981 resultados para HPLC-APCI-MS


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In the reconstruction of sea surface temperature (SST) from sedimentary archives, secondary sources, lateral transport and selective preservation are considered to be mainly negligible in terms of influencing the primary signal. This is also true for the archaeal glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) that form the basis for the TEX86 SST proxy. Our samples represent four years variability on a transect off Cape Blanc (NW Africa). We studied the subsurface production, vertical and lateral transport of intact polar lipids and core GDGTs in the water column at high vertical resolution on the basis of suspended particulate matter (SPM) samples from the photic zone, the subsurface oxygen minimum zone (OMZ), nepheloid layers (NL) and the water column between these. Furthermore we compared the water column SPM GDGT composition with that in underlying surface sediments. This is the first study that reports TEX86 values from the precursor intact polar lipids (IPLs) associated with specific head groups (IPL -specific TEX86). We show a clear deviation from the sea surface GDGT composition in the OMZ between 300 and 600 m. Since neither lateral transport nor selective degradation provides a satisfactory explanation for the observed TEX-derived temperature profiles with a bias towards higher temperatures for both core- and IPL -specific TEX86 values, we suggest that subsurface in situ production of archaea with a distinct relationship between lipid biosynthesis and temperature is the responsible mechanism. However, in the NW-African upwelling system the GDGT contribution of the OMZ to the surface sediments does not seem to affect the sedimentary TEX86 as it shows no bias and still reflects the signal of the surface waters between 0 and 60 m.


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The transition from the last Glacial to the current Interglacial, the Holocene, represents an important period with climatic and environmental changes impacting ecosystems. In this study, we examined the interplay between the Indian Ocean Summer Monsoon (IOSM) and the Westerlies at lake Nam Co, southern Tibet to understand the climatic effects on the ecosystem. Different organic geochemical proxies (n-alkanes, glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers, dD, d13Corg, d15N) are applied to reconstruct the environmental and hydrological changes on one of the longest available paleorecords at the Tibetan Plateau. Based on our paleohydrological dD proxies, the aquatic signal lags the terrestrial one due to specific ecological thresholds, which, in addition to climatic changes, can influence aquatic organisms. The aquatic organisms' response strongly depends on temperature and associated lake size, as well as pH and nutrient availability. Because the terrestrial vegetation reacts faster and more sensitively to changes in the monsoonal and climatic system, the dD of n-C29 and the reconstructed inflow water signal represent an appropriate IOSM proxy. In general, the interplay of the different air masses seems to be primarily controlled by solar insolation. In the Holocene, the high insolation generates a large land-ocean pressure gradient associated with strong monsoonal winds and the strongest IOSM. In the last glacial period, however, the weak insolation promoted the Westerlies, thereby increasing their influence at the Tibetan Plateau. Our results help to elucidate the variable IOSM, and they illustrate a remarkable shift in the lake system regarding pH, d13Corg and d15N from the last glacial to the Holocene interglacial period.


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A simple and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method with fluorescence detection and mass spectrometric identification has been developed for analysis of 30 long-chain and short-chain free Fatty acids (FFAs). The fatty acids were derivatized to their esters with 1-[2-(p-toluenesulfonate)ethyl]-2-phenylimidazole-[4,5-f]-9,10-phenanthrene (TSPP) in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) at 90 degrees C with anhydrous K2CO3 as catalyst. A mixture Of C-1-C-30 fatty acids was completely separated within 60 min by gradient elution on a reversed-phase C-8 column. Qualitative identification of the acids was performed by atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry (APCI-MS) in positive-ion mode. The fluorescence excitation and emission wavelengths were 260 and 380 nm, respectively. Quantitative determination of the 30 acids in two Tibetan medicines Gentiana straminea and G. dahurica was performed. The results indicated that the medicines contained many FFAs. Linear correlation coefficients for the FFA derivatives were > 0.9991. Relative standard deviations (RSDs, n = 6) for the fatty acid derivatives were < 3%. Detection limits (at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3:1) were 3.1-38 fmol. When the fatty acid derivatives were determined in the two real samples results were satisfactory and the sensitivity and reproducibility of the method were good.


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A sensitive method for the determination of free fatty acids using 2-(2-(anthracen-10-yl)-1H-naphtho[2,3-dimidazol-1-yl) ethyl-p-toluenesuIfonate (ANITS) as tagging reagent with fluorescence detection has been developed. ANITS could easily and quickly label fatty acids in the presence of the K2CO3 catalyst at 90 degrees C for 40 min in N,N-dimethylformamide solvent. From the extracts of rape bee pollen samples, 20 free fatty acids were sensitively determined. Fatty acid derivatives were separated on a reversed-phase Eclipse XDB-C8 column by HPLC in conjunction with gradient elution. The corresponding derivatives were identified by post-column APCI/MS in positive-ion detection mode. ANITS-fatty acid derivatives gave an intense molecular ion peak at mlz [M+H](+); with MS/MS analysis, the collision-induced dissociation spectra of m/z [M+H](+) produced the specific fragment ions at mlz [M-345](+) and mlz 345.0 (here, m/z 345 is the core structural moiety of the ANITS molecule). The fluorescence excitation and emission wavelengths of the derivatives were lambda(ex) = 250 nm and lambda(em) = 512 nm, respectively. Linear correlation coefficients for all fatty acid derivatives are > 0.9999. Detection limits, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3 : 1, are 24.76-98.79 fmol for the labeled fatty acids.


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Gli istoni sono proteine basiche che possono essere classificate in varie classi: H1, H2A, H2B, H3 e H4. Queste proteine formano l’ottamero proteico attorno al quale si avvolge il DNA per formare il nucleosoma che è l’unità fondamentale della cromatina. A livello delle code N-terminali, gli istoni possono essere soggetti a numerose modifiche posttraduzionali quali acetilazioni, metilazioni, fosforilazioni, ADP-ribosilazioni e ubiquitinazioni. Queste modifiche portano alla formazione di diversi siti di riconoscimento per diversi complessi enzimatici coinvolti in importanti processi come la riparazione e la replicazione del DNA e l’assemblaggio della cromatina. La più importante e la più studiata di queste modifiche è l’acetilazione che avviene a livello dei residui amminici della catena laterale dell’amminoacido lisina. I livelli corretti di acetilazione delle proteine istoniche sono mantenuti dall’attività combinata di due enzimi: istone acetil transferasi (HAT) e istone deacetilasi (HDAC). Gli enzimi appartenenti a questa famiglia possono essere suddivisi in varie classi a seconda delle loro diverse caratteristiche, quali la localizzazione cellulare, la dimensione, l’omologia strutturale e il meccanismo d’azione. Recentemente è stato osservato che livelli aberranti di HDAC sono coinvolti nella carcinogenesi; per questo motivo numerosi gruppi di ricerca sono interessati alla progettazione e alla sintesi di composti che siano in grado di inibire questa classe enzimatica. L’inibizione delle HDAC può infatti provocare arresto della crescita cellulare, apoptosi o morte cellulare. Per questo motivo la ricerca farmaceutica in campo antitumorale è mirata alla sintesi di inibitori selettivi verso le diverse classi di HDAC per sviluppare farmaci meno tossici e per cercare di comprendere con maggiore chiarezza il ruolo biologico di questi enzimi. Il potenziale antitumorale degli inibitori delle HDAC deriva infatti dalla loro capacità di interferire con diversi processi cellulari, generalmente non più controllati nelle cellule neoplastiche. Nella maggior parte dei casi l’attività antitumorale risiede nella capacità di attivare programmi di differenziamento, di inibire la progressione del ciclo cellulare e di indurre apoptosi. Inoltre sembra essere molto importante anche la capacità di attivare la risposta immunitaria e l’inibizione dell’angiogenesi. Gli inibitori delle HDAC possono essere a loro volta classificati in base alla struttura chimica, alla loro origine (naturale o sintetica), e alla loro capacità di inibire selettivamente le HDAC appartenenti a classi diverse. Non è ancora chiaro se la selettività di queste molecole verso una specifica classe di HDAC sia importante per ottenere un effetto antitumorale, ma sicuramente inibitori selettivi possono essere molto utili per investigare e chiarire il ruolo delle HDAC nei processi cellulari che portano all’insorgenza del tumore. Nel primo capitolo di questa tesi quindi è riportata un’introduzione sull’importanza delle proteine istoniche non solo da un punto di vista strutturale ma anche funzionale per il destino cellulare. Nel secondo capitolo è riportato lo stato dell’arte dell’analisi delle proteine istoniche che comprende sia i metodi tradizionali come il microsequenziamento e l’utilizzo di anticorpi, sia metodi più innovativi (RP-LC, HILIC, HPCE) ideati per poter essere accoppiati ad analisi mediante spettrometria di massa. Questa tecnica consente infatti di ottenere importanti e precise informazioni che possono aiutare sia a identificare gli istoni come proteine che a individuare i siti coinvolti nelle modifiche post-traduzionali. Nel capitolo 3 è riportata la prima parte del lavoro sperimentale di questa tesi volto alla caratterizzazione delle proteine istoniche mediante tecniche cromatografiche accoppiate alla spettrometria di massa. Nella prima fase del lavoro è stato messo a punto un nuovo metodo cromatografico HPLC che ha consentito di ottenere una buona separazione, alla linea di base, delle otto classi istoniche (H1-1, H1-2, H2A-1, H2A-2, H2B, H3-1, H3-2 e H4). La separazione HPLC delle proteine istoniche ha permesso di poter eseguire analisi accurate di spettrometria di massa mediante accoppiamento con un analizzatore a trappola ionica tramite la sorgente electrospray (ESI). E’ stato così possibile identificare e quantificare tutte le isoforme istoniche, che differiscono per il tipo e il numero di modifiche post-traduzionali alle quali sono soggette, previa estrazione da colture cellulari di HT29 (cancro del colon). Un’analisi così dettagliata delle isoforme non può essere ottenuta con i metodi immunologici e permette di eseguire un’indagine molto accurata delle modifiche delle proteine istoniche correlandole ai diversi stadi della progressione del ciclo e alla morte cellulare. Il metodo messo a punto è stato convalidato mediante analisi comparative che prevedono la stessa separazione cromatografica ma accoppiata a uno spettrometro di massa avente sorgente ESI e analizzatore Q-TOF, dotato di maggiore sensibilità e risoluzione. Successivamente, per identificare quali sono gli specifici amminoacidi coinvolti nelle diverse modifiche post-traduzionali, l’istone H4 è stato sottoposto a digestione enzimatica e successiva analisi mediante tecniche MALDI-TOF e LC-ESI-MSMS. Queste analisi hanno permesso di identificare le specifiche lisine acetilate della coda N-terminale e la sequenza temporale di acetilazione delle lisine stesse. Nel quarto capitolo sono invece riportati gli studi di inibizione, mirati a caratterizzare le modifiche a carico delle proteine istoniche indotte da inibitori delle HDAC, dotati di diverso profilo di potenza e selettività. Dapprima Il metodo messo a punto per l’analisi delle proteine istoniche è stato applicato all’analisi di istoni estratti da cellule HT29 trattate con due noti inibitori delle HDAC, valproato e butirrato, somministrati alle cellule a dosi diverse, che corrispondono alle dosi con cui sono stati testati in vivo, per convalidare il metodo per studi di inibizione di composti incogniti. Successivamente, lo studio è proseguito con lo scopo di evidenziare effetti legati alla diversa potenza e selettività degli inibitori. Le cellule sono state trattate con due inibitori più potenti, SAHA e MS275, alla stessa concentrazione. In entrambi i casi il metodo messo a punto ha permesso di evidenziare l’aumento dei livelli di acetilazione indotto dal trattamento con gli inibitori; ha inoltre messo in luce differenti livelli di acetilazione. Ad esempio il SAHA, potente inibitore di tutte le classi di HDAC, ha prodotto un’estesa iperacetilazione di tutte le proteine istoniche, mentre MS275 selettivo per la classe I di HDAC, ha prodotto modifiche molto più blande. E’ stato quindi deciso di applicare questo metodo per studiare la dose e la tempo-dipendenza dell’effetto di quattro diversi inibitori delle HDAC (SAHA, MS275, MC1855 e MC1568) sulle modifiche post-traduzionali di istoni estratti da cellule HT29. Questi inibitori differiscono oltre che per la struttura chimica anche per il profilo di selettività nei confronti delle HDAC appartenenti alle diverse classi. Sono stati condotti quindi studi di dose-dipendenza che hanno consentito di ottenere i valori di IC50 (concentrazione capace di ridurre della metà la quantità relativa dell’istone meno acetilato) caratteristici per ogni inibitore nei confronti di tutte le classi istoniche. E’ stata inoltre calcolata la percentuale massima di inibizione per ogni inibitore. Infine sono stati eseguiti studi di tempo-dipendenza. I risultati ottenuti da questi studi hanno permesso di correlare i livelli di acetilazione delle varie classi istoniche con la selettività d’azione e la struttura chimica degli inibitori somministrati alle cellule. In particolare, SAHA e MC1855, inibitori delle HDAC di classi I e II a struttura idrossamica, hanno causato l’iperacetilazione di tutte le proteine istoniche, mentre MC1568 (inibitore selettivo per HDAC di classe II) ha prodotto l’iperacetilazione solo di H4. Inoltre la potenza e la selettività degli inibitori nel provocare un aumento dei livelli di acetilazione a livello delle distinte classi istoniche è stata correlata al destino biologico della cellula, tramite studi di vitalità cellulare. E’ stato osservato che il SAHA e MC1855, inibitori potenti e non selettivi, somministrati alla coltura HT29 a dose 50 μM producono morte cellulare, mentre MS275 alla stessa dose produce accumulo citostatico in G1/G0. MC1568, invece, non produce effetti significatici sul ciclo cellulare. Questo studio ha perciò dimostrato che l’analisi tramite HPLC-ESI-MS delle proteine istoniche permette di caratterizzare finemente la potenza e la selettività di nuovi composti inibitori delle HDAC, prevedendone l’effetto sul ciclo cellulare. In maggiore dettaglio è risultato che l’iperacetilazione di H4 non è in grado di provocare modifiche significative sul ciclo cellulare. Questo metodo, insieme alle analisi MALDI-TOF e LC-ESI-MSMS che permettono di individuare l’ordine di acetilazione delle lisine della coda N-terminale, potrà fornire importanti informazioni sugli inibitori delle HDAC e potrà essere applicato per delineare la potenza, la selettività e il meccanismo di azione di nuovi potenziali inibitori di questa classe enzimatica in colture cellulari tumorali.


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Naturally-occurring phytochemicals have received a pivotal attention in the last years, due to the increasing evidences of biological activities. Equisetum giganteum L., commonly known as “giant horsetail”, is a native plant from Central and South America, being largely used in dietary supplements as diuretic, hemostatic, antiinflammatory and anti-rheumatic agents [1,2]. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the antioxidant (scavenging effects on 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radicals- RSA, reducing power- RP, β-carotene bleaching inhibition- CBI and lipid peroxidation inhibition- LPI), anti-inflammatory (inhibition of NO production in lipopolysaccharidestimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages) and cytotoxic (in a panel of four human tumor cell lines: MCF-7- breast adenocarcinoma, NCI-H460- non-small cell lung cancer, HeLa- cervical carcinoma and HepG2- hepatocellular carcinoma; and in non-tumor porcine liver primary cells- PLP2) properties of E. giganteum, providing a phytochemical characterization of its extract (ethanol/water, 80:20, v/v), by using highperformance liquid chromatography coupled to diode array detection and electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD–ESI/MS). E. giganteum presented fourteen phenolic compounds, two phenolic acids and twelve flavonol glycoside derivatives, mainly kaempferol derivatives, accounting to 81% of the total phenolic content, being kaempferol-O-glucoside-O-rutinoside, the most abundant molecule (7.6 mg/g extract). The extract exhibited antioxidant (EC50 values = 123, 136, 202 and 57.4 μg/mL for RSA, RP, CBI and LPI, respectively), anti-inflammatory (EC50 value = 239 μg/mL) and cytotoxic (GI50 values = 250, 258, 268 and 239 μg/mL for MCF-7, NCI-H460, HeLa and HepG2, respectively) properties, which were positively correlated with its concentration in phenolic compounds. Furthermore, up to 400 μg/mL, it did not revealed toxicity in non-tumor liver cells. Thus, this study highlights the potential of E. giganteum extracts as rich sources of phenolic compounds that can be used in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic fields.


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本学位论文分为四个部分,第一部分报道了用串联质谱快速分析合成药物中的微量杂质成分以及分析中药材中的化学成分。第二部分报道了通过质谱和串联质谱发现并合成新型的PdPincer 催化剂,同时对其活性进行测试。第三部分为串联质谱自动解析软件的设计及应用。第四部分概述了应用在质谱中的各种碎裂方式。 第一部分首先总结了5-溴粉防己碱及其类似物的裂解规律,并以此为根据推测出2 个微量杂质的结构。随后针对无患子(Sapindus mukurossi Gatren.)中的皂苷成分,由ESI-QTOF 得到各个皂苷成份的高分辨质量数据进而得到其分子式,然后利用ESI-IT 电喷雾串联质谱对无患子总皂苷中各皂苷成分的结构进行进一步的鉴定。进而以同样的方式,先通过ESI-QTOF 得到黄山药(Dioscoreapanthaica)总皂苷中各个组分化合物的分子式,然后对已有的薯蓣皂苷标准品做串联质谱分析,以得到该类化合物的裂解规律并给出解析该类化合物的流程图。在此利用计算化学的方法讨论了离子的丰度与裂解活化能之间的关系。然后应用APCI-MS/MS 方法探讨了四对同分异构体和几个已知的化合物,并最后用液质联用对其进行确认,同时还给出了4 个未知化合物的可能结构。 第二部分报道通过质谱和串联质谱发现并合成新型的PdPincer 催化剂,同时对其活性进行测试。钯催化的交联反应是有机合成中C-C 键形成的最有效的方法,且硫脲是一类对空气和水都稳定的化合物,因此我们设计并合成了一系列的硫脲钯催化剂并得到了很好的催化活性。我们在对其中一类环状双硫脲化合物进行质谱实验的时候,在正离子模式下发现了反常的[M.H]+,通过串联质谱进一步确定了它是一种新型的PdPincer 结构。我们将其合成出来并通过X-ray 衍射实验确定了它的结构。同时测定其催化活性并与未形成pincer 的类似物进行比较发现该类化合物具有较宽的底物适用性。 第三部分为串联质谱自动解析软件的设计及应用。通过前面两部分的启示,独立设计开发了AuMass(1.0)。其算法是:先通过查找特殊的碎片离子,中性丢失或碎片离子质量差来确定某类化合物的骨架结构,然后利用该类化合物的自动解析流程来对其周边取代基进行确认。通过它快速地对白芍中的化学成分进行解析,并对未知的化合物进行了推测。为了增加它的解析能力,我又对其它类型的化合物裂解规律进行总结,并给出了自动解析流程。实践证明该软件具有相当好的应用价值。 第四部分综述了应用在质谱上的各类母离子的碎裂技术。这里包括了碰撞诱导裂解(CID)、光诱导碎裂(LID)、电子捕获裂解/电子转移裂解(ECD/ETD)、红外多光子解离(IRMPD)、黑体辐射解离(BIRD)和PQD 裂解技术。 This dissertation consists of four chapters. The first chapter reports the rapidanalysis of trace impurities from synthetical medicine and analysis of the chemicalconstitutents from Chinese herb medicines. The second chapter elaborates the studieson the discorvery and synthesis of new type of Pd Pincer catalyst by using MS andtandem MS together with the testing of its catalyst activity. The third chapter dwellson the designation and development of automatic tandem mass spectrometry analysissoftware. The last chapter presents a review on the dissociation technique of massspectrometry. The first chapter reports the rapid analysis of trace impurities from synthesismedicine and analysis of the chemical constitutents from Chinese herb medicines. The fission mechanism of 5-bromotetrandrine was obtained by analysis of the dissociationpathways of major product, by using which the possible structure of the two traceimpurties was assumed. There are lots of saponins in Sapindus mukurossi. Except forthe good spumescence and decontamination,it possesses the bioactivity of antigenand antitch. First of all, the high resolution mass information was obtained by ESI-QTOF. Hence the possible molecular formulars were acquired too. Then weconducted the further detection of the structures of its saponins by using ESI-ITtechnology. In the same manner, first the molecular formulars of every constituentfrom Dioscorea panthaica in total saponins were obtained by ESI-QTOF, and thenacquired the fission mechanism of this type of compounds by tandem massexperiment on a series of known and available saponins. In the same time, theanalysis flowchart was concluded. Here the relationship between the ion intensity andthe corresponding dissiociation activation energy was studied by computer chemistry.Then the four pairs of isomers were differentiated by APCI-MS/MS, as well as thecharacterization of known and unknown compounds. The assumption was confirmed by HPLC-MS/MS. Among them the possible structures of four unknown saponinswas presented. The second part was discovery and synthesis of a new type of Pd pincer catalystby MS and tandem MS. The coupling reaction catalyzed by Pd is the most effectivemethod in C-C formation in organic synthesis. Apart from that, thiourea is type ofcompounds that are stable to atmosphere and moisture. Hence we designed a series ofPd thiourea catalysts. Some of them show the excellent catalyst activity. The abnormalparent ion [M.H]+ was founded in positive ESI mode when we conduct some massspectrometry experiments on the bicyclical thiourea Pd complex. The structure wasproposed by mass and tandem mass spectrometry. Because it was a new type of pincer,we want to test its catalyst activity. So the Pd pincer was synthesized and the detailstructure was obtained by x-ray experiment. It shows the more fitness in catalysis ofSuzuki reaction by comparison with the analogue. The third chapter dwells on the design and development of automatic tandemmass spectrometry analysis software. Inspired by the former two chapters, theAuMass (version 1.0) was developed. Its algorithm is: first check the diagnostic ion,diagnostic neutral loss or diagnostic ions mass intervals in database to find out whatthe analyst’s skeleton belongs to, then identify the peripheral functional group by thecorresponding analysis flowchart. The chemical constituents of Paeonia lactiflorawere identified rapidly by using AuMass. To increase the analysis ability, the othertypes of compounds from Chinese herbs was concluded. Actually, the software isproven to have the much valuable application. The last chapter presented the review on the some kinds of fission technique ofmass spectrometry. It involves the collision induced dissociation (CID), laser induceddissociation (LID), electron capture dissociation/electron transfer dissociation(ECD/ETD), infrared multiple photons dissiociation, black body irraditiondissociation and PQD fission technique from Finnigan.


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The stability of diester-diterpenoid alkaloids (DDA) from plants of the genus Aconitum L. has been studied in different solvents and pH buffers. The HPLC/ESIMS method for analysing the concentration of DDA was established and DDA's decomposition products were elucidated by HPLC/ESI-MS/MSn. In different solvents, e.g. dichloromethane, ether, methanol and distilled water, the decomposition pathways of DDA are quite different and their difference in stabilities depends on the difference of their structures, in which substituents at the N atom and substituents at C-3 are different. The pyrolytic products of DDA, such as deacetoxy aconitine-type alkaloids, have been observed in the above solvents, whereas 8-methoxy-14-benzoyl aconitine-type alkaloids have been obtained only in methanol.


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有机锡化合物被广泛用作塑料制品中的稳定剂、船舶油漆的防污剂、工业催化剂、农林业杀虫杀菌剂以及用于木材的防腐保存等,已经引起严重的环境污染。世界上许多国家纷纷制定相应的法规对其使用加以禁止或限制。我国目前还没有明确的限制有机锡使用的法律法规,缺少有机锡污染的第一手资料,更没有长期的控制、监测与研究计划。由于有机锡的种类繁多,理化性质存在差别,所以在提取、分离和测定中均存在较大的困难。从我国这方面己有的工作来看,缺乏各种高选择性的分离方法和高灵敏度的检测方法是制约这项研究广泛开展的原因之一。有机锡的痕量与超痕量分析技术是当今环境和食品安全分析领域的前沿技术。 本论文利用高效液相色谱和电感耦合等离子体质谱联用技术建立了海洋环境中多种有机化合物的同时快速检测方法;发展了多种海洋环境样品中有机锡的前处理技术;研究了有机锡在海洋生物中的分布、代谢及降解过程中化学形态的变化;同时发展了海洋环境中多种痕量元素的快速检测方法。所建立的高效液相色谱和电感耦合等离子体质谱联用技术可同时、快速分析5种有机锡的形态(三甲基锡TMT、二苯基锡DPhT、二丁基锡DBT、三丁基锡TBT和三苯基锡TPhT),其检出限均低于0.3μg/L。 用所建立方法对南海海洋生物样品中的有机锡污染进行了研究,利用SPSS软件对检测结果进行了探讨,发现在所研究海洋生物样品的97.2%中可检出丁基锡和苯基锡化合物,其浓度分布处于该化合物检出限~1487.8ng/g范围内。其中,贝类样品中总有机锡的平均浓度为416.9ng/g,远远高于鱼类样品中总有机锡的平均浓度(211.9ng/g)。海洋生物中存在高浓度的有机锡说明本海域有机锡污染严重,已经对生态环境造成了严重影响,危害到人类生活。其主要的污染源是防污涂料的应用,目前紧迫的问题是采取必要的措施来控制有机锡的使用。 本工作建立了海水样品和沉积物样品中五种有机锡的简单快速萃取方法。采用加入2%的环庚三烯酚(tropolone)的二氯甲烷CH2Cl2对海水中的有机锡进行萃取,大大提高了有机锡的萃取率,减少了萃取的时间,二苯基锡(DPhT)、二丁基锡(DBT)、三丁基锡(TBT)和三苯基锡(TPhT)的萃取率均在80%以上,仅三甲基锡(TMT)的萃取率较低(在50%左右),究其原因,可能是因为在萃取的过程中三甲基锡(TMT)产生了降解。采用流动相和0.2%环庚三烯酚酮(tropolone)对沉积物国际标准物质PACS-2进行超声萃取及高速离心后,用所建方法进行了分析。结果表明,测定值与标准值吻合。研究表明,所建立的方法可用于实际环境沉积物中有机锡的形态分析。 本文建立了流动注射与电感耦合等离子体质谱联用技术直接同时测定海水中多种痕量元素的方法。该方法采用痕量进样技术,能够有效地减少海水中Na,Mg, Ca和Cl等大量基体元素对待测痕量元素测定的干扰,减少这些元素在电感耦合等离子体采样锥上的盐沉积,可以同时测量海水中的V、Cr、Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Mo、Cd、Pb,Hg和U等痕量级元素。用所建的方法测定南海海域海水中的重金属元素,发现Cd,Cr,As等有毒有害元素的污染很轻,均符合Ⅰ级海水的限量。 在海洋沉积物样品处理研究中,本工作改进了不需要赶走HF酸就可以对沉积物消解完全的密闭容器消解法,由于减少了赶走HF酸的步骤,使消解的时间由原来的二十个小时降低为十个小时,大大降低了消解的时间。采用该样品消解方法,并用ICP-MS测定了南黄海海域沉积物中锡及其他重金属元素的含量。建立了微波消解-ICP-MS测定海洋生物中锡、砷、镉、汞及铅等有害重金属元素的分析方法,并用于南黄海7个及南海海域29个海产品中的测定。测定结果表明海洋生物中上述有毒有害元素有不同程度的超标问题;不同种类,不同产地的海洋生物中重金属元素的含量有一定的差别,这些研究结果为海产品安全质量控制提供了有价值的科学信息。 在上述各章工作的基础上,本文研究了有机锡在海洋生物中的分布、代谢及降解过程,并初步建立了高效液相-电喷雾-飞行时间质谱(LC-APCI-TOF-MS)测定有机锡的方法,可对未知的有机锡化合物进行结构表征。有机锡在贝类中不同的组织显示,其内脏中有机锡的含量高于肌肉中有机锡含量。常规的煮、炸、蒸及微波的烹饪方式并不能降解海产品中的有机锡化合物。


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A highly sensitive and accurate method based on the precolumn derivatization of bile acids (BA) with a high ionization efficiency labeling reagent 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-ethyl-benzenesulfonate (BDEBS) coupled with LC/MS has been developed. After derivatization, BA molecules introduced a weak basic nitrogen atom into the molecular core structure that was readily ionized in commonly used acidic HPLC mobile phases. Derivatives were sufficiently stable to be efficiently analyzed by atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI)-MS/MS in positive-ion mode. The MS/MS spectra of BA derivatives showed an intense protonated molecular ion at m/z [M + H](+). The collision-induced dissociation of the molecular ion produced fragment ions at [MH - H2O](+), [MH - 2H(2)O](+), [MH - 3H(2)O](+). The characteristic fragment ions were at m/z 320.8, 262.8, and 243.7 corresponding to a cleavage of N - CO, O - CO, and C - OCC, respectively, and bonds of derivatized molecules. The selected reaction monitoring, based on the m/z [M + H]+ -> [MH - H2O](+), [MH - H2O](+), [MH - 2H(2)O](+), [MH-3H(2)O](+), 320.8, 262.8, and 243.7 transitions, was highly specific for the BA derivatives. The LODs for APCI in a positive-ion mode, at an S/N of 5, were 44.36-153.6 fmol. The validation results showed high accuracy in the range of 93-107% and the mean interday precision for all standards was < 15% at broad linear dynamic ranges (0.0244-25nmol/mL). Good linear responses were observed with coefficients of > 0.9935 in APCI/MS detection. Therefore, the facile BDEBS derivatization coupled with mass spectrometric analysis allowed the development of a highly sensitive and specific method for the quantitation of trace levels of the free and glycine-conjugated BA from human serum samples.


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A simple, sensitive, and mild method for the determination of amino compounds based on a condensation reaction with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC-HCI) as the dehydrant with fluorescence detection has been developed. Amines were derivatized to their acidamides with labeling reagent 2-(2-phenyl-1H-phenanthro-[9,10-d]imidazole-1-yl)-acetic acid (PPIA). Studies on derivatization conditions indicated that the coupling reaction proceeded rapidly and smoothly in the presence of a base catalyst in acetonitrile to give the corresponding sensitively fluorescent derivatives with an excitation maximum at lambda(ex) 260nm and an emission maximum at lambda(em) 380nm. The labeled derivatives exhibited high stability and were enough to be efficiently analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Identification of derivatives was carried out by online post-column mass spectrometry (LC/APCI-MS/MS) and showed an intense protonated molecular ion corresponding m/z [MH](+) under APCI in positive-ion mode. At the same time, the fluorescence properties of derivatives in various solvents or at different temperature were investigated. The method, in conjunction with a gradient elution, offered a baseline resolution of the common amine derivatives on a reversed-phase Eclipse XDB-C-8 column. LC separation for the derivatized amines showed good reproducibility with acetonitrile-water as mobile phase. Detection limits calculated from 0.78 pmol injection, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, were 3.1-18.2 fmol. The mean intra- and inter-assay precision for all amine levels were < 3.85% and 2.11%, respectively. Excellent linear responses were observed with coefficients of > 0.9996. The established method for the determination of aliphatic amines from real wastewater and biological samples was satisfactory. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The weakest step in the analytical procedure for speciation analysis is extraction from a biological material into an aqueous solution which undergoes HPLC separation and then simultaneous online detection by elemental and molecular mass spectrometry (ICP-MS/ES-MS). This paper describes a study to determine the speciation of arsenic and, in particular, the arsenite phytochelatin complexes in the root from an ornamental garden plant Thunbergia alata exposed to 1 mg As L(-1) as arsenate. The approach of formic acid extraction followed by HPLC-ES-MS/ICP-MS identified different As(III)-PC complexes in the extract of this plant and made their quantification via sulfur (m/z 32) and arsenic (m/z 75) possible. Although sulfur sensitivity could be significantly increased when xenon was used as collision gas in ICP-qMS, or when HR-ICP-MS was used in medium resolution, the As:S ratio gave misleading results in the identification of As(III)-PC complexes due to the relatively low resolution of the chromatography system in relation to the variety of As-peptides in plants. Hence only the parallel use of ES-MS/ICP-MS was able to prove the occurrence of such arsenite phytochelatin complexes. Between 55 and 64% of the arsenic was bound to the sulfur of peptides mainly as As(III)(PC(2))(2), As(III)(PC(3)) and As(III)(PC(4)). XANES (X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy) measurement, using the freshly exposed plant root directly, confirmed that most of the arsenic is trivalent and binds to S of peptides (53% As-S) while 38% occurred as arsenite and only 9% unchanged as arsenate. EXAFS data confirmed that As-S and As-O bonds occur in the plants. This study confirms, for the first time, that As-peptides can be extracted by formic acid and chromatographically separated on a reversed-phase column without significant decomposition or de-novo synthesis during the extraction step.


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Thymus is taxonomically a very complex genus with a high frequency of hybridisation and introgression among sympatric species. The variation in accumulation of leaf-surface flavonoids was investigated in 71 wild populations of Thymus front different putative hybrid swarm areas in Andalucia, Spain. Twenty-two flavones, five flavanones, two dihydroflavonols, a flavonol and two unknowns were detected by HPLC-DAD combined with LC-APCI-MS analysis. The majority of compounds were flavones with a lutelin-type substitution of the B-ring, in contrast to previous reports on Macedonian taxa, which predominantly accumulate flavones with apigenin-type substitution of the B-ring. Anatomical and morphometric studies, supported by cluster analysis, identified pure Thymus hyemalis and Thymus baeticus populations, and a large number of putative hybrids. Flavonoid variation was closely related to morphological variation in all populations and is suspected to be a result of genetic polymorphism. Principal component analysis identified the presence of species-specific and geographically linked chemotypes and putative hybrids with mixed morphological and chemical characteristics. Qualitative and quantitative flavonoid accumulation appears to be genetically regulated, while external factors play a secondary role. Flavonoid profiles can thus provide diagnostic markers for the taxonomy of Thymus and are also useful in detecting hybridising taxa. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Surface flavonoids in nine species of Origanum, representing taxa from all three of the currently recognised subgeneric groups, were examined both by HPLC coupled to diode-array detection and APCI-MS. Many of the flavonoids present were characterised by O-substituent at C-6 (OH, OMe) and/or C-8 (OMe). In total, 25 flavones and flavanones are described in this study, of which 13 are new to the genus and 5,4'-dihydroxy-6,7,3'-trimethoxyflavanone is reported for the first time. Taxa in subgeneric Group A accumulated flavonoids with methoxyl groups at both C-6 and C-4'; however, taxa in subgeneric Group B did not accumulate 4'-methoxylated compounds, and taxa in Group C did not accumulate 6-methoxylated compounds. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.