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While the tetrahedral face of methane has an electron rich centre and can act as a hydrogen bond acceptor, substitution of one of its hydrogens with some electron withdrawing group (such as -F/OH) can make the opposite face electron deficient. Electrostatic potential calculations confirm this and high level quantum calculations show interactions between the positive face of methanol/methyl fluoride and electron rich centers of other molecules such as H2O. Analysis of the wave functions of atoms in molecules shows the presence of an unusual C center dot center dot center dot Y interaction, which could be called `carbon bonding'. NBO analysis and vibrational frequency shifts confirm the presence of this interaction. Given the properties of alkyl groups bonded to electronegative elements in biological molecules, such interactions could play a significant role, which is yet to be recognized. This and similar interactions could give an enthalpic contribution to what is called the `hydrophobic interactions'.


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A systematic understanding of the noncovalent interactions that influence the structures of the cis conformers and the equilibrium between the cis and the trans conformers, of the X-Pro tertiary amide motifs, is presented based on analyses of H-1-, C-13-NMR and FTIR absorption spectra of two sets of homologous peptides, X-Pro-Aib-OMe and X-Pro-NH-Me (where X is acetyl, propionyl, isobutyryl and pivaloyl), in solvents of varying polarities. First, this work shows that the cis conformers of any X-Pro tertiary amide motif, including Piv-Pro, are accessible in the new motifs X-Pro-Aib-OMe, in solution. These conformers are uniquely observable by FTIR spectroscopy at ambient temperatures and by NMR spectroscopy from temperatures as high as 273 K. This is made possible by the persistent presence of n(i-1i)* interactions at Aib, which also influence the disappearance of steric effects at these cis X-Pro rotamers. Second, contrary to conventional understanding, the energy contribution of steric effects to the cis/trans equilibrium at the X-Pro motifs is found to be nonvariant (0.54 +/- 0.02 kcal/mol) with increase in steric bulk on the X group. Third, the current studies provide direct evidence for the weak intramolecular interactions namely the n(i-1i)*, the N-Pro center dot center dot center dot Hi+1 (C(5)a), and the C-7 hydrogen bond that operate and influence the structures, stabilities, and dynamics between different conformational states of X-Pro tertiary amide motifs. NMR and IR spectral data suggest that the cis conformers of X-Pro motifs are ensembles of short-lived rotamers about the C-X-N-Pro bond. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 66-77, 2014.


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The stable co-existence of individuals of different genotypes and reproductive division of labour within heterogeneous groups are issues of fundamental interest from the viewpoint of evolution. Cellular slime moulds are convenient organisms in which to address both issues. Strains of a species co-occur, as do different species; social groups are often genetically heterogeneous. Intra- and interspecies 1:1 mixes of wild isolates of Dictyostelium giganteum and D.purpureum form chimaeric aggregates, following which they segregate to varying extents. Intraspecies aggregates develop in concert and give rise to chimaeric fruiting bodies that usually contain more spores (reproductives) of one component than the other. Reproductive skew and variance in the proportion of reproductives are positively correlated. Interspecies aggregates exhibit almost complete sorting; most spores in a fruiting body come from a single species. Between strains, somatic compatibility correlates weakly with sexual compatibility. It is highest within clones, lower between strains of a species and lowest between strains of different species. Trade-offs among fitness-related traits (between compatible strains), sorting out (between incompatible strains) and avoidance (between species) appear to lie behind coexistence.


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The structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of nano zinc ferrite prepared by the propellant chemistry technique are studied. The PXRD measurement at room temperature reveal that the compound is in cubic spinel phase, belong to the space group Fd (3) over barm. The unit cell parameters have been estimated from Rietveld refinement. The calculated force constants from FTIR spectrum corresponding to octahedral and tetrahedral sites at 375 and 542 cm(-1) are 6.61 x 10(2) and 3.77 x 10(2) N m(-1) respectively; these values are slightly higher compared to the other ferrite systems. Magnetic hysteresis and EPR spectra show superparamagnetic property nearly to room temperature due to comparison values between magnetic anisotropy energy and the thermal energy. The calculated values of saturation magnetization, remenant magnetization, coercive field and magnetic moment supports for the existence of multi domain particles in the sample. The temperature dependent magnetic field shows the spin freezing state at 30 K and the blocking temperature at above room temperature. The frequency dependent dielectric interactions show the variation of dielectric constant, dielectric loss and impedance as similar to other ferrite systems. The AC conductivity in the prepared sample is due to the presence of electrons, holes and polarons. The synthesized material is suitable for nano-electronics and biomedical applications. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In addition to the biologically active monomer of the protein insulin circulating in human blood, the molecule also exists in dimeric and hexameric forms that are used as storage. The insulin monomer contains two distinct surfaces, namely, the dimer forming surface (DFS) and the hexamer forming surface (HFS), that are specifically designed to facilitate the formation of the dimer and the hexamer, respectively. In order to characterize the structural and dynamical behavior of interfacial water molecules near these two surfaces (DFS and HFS), we performed atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of insulin with explicit water. Dynamical characterization reveals that the structural relaxation of the hydrogen bonds formed between the residues of DFS and the interfacial water molecules is faster than those formed between water and that of the HFS. Furthermore, the residence times of water molecules in the protein hydration layer for both the DFS and HFS are found to be significantly higher than those for some of the other proteins studied so far, such as HP-36 and lysozyme. In particular, we find that more structured water molecules, with higher residence times (similar to 300-500 ps), are present near HFS than those near DFS. A significant slowing down is observed in the decay of associated rotational auto time correlation functions of O-H bond vector of water in the vicinity of HFS. The surface topography and the arrangement of amino acid residues work together to organize the water molecules in the hydration layer in order to provide them with a preferred orientation. HFS having a large polar solvent accessible surface area and a convex extensive nonpolar region, drives the surrounding water molecules to acquire predominantly an outward H-atoms directed, clathrate-like structure. In contrast, near the DFS, the surrounding water molecules acquire an inward H-atoms directed orientation owing to the flat curvature of hydrophobic surface and the interrupted hydrophilic residual alignment. We have followed escape trajectory of several such quasi-bound water molecules from both the surfaces that reveal the significant differences between the two hydration layers.


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An investigation of a series of seven angular ``V'' shaped NPIs (1-7) is presented. The effect of substitution of these structurally similar NPIs on their photophysical properties in the solution-state and the solid-state is presented and discussed in light of experimental and computational findings. Compounds 1-7 show negligible to intensely strong emission yields in their solid-state depending on the nature of substituents appended to the oxoaryl moiety. The solution and solid-state properties of the compounds can be directly correlated with their structural rigidity, nature of substituents and intermolecular interactions. The versatile solid-state structures of the NPI siblings are deeply affected by the pendant substituents. All of the NPIs (1-7) show antiparallel dimeric pi-pi stacking interactions in their solid-state which can further extend in a parallel, alternate, orthogonal or lateral fashion depending on the steric and electronic nature of the C-4' substituents. Structural investigations including Hirshfeld surface analysis methods reveal that where strongly interacting systems show weak to moderate emission in their condensed states, weakly interacting systems show strong emission yields under the same conditions. The nature of packing and extended structures also affects the emission colors of the NPIs in their solid-states. Furthermore, DFT computational studies were utilized to understand the molecular and cumulative electronic behaviors of the NPIs. The comprehensive studies provide insight into the condensed-state luminescence of aggregationprone small molecules like NPIs and help to correlate the structure-property relationships.


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An experimental charge density analysis of an anti-TB drug ethionamide was carried out from high resolution X-ray diffraction at 100 K to understand its charge density distribution and electrostatic properties. The experimental results were validated from periodic theoretical charge density calculations performed using CRYSTAL09 at the B3LYP/6-31G** level of theory. The electron density rho(bcp)(r) and the Laplacian of electron density del(2)(rho bcp)(r) of the molecule calculated from both the methods display the charge density distribution of the ethionamide molecule in the crystal field. The electrostatic potential map shows a large electropositive region around the pyridine ring and a large electronegative region at the vicinity of the thiol atom. The calculated experimental dipole moment is 10.6D, which is higher than the value calculated from theory (8.2D). The topological properties of C-H center dot center dot center dot S, N-H center dot center dot center dot N and N-H center dot center dot center dot S hydrogen bonds were calculated, revealing their strength. The charge density analysis of the ethionamide molecule determined from both the experiment and theory gives the topological and electrostatic properties of the molecule, which allows to precisely understand the nature of intra and intermolecular interactions.


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Drawing inspiration from real world interacting systems, we study a system consisting of two networks that exhibit antagonistic and dependent interactions. By antagonistic and dependent interactions we mean that a proportion of functional nodes in a network cause failure of nodes in the other, while failure of nodes in the other results in failure of links in the first. In contrast to interdependent networks, which can exhibit first-order phase transitions, we find that the phase transitions in such networks are continuous. Our analysis shows that, compared to an isolated network, the system is more robust against random attacks. Surprisingly, we observe a region in the parameter space where the giant connected components of both networks start oscillating. Furthermore, we find that for Erdos-Renyi and scale-free networks the system oscillates only when the dependence and antagonism between the two networks are very high. We believe that this study can further our understanding of real world interacting systems.


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While the tetrahedral face of methane has an electron rich centre and can act as a hydrogen bond acceptor, substitution of one of its hydrogens with some electron withdrawing group (such as -F/OH) can make the opposite face electron deficient. Electrostatic potential calculations confirm this and high level quantum calculations show interactions between the positive face of methanol/methyl fluoride and electron rich centers of other molecules such as H2O. Analysis of the wave functions of atoms in molecules shows the presence of an unusual C···Y interaction, which could be called 'carbon bonding'. NBO analysis and vibrational frequency shifts confirm the presence of this interaction. Given the properties of alkyl groups bonded to electronegative elements in biological molecules, such interactions could play a significant role, which is yet to be recognized. This and similar interactions could give an enthalpic contribution to what is called the 'hydrophobic interactions'.


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Land-use changes since the start of the industrial era account for nearly one-third of the cumulative anthropogenic CO2 emissions. In addition to the greenhouse effect of CO2 emissions, changes in land use also affect climate via changes in surface physical properties such as albedo, evapotranspiration and roughness length. Recent modelling studies suggest that these biophysical components may be comparable with biochemical effects. In regard to climate change, the effects of these two distinct processes may counterbalance one another both regionally and, possibly, globally. In this article, through hypothetical large-scale deforestation simulations using a global climate model, we contrast the implications of afforestation on ameliorating or enhancing anthropogenic contributions from previously converted (agricultural) land surfaces. Based on our review of past studies on this subject, we conclude that the sum of both biophysical and biochemical effects should be assessed when large-scale afforestation is used for countering global warming, and the net effect on global mean temperature change depends on the location of deforestation/afforestation. Further, although biochemical effects trigger global climate change, biophysical effects often cause strong local and regional climate change. The implication of the biophysical effects for adaptation and mitigation of climate change in agriculture and agroforestry sectors is discussed. center dot Land-use changes affect global and regional climates through both biochemical and biophysical process. center dot Climate effect from biophysical process depends on the location of land-use change. center dot Climate mitigation strategies such as afforestation/reforestation should consider the net effect of biochemical and biophysical processes for effective mitigation. center dot Climate-smart agriculture could use bio-geoengineering techniques that consider plant biophysical characteristics such as reflectivity and water use efficiency.


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One of the central dogmas of fluid physics is the no-slip boundary condition, whose validity has come under scrutiny, especially in the fields of micro and nanofluidics. Although various studies show the violation of the no-slip condition its effect on flow of colloidal particles in viscous media has been rarely explored. Here we report unusually large reduction of effective viscosity experienced by polymeric nano colloids moving through a highly viscous and confined polymer, well above its glass transition temperature. The extent of reduction in effective interface viscosity increases with decreasing temperature and polymer film thickness. Concomitant with the reduction in effective viscosity we also observe apparent divergence of the wave vector dependent hydrodynamic interaction function of these colloids with an anomalous power law exponent of similar to 2 at the lowest temperatures and film thickness studied. Such strong hydrodynamic interactions are not expected for polymeric colloidal motion in polymer melts. We suggest hydrodynamics, especially slip present at the colloid-polymer interface which determines the observed reduction in interface viscosity and presence of strong hydrodynamic interactions.


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Thoroughly understanding AFM tip-surface interactions is crucial for many experimental studies and applications. It is important to realize that despite its simple appearance, the system of tip and sample surface involves multiscale interactions. In fact, the system is governed by a combination of molecular force (like the van der Waals force), its macroscopic representations (such as surface force) and gravitational force (a macroscopic force). Hence, in the system, various length scales are operative, from sub-nanoscale (at the molecular level) to the macroscopic scale. By integrating molecular forces into continuum equations, we performed a multiscale analysis and revealed the nonlocality effect between a tip and a rough solid surface and the mechanism governing liquid surface deformation and jumping. The results have several significant implications for practical applications. For instance, nonlocality may affect the measurement accuracy of surface morphology. At the critical state of liquid surface jump, the ratio of the gap between a tip and a liquid dome (delta) over the dome height (y(o)) is approximately (n-4) (for a large tip), which depends on the power law exponent n of the molecular interaction energy. These findings demonstrate that the multiscale analysis is not only useful but also necessary in the understanding of practical phenomena involving molecular forces. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Transition waves and interactions between two kinds of instability-vortex shedding and transition wave in the near wake of a circular cylinder in the Reynolds number range 3 000-10 000 are studied by a domain decomposition hybrid numerical method. Based on high resolution power spectral analyses for velocity new results on the Reynolds-number dependence of the transition wave frequency, i.e. f(t)/f(s) similar to Re-0.87 are obtained. The new predictions are in good agreement with the experimental results of Wei and Smith but different from Braza's prediction and some early experimental results f(t)/f(s) similar to Re-0.5 given by Bloor et nl. The multi-interactions between two kinds of vortex are clearly visualized numerically. The strong nonlinear interactions between the two independent frequencies (f(t), f(s)) leading to spectra broadening to form the coupling mf(s) +/- nf(t) are predicted and analyzed numerically, and the characteristics of the transition are described. Longitudinal variations of the transition wave and its coupling are reported. Detailed mechanism of the flow transition in the near wake before occurrence of the three-dimensional evolution is provided.