985 resultados para Heme metabolic pathway
We previously demonstrated an increased liver gluconeogenesis (LG) during insulin-induced hypoglycaemia. Thus, an expected effect of sulphonylureas induced hypoglycaemia (SIH) could be the activation of LG. However, sulphonylureas infused directly in to the liver inhibits LG. Considering these opposite effects we investigated herein LG in rats submitted to SIH. For this purpose, 24 h fasted rats that received glibenclamide (10 mg kg(-1)) were used (SIH group). Control group received oral saline. Glycaemia at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 min after oral administration of glibenclamide were evaluated. Since the lowest glycaemia was obtained 120 min after glibenclamide administration, this time was chosen to investigate LG in situ perfused livers. The gluconeogenesis from precursors that enters in this metabolic pathway before the mitochondrial step, i.e. L-alanine (5 mM), L-lactate (2 mM), pyruvate (5 mM) and L-glutamine were decreased (p < 0.05). However, the gluconeogenic activity using glycerol (2 mM), which enters in the gluconeogenesis after the mitochondrial step was maintained. Taken together, the results suggest that the inhibition of LG promoted by SIH overcome the activation of this metabolic pathway promoted by IIH and could be attributed, at least in part, to its effect on mitochondrial function. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The role of lateral gene transfer (LGT) in prokaryotes has been shown to rapidly change the genome content, providing new gene tools for environmental adaptation. Features related to pathogenesis and resistance to strong selective conditions have been widely shown to be products of gene transfer between bacteria. The genomes of the gamma-proteobacteria from the genus Xanthomonas, composed mainly of phytopathogens, have potential genomic islands that may represent imprints of such evolutionary processes. In this work, the evolution of genes involved in the pathway responsible for arginine biosynthesis in Xanthomonadales was investigated, and several lines of evidence point to the foreign origin of the arg genes clustered within a potential operon. Their presence inside a potential genomic island, bordered by a tRNA gene, the unusual ranking of sequence similarity, and the atypical phylogenies indicate that the metabolic pathway for arginine biosynthesis was acquired through LGT in the Xanthomonadales group. Moreover, although homologues were also found in Bacteroidetes (Flavobacteria group), for many of the genes analyzed close homologues are detected in different life domains (Eukarya and Archaea), indicating that the source of these arg genes may have been outside the Bacteria clade. The possibility of replacement of a complete primary metabolic pathway by LGT events supports the selfish operon hypothesis and may occur only under very special environmental conditions. Such rare events reveal part of the history of these interesting mosaic Xanthomonadales genomes, disclosing the importance of gene transfer modifying primary metabolism pathways and extending the scenario for bacterial genome evolution.
The isoprenoid metabolic pathway in protozoa of the Leishmania genus exhibits distinctive characteristics. These parasites, as well as other members of the Trypanosomatidae family, synthesize ergosterol, instead of cholesterol, as the main membrane sterol lipid. Leishmania has been shown to utilize leucine, instead of acetate as the main precursor for sterol biosynthesis. While mammalian dolichols are molecules containing 15-23 isoprene units, Leishmania amazonensis promastigotes synthesize dolichol of 11 and 12 units. In this paper, we show that the intracellular stages of L. amazonensis, amastigotes, synthesize mainly polyprenols of 9 isoprene units, instead of dolichol. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The production of prostaglandins (PGs) during fungal infections could be an important suppressor factor of host immune response. Host cells are one source of prostaglandin E-2 (PGE(2)); however another potential source of PGE(2) is the fungal pathogen itself. Thus, both host and fungal PGE2 production is theorized to play a role in pathogenesis, being critical for growth of the fungus and to modulate the host immune response. The purpose of this work was to investigate if high and low virulent strains of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis have the capacity to produce PGE(2) in vitro, and if this production was related to the fungal growth. The results demonstrated that both strains of P. brasiliensis produce high levels of PGE(2) and the treatment with indomethacin, a cyclooxygenase inhibitor, significantly reduced the production of this mediator, as well as the viability of the fungus. Thus, our data indicate that PGE(2) is produced by P. brasiliensis by a cyclooxygenase-dependent metabolic pathway, and its production is required for fungal survival. This discovery reveals an important factor that has potentially great implications for understanding the mechanisms of immune deviation during infection.
Background: Diet compounds may influence obesity-related cardiac oxidative stress and metabolic sifting. Carbohydrate-rich diet may be disadvantageous from fat-rich diet to cardiac tissue and glycemic index rather than lipid profile may predict the obesity-related cardiac effects.Materials and methods: Male Wistar rats were divided into three groups (n=8/group): (C) receiving standard chow (3.0 kcal/g); (CRD) receiving carbohydrate-rich diet (4.0 kcal/g), and (FRD) receiving fat-rich diet (4.0 kcal/g). Rats were sacrificed after the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) at 60 days of dietary treatments. Lipid profile and oxidative stress parameters were determined in serum. Myocardial samples were used to determine oxidative stress, metabolic enzymes, glycogen and triacylglycerol.Results: FRD rats showed higher final body weight and body mass index than CRD and C. Serum cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein were higher in FRD than in CRD, while triacylglycerol and oxidized low-density lipoprotein cholesterol were higher in CRD than in FRD. CRD rats had the highest myocardial lipid hydroperoxide and diminished superoxide dismutase and catalase activities. Myocardial glycogen was lower and triacylglycerol was higher in CRD than in C and FRD rats. Although FRD rats had depressed myocardial-reducing power, no significant changes were observed in myocardial energy metabolism. Myocardial beta-hydroxyacyl coenzyme-A dehydrogenase and citrate synthase, as well as the enhanced lactate debydrogenase/citrate synthase ratio indicated that fatty acid degradation was decreased in CRD rats. Glycemic index was positively correlated with obesity-related cardiac effects.Conclusions: Isoenergetic carbohydrate-rich and fat-rich diets induced different degree of obesity and differently affected lipid profile. Carbohydrate-rich diet was deleterious relative to fat-rich diet in the heart enhancing lipoperoxidation and shifting the metabolic pathway for energy production. Glycemic index rather than dyslipidemic profile may predict the obesity effects on cardiac tissue. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present study was carried out to determine whether 5alpha-reductase 2 (5alpha-R2) metabolic pathway plays a key role in brain sexual differentiation. The inhibition of 5alpha-R2 by finasteride (20 mg/kg/day) from gestational day 19 to postnatal day 5 has long-term effects on sexual behavior and reproductive physiology detected only in adult life. Sexual maturation assessed by timing of preputial separation was unchanged. Finasteride-treated males were able to mate with untreated females which became pregnant but exhibited increased rate of pre-implantation loss. The subfertility observed was probably due to abnormally shaped sperm, since the sperm number was not altered. While plasma testosterone was enhanced, LH levels were not changed. The copulatory potential was not affected and all finasteride-treated rats presented male sexual behavior. Despite this, 53% of them showed homosexual behavior when pretreated with estradiol, suggesting an incomplete brain defeminization. These results indicate that 5alpha-R2 acts in brain sexual differentiation of male rats. Moreover, we suggest that 5alpha-R2 not only produces essential metabolites that act together with estradiol in brain sexual differentiation but also protects the brain from the damaging effects of estradiol excess. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Structural characterization of enzymes that belong to microbial metabolic pathways is very important for structure-based drug design since some of these proteins may be present in the bacterial genome, but absent in humans. Thus, metabolic pathways became potential targets for drug design. The motivation of this work is the fact that Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the cause of the deaths of millions of people in the world, so that the structural characterization of protein targets to propose new drugs has become essential. DBMODELING is a relational database, created to highlight the importance of methods of molecular modeling applied to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome with the aim of proposing protein-ligand docking analysis. There are currently more than 300 models for proteins from Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome in the database. The database contains a detailed description of the reaction catalyzed by each enzyme and their atomic coordinates. Information about structures, a tool for animated gif image, a table with a specification of the metabolic pathway, modeled protein, inputs used in modeling, and analysis methods used in this project are available in the database for download. The search tool can be used for reseachers to find specific pathways or enzymes.
Foi objetivo deste estudo caracterizar a relação entre o nível de aptidão física, desempenho e solicitação metabólica em futebolistas durante situação real de jogo. Seis jogadores de futebol profissional com média de idade de 20,8 ± 2,6 anos (17-25), peso 70,4 ± 7,5kg (63-81,3) e altura 173,3 ± 9,7cm (166-188), foram submetidos a testes de aptidão física em campo e análise cinematográfica durante a partida. Os testes de aptidão física foram realizados em campo, com medições de lactato sanguíneo. A via metabólica alática foi avaliada por meio de cinco corridas na distância de 30m, em velocidade máxima, com pausa passiva de um minuto entre cada corrida. As concentrações de lactato foram medidas no 1º, 3º e 5º minuto após o término das cinco corridas. Para detecção do limiar anaeróbio foram realizadas 3 corridas de 1.200m nas intensidades de 80, 85 e 90% da velocidade máxima para essa distância, com intervalo passivo de 15 minutos entre cada corrida. As dosagens de lactato sanguíneo foram feitas no 1º, 3º e 5º minuto de repouso passivo após cada corrida. Os futebolistas foram submetidos à filmagem individual durante o transcorrer do jogo e as concentrações de lactato foram medidas antes, no intervalo e no final da partida para análise da solicitação energética e metabólica, respectivamente. Os seguintes resultados foram verificados: 1) o limiar anaeróbio em velocidade de corrida, correspondente à concentração de lactato sanguíneo de 4mmol.L_1 foi encontrado aos 268 ± 28m.min_1 ou 16,1 ± 1,6km.h_1; 2) a velocidade média e a concentração de lactato máximo nas corridas de 30m foram de 6,9 ± 0,2m.s_1 e 4,5 ± 1,0mmol.L_1, respectivamente; 3) a distância total percorrida foi de 10.392 ± 849m, sendo 5.446 ± 550m para o primeiro e 4.945 ± 366m para o segundo tempo, respectivamente; 4) os valores médios encontrados nas concentrações de lactato sanguíneo foram de 1,58 ± 0,37; 4,5 ± 0,42 e 3,46 ± 1,54mmol.L_1 antes, no intervalo do primeiro para o segundo tempo e ao final da a,respectivamente; e 5) a distância média total atingida ao final das partidas pelos jogadores de meio-campo (10.910 ± 121m) foi ligeiramente maior que a percorrida pelos atacantes (10.377 ± 224m) e defensores (9.889 ± 102m), mas não significativa. Houve correlação negativa (r =- 0,84; p < 0,05) entre o limiar anaeróbio (268 ± 28m.min_1 ou 16,1 ± 1,6km.h_1) e a concentração de lactato sanguíneo (4,5 ± 0,4 mmol.L_1) no primeiro tempo do jogo. Portanto, os resultados sugerem que a capacidade aeróbia é um determinante importante para suportar a longa duração da partida e recuperar mais rapidamente os futebolistas dos esforços realizados em alta intensidade, com o desenvolvimento de concentrações de lactato sanguíneo menores ao final do primeiro e segundo tempo das partidas.
Genome sequencing efforts are providing us with complete genetic blueprints for hundreds of organisms. We are now faced with assigning, understanding, and modifying the functions of proteins encoded by these genomes. DBMODELING is a relational database of annotated comparative protein structure models and their metabolic pathway characterization, when identified. This procedure was applied to complete genomes such as Mycobacteritum tuberculosis and Xylella fastidiosa. The main interest in the study of metabolic pathways is that some of these pathways are not present in humans, which makes them selective targets for drug design, decreasing the impact of drugs in humans. In the database, there are currently 1116 proteins from two genomes. It can be accessed by any researcher at http://www.biocristalografia.df.ibilce.unesp.br/tools/. This project confirms that homology modeling is a useful tool in structural bioinformatics and that it can be very valuable in annotating genome sequence information, contributing to structural and functional genomics, and analyzing protein-ligand docking.
DBMODELING is a relational database of annotated comparative protein structure models and their metabolic, pathway characterization. It is focused on enzymes identified in the genomes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Xylella fastidiosa. The main goal of the present database is to provide structural models to be used in docking simulations and drug design. However, since the accuracy of structural models is highly dependent on sequence identity between template and target, it is necessary to make clear to the user that only models which show high structural quality should be used in such efforts. Molecular modeling of these genomes generated a database, in which all structural models were built using alignments presenting more than 30% of sequence identity, generating models with medium and high accuracy. All models in the database are publicly accessible at http://www.biocristalografia.df.ibilce.unesp.br/tools. DBMODELING user interface provides users friendly menus, so that all information can be printed in one stop from any web browser. Furthermore, DBMODELING also provides a docking interface, which allows the user to carry out geometric docking simulation, against the molecular models available in the database. There are three other important homology model databases: MODBASE, SWISSMODEL, and GTOP. The main applications of these databases are described in the present article. © 2007 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Vegetal) - IBRC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)