991 resultados para HUMIC-ACID


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The use of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) for environmental analysis has been mainly focused on qualitative analysis of high-mass molecules, such as toxins, humic acid, and microorganisms. Herein,we describe a novel MALDI-TOF-MS method with a matrix of oxidized carbon nanotubes for analysis of low-mass compounds in environmental samples. A number of chemicals in the environment were qualitatively analyzed by the present method, and it was found that most of them, especially the highly polar chemicals, were measurable with high sensitivity. With the intrinsic ability to measure high-mass chemicals, this method can compensate for the current shortage of methods for environmental analysis for the measurement of highly polar or high-mass chemicals. For sample analysis, arsenic speciation in Chinese traditional medicines was qualified and diphenylolpropane in water samples was quantified. With the relatively high tolerance of the method to interfering molecules, a simple pretreatment or even no pretreatment could be employed before MS detection. Furthermore, this method can be employed in a high-throughput format.


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Using a natural gradient of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) source and concentration in rivers of northern Florida, we investigated how terrestrially-derived DOC affects denitrification rates in river sediments. Specifically, we examined if the higher concentrations of DOC in blackwater rivers stimulate denitrification, or whether such terrestrially-derived DOC supports lower denitrification rates because (1) it is less labile than DOC from aquatic primary production; whether (2) terrestrial DOC directly inhibits denitrification via biochemical mechanisms; and/or whether (3) terrestrial DOC indirectly inhibits denitrification via reduced light availability to-and thus DOC exudation by-aquatic primary producers. We differentiated among these mechanisms using laboratory denitrification assays that subjected river sediments to factorial amendments of NO3- and dextrose, humic acid dosing, and cross-incubations of sediments and water from different river sources. DOC from terrestrial sources neither depressed nor stimulated denitrification rates, indicating low lability of this DOC but no direct inhibition; humic acid additions similarly did not affect denitrification rates. However, responses to addition of labile C increased with long-term average DOC concentration, which supports the hypothesis that terrestrial DOC indirectly inhibits denitrification via decreased autochthonous production. Observed and future changes in DOC concentration may therefore reduce the ability of inland waterways to remove reactive nitrogen. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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Proteins and humic acids are common constituents of waste water. Latex colloids (colloids) acted as surrogates for microorganisms in multiple pulse dynamic column experiments (MPEs) that permitted colloid mobility to be quantified before and after the injection of either BSA (a protein), or Suwannee River humic acid (SRHA).
At low OM coverage colloid breakthrough curves demonstrated both BSA and SRHA reduced colloid deposition rates, but did not affect colloid irreversible deposition mechanisms. By contrast, high levels of SRHA surface coverage not only further reduced the matrix’s ability to attenuate colloids, but also resulted in reversible adsorption of a significant fraction of colloids deposited. Modelling of colloid responses using random sequential adsorption modelling suggested that 1 microgram of SRHA had the same effect as the deposition of 5.90±0.14 x109 colloids; the model suggested that adsorption of the same mass of BSA was equivalent to the deposition of between 7.1x108 and 2.3x109 colloids.
Colloid responses in MPEs where BSA coverage of colloid deposition sites approached saturation demonstrated the sand matrix remained capable of adsorbing colloids. However, in contrast to responses observed in MPEs at low surface coverage, continued colloid injection showed that the sand’s attenuation capacity increased with time, i.e. colloid concentrations declined as more were deposited (filter ripening).
Importance: Study results highlight the contrasting responses that may arise due to the interactions between colloids and OM in porous media. Results not only underscore that colloids can interact differently with various forms of deposited OM, but also that a single type of OM may generate dramatically different responses depending on the degree of surface coverage. The MPE method provides a means of quantifying the influence of OM on microorganism mobility in porous media such as filter beds, which may be used for either drinking water treatment or waste water treatment. In the wider environment study findings have potential to allow more confident predictions of the mobility of sewage derived pathogens discharging to groundwater.


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Conventional water purification and disinfection generally involve potentially hazardous substances, some of which known to be carcinogenic in nature. Titanium dioxide photocatalytic processes provide an effective route to destroy hazardous organic contaminants. This present work explores the possibility of the removal of organic pollutants (phenol) by the application of TiO2 based photocatalysts. The production of series of metal ions doped or undoped TiO2 were carried out via a sol–gel method and a wet impregnation method. Undoped TiO2 and Cu doped TiO2 showed considerable phenol degradation. The efficiency of photocatalytic reaction largely depends on the photocatalysts and the methods of preparation the photocatalysts. The doping of Fe, Mn, and humic acid at 1.0 M% via sol–gel methods were detrimental for phenol degradation. The inhibitory effect of initial phenol concentration on initial phenol degradation rate reveals that photocatalytic decomposition of phenol follows pseudo zero order reaction kinetics. A concentration of > 1 g/L TiO2 and Cu doped TiO2 is required for the effective degradation of 50 mg/L of phenol at neutral pH. The rise in OH- at a higher pH values provides more hydroxyl radicals which are beneficial of phenol degradation. However, the competition among phenoxide ion, Cl- and OH- for the limited number of reactive sites on TiO2 will be a negative influence in the generation of hydroxyl radical. The dependence of phenol degradation rate on the light intensity was observed, which also implies that direct sunlight can be a substitute for the UV lamps and that photocatalytic treatment of organic pollutants using this technique shows some promise.


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Humic acid and protein are two major organic matter types encountered in natural and polluted environment, respectively. This study employed Triple Pulse Experiments (TPEs) to investigate and compare the influence of Suwannee River Humic Acid (SRHA) (model humic acid) and Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) (model protein) on colloid deposition in a column packed with saturated iron oxide-coated quartz sand. Study results suggest that adsorbed SRHA may inhibit colloid deposition by occupying colloid sites on the porous medium. Conversely, BSA may promote colloid deposition by a 'filter ripening' mechanism. This study provides insight to understand the complex behavior of colloids in organic matter-presented aquifers and sand filters. © (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.


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The free metal ion concentrations obtained by SSCP (stripping chronopotentiometry at scanned deposition potential) and by AGNES (absence of gradients and Nernstian equilibrium stripping) techniques have been compared and the usefulness of the combination of both techniques in the same electrochemical cell for trace metal speciation analysis is assessed. The free metal ion concentrations and the stability constants obtained for lead(II) and cadmium(II) complexation by pyridinedicarboxylic acid, by 40 nm radius carboxylated latex nanospheres and by a humic acid extracted from an ombrotrophic peat bog were determined. Whenever possible, the free metal ion concentrations were compared with the theoretical predictions of the code MEDUSA and with the free metal ion concentrations estimated from ion selective electrodes (ISE). SSCP values were in agreement with the ones obtained by AGNES, and both of them agreed reasonably with the ISE values and the theoretical predictions. For the lead(II)-humic acid, it was not possible to obtain the stability constants by SSCP due to the heterogeneity effect. However, using AGNES it is possible to obtain, for these heterogeneous systems, the free bulk metal concentration, which allows us to retrieve the stability constant at bulk conditions.


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The reduction of water-insoluble indigo by the recently isolated moderate thermophile, Clostridium isatidis, has been studied with the aim of developing a sustainable technology for industrial indigo reduction. The ability to reduce indigo was not shared with C. aurantibutyricum, C. celatum and C. papyrosolvens, but C. papyrosolvens could reduce indigo carmine (5,5-indigosulfonic acid), a soluble indigo derivative. The supernatant from cultures of C. isatidis, but not from cultures of the other bacteria tested, decreased indigo particle size to one-tenth diameter. Addition of madder powder, anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonic acid, and humic acid all stimulated indigo reduction by C. isatidis. Redox potentials of cultures of C. isatidis were about 100 mV more negative than those of C. aurantibutyricum, C. celatum and C. papyrosolvens, and reached –600 mV versus the SCE in the presence of indigo, but potentials were not consistently affected by the addition of the quinone compounds, which probably act by modifying the surface of the bacteria or indigo particles. It is concluded that C. isatidis can reduce indigo because (1) it produces an extracellular factor that decreases indigo particle size, and (2) it generates a sufficiently reducing potential.


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Large pore ordered mesoporous silica FDU-1 with three-dimensional (3D) face-centered cubic, Fm3m arrangement of rnesopores, was synthesized under strong acid media using B-50-6600 poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(butylene oxide)-poly(ethylene oxide) triblock copolymer (EO(39)BO(47)EO(39)), tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) and trimethyl-benzene (TMB). Large pore FDU-1 silica was obtained by using the following gel composition 1TEOS:0.00735B50-6600:0.00735TMB:6HCl:155H(2)O. The pristine material exhibited a BET specific surface area of 684 m(2) g(-1), total pore volume of 0.89 cm(3) g(-1), external surface area of 49 m(2) g(-1) and microporous volume of 0.09 cm(3) g(-1). The enzyme activity was determined by the Flow Injection Analysis-Chemiluminescence (FIA-CL) method. For GOD immobilized on the FDU-1 silica, GOD supernatant and GOD solution, the FIA-CL results were 9.0, 18.6 and 34.0 U, respectively. The value obtained for the activity of the GOD solution with FIA-CL method is in agreement with the 35 U, obtained by spectrophotometry. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this chapter, advanced characterization of membrane fouling as a diagnostic tool has been summarized to prevent membrane fouling. Physical, chemical and biological analyses as membrane autopsies are mainly utilized to better understand membrane foulant. The physical characterization gives structure, roughness, charge effect, strength and hydrophobicity of membrane fouling. The chemical methods provide qualitative and quantitative measurements of different inorganic and organic matter. The biological properties present the spatial biofilm distribution, structure of dominant microorganisms and isolation and identification of microorganisms. In addition, detailed membrane foulant types are reviewed in terms of structure, roughness, hydrophobicity, charge effect, strength, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, iron, silicate, particle, functional group, biopolymer, humic acid, polysaccharide, structural composition, biofilm structure, microorganism and foulant interaction.


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The combined coagulation and ultrafiltration (UF) system (C-UF system) is an advanced technology to treat natural organic matter (NOM) present in water. Traditional coagulants — prehydrolyzed inorganic coagulants, organic coagulants and composite coagulants were chosen to treat synthetic water containing humic acid (HA) in order to find an efficient coagulant that could remove NOM from the water effectively. The fouling, removal efficiency of UF and the chlorine decay in the permeate were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the coagulants. The initial UV254 absorption of the tested water samples were from 0.208 to 0.234, and the UV254 after coagulation was from 0.05 to 0.184. The UV254 did not increase after coagulation. Since the humic acid used was soluble, the initial turbidity of the tested water samples were very close to zero. The turbidity increased after coagulation, as the coagulants react with humic acid to form micro-flocs, which cannot be removed fully by sedimentation. The results showed that polyferric chloride could not remove humic acid efficiently during coagulation process, but removed the humic acid well when used in the C-UF system. Moreover, for polyferric chloride and UF system, the concentration of organic compounds in permeates were minimal indicating very low levels of disinfection by-product formation, if chlorinated.


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Natural organic matter (NOM) in water contains organic compounds that are both hydrophobic and hydrophilic with a wide range of molecular weights. It is composed of non-homogeneous organic compounds such as humic substances, amino acids, sugars, aliphatic and aromatic acids, and other chemical synthetic organic matters. NOM in water is a major concern not only because of its contribution to the formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs) and taste and odor, but also its influence on the demand for coagulants and disinfectants, the removal efficiency of water treatment processes, etc. This research aims at identifying the influence of NOM in coagulation and flocculation processes in order to optimize the coagulation and flocculation conditions. In this study, pretreated pond water was used as the source water. It was observed from the experimental results that: (1) The optimum pH for coagulation to remove NOM is around 7. (2) The optimum alum dose at this pH can vary from 125-1,225 mgl-1 when the TOC is increased from 4 to 25 mgl-1. (3) The presence of secondary compounds such as Ca2+, Mg2+ divalent cations had no significant effect on the removal of organic matter. (4) The presence of clay increased the organic removal by 15%. (5) The organic compound with higher molecular weight has higher removal affinity in coagulation process. (6) Floc size and settling velocity of floc and sludge production all increased with the increase in NOM concentration. From the results of Capillary Suction Time (CST) tests, the floc formed with lower TOC readily released the water to make the dewatering process easier. (7) The organic removal efficiency was significantly different for natural water containing non-homogeneous organic compounds compared to the synthetic water containing humic acid only (homogeneous organic matter). For example, the NOM removal efficiency was 80% for the synthetic water containing humic acid with TOC of 7 mgl-1 at pH 7; but the NOM removal for the pretreated pond water was 60%.


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The effect of nanometer anatase TiO2 was investigated on the photocatalytic degradation of phenanthrene on soil surfaces under a variety of conditions. After being spiked with phenanthrene, soil samples loaded with different amounts of TiO2 (0 wt.%, 1 wt.%, 2 wt.%, 3 wt.%, and 4 wt.%) were exposed to UV-light irradiation for 25 hr. The results indicated that the photocatalytic degradation of phenanthrene followed the pseudo first-order kinetics. TiO2 significantly accelerated the degradation of phenanthrene with the half-life reduced from 45.90 to 31.36 hr for TiO2 loading of 0 wt.% and 4 wt.%, respectively. In addition, the effects of H2O2, light intensity and humic acid on the degradation of phenanthrene were investigated. The degradation of phenanthrene increased with the concentration of H2O2, light intensity and the concentration of humic acids. It has been demonstrated that the photocatalytic method in the presence of nanometer anatase TiO2 was a very promising technology for the treatments of soil polluted with organic substances in the future.


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The effect of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and highly effective degradation fungi Mucor mucedo (MU) was studied on corncob decomposition in Pyr-contaminated soil for 120 days to identify the impact of a degradable immobilized carrier on the remediation of soil contaminated by persistent organic pollutants. Results showed that the corncob was mainly composed of hemicelluloses, cellulose, and water dissolved (WD) material, which accounted for 85 percent of its total weight. MU addition significantly affected corncob decomposition. Thus, humic acid production and WD and benzene-ethanol dissolved material degradation increased. The peaking of the WD content was delayed for 30 days or more. The extractable pyrene content positively correlated with the WD content in the corncob during the decomposition. These results theoretically support a refined remediation principle of immobilized microorganisms.