891 resultados para Half sib progenies


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Recurrent airway obstruction is one of the most common airway diseases affecting mature horses. Increased bronchoalveolar mucus, neutrophil accumulation in airways, and airway obstruction are the main features of this disease. Mucociliary clearance is a key component of pulmonary defense mechanisms. Cilia are the motile part of this system and a complex linear array of dynein motors is responsible for their motility by moving along the microtubules in the axonemes of cilia and flagella. We previously detected a QTL for RAO on ECA 13 in a half-sib family of European Warmblood horses. The gene encoding DNAH3 is located in the peak of the detected QTL and encodes a dynein subunit. Therefore, we analysed this gene as a positional and functional candidate gene for RAO. In a mutation analysis of all 62 exons we detected 53 new polymorphisms including 7 non-synonymous variants. We performed an association study using 38 polymorphisms in a cohort of 422 animals. However, after correction for multiple testing we did not detect a significant association of any of these polymorphisms with RAO (P>0.05). Therefore, it seems unlikely that variants at the DNAH3 gene are responsible for the RAO QTL in European Warmblood horses.


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Recurrent airway obstruction (RAO), or 'heaves', is a common performance-limiting allergic respiratory disease of mature horses. It is related to sensitization and exposure to mouldy hay and has a familial basis with a complex mode of inheritance. In a previous study, we detected a QTL for RAO on ECA 13 in a half-sib family of European Warmblood horses. In this study, we genotyped additional markers in the family and narrowed the QTL down to about 1.5 Mb (23.7-25.2 Mb). We detected the strongest association with SNP BIEC2-224511 (24,309,405 bp). We also obtained SNP genotypes in an independent cohort of 646 unrelated Warmblood horses. There was no genome-wide significant association with RAO in these unrelated horses. However, we performed a genotypic association study of the SNPs on ECA 13 in these unrelated horses, and the SNP BIEC2-224511 also showed the strongest association with RAO in the unrelated horses (p(raw) = 0.00037). The T allele at this SNP was associated with RAO both in the family and the unrelated horses. Thus, the association study in the unrelated animals provides independent support for the previously detected QTL. The association study allows further narrowing of the QTL interval to about 0.5 Mb (24.0-24.5 Mb). We sequenced the coding regions of the genes in the critical region but did not find any associated coding variants. Therefore, the causative variant underlying this QTL is likely to be a regulatory mutation.


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Albino phenotypes are documented in various species including the American mink. In other species the albino phenotypes are associated with tyrosinase (TYR) gene mutations; therefore TYR was considered the candidate gene for albinism in mink. Four microsatellite markers were chosen in the predicted region of the TYR gene. Genotypes at the markers Mvi6025 and Mvi6034 were found to be associated with the albino phenotype within an extended half-sib family. A BAC clone containing Mvi6034 was mapped to chromosome 7q1.1-q1.3 by fluorescent in situ hybridization. Subsequent analysis of genomic TYR sequences from wild-type and albino mink samples identified a nonsense mutation in exon 1, which converts a TGT codon encoding cysteine to a TGA stop codon (c.138T>A, p.C46X; EU627590). The mutation truncates more than 90% of the normal gene product including the putative catalytic domains. The results indicate that the nonsense mutation is responsible for the albino phenotype in the American mink.


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Recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) is a common and potentially debilitating lower airway disease in horses, which shares many similarities with human asthma. In susceptible horses RAO exacerbation is caused by environmental allergens and irritants present in hay dust. The objective of this study was the identification of genes and pathways involved in the pathology of RAO by global transcriptome analyses in stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). We performed RNA-seq on PBMCs derived from 40 RAO affected and 45 control horses belonging to three cohorts of Warmblood horses: two half-sib families and one group of unrelated horses. PBMCs were stimulated with hay dust extract, lipopolysaccharides, a recombinant parasite antigen, or left unstimulated. The total dataset consisted of 561 individual samples. We detected significant differences in the expression profiles between RAO and control horses. Differential expression (DE) was most marked upon stimulation with hay dust extract. An important novel finding was a strong upregulation of CXCL13 together with many genes involved in cell cycle regulation in stimulated samples from RAO affected horses, in addition to changes in the expression of several HIF-1 transcription factor target genes. The RAO condition alters systemic changes observed as differential expression profiles of PBMCs. Those changes also depended on the cohort and stimulation of the samples and were dominated by genes involved in immune cell trafficking, development, and cell cycle regulation. Our findings indicate an important role of CXCL13, likely macrophage or Th17 derived, and the cell cycle regulator CDC20 in the immune response in RAO.


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Ewes from the Booroola strain of Australian Mérino sheep are characterized by high ovulation rate and litter size. This phenotype is due to the action of the FecBB allele of a major gene named FecB, as determined by statistical analysis of phenotypic data. By genetic analysis of 31 informative half-sib families from heterozygous sires, we showed that the FecB locus is situated in the region of ovine chromosome 6 corresponding to the human chromosome 4q22–23 that contains the bone morphogenetic protein receptor IB (BMPR-IB) gene encoding a member of the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) receptor family. A nonconservative substitution (Q249R) in the BMPR-IB coding sequence was found to be associated fully with the hyperprolificacy phenotype of Booroola ewes. In vitro, ovarian granulosa cells from FecBB/FecBB ewes were less responsive than granulosa cells from FecB+/FecB+ ewes to the inhibitory effect on steroidogenesis of GDF-5 and BMP-4, natural ligands of BMPR-IB. It is suggested that in FecBB/FecBB ewes, BMPR-IB would be inactivated partially, leading to an advanced differentiation of granulosa cells and an advanced maturation of ovulatory follicles.


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Background Lethal chondrodysplasia (bulldog syndrome) is a well-known congenital syndrome in cattle and occurs sporadically in many breeds. In 2015, it was noticed that about 12 % of the offspring of the phenotypically normal Danish Holstein sire VH Cadiz Captivo showed chondrodysplasia resembling previously reported bulldog calves. Pedigree analysis of affected calves did not display obvious inbreeding to a common ancestor, suggesting the causative allele was not a rare recessive. The normal phenotype of the sire suggested a dominant inheritance with incomplete penetrance or a mosaic mutation. Results Three malformed calves were examined by necropsy, histopathology, radiology, and computed tomography scanning. These calves were morphologically similar and displayed severe disproportionate dwarfism and reduced body weight. The syndrome was characterized by shortening and compression of the body due to reduced length of the spine and the long bones of the limbs. The vicerocranium had severe dysplasia and palatoschisis. The bones had small irregular diaphyses and enlarged epiphyses consisting only of chondroid tissue. The sire and a total of four affected half-sib offspring and their dams were genotyped with the BovineHD SNP array to map the defect in the genome. Significant genetic linkage was obtained for several regions of the bovine genome including chromosome 5 where whole genome sequencing of an affected calf revealed a COL2A1 point mutation (g.32473300 G > A). This private sequence variant was predicted to affect splicing as it altered the conserved splice donor sequence GT at the 5’-end of COL2A1 intron 36, which was changed to AT. All five available cases carried the mutant allele in heterozygous state and all five dams were homozygous wild type. The sire VH Cadiz Captivo was shown to be a gonadal and somatic mosaic as assessed by the presence of the mutant allele at levels of about 5 % in peripheral blood and 15 % in semen. Conclusions The phenotypic and genetic findings are comparable to a previously reported COL2A1 missense mutation underlying lethal chondrodysplasia in the offspring of a mosaic French Holstein sire (Igale Masc). The identified independent spontaneous splice site variant in COL2A1 most likely caused chondrodysplasia and must have occurred during the early foetal development of the sire. This study provides a first example of a dominant COL2A1 splice site variant as candidate causal mutation of a severe lethal chondrodysplasia phenotype. Germline mosaicism is a relatively frequent mechanism in the origin of genetic disorders and explains the prevalence of a certain fraction of affected offspring. Paternal dominant de novo mutations are a risk in cattle breeding, especially because the ratio of defective offspring may be very high and be associated with significant animal welfare problems.


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Determining the dimensionality of G provides an important perspective on the genetic basis of a multivariate suite of traits. Since the introduction of Fisher's geometric model, the number of genetically independent traits underlying a set of functionally related phenotypic traits has been recognized as an important factor influencing the response to selection. Here, we show how the effective dimensionality of G can be established, using a method for the determination of the dimensionality of the effect space from a multivariate general linear model introduced by AMEMIYA (1985). We compare this approach with two other available methods, factor-analytic modeling and bootstrapping, using a half-sib experiment that estimated G for eight cuticular hydrocarbons of Drosophila serrata. In our example, eight pheromone traits were shown to be adequately represented by only two underlying genetic dimensions by Amemiya's approach and factor-analytic modeling of the covariance structure at the sire level. In, contrast, bootstrapping identified four dimensions with significant genetic variance. A simulation study indicated that while the performance of Amemiya's method was more sensitive to power constraints, it performed as well or better than factor-analytic modeling in correctly identifying the original genetic dimensions at moderate to high levels of heritability. The bootstrap approach consistently overestimated the number of dimensions in all cases and performed less well than Amemiya's method at subspace recovery.


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RESUMO: Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar a divergência genética e as características físicas e químicas de frutos de duas populações do maracujazeiro azedo na região Norte do Espírito Santo, como as progênies de meio-irmãos de acesso local de um plantio comercial (genótipos: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9 e 10) e do híbrido BRS Ouro Vermelho (genótipos: 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19 e 20). A divergência genética foi avaliada por procedimentos multivariados como a distância generalizada de Mahalanobis (D2) e pelos métodos de agrupamento de otimização de Tocher e UPGMA. Encontrou-se divergência genética entre as populações estudadas promovendo a formação de grupos diferentes entre o método de Tocher e do UPGMA. As características, referentes ao tamanho do fruto, diâmetro polar e equatorial, foram as que mais contribuíram na diversidade genética dos genótipos. Nas populações estudadas de maracujazeiro azedo há grande variabilidade genética quanto às características avaliadas, o que possibilita selecionar plantas com elevado potencial para fins de melhoramento genético. O híbrido BRS Ouro Vermelho apresenta boa adaptação às condições locais. ABSTRACT: The aim of the present work was to evaluate genetic divergence and physical and chemical characteristics in fruit of two populations of sour passion fruit in the northern region of the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil, these being half-sibling progenies from local accessions of a commercial crop (genotypes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10) and the hybrid BRS Ouro Vermelho (genotypes: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20). Genetic divergence was evaluated using such multivariate procedures as the generalised Mahalanobis distance (D2) and the Tocher optimisation and UPGMA clustering methods. Genetic divergence was found between the populations under study, promoting the formation of different groups between the Tocher and UPGMA methods. As characteristics for fruit size, the polar and equatorial diameters had the most impact on the genetic diversity of the genotypes. In the populations of sour passion fruit being studied, great genetic variability is seen in the evaluated characteristics, making it possible to select plants of high potential for breeding purposes. The BRS Ouro Vermelho hybrid is well adapted to the local conditions.


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The objective of this work is to evaluate the efficiency of the mini-cuttings technique in the vegetative propagation of half-sibs of angico-vermelho (Anadenanthera macrocarpa(Benth) Brenan) regarding to the productive capacity and survival of mini-stumps, rooting of the apical and intermediate mini-cuttings treated with different doses of IBA (0, 2000, 4000 and 6000 mg L-1) as well as to determine the speed of rooting in the greenhouse. The mini-stumps were obtained from seedlings of the six progenies of Anadenanthera macrocarpa half-sibs. The mini-stumps presented productivity from 1,2 to 3,7 mini-cuttings/mini-stump/collection and survival of 84% to 98% after six harvests. The apical mini-cuttings were higher than the intermediate, more prone to root, but the IBA had no significant effect on the rooting of the progenies. The results of the rooting speed showed variation among the progenies.


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Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp (cowpea) is a food crop with high nutritional value that is cultivated throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The main constraint on high productivity of cowpea is water deficit, caused by the long periods of drought that occur in these regions. The aim of the present study was to select elite cowpea genotypes with enhanced drought tolerance, by applying principal component analysis to 219 first-cycle progenies obtained in a recurrent selection program. The experimental design comprised a simple 15 x 15 lattice with 450 plots, each of two rows of 10 plants. Plants were grown under water-deficit conditions by applying a water depth of 205 mm representing one-half of that required by cowpea. Variables assessed were flowering, maturation, pod length, number and mass of beans/pod, mass of 100 beans, and productivity/plot. Ten elite cowpea genotypes were selected, in which principal components 1 and 2 encompassed variables related to yield (pod length, beans/pod, and productivity/plot) and life precocity (flowering and maturation), respectively.


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Estimates of the half-life to convergence of prices across a panel of cities are subject to bias from three potential sources: inappropriate cross-sectional aggregation of heterogeneous coefficients, presence of lagged dependent variables in a model with individual fixed effects, and time aggregation of commodity prices. This paper finds no evidence of heterogeneity bias in annual CPI data for 17 U.S. cities from 1918 to 2006, but correcting for the “Nickell bias” and time aggregation bias produces a half-life of 7.5 years, shorter than estimates from previous studies.


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This paper uses interviews with wealthy Australians to examine the progression from entrepreneurship to philanthropy in an Australian context. Understanding the characteristics, behaviours and motivations of this group of entrepreneurs turned philanthropists strengthens the links identified in international research between the entrepreneurship and philanthropic sectors. Three major themes emerging from the qualitative data are explored: first, the tipping points that move individuals (and their partners/families) between the two spheres of activity; and second, the strong motivations for giving that see entrepreneurs identified internationally as more generous than high net worth individuals whose wealth derives from other sources. The third major theme is the modes of giving that distinguish those with an entrepreneurship background from other philanthropists. The unique characteristics of a smaller sub-set of ultra high net worth donors are also explored, and areas for future study are highlighted.


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Transition metal-free magnetism and half-metallicity recently has been the subject of intense research activity due to its potential in spintronics application. Here we, for the first time, demonstrate via density functional theory that the most recently experimentally realized graphitic carbon nitride (g-C4N3) displays a ferromagnetic ground state. Furthermore, this novel material is predicted to possess an intrinsic half-metallicity never reported to date. Our results highlight a new promising material toward realistic metal-free spintronics application.