Mode of access: Internet.
Prepared by S. I. Kuwana, A.M., with the assistance of Messrs. S. Onuki and S. Hori, entomologists of the Agricultural experiment station, Nishigahara, Tokyo.
Mode of access: Internet.
"# 579."
This dissertation documents the everyday lives and spaces of a population of youth typically constructed as out of place, and the broader urban context in which they are rendered as such. Thirty-three female and transgender street youth participated in the development of this youth-based participatory action research (YPAR) project utilizing geo-ethnographic methods, auto-photography, and archival research throughout a six-phase, eighteen-month research process in Bogotá, Colombia. ^ This dissertation details the participatory writing process that enabled the YPAR research team to destabilize dominant representations of both street girls and urban space and the participatory mapping process that enabled the development of a youth vision of the city through cartographic images. The maps display individual and aggregate spatial data indicating trends within and making comparisons between three subgroups of the research population according to nine spatial variables. These spatial data, coupled with photographic and ethnographic data, substantiate that street girls’ mobilities and activity spaces intersect with and are altered by state-sponsored urban renewal projects and paramilitary-led social cleansing killings, both efforts to clean up Bogotá by purging the city center of deviant populations and places. ^ Advancing an ethical approach to conducting research with excluded populations, this dissertation argues for the enactment of critical field praxis and care ethics within a YPAR framework to incorporate young people as principal research actors rather than merely voices represented in adultist academic discourse. Interjection of considerations of space, gender, and participation into the study of street youth produce new ways of envisioning the city and the role of young people in research. Instead of seeing the city from a panoptic view, Bogotá is revealed through the eyes of street youth who participated in the construction and feminist visualization of a new cartography and counter-map of the city grounded in embodied, situated praxis. This dissertation presents a socially responsible approach to conducting action-research with high-risk youth by documenting how street girls reclaim their right to the city on paper and in practice; through maps of their everyday exclusion in Bogotá followed by activism to fight against it.^
La gran demanda de pacientes en servicios de consulta especializada de neurología y la poca oferta de profesionales entrenados y médicos especialistas, principalmente en zonas aisladas por circunstancias geográficas o políticas, nos obligan a buscar nuevos recursos como la telemedicina a fin de mejorar el tiempo de consulta. El objetivo de este trabajo es explorar el grado de satisfacción del neurólogo y de los pacientes con epilepsia en una consulta por telemedicina en el Hospital San José de Arjona con conexión al Hospital de San José en Bogotá.
Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía
Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía
The Directed Practice Seminar was developed under the theme Document Control in Canton Puriscal, San Jose Costa Rica. The practice consisted of a process of identification, collection, description, analysis and typing of documents Puriscal of historical, scientific and cultural, to publicize the county's documentary heritage, thus contributing to the Costa Rican national literature, and also promote the rescue culture of the peoples, a task that performs modern librarianship.The search, identification and collection of documents that have been published or not, in and to the Canton Puriscal was thorough and in all possible formats: books, journals, letters, brochures, memos, videos, newspaper articles, manuscripts , periodicals, electronic resources, among others.
Tesis (Maestría en Estudios y Gestión del Desarrollo).-- Universidad de La Salle. Maestría en Estudios y Gestión del Desarrollo, 2013
Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía
Hospital San Nicolás, en construcción, en la foto aparecen entre otros Luis García, Liliana García y Herlinda Garcia. Versalles, C. 1949.
La concepción tradicional del hospital como un lugar donde se acude a recuperar la salud, es cada vez menos utilizada, ya que existe un mejor entendimiento en el sentido que dicho centro de salud viene a ser un conjunto de elementos humanos, materiales y tecnológicos, organizados adecuadamente mediante una buena gestión, para proporcionar servicios de salud (preventiva, curativa y de rehabilitación), en condiciones de máxima eficiencia, confianza y de óptima rentabilidad económica. Es por lo anterior que una gestión apropiada del mantenimiento es esencial para asegurar que el equipamiento del centro hospitalario cumpla con los estándares mínimos requeridos para brindar atención a los pacientes que la requieren, en el momento que la requieren y contribuir a la eficiencia en la prestación de servicios. Como parte de la mejora continua y de la aplicación de un sistema de gestión en el trabajo desarrollado por el departamento de mantenimiento del Hospital San Rafael, se presenta una propuesta utilizando la metodología Seis Sigma, la cual en resumen permitirá diagnosticar las debilidades, medir la situación actual de los procesos clave, analizar las causas de las mismas, diseñar un plan de mejora y controlar los procesos.
Hospital San Nicoláas, Luis García, Liliana García y Herlinda Garcia entre otros. Versalles, C. 1949.