778 resultados para HEALTHY EATING INDEX
OBJETIVO: avaliar a qualidade da dieta da população idosa do município de Avaré (SP) através do Índice de Alimentação Saudável (IAS) MÉTODOS: trata-se de um estudo de corte transversal de base populacional realizado por meio de entrevista domiciliar. A amostra constou de 73 indivíduos, sorteados aleatoriamente dos idosos integrados ao Sistema Público de Saúde do Município. O consumo alimentar foi medido por meio de 3 Recordatórios de 24 horas. Para avaliação, foi aplicado o IAS adaptado para a população brasileira. Parte-se do princípio que o presente estudo constitui o primeiro no Brasil a aplicar o IAS utilizando 3 inquéritos do tipo recordatório de 24 horas em população idosa. Optou-se por esta metodologia, pois como descrito na literatura, um único dia não representa a ingestão habitual de um indivíduo devido à elevada variabilidade intrapessoal do consumo. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados 32,9% de idosos com uma dieta de má qualidade; 60,3% necessitando de melhorias e 6,8% com uma dieta de boa qualidade. CONCLUSÃO: Pode-se concluir que os idosos estudados precisam de melhorias na alimentação, o que ressalta a importância de política de incentivo voltado à alimentação saudável na terceira idade.
OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi adaptar e aplicar o Healthy Eating Index norte-americano para avaliar a qualidade da dieta de indivíduos (n=50) moradores em Botucatu, São Paulo, Brasil. MÉTODO: O consumo alimentar foi medido por meio do método Recordatório 24 horas e, para avaliação, foi utilizado o Índice de Qualidade da Dieta adaptado. O índice foi obtido por uma pontuação distribuída em dez componentes que caracterizam diferentes aspectos de uma dieta saudável. RESULTADOS: O valor médio do Índice de Qualidade da Dieta foi de 51,5, com 12% dos indivíduos apresentando dieta saudável; 74%, em dietas necessitando modificações e 14%, em dieta inadequada. A análise do coeficiente de correlação entre os escores do Índice de Qualidade da Dieta apresentou associação inversa estatisticamente significante (p<0,05) com a porcentagem de gordura total, a porcentagem de gordura saturada, o colesterol e o sódio. Apresentaram associação positiva estatisticamente significante em relação ao Índice de Qualidade da Dieta o retinol e a fibra. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados indicam a viabilidade de aplicação do Índice de Qualidade da Dieta na população estudada.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o índice de qualidade da dieta de adolescentes residentes no Distrito do Butantã do município de São Paulo, SP. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional com uma amostra de 437 adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 12 e 19 anos. Foram obtidas amostras probabilísticas em dois estágios, setor censitário e domicílio, da área estudada. O consumo alimentar foi medido pelo método recordatório de 24 horas e a qualidade da dieta avaliada pelo Índice de Qualidade da Dieta adaptado para a realidade local. RESULTADOS: Dos adolescentes avaliados, 4% apresentaram dieta saudável, 68% dieta que necessita de melhora e 28% dieta inadequada. O sexo masculino apresentou maior pontuação para os componentes do Índice de Qualidade da Dieta cereais, hortaliças, leguminosas e variedade da dieta. O aumento no número de anos de estudo do chefe da família apresentou-se associado ao maior consumo dos grupos de alimentos: cereais, verduras e legumes, leite e produtos derivados e variedade de alimentos; a relação foi inversa para o grupo de leguminosas e sódio. CONCLUSÃO: A maioria dos adolescentes estudada não segue as recomendações dietéticas preconizadas, fato que pode comprometer a saúde futura desses indivíduos.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade global da dieta e a adequação do consumo de cada componente da dieta de adolescentes segundo fatores demográficos, socioeconômicos e índice de massa corporal (IMC). Trata-se de estudo transversal, de base populacional, que analisou amostra representativa de 409 adolescentes, de 12 a 19 anos, utilizando o Índice de Qualidade da Dieta (IQD). Foram estimadas as prevalências de dietas classificadas no 1º quartil do IQD e as médias de escores de cada componente do IQD. Regressões múltiplas linear e de Poisson foram utilizadas nas análises. O escore médio do IQD foi de 59,7. Observou-se menor prevalência de dietas inadequadas no segmento de melhor escolaridade do chefe da família. Os estratos de menor nível socioeconômico, avaliados por renda e escolaridade, mostram um consumo inferior de verduras e legumes, frutas, leite e derivados e menor variedade da dieta e uma ingestão superior de cereais e derivados e leguminosas. Adolescentes com sobrepeso/obesidade consomem mais carnes e ovos e menos frutas comparados aos que apresentam baixo peso/eutrofia. As meninas tiveram maior ingestão de gordura total e menor ingestão de sódio. Os resultados identificam os componentes que merecem atenção nas estratégias de promoção de alimentação saudável e os segmentos mais vulneráveis à má alimentação.
Background: High plasma uric acid (UA) is a prerequisite for gout and is also associated with the metabolic syndrome and its components and consequently risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Hence, the management of UA serum concentrations would be essential for the treatment and/or prevention of human diseases and, to that end, it is necessary to know what the main factors that control the uricemia increase. The aim of this study was to evaluate the main factors associated with higher uricemia values analyzing diet, body composition and biochemical markers. Methods. 415 both gender individuals aged 21 to 82 years who participated in a lifestyle modification project were studied. Anthropometric evaluation consisted of weight and height measurements with later BMI estimation. Waist circumference was also measured. The muscle mass (Muscle Mass Index - MMI) and fat percentage were measured by bioimpedance. Dietary intake was estimated by 24-hour recalls with later quantification of the servings on the Brazilian food pyramid and the Healthy Eating Index. Uric acid, glucose, triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol, urea, creatinine, gamma-GT, albumin and calcium and HDL-c were quantified in serum by the dry-chemistry method. LDL-c was estimated by the Friedewald equation and ultrasensitive C-reactive protein (CRP) by the immunochemiluminiscence method. Statistical analysis was performed by the SAS software package, version 9.1. Linear regression (odds ratio) was performed with a 95% confidence interval (CI) in order to observe the odds ratio for presenting UA above the last quartile (♂UA > 6.5 mg/dL and ♀ UA > 5 mg/dL). The level of significance adopted was lower than 5%. Results: Individuals with BMI ≥ 25 kg/m§ssup§2§esup§ OR = 2.28(1.13-4.6) and lower MMI OR = 13.4 (5.21-34.56) showed greater chances of high UA levels even after all adjustments (gender, age, CRP, gamma-gt, LDL, creatinine, urea, albumin, HDL-c, TG, arterial hypertension and glucose). As regards biochemical markers, higher triglycerides OR = 2.76 (1.55-4.90), US-CRP OR = 2.77 (1.07-7.21) and urea OR = 2.53 (1.19-5.41) were associated with greater chances of high UA (adjusted for gender, age, BMI, waist circumference, MMI, glomerular filtration rate, and MS). No association was found between diet and UA. Conclusions: The main factors associated with UA increase were altered BMI (overweight and obesity), muscle hypotrophy (MMI), higher levels of urea, triglycerides, and CRP. No dietary components were found among uricemia predictors. © 2013 de Oliveira et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is often accompanied by pro-oxidative and pro-inflammatory processes. Lifestyle modification (LiSM) may act as primary treatment for these processes. This study aimed to elucidate influencing factors on changes of malondialdehyde (MDA) and C-reactive protein (CRP) concentrations after a LiSM intervention. Sixty subjects (53 yrs, 84% women) clinically approved to attend a 20 weeks LiSM-program were submitted to weekly nutritional counseling and physical activities combining aerobic (3 times/week) and resistance (2 times/week) exercises. Before and after intervention they were assessed for anthropometric, clinical, cardiorespiratory fitness test (CRF) and laboratory markers. Statistical analyses performed were multiple regression analysis and backward stepwise with p<0.05 and R(2) as influence index. LiSM was responsible for elevations in CRF, healthy eating index (HEI), total plasma antioxidant capacity (TAP) and HDL-C along with reductions in waist circumference measures and MetS (47-40%) prevalence. MDA and CRP did not change after LiSM, however, we observed that MDA concentrations were positively influenced (R(2)=0.35) by fasting blood glucose (β=0.64) and HOMA-IR (β=0.58) whereas CRP concentrations were by plasma gamma-glutamyltransferase activity (β=0.54; R(2)=0.29). Pro-oxidant and pro-inflammatory states of MetS can be attenuated after lifestyle modification if glucose metabolism homeostasis were recovered and if liver inflammation were reduced, respectively.
Considering the scarcity of studies with young workers and the role of diet in the prevention of chronic diseases, the objective of the study was to assess the quality of diet of working college students. The present study investigated 43 university students, aged between 18 and 25 years old who had systematically being involved in a working activity in the past 6 months, paid or unpaid, at least 6 hours daily, five days a week. Dietary intake measured by seven dietary records covering every day of the week was used to calculate the Brazilian Healthy Eating Index Revised (B-HEIR). It was observed a low B-HEIR score (53.43,+/- 7.81) indicating a risk of a poor quality of diet, with high intake of sodium and sugar and low consumption of fruits and whole grains. This poor quality of diet can result in an inadequate nutritional status that may increase the risk of obesity and chronic diseases.
Objetivo: determinar la calidad de la dieta española mediante el Índice de Alimentación-Saludable (IASE) y su relación con variables geográficas y socioeconómicas. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo transversal a partir de Encuesta-Nacional-Salud-2006 (ENS-2006) Se estudiaron 29.478 personas (Mujeres = 15.019; Hombres = 14.459) que respondieron el Cuestionario de Frecuencia de Consumo (CFC). El IASE se compone de 10 variables (Cereales-derivados, Verduras-hortalizas, Frutas, Leche-derivados, Carnes, Legumbres, Embutidos-fiambres, Dulces, Refrescos-azúcar y Variedad-dieta), construidas a partir del CFC y las recomendaciones de las Guías-Alimentarias (Sociedad-Española-Nutrición-Comunitaria-2004). Categorías IASE (puntuación-máxima 100): Alimentación-saludable: > 80 puntos; Necesita-cambios: > 5.080; Poco-saludable: 50. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo, de diferencias de medias (pruebas Kruskal–Wallis y Mann–Whitney), y prueba Chi-Cuadrado, para estudiar la independencia de las variables edad, sexo, clase-social y nivel de estudios con las categorías de IASE. Resultados: El 72% del total de la muestra necesita cambios en su alimentación. La puntuación media para mujeres es 73,7 ± 10,5 y para hombres 69,9 ± 11,3 (p < 0,001). En la categoría saludable obtienen mayor porcentaje (38,8%) el grupo de edad > 65 años y las mujeres (28,3%) frente a los hombres (18,4%). Así mismo, las clases-sociales más altas (clase-I: 24,4%, clase-II: 25,0%, clase-III: 25,8%) presentan mayor índice de alimentación-saludable, (p < 0,001). Las Comunidades-Autónomas: Comunitat Valenciana (5,4%), Illes Balears (4,6%) y Andalucía (4,3%) son las que presentan mayor índice en la categoría poco-saludable. Conclusiones: El IASE es un método rápido y económico de estimación de la calidad de la dieta de la población, porque utiliza datos secundarios procedente de la ENS y de las guías-alimentarias; siendo útil en la planificación de políticas nutricionales en España.
Many people use smoking as a weight control mechanism and do not want to quit because they fear weight gain. These weight-concerned smokers tend to be female, are significantly less likely to stop smoking, are less likely to join smoking cessation programs, and will relapse more often than smokers who are not weight-concerned. Research suggests that a woman’s confidence in her ability to control her weight after quitting relates positively with her intention to quit smoking. Likewise, success in smoking cessation has been associated with increased self-efficacy for weight control. It has been shown that success in changing one negative health behavior may trigger success in changing another, causing a synergistic effect. Recently research has focused on interventions for weight-concerned smokers who are ready to quit smoking. The present study investigated the effect of a cognitive based weight control program on self-efficacy for weight control and the effect on smoking behavior for a group of female weight concerned smokers. Two hundred and sixteen subjects who wanted to lose weight but who were not ready to quit smoking were recruited to participate in a 12-week, cognitive-behavioral weight control program consisting of twelve one-hour sessions. Subjects were randomly assigned to either (1) the weight-control program (intervention group), or (2) the control group. Results of this study demonstrated that subjects in the intervention group increased self-efficacy for weight control, which was associated with improved healthy eating index scores, weight loss, increased self-efficacy for quitting smoking, a decrease in number of cigarettes smoked and triggered positive movement in stage of change towards smoking cessation compared to the control subjects. For these subjects, positive changes in self-efficacy for one behavior (weight control) appeared to have a positive effect on their readiness to change another health behavior (smoking cessation). Further study of the psychological variables that influence weight-concerned female smokers’ decisions to initiate changes in these behaviors and their ability to maintain those changes are warranted.
This study examined the relationships among dietary intake, substance use, socioeconomic and acculturation-related factors among Latinas in Miami-Dade County. Substance abuse is rising among Latinas. A fuller understanding of this problem is needed given the rise of the Hispanic population and the role of women in Latin society. A better understanding between substance use and dietary intake can guide nutrition interventions to reduce negative substance-related health consequences. A purposeful sample of 320 Latina mother/daughter dyads were recruited and interviewed face-to-face as part of the Latino Women's Study. Dietary intake was collected via a 24-hour recall and examined by (1) nutrient intake, (2) dietary patterns using cluster analysis, (3) quality of diet using the Healthy Eating Index (HEI) and (4) the Dietary Reference Intakes to determine nutrient adequacy. Substance use was measured with the Drug Use Frequency and the Healthy and Daily Living Form. Acculturation was measured with the Cultural Identity Scale. Three dietary patterns emerged based on the number of servings from the food groups established in MyPyramid. None were associated with substance use. Latinas who reported using cannabis, cocaine, sedatives without prescription and/or more than five alcoholic drinks on an occasion at least once a month during the previous twelve months had significantly lower HEI scores (64 vs. 60; F = 7.8, p = .005) and consumed fewer fruits (F = 16, p < .001) than non-users. Latinas classified as mothers whom reported consuming cannabis at least 1-7 times a week had significantly lower HEI scores (F = 4.23, p = .015, η2 = .027) than daughters with the same frequency of substance use. One dimension of acculturation, greater familiarity with Latin culture, was associated with good dietary quality (β = .142, p = .012) regardless of any type of substance used or income level. There was a high prevalence of inadequacy of folic acid intake (50-75%) regardless of substance use. Substance users consumed significantly more energy (1,798 vs. 1,615; p = .027) than non-users. Although effect sizes were small, associations between dietary intake and substance use among Latinas deserve further exploration while acknowledging the combined association with acculturation. ^
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08
9 p.
Few prospective data from the Asia Pacific region are available relating body mass index to the risk of diabetes. Our objective was to provide reliable age, sex and region specific estimates of the associations between body mass index and diabetes. Twenty-seven cohort studies from Asia, New Zealand and Australia, including 154,989 participants, contributed 1,244,793 person-years of follow-up. Outcome data included a combination of incidence of diabetes (based on blood glucose measurements) and fatal diabetes events. Hazard ratios were calculated from Cox models, stratified by sex and cohort, and adjusted for age at risk and smoking. During follow-up (mean = 8 years), 75 fatal diabetes events and 242 new cases of diabetes were documented. There were continuous positive associations between baseline body mass index and risk of diabetes with each 2 kg/m(2) lower body mass index associated with a 27% (23-30%) lower risk of diabetes. The associations were stronger in younger age groups, and regional comparisons demonstrated slightly stronger associations in Asian than in Australasian cohorts (P = 0.04). This overview provides evidence of a strong continuous association between body mass index and diabetes in the Asia Pacific region. The results indicate considerable potential for reduction in incidence of diabetes with population-wide lowering of body mass index in this region.