998 resultados para Heavy Ions


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Swift heavy ion induced changes in microstructure and surface morphology of vapor deposited Fe–Ni based metallic glass thin films have been investigated by using atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Ion beam irradiation was carried out at room temperature with 103 MeV Au9+ beam with fluences ranging from 3 1011 to 3 1013 ions/cm2. The atomic force microscopy images were subjected to power spectral density analysis and roughness analysis using an image analysis software. Clusters were found in the image of as-deposited samples, which indicates that the film growth is dominated by the island growth mode. As-deposited films were amorphous as evidenced from X-ray diffraction; however, high resolution transmission electron microscopy measurements revealed a short range atomic order in the samples with crystallites of size around 3 nm embedded in an amorphous matrix. X-ray diffraction pattern of the as-deposited films after irradiation does not show any appreciable changes, indicating that the passage of swift heavy ions stabilizes the short range atomic ordering, or even creates further amorphization. The crystallinity of the as-deposited Fe–Ni based films was improved by thermal annealing, and diffraction results indicated that ion beam irradiation on annealed samples results in grain fragmentation. On bombarding annealed films, the surface roughness of the films decreased initially, then, at higher fluences it increased. The observed change in surface morphology of the irradiated films is attributed to the interplay between ion induced sputtering, volume diffusion and surface diffusion


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Self-consistent-field calculations for the total potential energy of highly ionized N_2 molecules are presented. We compare these calculations to the experimentally observed energy released in the Coulomb explosion of ionized N_2 molecules created after collision with fast heavy ions. The most important electronic states of the fragment ions are determined.


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Nonlocal interactions are an intrinsically quantum phenomenon. In this work we point out that, in the context of heavy ions, such interactions can be studied through the refractive elastic scattering of these systems at intermediate energies. We show that most of the observed energy dependence of the local equivalent bare potential arises from the exchange nonlocality. The nonlocality parameter extracted from the data was found to be very close to the one obtained from folding models. The effective mass of the colliding, heavy-ion, system was found to be close to the nucleon effective mass in nuclear matter.


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We estimate the cross sections for the production of resonances, pion pairs, and a central cluster of hadrons in peripheral heavy-ion collisions through two-photon and double-pomeron exchange, at energies that will be available at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The effect of the impact parameter in the diffractive reactions is introduced, and by imposing the condition for realistic peripheral collisions we verify that in the case of very heavy ions the pomeron-pomeron contribution is indeed smaller than the electromagnetic one. However, they give a non-negligible background in the collision of light ions. This diffractive background will be more important at RHIC than at LHC.


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X-ray laser fluorescence spectroscopy of the 2s-2p transition in Li-like ions is promising to become a widely applicable tool to provide information on the nuclear charge radii of stable and radioactive isotopes. For performing such experiments at the Experimental Storage Ring ESR, and the future NESR within the FAIR Project, a grazing incidence pumped (GRIP) x-ray laser (XRL) was set up at GSI Darmstadt using PHELIX (Petawatt High Energy Laser for heavy Ions eXperiments). The experiments demonstrated that lasing using the GRIP geometry could be achieved with relatively low pump energy, a prerequisite for higher repetition rate. In the first chapter the need of a plasma XRL is motivated and a short history of the plasma XRL is presented. The distinctive characteristic of the GRIP method is the controlled deposition of the pump laser energy into the desired plasma density region. While up to now the analysis performed were mostly concerned with the plasma density at the turning point of the main pump pulse, in this thesis it is demonstrated that also the energy deposition is significantly modified for the GRIP method, being sensitive in different ways to a large number of parameters. In the second chapter, the theoretical description of the plasma evolution, active medium and XRL emission properties are reviewed. In addition an innovative analysis of the laser absorption in plasma which includes an inverse Bremsstrahlung (IB) correction factor is presented. The third chapter gives an overview of the experimental set-up and diagnostics, providing an analytical formula for the average and instantaneous traveling wave speed generated with a tilted, on-axis spherical mirror, the only focusing system used up to now in GRIP XRL. The fourth chapter describes the experimental optimization and results. The emphasis is on the effect of the incidence angle of the main pump pulse on the absorption in plasma and on output and gain in different lasing lines. This is compared to the theoretical results for two different incidence angles. Significant corrections for the temperature evolution during the main pump pulse due to the incidence angle are demonstrated in comparison to a simple analytical model which does not take into account the pumping geometry. A much better agreement is reached by the model developed in this thesis. An interesting result is also the appearance of a central dip in the spatially resolved keV emission which was observed in the XRL experiments for the first time and correlates well with previous near field imaging and plasma density profile measurements. In the conclusion also an outlook to the generation of shorter wavelength XRL’s is given.


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Ultra-relativistic heavy ions generate strong electromagnetic fields which offer the possibility to study γ-γ and γ-nucleus processes at the LHC in the so called ultra-peripheral collisions (UPC). The photoproduction of J/ψ vector mesons in UPC is sensitive to the gluon distribution of the interacting nuclei. In this thesis the study of coherent and incoherent J/ψ production in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV is described. The J/ψ has been measured via its leptonic decay in the rapidity range -0.9 < y < 0.9. The cross section for coherent and incoherent J/ψ are given. The results are compared to theoretical models for J/ψ production and the coherent cross section is found to be in good agreement with those models which include nuclear gluon shadowing consistent with EPS09 parametrization. In addition the cross section for the process γ γ→ e+e− has been measured and found to be in agreement with the STARLIGHT Monte Carlo predictions. The analysis has been published by the ALICE Collaboration in the European Physical Journal C, with one of its main plot depicted on the cover-front of the November 2013 issue.


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Die Elektronen in wasserstoff- und lithium-ähnlichen schweren Ionen sind den extrem starken elektrischen und magnetischen Feldern in der Umgebung des Kerns ausgesetzt. Die Laserspektroskopie der Hyperfeinaufspaltung im Grundzustand des Ions erlaubt daher einen sensitiven Test der Quantenelektrodynamik in starken Feldern insbesondere im magnetischen Sektor. Frühere Messungen an wasserstoffähnlichen Systemen die an einer Elektronenstrahl-Ionenfalle (EBIT) und am Experimentierspeicherring (ESR) der GSI Darmstadt durchgeführt wurden, waren in ihrer Genauigkeit durch zu geringe Statistik, einer starken Dopplerverbreiterung und der großen Unsicherheit in der Ionenenergie limitiert. Das ganze Potential des QED-Tests kann nur dann ausgeschöpft werden, wenn es gelingt sowohl wasserstoff- als auch lithium-ähnliche schwere Ionen mit einer um 2-3 Größenordnung gesteigerten Genauigkeit zu spektroskopieren. Um dies zu erreichen, wird gegenwärtig das neue Penningfallensystem SPECTRAP an der GSI aufgebaut und in Betrieb genommen. Es ist speziell für die Laserspektroskopie an gespeicherten hochgeladenen Ionen optimiert und wird in Zukunft von HITRAP mit nierderenergetischen hochgeladenen Ionen versorgt werden.rnrnSPECTRAP ist eine zylindrische Penningfalle mit axialem Zugang für die Injektion von Ionen und die Einkopplung eines Laserstrahls sowie einem radialen optischen Zugang für die Detektion der Fluoreszenz. Um letzteres zu realisieren ist der supraleitende Magnet als Helmholtz-Spulenpaar ausgelegt. Um die gewünschte Genauigkeit bei der Laserspektroskopie zu erreichen, muss ein effizienter und schneller Kühlprozess für die injizierten hochegeladenen Ionen realisiert werden. Dies kann mittels sympathetischer Kühlung in einer lasergekühlten Wolke leichter Ionen realisiert werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein Lasersystem und eine Ionenquelle für die Produktion einer solchen 24Mg+ Ionenwolke aufgebaut und erfolgreich an SPECTRAP in Betrieb genommen. Dazu wurde ein Festkörperlasersystem für die Erzeugung von Licht bei 279.6 nm entworfen und aufgebaut. Es besteht aus einem Faserlaser bei 1118 nm der in zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Frequenzverdopplungsstufen frequenzvervierfacht wird. Die Verdopplerstufen sind als aktiv stabilisierte Resonantoren mit nichtlinearen Kristallen ausgelegt. Das Lasersystem liefert unter optimalen Bedingeungen bis zu 15 mW bei der ultravioletten Wellenlänge und erwies sich während der Teststrahlzeiten an SPECTRAP als ausgesprochen zuverlässig. Desweiteren wurde eine Ionequelle für die gepulste Injektion von Mg+ Ionen in die SPECTRAP Falle entwickelt. Diese basiert auf der Elektronenstoßionisation eines thermischen Mg-Atomstrahls und liefert in der gepulsten Extraktion Ionenbündel mit einer kleinen Impuls- und Energieverteilung. Unter Nutzung des Lasersystems konnten damit an SPECTRAP erstmals Ionenwolken mit bis zu 2600 lasergekühlten Mg Ionen erzeugt werden. Der Nachweis erfolgte sowohl mittels Fluoreszenz als auch mit der FFT-ICR Technik. Aus der Analyse des Fluoreszenz-Linienprofils lässt sich sowohl die Sensitivität auf einzelne gespeicherte Ionen als auch eine erreichte Endtemperatur in der Größenordnung von ≈ 100 mK nach wenigen Sekunden Kühlzeit belegen.


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The Plasma and Supra-Thermal Ion Composition (PLASTIC) instrument is one of four experiment packages on board of the two identical STEREO spacecraft A and B, which were successfully launched from Cape Canaveral on 26 October 2006. During the two years of the nominal STEREO mission, PLASTIC is providing us with the plasma characteristics of protons, alpha particles, and heavy ions. PLASTIC will also provide key diagnostic measurements in the form of the mass and charge state composition of heavy ions. Three measurements (E/qk, time of flight, ESSD) from the pulse height raw data are used to characterize the solar wind ions from the solar wind sector, and part of the suprathermal particles from the wide-angle partition with respect to mass, atomic number and charge state. In this paper, we present a new method for flight data analysis based on simulations of the PLASTIC response to solar wind ions. We present the response of the entrance system / energy analyzer in an analytical form. Based on stopping power theory, we use an analytical expression for the energy loss of the ions when they pass through a thin carbon foil. This allows us to model analytically the response of the time of flight mass spectrometer to solar wind ions. Thus we present a new version of the analytical response of the solid state detectors to solar wind ions. Various important parameters needed for our models were derived, based on calibration data and on the first flight measurements obtained from STEREO-A. We used information from each measured event that is registered in full resolution in the Pulse Height Analysis words and we derived a new algorithm for the analysis of both existing and future data sets of a similar nature which was tested and works well. This algorithm allows us to obtain, for each measured event, the mass, atomic number and charge state in the correct physical units. Finally, an important criterion was developed for filtering our Fe raw flight data set from the pulse height data without discriminating charge states.


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Irradiation with swift heavy ions (SHI), roughly defined as those having atomic masses larger than 15 and energies exceeding 1 MeV/amu, may lead to significant modification of the irradiated material in a nanometric region around the (straight) ion trajectory (latent tracks). In the case of amorphous silica, SHI irradiation originates nano-tracks of higher density than the virgin material (densification). As a result, the refractive index is increased with respect to that of the surroundings. Moreover, track overlapping leads to continuous amorphous layers that present a significant contrast with respect to the pristine substrate. We have recently demonstrated that SHI irradiation produces a large number of point defects, easily detectable by a number of experimental techniques (work presented in the parallel conference ICDIM). The mechanisms of energy transfer from SHI to the target material have their origin in the high electronic excitation induced in the solid. A number of phenomenological approaches have been employed to describe these mechanisms: coulomb explosion, thermal spike, non-radiative exciton decay, bond weakening. However, a detailed microscopic description is missing due to the difficulty of modeling the time evolution of the electronic excitation. In this work we have employed molecular dynamics (MD) calculations to determine whether the irradiation effects are related to the thermal phenomena described by MD (in the ps domain) or to electronic phenomena (sub-ps domain), e.g., exciton localization. We have carried out simulations of up to 100 ps with large boxes (30x30x8 nm3) using a home-modified version of MDCASK that allows us to define a central hot cylinder (ion track) from which heat flows to the surrounding cold bath (unirradiated sample). We observed that once the cylinder has cooled down, the Si and O coordination numbers are 4 and 2, respectively, as in virgin silica. On the other hand, the density of the (cold) cylinder increases with respect to that of silica and, furthermore, the silica network ring size decreases. Both effects are in agreement with the observed densification. In conclusion, purely thermal effects do not explain the generation of point defects upon irradiation, but they do account for the silica densification.


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Radio frequency (R.F.) glow discharge polyterpenol thin films were prepared on silicon wafers and irradiated with I10+ ions to fluences of 1 × 1010 and 1 × 1012 ions/cm2. Post-irradiation characterisation of these films indicated the development of well-defined nano-scale ion entry tracks, highlighting prospective applications for ion irradiated polyterpenol thin films in a variety of membrane and nanotube-fabrication functions. Optical characterisation showed the films to be optically transparent within the visible spectrum and revealed an ability to selectively control the thin film refractive index as a function of fluence. This indicates that ion irradiation processing may be employed to produce plasma-polymer waveguides to accommodate a variety of wavelengths. XRR probing of the substrate-thin film interface revealed interfacial roughness values comparable to those obtained for the uncoated substrate's surface (i.e., both on the order of 5 Å), indicating minimal substrate etching during the plasma deposition process.


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Thin film applications have become increasingly important in our search for multifunctional and economically viable technological solutions of the future. Thin film coatings can be used for a multitude of purposes, ranging from a basic enhancement of aesthetic attributes to the addition of a complex surface functionality. Anything from electronic or optical properties, to an increased catalytic or biological activity, can be added or enhanced by the deposition of a thin film, with a thickness of only a few atomic layers at the best, on an already existing surface. Thin films offer both a means of saving in materials and the possibility for improving properties without a critical enlargement of devices. Nanocluster deposition is a promising new method for the growth of structured thin films. Nanoclusters are small aggregates of atoms or molecules, ranging in sizes from only a few nanometers up to several hundreds of nanometers in diameter. Due to their large surface to volume ratio, and the confinement of atoms and electrons in all three dimensions, nanoclusters exhibit a wide variety of exotic properties that differ notably from those of both single atoms and bulk materials. Nanoclusters are a completely new type of building block for thin film deposition. As preformed entities, clusters provide a new means of tailoring the properties of thin films before their growth, simply by changing the size or composition of the clusters that are to be deposited. Contrary to contemporary methods of thin film growth, which mainly rely on the deposition of single atoms, cluster deposition also allows for a more precise assembly of thin films, as the configuration of single atoms with respect to each other is already predetermined in clusters. Nanocluster deposition offers a possibility for the coating of virtually any material with a nanostructured thin film, and therein the enhancement of already existing physical or chemical properties, or the addition of some exciting new feature. A clearer understanding of cluster-surface interactions, and the growth of thin films by cluster deposition, must, however, be achieved, if clusters are to be successfully used in thin film technologies. Using a combination of experimental techniques and molecular dynamics simulations, both the deposition of nanoclusters, and the growth and modification of cluster-assembled thin films, are studied in this thesis. Emphasis is laid on an understanding of the interaction between metal clusters and surfaces, and therein the behaviour of these clusters during deposition and thin film growth. The behaviour of single metal clusters, as they impact on clean metal surfaces, is analysed in detail, from which it is shown that there exists a cluster size and deposition energy dependent limit, below which epitaxial alignment occurs. If larger clusters are deposited at low energies, or cluster-surface interactions are weaker, non-epitaxial deposition will take place, resulting in the formation of nanocrystalline structures. The effect of cluster size and deposition energy on the morphology of cluster-assembled thin films is also determined, from which it is shown that nanocrystalline cluster-assembled films will be porous. Modification of these thin films, with the purpose of enhancing their mechanical properties and durability, without destroying their nanostructure, is presented. Irradiation with heavy ions is introduced as a feasible method for increasing the density, and therein the mechanical stability, of cluster-assembled thin films, without critically destroying their nanocrystalline properties. The results of this thesis demonstrate that nanocluster deposition is a suitable technique for the growth of nanostructured thin films. The interactions between nanoclusters and their supporting surfaces must, however, be carefully considered, if a controlled growth of cluster-assembled thin films, with precisely tailored properties, is to be achieved.


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Role of swift heavy ion irradiation on the modification of transport and structural properties of high temperature superconductors is studied. Good quality YBCO thin films prepared by high pressure oxygen sputtering and laser ablation were used in this investigation. Resistivity and atomic force microscopy (AFM) were mainly used to probe superconducting and microstructural modifications resulted from the irradiation of high energy and heavy ions like 100 MeV oxygen and 200 MeV silver. Radiation induced sputtering or erosion is likely to be a major disastrous component of such high energy irradiation that could be powerful in masking phase coherence effects, atleast in grain boundaries. The extent of damage/nature of defects other than columnar defects produced by swift heavy ions is discussed in the light of AFM measurements. The effect of high energy oxygen ion irradiation is anomalous. A clear annealing effect at higher doses is seen. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The relaxor ferroelectric compositions Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O-3 (PEN) and [Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O-3](0.8)-[PbTiO3](0.2) (PMN-PT) are studied for their radiation response to the high energy heavy ions (50 MeV Li3+, fluence 1 X 10(13)-1 X 10(14) ions/cm(2)) in terms of their structural, dielectric and piezoelectric properties. There was no change in the crystallinity of both the compositions after irradiation as seen from the XRD. The PEN composition did not show much change in the dielectric constant but the value of T-m decreased by 8degreesC. The PMN-PT composition showed an increase in the dielectric constant with increase in the irradiation fluence from 1 x 10(13) to 1 X 10(14) ions/cm(2) with no change in the value of T-m. The piezoelectric coefficient decreased in both the samples after irradiation. Among the compositions studied, PEN is observed to be more radiation resistant to changes in structural and dielectric properties than PM-PT. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The interaction of a circularly polarized laser pulse with a mixed solid target containing two species of ions is studied by particle in cell simulations and analytical model. After the interaction tends to be stable, it is demonstrated that the acceleration is more efficient for the heavier ions than that in plasmas containing a single kind of heavy ion and the acceleration efficiency is higher when its proportion is lower. To obtain monoenergetic heavy-ion beams, a sandwich target with a thin mixed ion layer between two light ion layers and a microstructured target are proposed. The influences of parameters of the laser pulse and target on ion acceleration are discussed in detail. It is found that, when the target is thick enough, a cold target is more appropriate for heavy-ion acceleration than a warm target, and the velocity of the reflected heavy ions is proportional to the laser amplitude.