864 resultados para Hardware gráfico


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56 hojas : ilustraciones, cuadros.


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10 hojas : ilustraciones.


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Two classes of techniques have been developed to whiten the quantization noise in digital delta-sigma modulators (DDSMs): deterministic and stochastic. In this two-part paper, a design methodology for reduced-complexity DDSMs is presented. The design methodology is based on error masking. Rules for selecting the word lengths of the stages in multistage architectures are presented. We show that the hardware requirement can be reduced by up to 20% compared with a conventional design, without sacrificing performance. Simulation and experimental results confirm theoretical predictions. Part I addresses MultistAge noise SHaping (MASH) DDSMs; Part II focuses on single-quantizer DDSMs..


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This work considers the effect of hardware constraints that typically arise in practical power-aware wireless sensor network systems. A rigorous methodology is presented that quantifies the effect of output power limit and quantization constraints on bit error rate performance. The approach uses a novel, intuitively appealing means of addressing the output power constraint, wherein the attendant saturation block is mapped from the output of the plant to its input and compensation is then achieved using a robust anti-windup scheme. A priori levels of system performance are attained using a quantitative feedback theory approach on the initial, linear stage of the design paradigm. This hybrid design is assessed experimentally using a fully compliant 802.15.4 testbed where mobility is introduced through the use of autonomous robots. A benchmark comparison between the new approach and a number of existing strategies is also presented.


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Science Foundation Ireland (07/CE/11147); Irish Research Council for Science Engineering and Technology (Embark Initiative)


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Accepted Version


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With the rapid growth of the Internet and digital communications, the volume of sensitive electronic transactions being transferred and stored over and on insecure media has increased dramatically in recent years. The growing demand for cryptographic systems to secure this data, across a multitude of platforms, ranging from large servers to small mobile devices and smart cards, has necessitated research into low cost, flexible and secure solutions. As constraints on architectures such as area, speed and power become key factors in choosing a cryptosystem, methods for speeding up the development and evaluation process are necessary. This thesis investigates flexible hardware architectures for the main components of a cryptographic system. Dedicated hardware accelerators can provide significant performance improvements when compared to implementations on general purpose processors. Each of the designs proposed are analysed in terms of speed, area, power, energy and efficiency. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are chosen as the development platform due to their fast development time and reconfigurable nature. Firstly, a reconfigurable architecture for performing elliptic curve point scalar multiplication on an FPGA is presented. Elliptic curve cryptography is one such method to secure data, offering similar security levels to traditional systems, such as RSA, but with smaller key sizes, translating into lower memory and bandwidth requirements. The architecture is implemented using different underlying algorithms and coordinates for dedicated Double-and-Add algorithms, twisted Edwards algorithms and SPA secure algorithms, and its power consumption and energy on an FPGA measured. Hardware implementation results for these new algorithms are compared against their software counterparts and the best choices for minimum area-time and area-energy circuits are then identified and examined for larger key and field sizes. Secondly, implementation methods for another component of a cryptographic system, namely hash functions, developed in the recently concluded SHA-3 hash competition are presented. Various designs from the three rounds of the NIST run competition are implemented on FPGA along with an interface to allow fair comparison of the different hash functions when operating in a standardised and constrained environment. Different methods of implementation for the designs and their subsequent performance is examined in terms of throughput, area and energy costs using various constraint metrics. Comparing many different implementation methods and algorithms is nontrivial. Another aim of this thesis is the development of generic interfaces used both to reduce implementation and test time and also to enable fair baseline comparisons of different algorithms when operating in a standardised and constrained environment. Finally, a hardware-software co-design cryptographic architecture is presented. This architecture is capable of supporting multiple types of cryptographic algorithms and is described through an application for performing public key cryptography, namely the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA). This architecture makes use of the elliptic curve architecture and the hash functions described previously. These components, along with a random number generator, provide hardware acceleration for a Microblaze based cryptographic system. The trade-off in terms of performance for flexibility is discussed using dedicated software, and hardware-software co-design implementations of the elliptic curve point scalar multiplication block. Results are then presented in terms of the overall cryptographic system.


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El presente documento corresponde al trabajo final de la concentración en Educación Matemática de la Maestría en Educación de la Universidad de los Andes. El trabajo fue elaborado por cuatro profesores licenciados en matemáticas que ejercen en instituciones educativas públicas y privadas en la ciudad de Bogotá y en el departamento de Cundinamarca. Este informe describe el diseño fundamentado y justificado, la implementación y el balance estratégico de la unidad didáctica titulada “Método gráfico para resolver sistemas de ecuaciones lineales 2x2”. El diseño de la unidad didáctica surgió de la selección de un tema matemático que a su vez hace parte de los contenidos incluidos en el currículo oficial para los grados octavo y noveno de educación básica como lo establece el documento de Estándares Básicos de Competencias (Ministerio de Educación Nacional [MEN], 2006a). El diseño se fundamenta a partir del procedimiento de análisis didáctico que constituyó el contenido central de la maestría. Dicho procedimiento permitió concretar elementos previos a la aplicación y la descripción junto con el balance estratégico de la implementación de la unidad didáctica.


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La tecnología puede resultar un recurso didáctico para que los estudiantes examinen situaciones y problemas desde diversos ángulos, específicamente, el uso de software dinámico ofrece un medio útil para que ellos visualicen, exploren y construyan relaciones matemáticas. Estos apoyos modifican tan fuertemente el medio ambiente de trabajo que no basta con adaptar situaciones matemáticas clásicas, hay que concebir nuevas situaciones que tomen en consideración las potencialidades y las restricciones de la tecnología. Esto ha llevado a la creación de una génesis instrumental que estudia la construcción hecha por el estudiante cuando interactúa con un artefacto, convirtiéndolo en instrumento, a través de un proceso, de manera tal que se lo apropia y lo hace parte de su actividad matemática, actividad que en esta investigación está relacionada con el desarrollo del pensamiento covariacional.


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En este curso se pretende realizar análisis de funciones a partir de sus representaciones gráficas. Se parte del desarrollo de actividades de lectura, interpretación y construcción de gráficas de funciones sobre la base de un ambiente rico en significados visuales. Se desarrollarán actividades que requerirán procesos de conversión y tratamiento de diferentes sistemas semióticos de representación como el gráfico, verbal y analítico, pero predominantemente el gráfico. La validez de las argumentaciones que permitirán dar respuesta a los cuestionamientos incluidos en estas actividades, será de naturaleza eminentemente visual.


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Hoy en día las matemáticas que se imparten en la enseñanza secundaria tienen, en gran medida, un carácter fundamentalmente analítico. Esta es una de las causas por las que nuestros alumnos son capaces de resolver determinados problemas y salvar dificultades mediante procesos mecánicos cuya justificación matemática no conocen plenamente y no tienen, por consiguiente, una representación precisa del problema que tratan.