152 resultados para HETEROZYGOTES
A hemoglobina fetal - Hb F, formada por duas cadeias gama e duas cadeias alfa, é característica do período fetal do desenvolvimento, tendo sua síntese diminuída no período pós-natal. em algumas alterações hereditárias, a Hb F permanece aumentada, como nas delta-beta talassemia, beta talassemia e persistência hereditária de Hb F (PHHF). A síntese da globina gama também pode ser estimulada por fatores externos como leucemias, transplantes de medula óssea, induções químicas, dentre outros. Através da observação de Hb F aumentada em doadores de sangue por procedimentos eletroforéticos objetivou-se avaliar a quantidade de Hb F em amostras de sangue de candidatos à doação, visando estabelecer seus limites de normalidade na população de São José do Rio Preto e região, por meio de desnaturação alcalina e cromatografia líquida de alta pressão (HPLC), comparar as metodologias aplicadas e, nos indivíduos com Hb F aumentada, realizar estudos moleculares para identificar as mutações que alteram a expressão dos genes gama. Foram analisadas 208 amostras de sangue, sendo 119 de candidatos à doação e 89 de indivíduos sem sintomas de anemia ou achados hematológicos e com Hb F aumentada como grupo comparativo. Das 119 amostras de candidatos à doação, 110 foram utilizadas para traçar o perfil de normalidade de Hb F, comparando-se as metodologias de desnaturação alcalina e HPLC, onde se obteve a média de 1,48% e de 0,6%, respectivamente. A análise estatística por regressão linear mostrou diferença significativa na comparação entre as duas metodologias aplicadas, sendo a HPLC mais precisa para a quantificação de Hb F. Foram observados nos testes de rastreamento de hemoglobinas anormais nestas 110 amostras de sangue: 16,4% de alfa talassemia, 0,9% com Hb F aumentada, 0,9% com beta talassemia e 0,9% com hemoglobina variante de cadeia delta. Os outros nove doadores de sangue apresentaram Hb F acima de 10% em eletroforese e observou-se média de 32,28% para desnaturação alcalina e de 26,4% para HPLC. As análises moleculares por PCR-ASO foram realizadas na tentativa de se identificar um defeito genético que pudesse explicar o aumento de Hb F, pelo rastreamento de 16 mutações que originam talassemias do tipo beta. Encontraram-se 5,3% de heterozigotos para mutação CD6-A e 1,75% para as mutações CD 39, IVS1:6, -87 e IVS2:654, todas em heterozigose. Os resultados encontrados neste estudo evidenciam a necessidade de melhor caracterização dos perfis de hemoglobina obtidos pelos métodos clássicos e a importância de sua caracterização molecular.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We assessed the effect of a recently described mutation in the MTHFR gene (1298 A --> C) on the risk of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) by determining its prevalence in 190 patients with verified DVT and in age-, race- and gender-matched controls. MTHFR 1298 A --> C was found in 42.1% of patients and in 41.1% of controls. The OR for venous thrombosis was 1.07 (95% CI 0.70-1.65) for heterozygotes and 0.83 (95% CI 0.33-2.08) for homozygotes. The OR for the factor V Leiden (FVL) mutation was 3.40 (95% CI 1.22-9.48), for FII 20210 G --> A was 5.22 (95% CI 1.12-24.2) and for MTHFR 677 C --> T, 1.24 (95% CI 0.82-1.87). No significant increased risk for venous thrombosis was found when MTHFR 1298 A --> C was coinherited with FVL (OR 2.85, 95% CI 0.88-9.23), FIT 20210 G --> A (OR 7.19, 95% CT 0.87-59.4) or MTHFR 677 C --> T (OR 1.44, 95% CT 0.71-2.92). These data do not support a critical role of MTHFR 1298 A --> C in the predisposition to DVT.
Background. IGF2 and H19 are reciprocal imprinted genes with paternal and maternal monoallelic expression, respectively. This is interesting, because IGF2 is known as a growth factor, and H19 encodes a RNA with putative tumor suppressor action. Furthermore, IGF2 and H19 are linked genes located on chromosome 11p15.5, a common site of loss of heterozygosity in human cancers.Methods. We performed an allelic-typing assay using a PCR-RFLP-based method for identification of heterozygous Informative cases in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. Tumoral total RNA was extracted from each of the heterozygotes and further studied by RT-PCR analysis.Results. We detected the expression of the IGF2 gene in 10 of 10 informative cases. Two cases exhibited LOI of the IGF2 gene as evidenced by biallelic expression, and in another case, LOH was coupled with monoallelic expression of this growth factor. LOI for the H19 gene was observed in 1 of 14 informative samples analyzed. In this case, we also detected parallel mono-allelic expression of the IGF2 gene. Down-regulation of the H19 gene was observed in 10 of 14 cases.Conclusion. These findings support the hypothesis that H19 may be a tumor suppressor gene involved In head and neck carcinogenesis. Furthermore, our data showed that genetic and epigenetic chances at 11p15.5 could lead to abnormal expression of imprinted genes in HNSCC. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Piper cernuum is a native plant of the Brazilian Atlantic rain forest. This work studies the distribution of allozyme diversity in P. cernuum natural populations in order to establish a strategy for sustainable management and conservation. Leaf samples were collected in two Brazilian states. High divergences among populations (F-SR = 0.380) and low divergences among regions (F-RT = -0.069) and among gaps of the same population (F-GT = 0.062) were found. No association between the geographical variation and the genetic distance was detected. An excess of heterozygotes was detected in the populations (F-IS = -0.170), suggesting selection in favor of heterozygotes. The results, and the fact that the species depends on constant gap formation for maintenance of its dynamism, suggest that the founder effect is largely responsible for the structuring of populations. For sustainable management, the maintenance of plants/reproductive branches in the gaps is of major importance. The genotypes produced in these gaps are responsible for the establishment of new gaps and are the foundation for new populations, maintaining the dynamics of allele movement.
Background and Objectives. Thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) plays an important role in hemostasis, functioning as a potent fibrinolysis inhibitor. TAFI gene variations may contribute to plasma TAFI levels and thrombotic risk.Design and Methods. We sequenced a 2083-bp region of the 5 ' -regulatory region of the TAFI gene in 127 healthy subjects searching for variations, and correlated identified polymorphisms with plasma TAFI levels. TAFI polymorphisms were examined as risk factors for venous thrombosis by determining their prevalence in 388 patients with deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and in 388 controls.Results. Seven novel polymorphisms were identified: -152 A/G, -438 A/G, -530 C/T, -1053 T/C, -1102 T/G, -1690 G/A, and -1925 T/C. -152 A/G, -530 C/T and -1925 T/C were found to be in strong linkage disequilibrium, as were the -438 A/G, -1053 T/C, -1102 T/G and -1690 G/A, Plasma TAFI levels were higher in -43866/-1053CC/-1102GG/-1690AA homozygotes than In -438AG/-1053TC/-1102TG/-1690GA heterozygotes, and -438AA/-1053TT/-1102TT/-1690GG homozygotes had the lowest TAFI levels (p=0.0003). TAFI concentrations in -152AA/-530CC/-1925TT homozygotes were somewhat higher but not significantly different from levels observed for -152AG/-530CT/-1925TC heterozygotes, Taken in combination, -438AG/-1053TC/-1102TG/-1690GA and -438AA/-1053TT/-1102TT/-1690GG yielded an OR for DVT of 0.8 (95%CI: 0.6-1). in subjects aged < 35 years the OR was 0.7 (95%CI: 0.5-1.1), the OR for -152AG/-530CT/-1925TC was 1 (95%CI: 0.5-2.2) in the whole group of patients and controls, whereas in subjects aged <35 years the OR was 0.1 (95%CI: 0.02-0.9).Interpretation and Conclusions. Polymorphisms in the TAFI promoter determine plasma antigen levels and may influence the risk of venous thrombophilia. <(c)>2001, Ferrata Storti Foundation.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A mutation in the factor XIII gene (FXIII Val34Leu) gene was recently reported to confer protection against myocardial infarction, but its relationship with venous thrombosis is unknown. In addition, a mutation in the 5'-untranslated region of the FXII gene (46 C→T) was identified which is associated with low plasma levels of the protein. Its prevalence in patients with venous thrombosis is also unknown. We investigated the frequency of the FXIII Val34Leu and FXII 46 C→T mutations in 189 patients with deep venous thrombosis and in 187 age-, gender- and race-matched controls. FXIII Val34Leu was detected in 38.6% of the patients and in 41.2% of the controls. Interestingly, homozygosity for the FXIII mutation was found in 1.6% of the patients and in 9.6% of the controls. yielding an odds ratio (OR) for venous thrombosis of 0.16 (95% CI: 0.05-0.5). The OR for heterozygotes was 1.1 (95% CI: 0.7-1.7). The FXII 46 C→T mutation was detected in 46.0% of the patients and in 48.6% of the controls. The OR for heterozygotes was 0.9 (95% CI: 0.6-1.4) and for homozygotes the OR was 0.8 (95% CI: 0.3-1.9). Our data indicate that the FXII 46 C→T mutation is unlikely to be a major risk factor for venous thrombotic disease. In contrast, the homozygous state for FXIII Val34Leu is a strong protective factor against venous thrombosis, which emerges as a novel generic factor involved in the aetiology of thrombophilia.
Hereditary hemochromatosis is a disorder of iron metabolism characterized by increased iron intake and progressive storage and is related to mutations in the HFE gene. Interactions between thalassemia and hemochromatosis may further increase iron overload. The ethnic background of the Brazilian population is heterogeneous and studies analyzing the simultaneous presence of HFE and thalassemia-related mutations have not been carried out. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of the H63D, S65C and C282Y mutations in the HFE gene among 102 individuals with alpha-thalassemia and 168 beta-thalassemia heterozygotes and to compare them with 173 control individuals without hemoglobinopathies. The allelic frequencies found in these three groups were 0.98, 2.38, and 0.29% for the C282Y mutation, 13.72, 13.70, and 9.54% for the H63D mutation, and 0, 0.60, and 0.87% for the S65C mutation, respectively. The chi-square test for multiple independent individuals indicated a significant difference among groups for the C282Y mutation, which was shown to be significant between the beta-thalassemia heterozygote and the control group by the Fisher exact test (P value = 0.009). The higher frequency of inheritance of the C282Y mutation in the HFE gene among beta-thalassemic patients may contribute to worsen the clinical picture of these individuals. In view of the characteristics of the Brazilian population, the present results emphasize the need to screen for HFE mutations in beta-thalassemia carriers.
The purpose of the present study was to establish reference values for hemoglobins (Hb) using HPLC, in samples containing normal Hb (AA), sickle cell trait without alpha-thalassemia (AS), sickle cell trait with alpha-thalassemia (ASH), sickle cell anemia (SS), and Hb SC disease (SC). The blood samples were analyzed by electrophoresis, HPLC and molecular procedures. The Hb A2 mean was 4.30 ± 0.44% in AS, 4.18 ± 0.42% in ASH, 3.90 ± 1.14% in SS, and 4.39 ± 0.35% in SC. They were similar, but above the normal range. Between the AS and ASH groups, only the amount of Hb S was higher in the AS group. The Hb S mean in the AS group was 38.54 ± 3.01% and in the ASH it was 36.54 ± 3.76%. In the qualitative analysis, using FastMap, distinct groups were seen: AA and SS located at opposite extremes, AS and ASH with overlapping values and intermediate distribution, SC between heterozygotes and the SS group. Hb S was confirmed by allele-specific polymerase chain reaction. The Hb values established will be available for use as a reference for the Brazilian population, drawing attention to the increased levels of Hb A2, which should be considered with caution to prevent incorrect diagnoses. ©FUNPEC-RP.
Sickle cell disease is an inflammatory condition with a pathophysiology that involves vaso-occlusive episodes. Mutations of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) and cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) genes are risk factors for vascular disease. Due to the importance of identifying risk factors for vaso-occlusive events in sickle cell patients, we investigated the frequencies of the C677T and 844ins68 mutations of the MTHFR and CBS genes, respectively. Three hundred patients with Hb SS, HB SC and HbS/Beta thalassemia, from Brasília, Goiânia, Rio de Janeiro, São Jose do Rio Preto and São Paulo were evaluated. Samples of 5 mL of venous blood were collected in EDTA after informed consent was received from patients. Classical diagnostic methods were used to confirm the hemoglobin phenotypes. The hemoglobin genotypes and polymorphisms studied were evaluated by Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism and Allele Specific amplification. The results showed that 93 patients (31.00%) were heterozygous and 13 (4.33%) homozygous for the C677T mutation and 90 were heterozygotes (30.00%) and 8 homozygous (2.66%) for the 844ins68 mutation, both with significant differences for genotype frequency between the localities. The allelic frequencies are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for both polymorphisms. The frequency of mutations was significant and the presence of related vaso-occlusive events was more common in patients with Hb SS (p = 0007). The 844ins68 mutation was approximately three times more frequent in patients with vaso-occlusive complications (p = 0011). The C677T mutation did not prove to be associated with risk of vaso-occlusive events (p = 0.193). A C677T-844ins68 interaction occurred in 12.08% of the patients, doubling the risk of vaso-occlusive manifestations. The frequencies of the polymorphisms are consistent with those expected in the Brazilian population. The presence of the 844ins68 mutation of the CBS gene proved to be a potential risk factor for vaso-occlusive events in sickle cell patients.
Fetal hemoglobin (Hb F) is characteristic of the fetal development period. However, in some genetic conditions, such as hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH) and delta-beta thalassemia (δβ-thalassemia), Hb F continues to be produced in adulthood. We evaluated the frequency of two mutations of HPFH, HPFH-1 and HPFH-2 African, and two mutations in δβ-thalassemia, Sicilian and Spanish, in a Brazilian population. Peripheral blood samples were collected from adults from hospitals and blood centers in southeast and northeast Brazil. These individuals were healthy and without complaints of anemia, but had increased Hb F. Samples were submitted to electrophoretic and chromatographic analyses to quantify Hb F values and, subsequently, to molecular analyses to verify the mutations. In the molecular analysis, 16 of the 60 samples showed a heterozygous profile for the HPFH mutations, two for HPFH-1 and 14 for HPFH-2. In the same sample set, three were heterozygous for Spanish δβ-thalassemia and none were heterozygous for Sicilian δβ- thalassemia. The Hb F values in the HPFH-2 heterozygotes differed from those previously reported for this mutation. In this group, the HPFH mutations were more frequent than the δβ-thalassemia mutations. The finding of these mutations in this Brazilian population reflects the mixing process that occurred during its formation.
Background: The leaf-cutter ant Atta laevigata (Formicidae: Attini) is an agricultural pest largely distributed in the Neotropics and a model organism for studies of evolution, speciation and population genetics. Microsatellites are a very powerful tool for these kind of studies, but such markers are not available for studies on A. laevigata. In the present report, we describe the isolation and characterization of nine microsatellite loci in A. laevigata and the testing of these markers across other species of leaf-cutter ants. Findings. Nine microsatellite loci, consisting of six dinucloeotide, one trinucleotide, one tetranucleotide, and one di/trinucleotide repeat motifs, were isolated and characterized. Primers and protocols were successfully designed to selectively amplify these markers. To test effectiveness of these markers for detailed population genetic studies, we genotyped female workers collected from 36 monogynic nests of A. laevigata and found that eight loci were within Hardy-Weinberg expectations, while the remaining locus had a deficiency of heterozygotes. Micro-Checker analysis of individuals from 55 monogynic nests indicated that loci Alae11, Alae24, Alae18 showed signs of null alleles. For the remaining six loci, the number of alleles per locus ranged between 2 and 11, with expected heterozygosity ranging between 0.07 and 0.88. All of these loci cross-amplified in other species of Atta. Conclusions: These six polymorphic microsatellite loci should prove useful for future genetic investigations of the pest species Atta laevigata, as well as studies of other species of leaf-cutter ants in the genus Atta. © 2013 Kakazu et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Genética - IBILCE