups and were identified as hydrous sulfates and hydroxides of Fe and Al with various contents of other metals. These minerals contain adsorbed or mineralogically bound metals that are released into the water system after rainfall events. Sulfate in open pit water and collection sumps generally has a narrow range of S isotope compositions (δ34S = 1.8–3.7‰) that is comparable to the orebody sulfides and makes S isotopes useful for tracing SO4 back to its source. The higher δ34S values for No. 2 Mill Diesel sump may be attributed to a difference in the source. Dissolved SO4 in the river above the mine influence and 20 km downstream show distinctive heavier isotope compositions (δ34S = 5.4–6.8‰). The Dee River downstream of the mine is enriched in 34S (δ34S = 2.8–5.4‰) compared with mine drainage possibly as a result of bacterial SO4 reduction in the weir pools, and in the water bodies within the river channel. The SO4 and metals attenuate downstream by a combination of dilution with the receiving waters, SO4 reduction, and the precipitation of Fe and Al sulfates and hydroxides. It is suggested here that in subtropical Queensland, with distinct wet and dry seasons, temporary reducing environments in the river play an important role in S isotope systematics
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty is a frequently used interventional technique to reopen arteries that have narrowed because of atherosclerosis. Restenosis, or renarrowing of the artery shortly after angioplasty, is a major limitation to the success of the procedure and is due mainly to smooth muscle cell accumulation in the artery wall at the site of balloon injury. In the present study, we demonstrate that the antiangiogenic sulfated oligosaccharide, PI-88, inhibits primary vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and reduces intimal thickening 14 days after balloon angioplasty of rat and rabbit arteries. PI-88 reduced heparan sulfate content in the injured artery wall and prevented change in smooth muscle phenotype. However, the mechanism of PI-88 inhibition was not merely confined to the antiheparanase activity of this compound. PI-88 blocked extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1/2 (ERK1/2) activity within minutes of smooth muscle cell injury. It facilitated FGF-2 release from uninjured smooth muscle cells in vitro, and super-released FGF-2 after injury while inhibiting ERK1/2 activation. PI-88 inhibited the decrease in levels of FGF-2 protein in the rat artery wall within 8 minutes of injury. PI-88 also blocked injury-inducible ERK phosphorylation, without altering the clotting time in these animals. Optical biosensor studies revealed that PI-88 potently inhibited (K-i 10.3 nmol/L) the interaction of FGF-2 with heparan sulfate. These findings show for the first time the capacity of this sulfated oligosaccharide to directly bind FGF-2, block cellular signaling and proliferation in vitro, and inhibit injury-induced smooth muscle cell hyperplasia in two animal models. As such, this study demonstrates a new role for PI-88 as an inhibitor of intimal thickening after balloon angioplasty. The full text of this article is available online at http://www.circresaha.org.
Different stoichiometries are observed between alpha and beta subunits of Na,K-ATPase that depend on the method employed to solubilize and purify the enzyme. It is not known whether this variability is due to loss of protein-protein association, or is a result of the replacement of essential phospholipids by detergent molecules. With the aim of understanding the effect of enzyme/surfactant ratio on both the catalytic activity and the enzyme structure, we have investigated the bulk and surface properties of the enzyme. The circular dichroism (CD) spectra, surface tension and dilatational surface elasticity results were compared with the residual ATPase activity of the Na,K-ATPase in different surfactant and protein concentrations. Na,K-ATPase in the (alpha beta)(2) form dissociated to the alpha beta form on dilution, and associated to the (alpha beta)(4) form when concentrated. These different stoichiometries have similar ATPase activities and are in equilibrium at C(12)E(8) concentrations below the CIVIC (0.053 mg mL(-1)). At detergent concentrations above the CIVIC the ATPase activity of all forms was abolished, which is concomitant with the dissociation of the a and subunits. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
alpha(5)beta(1) integrin from both wild-type CHO cells (CHO-K1) and deficient in proteoglycan biosynthesis (CHO-745) is post-translationally modified by glycosaminoglycan chains. We demonstrated this using [(35)S]sulfate metabolic labeling of the cells, enzymatic degradation, immunoprecipitation reaction with monoclonal antibody, fluorescence microscopy, and flow cytometry. The alpha(5)beta(1) integrin heterodimer is a hybrid proteoglycan containing both chondroitin and heparan sulfate chains. Xyloside inhibition of sulfate incorporation into alpha(5)beta(1) integrin also supports that integrin is a proteoglycan. Also. cells grown with xyloside adhered on fibronectin with no alteration in alpha(5)beta(1) integrin expression. However, haptotactic motility on fibronectin declined in cells grown with xyloside or chlorate as compared with controls. Thus, alpha(5)beta(1) integrin is a proteoglycan and the glycosaminoglycan chains of the integrin influence cell motility on fibronectin. Similar glycosylation of alpha(5)beta(1) integrin was observed in other normal and malignant cells, suggesting that this modification is conserved and important in the function of this integrin. Therefore, these glycosaminoglycan chains of alpha(5)beta(1) integrin are involved in cellular migration on fibronectin.
The hallmark of Alzheimer's disease is the cerebral deposition of amyloid which is derived from the amyloid precursor protein (APP). The function of APP is unknown but there is increasing evidence for the role of APP in cell-cell and/or cell-matrix interactions. Primary cultures of murine neurons were treated with antisense oligonucleotides to down-regulate APP. This paper presents evidence that APP mediates a substrate-specific interaction between neurons and extracellular matrix components collagen type I, laminin and heparan sulphate proteoglycan but not fibronectin or poly-L-lysine. It remains to be determined whether this effect is the direct result of APP-matrix interactions, or whether an intermediary pathway is involved. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Objectives: Selective anticancer cell activity for both cell-penetrating and cationic antimicrobial peptides has previously been reported. As crotamine possesses activities similar to both of these, this study investigates crotamine`s anticancer toxicity in vitro and in vivo. Research design and methods: In vitro cancer cell viability was evaluated after treatment with 1 and 5 mu g/ml of crotamine. In vivo crotamine cytotoxic effects in C57Bl/6J mice bearing B16-F10 primary cutaneous melanoma were tested, with two groups each containing 35 mice. The crotamine-treated group received 1 mu g/day of crotamine per animal, subcutaneously which was well tolerated; the untreated group received a placebo. Results: Crotamine at 5 mu g/ml was lethal to B16-F10, Mia PaCa-2 and SK-Mel-28 cells and inoffensive to normal cells. In vivo crotamine treatment over 21 days significantly delayed tumor implantation, inhibited tumor growth and prolonged the lifespan of the mice. Mice in the crotamine-treated group survived at significantly higher rates (n = 30/35) than those in the untreated group (n = 7/35) (significance calculated with the Kaplan-Meier estimator). The average tumor weight in the untreated group was 4.60 g but was only about 0.27 g in the crotamine-treated mice, if detectable. Conclusions: These data warrant further exploration of crotamine as a tumor inhibition compound.
Crotamine, one of the main toxic components of Crotalus durissus terrificus venom, is a small non-enzymatic basic polypeptide, which causes hind limb paralysis and necrosis of muscle cells. it is well-known that several toxins penetrate into the cytosol through endocytosis, although in many cases the mechanism by which this occurs has not been fully investigated. Recently, using low concentrations of crotamine, we demonstrated the uptake of this toxin into actively proliferative cells via endocytosis, an event that ensues crotamine binding to cell membrane heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Thus, crotamine can be regarded as a cell-penetrating peptide that, additionally, has been shown to be able of delivering some biologically active molecules into various cells. Herein, we investigate one of the mechanisms by which crotamine exerts its cytotoxic effects by following its uptake into highly proliferative cells, as CHO-K1 cells. Crotamine accumulation in the acidic endosomal/lysosomal vesicles was observed within 5 min after treatment of these cells with a cytotoxic concentration of this toxin, a value determined here by classical MTT assay. This accumulation caused disruption of lysosomal vesicles accompanied by the leakage of these vesicles contents into the cytosol. This lysosomal lysis also promoted the release of cysteine cathepsin and an increase of caspase activity in the cytoplasm. This chain of events seems to trigger a cell death process. Overall, our data suggest that lysosomes are the primary targets for crotamine cytotoxicity, a proposal corroborated by the correlation between both the kinetics and concentration-dependence of crotamine accumulation in lysosome compartments and the cytotoxic effects of this protein in CHO-K1 cells. Although crotamine is usually regarded as a myotoxin, we observed that intraperitoneal injection of fluorescently labeled crotamine in living mice led to significant and rapid accumulation of this toxin in the cell cytoplasm of several tissues, suggesting that crotamine cytotoxicity might not be restricted to muscle cells. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.