980 resultados para HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY


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We investigated the role that erythroviruses (parvovirus B19 and erythrovirus genotypes 2 and 3) play in the lives of immunosuppressed HIV-infected patients with chronic anemia. We screened the serum samples of 428 patients by specific ultrasensitive real-time polymerase chain reaction assay. Sixteen patients had circulating DNA, with no apparent clinical impact. Erythrovirus-associated anemia is an extremely rare event in HIV-infected patients.


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Some Toll and Toll-like receptors (TLRs) provide immunity to experimental infections in animal models, but their contribution to host defense in natural ecosystems is unknown. We report a dominant-negative TLR3 allele in otherwise healthy children with herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) encephalitis. TLR3 is expressed in the central nervous system (CNS), where it is required to control HSV-1, which spreads from the epithelium to the CNS via cranial nerves. TLR3 is also expressed in epithelial and dendritic cells, which apparently use TLR3-independent pathways to prevent further dissemination of HSV-1 and to provide resistance to other pathogens in TLR3-deficient patients. Human TLR3 appears to be redundant in host defense to most microbes but is vital for natural immunity to HSV-1 in the CNS, which suggests that neurotropic viruses have contributed to the evolutionary maintenance of TLR3.


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Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, and its development is intimately related to hormonal factors, but how hormones affect breast physiology and tumorigenesis is not sufficiently known. Pregnancy elicits long-term protection from breast cancer, but during the first ten years after pregnancy, breast cancer risk is increased. In previous studies, there has been conflicting data on the role of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and the functionality of its receptor in extragonadal tissues. The aim of this study was to elucidate the role of chronically elevated HCG in mouse physiology. We have created a transgenic (TG) mouse model that overexpresses HCG. HCG is similar to lutenizing hormone (LH), but is secreted almost solely by the placenta during pregnancy. HCG and LH both bind to the LH receptor (LHR). In the current study, mammary gland tumors were observed in HCG TG mice. We elucidated the role of HCG in mammary gland signalling and the effects of LHR mediated signalling in mouse mammary gland gene expression. We also studied the effects of HCG in human breast epithelial cell cultures. Several endocrine disturbances were observed in HCGβ TG female mice, resulting in precocious puberty, infertility, obesity and pituitary and mammary gland tumors. The histology of the mammary gland tumors of HCGβ TG females resembled those observed in mouse models with activated Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway. Wnts are involved in stem cell regulation and tumorigenesis, and are hormonally regulated in the mammary gland. We observed activated β-catenin signalling and elevated expression of Wnt5b and Wnt7b in TG tumors and mammary glands. Furthermore, we discovered that HCG directly regulates the expression of Wnt5b and Wnt7b in the mouse mammary gland. Pharmacological treatment with HCG also caused upregulation of several Wnt-pathway target genes in ovariectomized wild type (WT) mice in the presence of physiological concentrations of estradiol and progesterone. In addition, differential expression of several metabolic genes was observed, suggesting that HCG affects adipocyte function or glucose metabolism. When WT mice were transplanted with LHR deficient or wild type WT mammary epithelium, differential expression of several genes affecting the Wnt-signalling pathway was observed in microarray analysis. Diminished expression of several genes associated with LHR function in other tissues, such as the ovary, was observed in mammary glands deficient of epithelial LHR. In cultured human mammary epithelial cells HCG upregulated the expression of WNT5B, WNT7B similar to mouse, suggesting that the observations found are relevant in human physiology. These studies suggest that HCG/LHR signalling affects gene expression in non-gonadal tissues, and that Wnt-signalling is regulated by HCG/LH in human and mouse mammary glands.


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There is an increasing interest in the use of breath analysis for monitoring human physiology and exposure to toxic substances or environmental pollutants. This review focuses on the current status of the sampling procedures, collection devices and sample-enrichment methodologies used for exhaled breath-vapor analysis. We discuss the different parameters affecting each of the above steps, taking into account the requirements for breath analysis in exposure assessments and the need to analyze target compounds at sub-ppbv levels. Finally, we summarize the practical applications of exposure analysis in the past two decades


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Les récepteurs nucléaires (RN) sont des facteurs de transcription ligand dépendants qui contrôlent une grande variété de processus biologiques de la physiologie humaine, ce qui a fait d'eux des cibles pharmacologiques privilégiées pour de nombreuses maladies. L'un de ces récepteurs, le récepteur de l’œstrogène alpha (ERα), peut activer la prolifération cellulaire dans certaines sections de l'épithélium mammaire tandis qu’un autre, le récepteur de l'acide rétinoïque alpha (RARα), peut provoquer un arrêt de la croissance et la différenciation cellulaire. La signalisation de ces deux récepteurs peut être altérée dans le cancer du sein, contribuant à la tumorigénèse mammaire. L’activité d’ERα peut être bloquée par les anti-oestrogènes (AE) pour inhiber la prolifération des cellules tumorales mammaires. Par contre, l’activation des voies de RARα avec des rétinoïdes dans un contexte clinique a rencontré peu de succès. Ceci pourrait résulter du manque de spécificité des ligands testés pour RARα et/ou de leur activité seulement dans certains sous-types de tumeurs mammaires. Puisque les récepteurs nucléaires forment des homo- et hétéro-dimères, nous avons cherché à développer de nouveaux essais pharmacologiques pour étudier l'activité de complexes dimériques spécifiques, leur dynamique d’association et la structure quaternaire des récepteurs des œstrogènes. Nous décrivons ici une nouvelle technique FRET, surnommée BRET avec renforcement de fluorescence par transferts combinés (BRETFect), qui permet de détecter la formation de complexes de récepteurs nucléaires ternaires. Le BRETFect peut suivre l'activation des hétérodimères ERα-ERβ et met en évidence un mécanisme allostérique d'activation que chaque récepteur exerce sur son partenaire de dimérisation. L'utilisation de BRETFect en combinaison avec le PCA nous a permis d'observer la formation de multimères d’ERα fonctionnels dans des cellules vivantes pour la première fois. La formation de multimères est favorisée par les AE induisant la dégradation du récepteur des oestrogènes, ce qui pourrait contribuer à leurs propriétés spécifiques. Ces essais de BRET apportent une nette amélioration par rapport aux tests de vecteurs rapporteur luciférase classique, en fournissant des informations spécifiques aux récepteurs en temps réel sans aucune interférence par d'autres processus tels que la transcription et de la traduction. L'utilisation de ces tests nous a permis de caractériser les propriétés de modulation de l’activité des récepteurs nucléaires d’une nouvelle classe de molécules hybrides qui peuvent à la fois lier ERa ou RAR et inhiber les HDACs, conduisant au développement de nouvelles molécules prometteuses bifonctionnelles telles que la molécule hybride RAR-agoniste/HDACi TTNN-HA.


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Os vários estudos sobre a importância da água na fisiologia humana têm demonstrado que a quantidade de água presente nos alimentos e a produzida por via metabólica, não são suficientes para suprir as necessidades diárias deste nutriente. A água ingerida em função do reflexo da sede ou por vontade do próprio varia entre os indivíduos e, ao contrário de outros nutrientes fundamentais, não existe para a água uma definição clara sobre as necessidades diárias. Este facto pode ser parcialmente explicado pelo conjunto altamente sensível de adaptações neurofisiológicas que se fazem sentir com vista a manter a osmolaridade e a hidratação do organismo. Afim de avaliar a quantidade total de água consumida, os voluntários foram questionados sobre a quantidade de água/infusões/chás que consumiam diariamente. Com base num inquérito de frequência alimentar foi possível calcular o valor de 2,5l/dia consumo/conteúdo total de água da dieta da população em estudo. Os dados revelados pelo presente estudo, estão de acordo, com a literatura publicada, justificando o interesse no aprofundamento do tema, de modo a contribuir para o conhecimento sobre a importância da água no contexto dos nossos hábitos alimentares, na fisiologia normal.


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A importância da actividade física é muitas vezes subestimada. A compreensão da fisiologia do exercício e a sua integração em programas de exercício adequados às necessidades de cada indivíduo ajudam a prevenir algumas doenças e facilitam a reabilitação, enquanto promovem a saúde em geral. O exercício físico regular envolve múltiplos benefícios para todas as pessoas, desde que apropriado às suas características. A actividade física melhora o desempenho, o metabolismo e a constituição física, tanto no indivíduo são como na doença (cardiovascular, metabólica, cancro), e permite minimizar ou retardar a perda progressiva de funções relacionadas com o envelhecimento. A inactividade dever ser assim contrariada através da promoção da actividade física quer nos mais jovens quer nos adultos, para que se adoptem estilos de vida saudáveis que minimizem os factores de risco. O presente trabalho visa rever os fundamentos da fisiologia do exercício e chamar a atenção para os pontos fulcrais que devem motivar o combate ao sedentarismo e a procura de mais e melhor qualidade de vida através da actividade física.


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A obesidade é um problema de saúde pública com prevalência crescente, nomeadamente em Portugal, onde mais de 50% da população é obesa. As consequências fisiopatológicas do peso excessivo têm grande impacto a nível cutâneo. Contudo, existem ainda poucos estudos sobre a fisiologia cutânea, não existindo qualquer estratificação destas alterações em função do peso corporal. O presente estudo pretende contribuir para o estudo das alterações ao nível da hidratação e comportamento biomecânico com o aumento de peso. Este estudo transversal foi efetuado numa amostra de conveniência de 57 voluntárias, do sexo feminino, com idades compreendidas entre os 20 e os 46 (30±8) anos. As voluntárias foram divididas em dois grupos - Grupo I, com IMC entre 19,9 e 24,9 Kg/m2 e Grupo II, entre 25 e 29,9 Kg/m2. Foi efetuada uma única determinação da hidratação superficial, perda transepidérmica de água e comportamento biomecânico da pele (métodos não-invasivos). Os dados obtidos permitem-nos verificar que o aumento de peso influencia positivamente os níveis de hidratação e perda transepidérmica de água e de forma negativa o comportamento biomecânico da pele. Apesar do interesse destes resultados torna-se necessário realizar mais estudos, com maior número de indivíduos, de forma a melhor esclarecer a sua natureza e significado.


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Nos últimos anos, a circulação cutânea surgiu como uma janela interessante para analisar a função microcirculatória e os mecanismos de disfunção. Tecnologias não-invasivas, incluindo a Fluxometria por Laser Doppler (FLD), gasimetria transcutânea e a Perda Transepidérmica de Água (PTEA), ajudaram a considerar a circulação cutânea como um modelo de translação útil na doença vascular. Neste estudo procurou-se avaliar o perfil de resposta de um grupo de indivíduos jovens saudáveis ​​(n = 8), de ambos os sexos (24,5 ± 0,8 anos de idade) a três manobras de condicionamento da perfusão no membro inferior - A: elevação da perna enquanto sentado, B: elevação da perna enquanto em decúbito dorsal; C: oclusão supra-sistólica com um torniquete. As técnicas de medição incluiram FLD, pressões parciais transcutâneas (tc) pO2 e pCO2 por gasimetria e PTEA por evaporimetria. Foram aplicados testes de estatística descritiva e não paramétrica, sendo adotado um nível de confiança de 95%. As tcpO2 e tcpCO2 alteraram-se significativamente durante as manobras. Foi registado um perfil de evolução recíproca para FLD e PTEA em A e C, o que pode sugerir que, sob as condições experimentais as condições de perfusão local podem influenciar a função epidérmica "barreira". Os modelos propostos parecem ser adequados para caracterizar a microcirculação periférica in vivo, o que justifica estudos de desenvolvimento posteriores.


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Gamma-melanocyte stimulating hormone (gamma-MSH) is a peptide derived from the ACTH precursor, pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), and belongs to a family of peptides called the melanocortins that also comprises alpha- and beta-MSH. Although conserved in tetrapods, the biological role of gamma-MSH remains largely undefined. It has been demonstrated previously that gamma-MSH is involved in the regulating the activity of hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) activity in the adrenal and more recently, in the adipocyte. It has been shown also to have effects on the cardiovascular and renal systems. This short review will provide a brief overview of the role of gamma-MSH in the adrenal and the more recent report that it can also regulate HSL function in the adipocyte. We also present some preliminary data purporting a direct role for Lys-gamma(3)-MSH in the regulation of HSL phosphorylation in the heart. Taken together these data suggest that gamma-MSH peptides might play a more widespread role in lipid and cholesterol utilization.


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Although depressed mood is a normal occurrence in response to adversity in all individuals, what distinguishes those who are vulnerable to major depressive disorder (MDD) is their inability to effectively regulate negative mood when it arises. Investigating the neural underpinnings of adaptive emotion regulation and the extent to which such processes are compromised in MDD may be helpful in understanding the pathophysiology of depression. We report results from a functional magnetic resonance imaging study demonstrating left-lateralized activation in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) when downregulating negative affect in nondepressed individuals, whereas depressed individuals showed bilateral PFC activation. Furthermore, during an effortful affective reappraisal task, nondepressed individuals showed an inverse relationship between activation in left ventrolateral PFC and the amygdala that is mediated by the ventromedial PFC (VMPFC). No such relationship was found for depressed individuals, who instead show a positive association between VMPFC and amygdala. Pupil dilation data suggest that those depressed patients who expend more effort to reappraise negative stimuli are characterized by accentuated activation in the amygdala, insula, and thalamus, whereas nondepressed individuals exhibit the opposite pattern. These findings indicate that a key feature underlying the pathophysiology of major depression is the counterproductive engagement of right prefrontal cortex and the lack of engagement of left lateral-ventromedial prefrontal circuitry important for the downregulation of amygdala responses to negative stimuli.


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Background: Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) holds promise as a noninvasive means of identifying neural responses that can be used to predict treatment response before beginning a drug trial. Imaging paradigms employing facial expressions as presented stimuli have been shown to activate the amygdala and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Here, we sought to determine whether pretreatment amygdala and rostral ACC (rACC) reactivity to facial expressions could predict treatment outcomes in patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).Methods: Fifteen subjects (12 female subjects) with GAD participated in an open-label venlafaxine treatment trial. Functional magnetic resonance imaging responses to facial expressions of emotion collected before subjects began treatment were compared with changes in anxiety following 8 weeks of venlafaxine administration. In addition, the magnitude of fMRI responses of subjects with GAD were compared with that of 15 control subjects (12 female subjects) who did not have GAD and did not receive venlafaxine treatment.Results The magnitude of treatment response was predicted by greater pretreatment reactivity to fearful faces in rACC and lesser reactivity in the amygdala. These individual differences in pretreatment rACC and amygdala reactivity within the GAD group were observed despite the fact that 1) the overall magnitude of pretreatment rACC and amygdala reactivity did not differ between subjects with GAD and control subjects and 2) there was no main effect of treatment on rACC-amygdala reactivity in the GAD group.Conclusions: These findings show that this pattern of rACC-amygdala responsivity could prove useful as a predictor of venlafaxine treatment response in patients with GAD.


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Objective.- To assess urinary 6-sulphatoxymelatonin levels in a large consecutive series of patients with migraine and several comorbidities (chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, insomnia, anxiety, and depression) as compared with controls. Background.- Urine analysis is widely used as a measure of melatonin secretion, as it is correlated with the nocturnal profile of plasma melatonin secretion. Melatonin has critical functions in human physiology and substantial evidence points to its importance in the regulation of circadian rhythms, sleep, and headache disorders. Methods.- Urine samples were collected into a single plastic container over a 12-hour period from 8:00 pm to 8:00 am of the next day, and 6-sulphatoxymelatonin was measured by quantitative ELISA. All of the patients were given a detailed questionnaire about headaches and additionally answered the following questionnaires: Chalder fatigue questionnaire, Epworth somnolence questionnaire, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and the Beck Depression Inventory. Results.- A total of 220 subjects were evaluated - 73 (33%) had episodic migraine, 73 (33%) had chronic migraine, and 74 (34%) were enrolled as control subjects. There was a strong correlation between the concentration of 6-sulphatoxymelatonin detected and chronic migraine. Regarding the comorbidities, this study objectively demonstrates an inverse relationship between 6-sulphatoxymelatonin levels and depression, anxiety, and fatigue. Conclusions.- To our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate the relationship between the urinary concentration of melatonin and migraine comorbidities. These results support hypothalamic involvement in migraine pathophysiology.


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O objetivo geral do presente estudo foi descrever a experiência de construção e aplicação de uma proposta pedagógica no campo da educação sexual, fundamentada em algumas premissas contidas na concepção de Paulo Freire, visando atender adolescentes de uma comunidade carente do interior paulista. A partir dos questionamentos iniciais levantados pelos jovens foram realizados quatro encontros focando questões sobre sexualidade, anatomia e fisiologia humana, métodos anticoncepcionais e DST/Aids. Com a realização desse trabalho, os jovens tiveram oportunidade de participar de um processo educativo que possibilitou, pelo resgate de suas próprias experiências e crenças, a reflexão sobre sua autonomia na vivência de uma sexualidade saudável, respeitando a si próprio e ao outro.


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Anaerobic threshold (AT) is usually estimated as a change point problem by visual analysis of the cardiorespiratory response to incremental dynamic exercise. In this study, two phase linear (TPL) models of the linear-linear and linear-quadratic type were used for the estimation of AT. The correlation coefficient between the classical and statistical approaches was 0.88, and 0.89 after outlier exclusion. The TPL models provide a simple method for estimating AT that can be easily implemented using a digital computer for the automatic pattern recognition of AT.