491 resultados para Hegel, F.
Review: HEGEL, G. W. F. Gesammelte Werke. Frühe Schriften. Teil II, Bd 2. Bearbeitet von Friedhelm Nicolin (in memoriam), Ingo Rill und Peter Kriegel. Herausgegeben von Walter Jaeschke. Felix Meiner Verlag, Hamburg 2014, 714 Seiten.
Cannot the education reach the universality? Is the universality the annihilation of the individual? Can the individual have his identity preserved as such in the State? Those questions are answered with the attention returned and led to the education. To Hegel the education universalizes the individual insofar as it introduces him into the life of the State in which the subjectivity and individuality are known in fact, preserved and promoted. In the Elements of the Philosophy of Right, Hegel deals with the realization of freedom in the institution of State and identifies it with the realization of freedom. The aim here is to reflect upon the Hegelian comprehension of State towards education, its meaning, signification to the life of the State and its possible repercussions regarding the figures of the subject and individual also nowadays. To Hegel the education supports the State as such because it is the process of the Sate’s awareness along its formation as a living organism. A State that knows itself is a State that is known by its members who do not reach neither the State’s awareness nor themselves’ without the relation that gathers them together as the substantial universality. The education is the means that brings the individuals to the life of the State. Bringing the individual to the life in the State, the education reveals the individual to himself as well as to his true nature, that is, a being in relation to others who are not but himself. The knowledge of oneself in the education happens also through its formalization regarding the specific contents developed and accumulated throughout the history. Here comes the figure of the formal educator through whom the State aims its process of formation. This way Hegel confirms that nobody learns alone and that the universal is precisely this relation.
Hegel’s identification with idealism may not apprehend adequately his philosophical thinking if one takes it as a definitive and absolute determination because he is a dialectical thinker or even better speculative. In this sense the moment of materiality cannot be just put aside as a contingency but it is more the opposition through which the spirit fulfills itself. This one cannot be what it is without assuming the materiality as well as the matter cannot be effective without being overtaken in the spirit. The totality appointed by Hegel in the absolute spirit means precisely to know and to recognize one another in the other and also by the other as itself. The spirit only raises to itself insofar it assumes its opposition in matter and by being determined it determines itself but this cannot be fulfilled anywhere but in the matter. In the same way the matter cannot be effective without going beyond itself or being considered in thought, that is not as well establishing itself. If the spirit and the matter are effective insofar they are in relation with one another then the primacy of one over the other can only be understood as a result and not as a starting point. In this way the first moment must not be taken as something static but as coming to be.
What does it mean to say that Hegel is an idealist philosopher? Such determination is appropriate? If appeals Hegel to speculative approach, then how to understand their idealism? These questions guide the role of art in Hegel's philosophical system identifying a philosophy deeply committed and involved in its determination that takes place in the history or thought. If art is the moment of sensible intuition that Hegel considers carefully, then it is possible to conclude that the idealist perspective attributed to Hegel must be taken with reservations or its own idealism needs to be seen beyond all subjective levy.
We will deal with the Marxian criticism to the Hegelian notion of "being". it will be shown that historicity and objectivity are determinations of this category (and that categories are always.,forms of being, determinations of existence). So, the analogy between the Hegelian logic and the Marxian theory may sometimes, hide essential aspects of the materialist comprehension of history Here, we intend to prove that, by questioning the treatment dispensed to the matter of being by Hegel, Marx criticizes the Hegelian inversion between subject and predicate in a way that, although dialoguing with Hegel, his conception is the exact opposite at the same time.
Trata-se de discutir as críticas a conceitos insuficientes de liberdade, tais como elas aparecem na Filosofia do direito, de Hegel. Com isto, espera-se expor os verdadeiros problemas que a teoria hegeliana do Estado procura resolver. Tais problemas permitem lançar novas luzes em alguns aspectos decisivos da teoria hegeliana do reconhecimento.
Hanns Reißner
Ernst von Aster
[Heinrich Christoph Wilhelm Sigwart]