902 resultados para Health Sciences, Nutrition|Health Sciences, Public Health|Health Sciences, Oncology
Background. It is important to understand the association between diet and risk of pancreatic cancer in order to better understand the etiology of pancreatic cancer.^ Objectives. Describe the dietary patterns of cases of adenocarcinoma of the pancreas and non-cancer controls and evaluate the odds of having a healthy eating pattern among cases and non-cancer controls.^ Design and Methods. An ongoing hospital-based case-control study was conducted in Houston, Texas from 2000-2008 with 678 pancreatic adenocarcinoma cases and 724 controls. Participants completed a food frequency questionnaire and a risk factor questionnaire. Dietary patterns were derived by principal component analysis and associations between dietary patterns and pancreatic cancer risk were assessed using unconditional logistic regression.^ Results. Two dietary patterns were derived: fruit-vegetable and high fat-meat. There were no statistically significant associations between the fruit-vegetable pattern and pancreatic cancer. An inverse association was seen between the high fat-meat pattern and pancreatic cancer risk when comparing those in the upper intake quintile to those scoring in the lowest quintile after adjusting for demographic and risk factor variables (OR=0.67, p=0.03). In sex-stratified analysis adjusted for demographic and risk factor variables, females scoring in the upper intake quintile of the fruit-vegetable pattern had a 49% lower risk of pancreatic cancer compared to females scoring in the lowest quintile (OR=0.51, p=0.03). An inverse relationship was also seen for the high fat-meat pattern when comparing females in the upper intake quintile to females in the lowest quintile (OR=0.50, p=0.03). In males, neither dietary pattern was significantly associated with pancreatic cancer.^ Conclusions. The current findings for the fruit-vegetable pattern are similar to those of previous studies and support the hypothesis that there is an inverse association between a “healthy” diet (comprised of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains) and risk of having pancreatic cancer (in females only). However, the inverse relationship with the high fat-meat pattern and risk of pancreatic cancer is contrary to other results. Further research on dietary patters and pancreatic cancer risk may lead to better understanding of the etiologic cause of pancreatic cancer.^
Few studies have explored factors related to participation in cancer chemoprevention trials. The purpose of this dissertation was to conduct investigations in this emerging field by studying aspects of participation at three phases of cancer chemoprevention trials: at enrollment, during a placebo run-in period, and post-trial. In all three studies, subjects had a history of cancer and were at high risk of recurrence or second primary tumors.^ The first study explored correlates of enrollment in a head and neck cancer chemoprevention trial by comparing participants and eligible nonparticipants. Of 148 subjects who met the trial's preliminary eligibility criteria, 40% enrolled. In multivariate analysis, enrollment was positively associated with being male (OR 2.36) and being employed (OR 2.73). The most commonly cited reason for declining participation among nonparticipants was transportation.^ The second study examined outcomes of an eight-week placebo run-in period in a head and neck cancer chemoprevention trial. Of 391 subjects, 91.3% were randomized after the run-in. Adherence to drug capsules ranged from 0% to 120.3% (mean $\pm$ SD, 95.8% $\pm$ 15.1). In multivariate analysis, the main variable predicting run-in outcome was race; white subjects were 3.45 times more likely to be randomized than non-white subjects. Subjects with Karnofsky scores of 100 were 2.13 times more likely to be randomized than were subjects with lower scores.^ The third study used post-trial questionnaires to assess subjects' (n = 64) perceptions of participation in a cancer chemoprevention trial. The most highly rated trial benefit was the perception of potential colon cancer prevention, and the most troublesome barrier was erroneous billing for study visits. Perceived benefits were positively associated with interest in participating in future trials of the same (p = 0.05) and longer (p = 0.02) duration, and difficulty with trial pills and procedures was inversely related to interest in future placebo-controlled trials (p = 0.01).^ These are among the first behavioral studies to be completed in the rapidly growing field of cancer chemoprevention. Much work has yet to be done, however, to advance our understanding of the complex issues relating to chemoprevention trial participation. ^
In this thesis a mouse model was used to examine the effect of pubertal estrogen inhibition and a phytoestrogen-free diet on the development of mammary glands. The study question was does treatment with aromatase inhibitor during puberty increase susceptibility to breast cancer among cohorts that consumed a diet free of phytoestrogens. The study design consisted of a cohort of mice treated with aromatase inhibitor, letrozole, during puberty and a vehicular group that was used as a control. Both groups were fed a diet free of phytoestrogens from the time of weaning until sacrifice during adulthood. The study aimed to assess mammary gland development in terms of breast cancer risk. The methods employed in this research included morphological and histological analysis of mammary glands, as well as estradiol, RNA and protein analysis. The main finding of the study was that mice exposed to aromatase inhibitor during puberty developed mammary glands with specific characteristics suggestive of vulnerability to oncogenesis such as increased lateral branching, increased number of glands, increase ductal hyperplasia, and diminished expression of TGFβ and p27 protein levels. The conclusions suggest that puberty is a critical period in which the mammary gland is susceptible to environmental threats that may result in deleterious epigenetic effects leading to an increased breast cancer risk in adulthood. This study has several public health implications; the most significant is that environmental threats during puberty may result in adverse mammary gland development and that phytoestrogen sources in the diet are necessary for normal maturation of the mammary glands.^
Choline and betaine are important methyl donors that contribute to protein and phospholipid synthesis and DNA methylation. They can either be obtained through diet or synthesized de novo. Evidence from human and animal research indicates that choline metabolic pathways may be activated during a variety of diseases, including cancer. Studies have been conducted to investigate the role of dietary intake of choline and betaine on cancers, but results vary among studies by cancer types, and no such study had been conducted for lung cancer. We conducted a case-control study to explore the association between choline and betaine dietary intake and lung cancer. A total of 2807 cases and 2919 controls were included in the study. After adjusting for total calorie intake, age, sex, race and smoking status, multivariable logistic regression analysis revealed a significant negative association between choline/betaine intake and lung cancer. Specifically, we observed that higher choline intake was associated with reduced lung cancer odds, and the association did not differ significantly by smoking status. A similar negative trend was observed in the association between betaine intake and lung cancer after adjusting for total calorie intake, age, sex, smoking status, race, and pack-years of smoking. However, this association was strongly affected by smoking. No significant association was observed with increased betaine intake and lung cancer among never smokers, but higher betaine intake was strongly associated with reduced lung cancer odds among smokers, and lower odds ratios were observed among current smokers than among former smokers. Our results suggest that high intake of choline may be protective for lung cancer independent of smoking status, while high betaine intake may mitigate the adverse effect of smoking on lung cancer, and help prevent lung cancer among smokers.^
Background: An increased understanding of the pathogenesis of cancer at the molecular level has led to the development of personalized cancer therapy based on the mutation status of the tumor. Tailoring treatments to genetic signatures has improved treatment outcomes in patients with advanced cancer. We conducted a meta-analysis to provide a quantitative summary of the response to treatment on a phase I clinical trial matched to molecular aberration in patients with advanced solid tumors. ^ Methods: Original studies that reported the results of phase I clinical trials in patients with advanced cancer treated with matched anti-cancer therapies between January 2006 and November 2011 were identified through an extensive search of Medline, Embase, Web of Science and Cochrane Library databases. Odds Ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) was estimated for each study to assess the strength of an association between objective response rate (ORR) and mutation status. Random effects model was used to estimate the pooled OR and their 95% CI was derived. Funnel plot was used to assess publication bias. ^ Results: Thirteen studies published between January 2006 and November 2011that reported on responses to matched phase I clinical trials in patients with advanced cancer were included in the meta-analysis. Nine studies reported on the responses seen in 538 of the 835 patients with driver mutations responsive to therapy and seven studies on the responses observed in 234 of the 306 patients with mutation predictive for negative response. Random effects model was used to estimate pooled OR, which was 7.767(95% CI = 4.199 − 14.366; p-value=0.000) in patients with activating mutations that were responsive to therapy and 0.287 (95% CI = 0.119 − 0.694; p-value=0.009) in patients with mutation predictive of negative response. ^ Conclusion: It is evident from the meta-analysis that somatic mutations present in tumor tissue of patients are predictive of responses to therapy in patients with advanced cancer in phase I setting. Plethora of research and growing evidence base indicate that selection of patients based on mutation analysis of the tumor and personalizing therapy is a step forward in the war against cancer.^
Although physician recommendation has been significantly associated with colorectal cancer screening (CRCS), it still does not motivate all patients to get CRCS. Although improved physician recommendation for CRCS has been shown to increase patient CRCS screening, questions remain about what elements of that discussion may lead to screening. The objective of this study is to describe patients' perceptions and interpretations about their physician's recommendation for CRCS during their annual wellness exam. A subset of patients (n=51) participating in a supplement study of a behavioral intervention trial designed to increase CRCS completed a follow-up, open-ended interview two to four weeks after their annual wellness visit. Using qualitative methods, transcripts of these interviews were analyzed. Findings suggest that most patients would follow their physician's recommendation for CRCS despite not engaging in much discussion. Patients may refrain from CRCS discussion because of a commitment to CRCS, awareness of screening guidelines, and trust in physician's honesty and beneficence. Yet many patients left their wellness exams with questions, refraining because of future plans to consult with their physicians, perceived time constraints or a lack of a patient-physician relationship. If patients are leaving their wellness exams with unanswered questions, interventions should prepare physicians for patient reticence, teaching physicians how to assure patients that CRCS is a primary care activity where all questions and concerns, including cost and scheduling, may be resolved.^
Introduction. Distant metastasis remains the leading cause of death among prostate cancer patients. Several genetic susceptibility loci associated with Prostate cancer have been identified by the Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS). To date, few studies have explored the ability of these SNPs to identify metastatic prostate cancer. Based on the identification of genetic variants as predictors of aggressive disease, a case comparison study of prostate cancer patients was designed to explore the association of 96 GWAS single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with metastatic disease. ^ Method. 1242 histologically confirmed prostate cancer patients, with and without metastatic disease, were enrolled into the study. Data were collected from personal interviews, hospital database and abstraction of medical records. Ninety six SNPs identified from GWAS studies based on their associations with prostate cancer risk were genotyped in the study population. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to explore the relationships of the variants with metastatic prostate cancer in Whites and African American men. ^ Results. Four SNPs showed independent associations with metastatic prostate cancer (rs721048 in EHBP1 (2p15), rs3025039 in VEGF (6p12), rs11228565 in Intergenic(11q13.2) and rs2735839 in KLK3(19q13.33)) in the White population. For SNP rs2735839 in KLK3, genotype GA was 1.71 times as likely to be associated with metastatic prostate cancer diagnosis as genotype AA after adjusting for other significant SNPs and covariates (95% CI, 1.12-2.60; p=0.012). In men of African descent, three SNPs: rs1512268 in NKX3-1(8p21.2), rs12155172 in intergenic (7p15.3) & rs10486567 in JAZF1 (7p15.2) were positively associated with metastatic disease in the multivariate analysis. The strongest SNP was rs1512268 heterozygous genotype AG in NKX3-1(8p21.2) which was associated with 3.97-fold increased risk of metastatic prostate cancer diagnosis (95% CI, 1.69-9.34; p =0.002). ^ Conclusion. Genetic variants associated with metastatic prostate cancer were different in Whites and African American men. Given the high mortality rate recorded in men diagnosed with metastatic prostate tumor, further studies are needed to validate associations and establish their clinical application.^
Complex diseases, such as cancer, are caused by various genetic and environmental factors, and their interactions. Joint analysis of these factors and their interactions would increase the power to detect risk factors but is statistically. Bayesian generalized linear models using student-t prior distributions on coefficients, is a novel method to simultaneously analyze genetic factors, environmental factors, and interactions. I performed simulation studies using three different disease models and demonstrated that the variable selection performance of Bayesian generalized linear models is comparable to that of Bayesian stochastic search variable selection, an improved method for variable selection when compared to standard methods. I further evaluated the variable selection performance of Bayesian generalized linear models using different numbers of candidate covariates and different sample sizes, and provided a guideline for required sample size to achieve a high power of variable selection using Bayesian generalize linear models, considering different scales of number of candidate covariates. ^ Polymorphisms in folate metabolism genes and nutritional factors have been previously associated with lung cancer risk. In this study, I simultaneously analyzed 115 tag SNPs in folate metabolism genes, 14 nutritional factors, and all possible genetic-nutritional interactions from 1239 lung cancer cases and 1692 controls using Bayesian generalized linear models stratified by never, former, and current smoking status. SNPs in MTRR were significantly associated with lung cancer risk across never, former, and current smokers. In never smokers, three SNPs in TYMS and three gene-nutrient interactions, including an interaction between SHMT1 and vitamin B12, an interaction between MTRR and total fat intake, and an interaction between MTR and alcohol use, were also identified as associated with lung cancer risk. These lung cancer risk factors are worthy of further investigation.^
Objective: The primary objective of this project was to describe the efficacy of the Levonorgestrel Intrauterine Device (LIUD) for treatment of Complex Endometrial Cancer (CAH) and Grade 1 Endometrial Cancer (G1EEC) in terms of rate of Complete Response (CR) and Partial Response (PR) after 6 months of therapy. Finally, we assessed if any clinical or pathologic features were associated with response to the LIUD. ^ Methods: This study was a retrospective case series designed to report the response rate of patients with CAH or G1EEC treated with LIUD therapy. In addition, this study has a laboratory component to assess molecular predictors of response to LIUD therapy. Retrospective data already collected from patients diagnosed with CAH or EEC grade 1 and treated with LIUD therapy at MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) were used for this study. Patients from all ethnic and race groups were included. A Complete Response (CR) was defined in patients diagnosed with CAH if pathologic report at 6 months demonstrated either no evidence of hyperplasia or no atypia in the setting of simple or complex hyperplasia. Partial Response (PR) was recorded if disease downgraded to only CAH from G1EEC. No Response (NR) was recorded if pathologic report demonstrates no change (Stable Disease, SD) or progression to cancer (Progressive Disease, PD). We calculated the proportion of patients with complete response to LIUD therapy with 95% confidence interval. We compared the response rates (CR/PR vs NR) by obesity status (Obese if BMI > 40 kg/m2 vs non-obese if BMI <= 40 kg/m2) as well as other clinical and pathologic factors, such as age, uterine size (median size), and presence of exogenous progesterone effect. ^ Results: There were 39 patients diagnosed with either CAH or G1EEC treated with the LIUD. Of 39 patients, 12 did not have pathological results of biopsy at 6months time period. Of 27 evaluable patients, 17 were diagnosed with CAH and 10 with G1EEC. Overall response rate (RR) was 78% (95% CI = 62-94%) at 6 months, 18 patients had CR (4 in G1EEC; 14 in CAH), 3 patients had PR (3 in G1EEC), 3 had SD (1 in CAH; 2 in G1EEC), 3 had PD (2 in CAH; 1 in G1EEC). After histology stratification, RR at 6 months was 82.35% (14/17; 95%CI = 67.4-97.3%) in CAH and 70% (7/10; 95% CI = 41-98.4%) in G1EEC. ^ There was no difference in response (R) and no response (NR) based on BMI (p=0.56). He observed a trend showing association between age with response (p=0.1). There was no association between uterine size and response to therapy (p=0.17). We recorded strong association between exogenous progesterone effect and response. ^ Conclusion: LIUD therapy for the treatment of CAH and G1EEC may be effective and safe. Presence of exogenous progesterone effect may predict the response to LIUD therapy at earlier time points. There is need of further studies with larger sample size to explore the relationship of response with other clinical and pathologic factors^
Background: Despite the fact breast cancer mortality has declined in recent years, the mortality gap between African-American and white women continues to grow. A part of these disparities may be due to either inadequately following guideline recommended treatment or treatment delays. Although racial/ethnic disparities in breast cancer treatment and mortality have been extensively documented, the mechanisms by which these disparities occur remain largely unknown. Social and economically influenced factors such as choice of providers, distance of treatment facility, transportation, health insurance, and job related factors may also contribute to racial differences in breast cancer treatment; however, these have not been explored sufficiently in previous research. ^ Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of social and economically influenced factors that may contribute to racial disparities in the receipt of guideline recommended treatment using the Health Disparities Model. ^ Methods: In this qualitative comparative case study, data from medical records, structured telephone interviews, and in-depth patient interviews explored the relationship between social and economically influenced factors and breast cancer treatment. Transcripts were analyzed using standard iterative process followed by immersion/crystallization approach. Participants were identified through rapid ascertainment from the New Jersey Cancer Registry and this study included 8 African-American and 8 white women aged 20-85 years old diagnosed with early stage breast cancer between 2003-2007, matched on age, race, and physician recommended treatment. ^ Results: We did not identify differences by race in factors that influenced the receipt of breast cancer treatment among the individual matched pairs. Four prominent themes emerged among women from both groups who experienced similar difficulties influenced by socioeconomic factors. Choice of providers, distance of facility, health insurance, and job related factors all contributed to breast cancer treatment experience among these women. Conclusions: We identified common issues influenced by socioeconomic factors and its relation with the receipt of breast cancer treatment, regardless of race. However, more research is needed to study the additional factors conveying racial differences affecting breast cancer treatment. ^
Objective: The study aimed to identify the risk factors involved in initiating thromboembolism (TE) in pancreatic cancer (PC) patients, with focus on ABO blood type. ^ Methods and Patients: There were 35.7% confirmed cases of TE and 64.3% cases remained free of TE (n=687). There were 12.7% only Pulmonary embolism (PE), 9% only Deep vein thrombosis (DVT), 53.5% only other sites, 3.3% combined PE and DVT, 8.6% combined PE and other sites, 9.8% combined DVT and other sites, and 3.3% all three combined cases. ^ Results: The risk factors for thrombosis identified by multivariate logistic regression were: history of previous anti-thrombotic treatment, tumor site in pancreatic body or tail, large tumor size, maximum glucose category more than 126 and 200 mg/dL. ^ The factors with worse overall survival by multivariate Cox regression and Kaplan Meier analyses were: locally advanced or metastatic stage, worsening performance status, high CA 19-9 levels, and HbA1C levels more than 6 %, at diagnosis. ^ There were 29.1% and 39.1% of the patients with thrombosis in the O and non-O blood type groups respectively. Both Non-O blood type (P=0.02) and the A, B and AB blood types (P= 0.007) were associated with thrombosis as compared to O type. The odds of thrombosis were nearly half in O blood type patients as compared to non-O blood type [OR-0.54 (95% C.I.- 0.37-0.79), P<0.001]. ^ Conclusion: A better understanding of the TE and PC relationship and involved risk factors may provide insights on tumor biology and patient response to prophylactic anticoagulation therapy.^
Triple-negative breast cancers (TNBC) are characterized by the lack of or reduced expression of the estrogen and progesterone receptors, and normal expression of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2. The lack of a well-characterized target for treatment leaves only systemic chemotherapy as the mainstay of treatment. Approximately 60-70% of patients are chemosensitive, while the remaining majority does not respond. Targeted therapies that take advantage of the unique molecular perturbations found in triple-negative breast cancer are needed. The genes that are frequently amplified or overexpressed represent potential therapeutic targets for triple-negative breast cancer. The purpose of this study was to identify and validate novel therapeutic targets for triple-negative breast cancers. 681 genes showed consistent and highly significant overexpression in TNBC compared to receptor-positive cancers in 2 data sets. For two genes, 3 of the 4 siRNAs showed preferential growth inhibition in TNBC cells. These two genes were the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 8 (LRP8) and very low-density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR). Exposure to their cognate ligands, reelin and apolipoprotein E isoform 4 (ApoE4), stimulated the growth of TNBC cells in vitro. Suppression of the expression of either LRP8 or VLDLR or exposure to RAP (an inhibitor of ligand binding to LRP8 and VLDLR) abolished this ligand-induced proliferation. High-throughput protein and metabolic arrays revealed that ApoE4 stimulation rescued TNBC cells from serum-starvation induced up-regulation of genes involved in lipid biosynthesis, increased protein expression of oncogenes involved in the MAPK/ERK and DNA repair pathways, and reduced the serum-starvation induction of biochemicals involved in oxidative stress response and glycolytic metabolism. shLRP8 MDA-MB-231 xenografts had reduced tumor volume, in comparison to parental and shCON xenografts. These results indicate that LRP8-APOE signaling confers survival advantages to TNBC tumors under reduced nutrient conditions and during cellular environmental stress. We revealed that the LRP8-APOE receptor-ligand system is overexpressed in human TNBC. We also demonstrated that this receptor system mediates a strong growth promoting and survival function in TNBC cells in vitro and helps to sustain the growth of MDA-MD-231 xenografts. We propose that inhibitors of LRP8-APOE signaling may be clinically useful therapeutic agents for triple-negative breast cancer.
Background: Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is rare and accounts for 2.5% of all invasive breast cancers. The 5-year survival rates are significantly lower than for other types of breast cancer, highlighting the significance of cancer prevention in IBC. The comprehensive multi-disciplinary team Morgan Welch Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research Program and Clinic at University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center treats the largest number of Inflammatory Breast patients in a single center. Because of this unique center, large patient resources, and good medical and epidemiological records, we were able to conduct the largest single center case-control and case-case study on IBC. Methods: We identified 246 patients diagnosed with IBC and 397 cancer free patients seen at the Dan L Duncan Cancer Prevention Clinic. Breast cancer reproductive risk factors and lifestyle risk factors were compared between tumor subtypes of IBC patients (Estrogen Receptor positive (ER+) and/or Progesterone Receptor positive (PR+), Human Epidermal Growth Factor 2 positive (HER2+)), and (ER -/PR-/HER2-)) and cancer free controls. Results: Breastfeeding was the only significant risk factor (p<0.01) between tumor subtypes in IBC patients. In the case-control study that included all IBC patients and cancer free patients the descriptive statistics indicate significant difference in BMI, history of smoking, number of children, age of first pregnancy, any breastfeeding and total time breastfeeding (p<0.05). No differences were found in the frequency of other breast cancer risk factors. Conclusion: The associations determined between cancer free controls and IBC patients have identified previously unknown risk factors for IBC. The risk factors identified by the case control study suggest BMI, history of smoking, and the protective effect of breastfeeding as potential modifiable risk factors that can be used to decrease the incidence of IBC. Impact: These results highlight the importance of evaluating epidemiologic risk factors of IBC, which could lead to the identification of distinct etiologic pathways that could be targeted for prevention.^
Background: Cancer is the second-leading cause of death in the United States, and Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders are the only racial/ethnic group for which cancer is the leading cause of death. Regular cancer screenings help to identify precancerous lesions and cancer at an earlier stage, when the cancer is more treatable. Ethnic disparities in participation in cancer screenings are also striking, and evidence indicates that Asian Americans may have lower rates of cancer screening participation than other racial/ethnic groups. The Health of Houston Survey 2010 (HHS 2010) is an address-based survey, administered via telephone, website, and mail, of over 5,000 respondents in Houston and Harris County that provides recent data on the health status and needs of the Houston community. HHS 2010 researchers oversampled for Asians and Vietnamese Americans in order to obtain a sample size large enough to obtain statistical power. This dataset provides a unique opportunity to examine the cancer screening behaviors and predictors of Vietnamese and Chinese Americans living in Houston, Texas.^ Methods: This study was a secondary data analysis of HHS 2010 data. The data were analyzed to compare the breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening compliance rates of Vietnamese and Chinese Americans with other racial/ethnic groups in Houston, Texas. Key predictors of participation and barriers to cancer screening were identified.^ Results: The results of this study indicate that in Houston, Vietnamese Americans and Asian Americans as a whole have strikingly lower rates of participation in cancer screenings compared to other ethnic groups. Chinese Americans had the highest rate of noncompliance for mammography of all ethnic groups; Asian Americans and Vietnamese Americans also had high rates of noncompliance. Similarly, Vietnamese and Asian Americans had high rates of noncompliance with colorectal cancer screening recommendations. Importantly, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Asian Americans had by far the worst pap test participation, with noncompliance rates more than double that of all other racial/ethnic groups. In general, the findings indicated several key predictors in cancer screening behaviors, including English language proficiency, years lived in the United States, health insurance, college education, and income; however, the significance and patterns of these variables varied by ethnic group as well as cancer site.^ Conclusions: This secondary analysis highlights the disparities in cancer screening participation among Vietnamese, Chinese, and Asian Americans in Houston, Texas and indicate the need to identify Asian Americans as a high-risk group in need of health promotion attention. Barriers to screening and educational needs appear to be specific to each target ethnic group. Thus, health educators and health professionals in Houston must focus on the specific educational needs of the key ethnic groups that make up the Houston population. Further, more ethnic-specific research is needed to examine the health behaviors and needs of Houston's Asian American subgroups.^
Background: The objective of this analysis is to test whether baseline quality of life (QOL) measurements, body mass index (BMI) and prior exercise behavior are significantly associated with (1) telephone counseling adherence, and (2) activity at the final assessment, in a physical activity promoting intervention among endometrial cancer survivors.^ Methods: One hundred endometrial cancer survivors not currently meeting physical activity guidelines completed baseline QOL and anthropometric assessments to measure general physical and mental health [Medical Outcomes Survey (SF-36)], sleep patterns and sleep quality [Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)], perceived stress [Perceived Stress Scale (PSS)], cancer-specific concerns of long-term survivors [Quality of Life in Adult Cancer Survivors (QLACS)], and psychological distress [Brief Symptom Inventory-18 (BSI-18)]. Survivors were counseled by telephone during the 6-month intervention and their completion rate determined their adherence. The primary variables of interest included age, baseline BMI, baseline activity level, time since diagnosis, education, treatment received, and the SF-36 physical and mental component scores.^ Results: Final activity was most closely linked with baseline activity (p<.001) and less invasive surgery, being leaner and older, and experiencing less pain and more vitality. Telephone counseling was also predicted well by baseline activity, working less and having better overall cancer-related functioning.^ Conclusion: Above and beyond the QOL measures, baseline activity was the strongest predictor of both final activity and telephone counseling adherence. While education, surgery treatment type and bodily pain were important predictors for final exercise and employment status and cancer-related quality of life were important predictors for telephone counseling adherence, considering adaptive exercise interventions that focus heavily on engaging inactive participants may be a way to produce better exercise-related outcomes in the endometrial cancer survivor population.^