995 resultados para Heavy-fermion Systems


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Esta tesis está enfocada al diseño y validación de controladores robustos que pueden reducir de una manera efectiva las vibraciones structurales producidas por perturbaciones externas tales como terremotos, fuertes vientos o cargas pesadas. Los controladores están diseñados basados en teorías de control tradicionalamente usadas en esta area: Teoría de estabilidad de Lyapunov, control en modo deslizante y control clipped-optimal, una técnica reciente mente introducida : Control Backstepping y una que no había sido usada antes: Quantitative Feedback Theory. La principal contribución al usar las anteriores técnicas, es la solución de problemas de control estructural abiertos tales como dinámicas de actuador, perturbaciones desconocidas, parametros inciertos y acoplamientos dinámicos. Se utilizan estructuras típicas para validar numéricamente los controladores propuestos. Especificamente las estructuras son un edificio de base aislada, una plataforma estructural puente-camión y un puente de 2 tramos, cuya configuración de control es tal que uno o mas problemas abiertos están presentes. Se utilizan tres prototipos experimentales para implementar los controladores robustos propuestos, con el fin de validar experimentalmente su efectividad y viabilidad. El principal resultado obtenido con la presente tesis es el diseño e implementación de controladores estructurales robustos que resultan efectivos para resolver problemas abiertos en control estructural tales como dinámicas de actuador, parámetros inciertos, acoplamientos dinámicos, limitación de medidas y perturbaciones desconocidas.


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The synoptic evolution of three tropical–extratropical (TE) interactions, each responsible for extreme rainfall events over southern Africa, is discussed in detail. Along with the consideration of previously studied events, common features of these heavy rainfall producing tropical temperate troughs (TTTs) over southern Africa are discussed. It is found that 2 days prior to an event, northeasterly moisture transports across Botswana, set up by the Angola low, are diverted farther south into the semiarid region of subtropical southern Africa. The TTTs reach full maturity as a TE cloud band, rooted in the central subcontinent, which is triggered by upper-level divergence along the leading edge of an upper-tropospheric westerly wave trough. Convection and rainfall within the cloud band is supported by poleward moisture transports with subtropical air rising as it leaves the continent and joins the midlatitude westerly flow. It is shown that these systems fit within a theoretical framework describing similar TE interactions found globally. Uplift forcing for the extreme rainfall of each event is investigated. Unsurprisingly, quasigeostrophic uplift is found to dominate in the midlatitudes with convective processes strongest in the subtropics. Rainfall in the semiarid interior of South Africa appears to be a result of quasigeostrophically triggered convection. Investigation of TTT formation in the context of planetary waves shows that early development is sometimes associated with previous anticyclonic wave breaking south of the subcontinent, with full maturity of TTTs occurring as a potential vorticity trough approaches the continent from the west. Sensitivity to upstream wave perturbations and effects on anticyclonic wave breaking in the South Indian Ocean are also observed.


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The case is made for a more careful analysis of the large time asymptotic of infinite particle systems in the thermodynamic limit beyond zero density. The insufficiency of current analysis even in the model case of free particles is demonstrated. Recent advances based on more sophisticated analytical tools like functions of mean variation and Hardy spaces are sketched.


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In this work we present new coupled channel calculations with the Sao Paulo potential (SPP) as the bare interaction, and an imaginary potential with system and energy independent normalization that has been developed to take into account dissipative processes in heavy-ion reactions. This imaginary potential is based on high-energy nucleon interaction in nuclear medium. Our theoretical predictions for energies up to approximate to 100 MeV/nucleon agree very well with the experimental data for the p, n + nucleus, (16)O + (27)Al, (16)O + (60)Ni, (58)Ni + (124)Sn, and weakly bound projectile (7)Li + (120)Sn systems. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The concept of Fock space representation is developed to deal with stochastic spin lattices written in terms of fermion operators. A density operator is introduced in order to follow in parallel the developments of the case of bosons in the literature. Some general conceptual quantities for spin lattices are then derived, including the notion of generating function and path integral via Grassmann variables. The formalism is used to derive the Liouvillian of the d-dimensional Linear Glauber dynamics in the Fock-space representation. Then the time evolution equations for the magnetization and the two-point correlation function are derived in terms of the number operator. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The time evolution of the out-of-equilibrium Mott insulator is investigated numerically through calculations of space-time-resolved density and entropy profiles resulting from the release of a gas of ultracold fermionic atoms from an optical trap. For adiabatic, moderate and sudden switching-off of the trapping potential, the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of the Mott insulator is found to differ profoundly from that of the band insulator and the metallic phase, displaying a self-induced stability that is robust within a wide range of densities, system sizes and interaction strengths. The connection between the entanglement entropy and changes of phase, known for equilibrium situations, is found to extend to the out-of-equilibrium regime. Finally, the relation between the system`s long time behavior and the thermalization limit is analyzed. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2011


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The stratigraphic subdivision and correlation of dune deposits is difficult, especially when age datings are not available. A better understanding of the controls on texture and composition of eolian sands is necessary to interpret ancient eolian sediments. The Imbituba-Jaguaruna coastal zone (Southern Brazil, 28 degrees-29 degrees S) stands out due to its four well-preserved Late Pleistocene (eolian generation 1) to Holocene eolian units (eolian generations 2, 3, and 4). In this study, we evaluate the grain-size and heavy-mineral characteristics of the Imbituba-Jaguartma eolian units through statistical analysis of hundreds of sediment samples. Grain-size parameters and heavy-mineral content allow us to distinguish the Pleistocene from the Holocene units. The grain size displays a pattern of fining and better sorting from generation 1 (older) to 4 (younger), whereas the content of mechanically stable (dense and hard) heavy minerals decreases from eolian generation 1 to 4. The variation in grain size and heavy-mineral content records shifts in the origin and balance (input versus output) of eolian sediment supply attributable mainly to relative sea-level changes. Dunefields submitted to relative sea-level lowstand conditions (eolian generation 1) are characterized by lower accumulation rates and intense post-depositional dissection by fluvial incision. Low accumulation rates favor deflation in the eolian system, which promotes concentration of denser and stable heavy minerals (increase of ZTR index) as well as coarsening of eolian sands. Dissection involves the selective removal of finer sediments and less dense heavy minerals to the coastal source area. Under a high rate of relative sea-level rise and transgression (eolian generation 2), coastal erosion prevents deflation through high input of sediments to the coastal eolian source. This condition favors dunefield growth. Coastal erosion feeds sand from local sources to the eolian system. including sands from previous dunefields (eolian generation 1) and from drowned incised valleys. Therefore, dunefields corresponding to transgressive phases inherit the grain-size and heavy-mineral characteristics of previous dunefields, leading to selective enrichment of finer sands and lighter minerals. Eolian generations 3 and 4 developed during a regressive-progradational phase (Holocene relative sea level highstand). The high rate of sediment supply during the highstand phase prevents deflation. The lack of coastal erosion favors sediment supply from distal sources (fluvial sediments rich in unstable heavy minerals). Thus, dunefields of transgressive and highstand systems tracts may be distinguished from dunefields of the lowstand systems tract through high rates of accumulation (low deflation) in the former. The sediment source of the transgressive dunefields (high input of previously deposited coastal sands) differs from that of the highstand dunefields (high input of fluvial distal sands). Based on this case study, we propose a general framework for the relation between relative sea level, sediment supply and the texture and mineralogy of eolian sediments deposited in siliciclastic wet coastal zones similar to the Imbituba-Jaguaruna coast (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Lignocellulosic residues are interesting materials for the production of heavy metal adsorbents for aquatic systems. Whole fibers taken from coconut (Cocos nucifera) husks were functionalized with the thiophosphoryl (P=S) group by means of the direct reaction with CI(3)P=S, (CH(3)O)(2)CIP=S or (CH(3)CH(2)O)(2)CIP=S in order to obtain an adsorptive system for `soft` metal ions, particularly Cd(2+). These functionalized fibers (FFs) were characterized by means of elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy, thermal analysis and acid-base titration. Adsorption isotherms for Cd(2+) fitted the Langmuir model, with binding capacities of 0.2-5 mmol g(-1) of FF at 25 degrees C. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In a global economy, manufacturers mainly compete with cost efficiency of production, as the price of raw materials are similar worldwide. Heavy industry has two big issues to deal with. On the one hand there is lots of data which needs to be analyzed in an effective manner, and on the other hand making big improvements via investments in cooperate structure or new machinery is neither economically nor physically viable. Machine learning offers a promising way for manufacturers to address both these problems as they are in an excellent position to employ learning techniques with their massive resource of historical production data. However, choosing modelling a strategy in this setting is far from trivial and this is the objective of this article. The article investigates characteristics of the most popular classifiers used in industry today. Support Vector Machines, Multilayer Perceptron, Decision Trees, Random Forests, and the meta-algorithms Bagging and Boosting are mainly investigated in this work. Lessons from real-world implementations of these learners are also provided together with future directions when different learners are expected to perform well. The importance of feature selection and relevant selection methods in an industrial setting are further investigated. Performance metrics have also been discussed for the sake of completion.


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Nowadays, agricultural practices should combine high yields with a sustainable use of resources. Different tillage practices and crop covers, if combined, may help to achieve both objectives. In this work, several traits of a soybean (Glycine max L. Merr) cultivar were studied under different conditions of tillage and previous soil coverages. The experiment was installed at Lageado Research Station, Botucatu county, SP, Brazil, on a Paleudult. It consisted of nine treatments (combining three systems of soil tillage and three cover crops) and 4 replicates, yielding 36 plots of a randomized block experimental design. The soil tillage systems considered were: (i) conventional tillage with two heavy harrowing and a levelling harrowing; (ii) chiseling, and (iii) no-tillage with chemical drying of vegetation. The three cover crops used were: black oat, sorghum and spontaneous vegetation. Analyzed variables were: plant height, initial and final plant densities, height of first pod insertion, weight of a thousand grains, number of pods per plant, number of grains per pod, and crop yield. No significant differences were observed for most of the analyzed variables; however, conventional tillage produced significantly heavier grains and a higher number of pods per plant. The selected covers were considered an excellent coverage prior to planting soybean in a crop rotation. The three tillage systems can be used for deployment of culture without compromising the development of soybean.


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Large back-to-back correlations of observable fermion-anti-fermion pairs are predicted to appear, if the mass of the fermions is modified in a thermalized medium. The back-to-back correlations of protons and anti-protons are experimentally observable in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions, similarly to the Andreev reflection of elections off the boundary of a superconductor. While quantum statistics suppresses the probability of observing pairs of fermions with nearby momenta, the fermionic back-to-back correlations are positive and of similar strength to bosonic back-to-back correlations. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B,V, All rights reserved.


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We study the low-energy scattering of charmed (D) and strange (K) mesons by nucleons. The short-distance part of the interaction is due to quark-gluon interchanges derived from a model that realizes dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and confines color. The quark-gluon interaction incorporates a confining Coulomb-like potential extracted from lattice QCD simulations in Coulomb gauge and a transverse hyperfine interaction consistent with a finite gluon propagator in the infrared. The long-distance part of the interaction is due to single vector (rho, omega) and scalar (sigma) meson exchanges. We show results for scattering cross-sections for isospin I = 0 and I = 1.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Nonlocal interactions are an intrinsically quantum phenomenon. In this work we point out that, in the context of heavy ions, such interactions can be studied through the refractive elastic scattering of these systems at intermediate energies. We show that most of the observed energy dependence of the local equivalent bare potential arises from the exchange nonlocality. The nonlocality parameter extracted from the data was found to be very close to the one obtained from folding models. The effective mass of the colliding, heavy-ion, system was found to be close to the nucleon effective mass in nuclear matter.


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This work presents the evaluation of different power electronic integrated converters suitable for photovoltaic applications, in order to reduce complexity and improve reliability. The rated voltages available in Photovoltaic (PV) modules have usually low values for applications such as regulated output voltages in stand-alone or grid-connected configurations. In these cases, a boost stage or a transformer will be necessary. Transformers have low efficiencies, heavy weights and have been used only when galvanic isolation is mandatory. Furthermore, high-frequency transformers increase the converter complexity. Therefore, the most usual topologies use a boost stage and one inverter stage cascaded. However, the complexity, size, weight, cost and lifetime might be improved considering the integration of both stages. In this context, some integrated converters are analyzed and compared in this paper in order to support future evaluations and trends for low power single-phase inverters for PV systems. Power decoupling, MPPT and Tri-State modulations are also considered. Finally, simulation and experimental results are presented and compared for the analyzed topologies. © 2011 IEEE.