402 resultados para HARE


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão e Conservação da Natureza.


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RESUMO Objetivo Investigar se existe correlação entre sintomas depressivos, sintomas ansiosos e psicopatia em 25 prisioneiros de um município do Rio Grande do Sul. Métodos Para a coleta de dados, foram utilizados os Inventários de Depressão e Ansiedade Beck e a Escala Hare para psicopatia. As entrevistas foram realizadas nas dependências de uma instituição prisional de forma individual. Resultados Foi encontrada correlação estatisticamente significativa entre depressão e ansiedade, e o escore total de psicopatia não se correlacionou com ansiedade, somente com depressão. Por outro lado, o fator 2 da escala, referente ao aspecto comportamental do transtorno, apresentou correlação com ansiedade e depressão. Conclusão Embora alguns dados tenham sido concordantes com os da literatura, a pesquisa apresentou resultados não encontrados em estudos anteriores. Dessa forma, evidencia-se a necessidade de realizar novos estudos na área.


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Between January 2007 and December 2010, the abundance of medium-sized mammals was studied, with special focus on the Molina's hog-nosed skunk, Conepatus chinga (Molina, 1782), at four locations in southern Brazil. In this study, transect line methodology was used to obtain data for Distance Analyses. Transects were traveled by car at night, searching with spotlights along the edges of secondary roads in agricultural landscapes. Along 1,811 km, we obtained 620 observations of 20 mammal species. The most common species was the exotic European hare, Lepus europaeus (Pallas, 1778); the highest abundance estimated for South America was observed in one of the study areas, where its density was estimated as 32 individuals/km². Carnivores were the most commonly recorded mammals, represented by 10 species and comprising 51% of all observations. Molina's hog-nosed skunk occurred in all study areas, but occurred in sufficient numbers to obtain density estimates in only two of the areas. We estimated 1.4 to 3.8 individuals/km², in the first density estimate made by the transect method for a member of Conepatus in the Neotropics. These values are similar to those estimated for North American species of Mephitidae. In Brazil, C. chinga is apparently more abundant in the Pampa biome than in the grasslands of the Atlantic Forest. For two other carnivores, Lycalopex gymnocercus (Fisher, 1814) and Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus, 1766), we estimated preliminary densities that were similar to those previously cited for different regions.


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INTRODUCTION: Diverse microarray and sequencing technologies have been widely used to characterise the molecular changes in malignant epithelial cells in breast cancers. Such gene expression studies to identify markers and targets in tumour cells are, however, compromised by the cellular heterogeneity of solid breast tumours and by the lack of appropriate counterparts representing normal breast epithelial cells. METHODS: Malignant neoplastic epithelial cells from primary breast cancers and luminal and myoepithelial cells isolated from normal human breast tissue were isolated by immunomagnetic separation methods. Pools of RNA from highly enriched preparations of these cell types were subjected to expression profiling using massively parallel signature sequencing (MPSS) and four different genome wide microarray platforms. Functional related transcripts of the differential tumour epithelial transcriptome were used for gene set enrichment analysis to identify enrichment of luminal and myoepithelial type genes. Clinical pathological validation of a small number of genes was performed on tissue microarrays. RESULTS: MPSS identified 6,553 differentially expressed genes between the pool of normal luminal cells and that of primary tumours substantially enriched for epithelial cells, of which 98% were represented and 60% were confirmed by microarray profiling. Significant expression level changes between these two samples detected only by microarray technology were shown by 4,149 transcripts, resulting in a combined differential tumour epithelial transcriptome of 8,051 genes. Microarray gene signatures identified a comprehensive list of 907 and 955 transcripts whose expression differed between luminal epithelial cells and myoepithelial cells, respectively. Functional annotation and gene set enrichment analysis highlighted a group of genes related to skeletal development that were associated with the myoepithelial/basal cells and upregulated in the tumour sample. One of the most highly overexpressed genes in this category, that encoding periostin, was analysed immunohistochemically on breast cancer tissue microarrays and its expression in neoplastic cells correlated with poor outcome in a cohort of poor prognosis estrogen receptor-positive tumours. CONCLUSION: Using highly enriched cell populations in combination with multiplatform gene expression profiling studies, a comprehensive analysis of molecular changes between the normal and malignant breast tissue was established. This study provides a basis for the identification of novel and potentially important targets for diagnosis, prognosis and therapy in breast cancer.


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Since the introduction of expanded levels of intrastate service on October 30, 2006, Amtrak trains in Illinois have produced impressive gains in both ridership and ticket revenue. This success and continuing stakeholder support has given rise to a formal request from the Illinois Department of Transportation (“Ill. DOT”) to Amtrak to develop a feasibility study regarding possible service consisting of a morning and an evening train in each direction between Chicago and the Quad Cities. The area between Chicago and the Quad Cities includes many rapidly growing communities. From Chicago toward the West and South, many towns and cities have experienced double digit growth increases in population since the year 2000. Southern DuPage, Cook and Will counties have seen especially strong growth, pressuring highway infrastructure, utilities, and schools. Community development and highway congestion are readily apparent when traveling the nearly 3 hour, 175 mile route between Chicago and the Quad Cities. As information, there are only three weekday round trip bus frequencies available between Chicago and the Quad Cities. The Quad City International Airport offers a total of 10 daily scheduled round trip flights to Chicago's O'Hare International Airport via two separate carriers flying regional jets. The Quad Cities (Davenport, Moline, Rock Island, and Bettendorf) are located along the Mississippi River. Nearly 60% of its visitors are from the Chicago area. With dozens of miles of scenic riverfront, river boating, casinos, and thousands of acres of expansive public spaces, the Quad Cities area is a major draw from both Iowa and Illinois. The huge Rock Island Arsenal, one of the largest military arsenals in the country and located along the river, is transitioning to become the headquarters of the United States First Army. As will be discussed later in the report, there is only one logical rail route through the Quad Cities themselves. The Iowa Interstate Railroad operates through the Quad Cities along the river and heads west through Iowa. The Quad Cities are considering at least three potential locations for an Amtrak station. A study now underway supported by several local stakeholders will recommend a site which will then be considered, given available local and other financial support. If Amtrak service were to terminate in the Quad Cities, an overnight storage track of sufficient length along with ample parking and certain other requirements covered elsewhere in the report would be required.


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The alpha-1 adrenergic receptors (alpha(1)ARs) are critical in sympathetically mediated vasoconstriction. The specific role of each alpha(1)AR subtype in regulating vasoconstriction remains highly controversial. Limited pharmacological studies suggest that differential alpha(1)AR responses may be the result of differential activation of junctional versus extrajunctional receptors. We tested the hypothesis that the alpha(1B)AR subtype is critical in mediating sympathetic junctional neurotransmission. We measured in vivo integrated cardiovascular responses to a hypotensive stimulus (induced via transient bilateral carotid occlusion [TBCO]) in alpha(1B)AR knockout (KO) mice and their wild-type (WT) littermates. In WT mice, after dissection of the carotid arteries and denervation of aortic baroreceptor buffering nerves, TBCO produced significant pressor and positive inotropic effects. Both responses were markedly attenuated in alpha(1B)AR KO mice (change systolic blood pressure 46+/-8 versus 11+/-2 mm Hg; percentage change in the end-systolic pressure-volume relationship [ESPVR] 36+/-7% versus 12+/-2%; WT versus KO; P<0.003). In vitro alpha(1)AR mesenteric microvascular contractile responses to endogenous norepinephrine (NE; elicited by electrical field stimulation 10 Hz) was markedly depressed in alpha(1B)AR KO mice compared with WT (12.4+/-1.7% versus 21.5+/-1.2%; P<0.001). In contrast, responses to exogenous NE were similar in alpha(1B)AR KO and WT mice (22.4+/-7.3% versus 33.4+/-4.3%; NS). Collectively, these results demonstrate a critical role for the alpha(1B)AR in baroreceptor-mediated adrenergic signaling at the vascular neuroeffector junction. Moreover, alpha(1B)ARs modulate inotropic responses to baroreceptor activation. The critical role for alpha(1B)AR in neuroeffector regulation of vascular tone and myocardial contractility has profound clinical implications for designing therapies for orthostatic intolerance.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o rendimento de grãos, o peso hectolítrico e o peso de mil sementes de dez genótipos de triticale e dois genótipos de trigo, em três épocas de semeadura. O experimento foi instalado na Estação Experimental de Capão Bonito, região sudoeste do Estado de São Paulo, no qüinqüênio 1991-95. Estudou-se a disponibilidade hídrica do solo, mediante balanços hídricos decendiais, considerando 100 mm como capacidade de retenção de água no solo. Os resultados indicaram a primeira época como a melhor para os parâmetros estudados, e a terceira época não deve ser recomendada. Com relação ao rendimento de grãos, destacaram-se, nas três épocas, os genótipos IAC 2 e BGL"S"/CIN"S"//MUS"S". Os genótipos IAC 3, Hare 212, Ardilla"S" e ICT 8803 apresentaram-se produtivos na segunda e terceira épocas, e o genótipo MERINOS"S"/JLO"S"/3/BGL"S"/CIN"S"//MUS"S", somente na terceira época. O melhor genótipo, independentemente de época, foi o IAC 2. O rendimento de grãos está associado positivamente com o peso de mil sementes. A ocorrência dos agentes causais de manchas foliares foi mais intensa no genótipo de trigo IAC 24 do que nos genótipos de triticales, excetuando-se o CEP 15.


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Intialaistaustainen Chaitanya vaishnavismi tunnetaan Suomessa yleisemmin nimellä Krishna-liike tai Hare Krishna -uskonto. Länsimaissa se on yksi tunnetuimmista henkisyyden traditioista, jossa toimii guruja eli henkiseen kasvuun erikoistuneita opettajia. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää Chaitanya vaishnava -gurujen käsityksiä ja kokemuksia henkisestä kasvusta, sen päämääristä ja henkisen edistymisen tuntomerkeistä. Tämän lisäksi tutkimus selvittää minkälaisia pedagogisia menetelmiä Chaitanya vaishnava -gurut käyttävät omien oppilaidensa henkisen edistymisen tukemiseksi. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu viidestä Chaitanya vaisnava -gurun puolikonstruoidusta teemahaastattelusta. Tämä laadullinen tutkimus pohjautuu fenomenologiseen tutkimusperinteeseen ja tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty puolikonstruoitua teemahaastattelua. Aineisto on analysoitu teemoittelemalla. Vaikka haastateltavat edustavat tiettyä henkisyyden perinnettä, heidän näkemyksistään nousi hyvin universaaleja henkisen kasvun teemoja. Kasvatustieteen näkökulmasta erityisen mielenkiintoiseksi osoittautui, että henkisyys ja henkiset harjoitukset voidaan nähdä pedagogisina tiedon ja kokemusmaailman kartuttamisen menetelminä. Henkisten aktiviteettien, kuten meditaation, itsetutkiskelun, pyhien kirjoituksien opiskelun avulla, yksilön on mahdollista saada tietoa ja laajentaa käsityksiään henkisyydestä. Ne ovat henkisen kasvun pedagogisia menetelmiä, joilla oppilaan on mahdollista rakentaa merkityksiä ja suhdettaan henkisyyteen.


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A Lei de Hume, pela qual um dever ser não pode resultar de um ser, e a sua recíproca, pela qual um ser não pode resultar de um dever ser, ocupam posições proeminentes nas discussões de metaética. Neste trabalho mostrarei relações lógicas entre distintas formulações da Lei de Hume e da sua recíproca. Também mostrarei como essas formulações estão relacionadas a teses sustentadas por importantes pensadores como Poincaré, Nelson, Jörgensen e Hare.


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Empirical research has consistently demonstrated a positive association between psychopathic traits and physical aggression (Campbell, Porter, & Santor, 2004; Gretton, Hare, & Catchpole, 2004; Raine et aI., 2006; Spain, Douglas, Poythress, & Epstein, 2004). Moreover, research has also found that the emotional/interpersonal (Factor 1) psychopathy traits tend to be more closely associated with goal oriented, proactive aggression, whereas the social deviance (Factor 2) psychopathy characteristics have been more closely linked to reactive aggression, which is perpetrated in response to threat or provocation (Flight & Forth, 2007). Blair (2004; 2005; 2006) has recently proposed the Integrated Emotions Systems Model (lES), which posits that the association between Factor 1 psychopathy traits and proactive aggression is due to amygdala dysfunction leading to failed moral socialization. Consequently, individuals who exhibit Factor 1 psychopathy traits do not experience affective empathy in response to distress cues exhibited by others, thus, preventing the inhibition of proactive aggression. The current investigation sought to test this model by examining the associations among the emotional/interpersonal (Factor 1) psychopathy traits, proactive aggression, and affective empathy. After accounting for head injury, Factor 2 psychopathy traits, reactive aggression, and cognitive empathy, it was hypothesized that 1) Factor 1 psychopathy traits would predict proactive aggression, and 2) that affective empathy is a common cause of Factor 1 psychopathy traits, proactive aggression, and of the relationship between these two constructs. This hypothesis assumed that (a) affective empathy would uniquely predict Factor 1 psychopathy traits, (b) that affective empathy would uniquely predict proactive aggression, and (c) that affective empathy would account for the relationship between Factor I psychopathy traits and proactive aggression. The total sample consisted of 137 male undergraduate students. Participants completed measures of psychopathy (SRP III; Paulhus, Hemphill, & Hare, in press), aggression (PCS; Marsee, Kimonis, & Frick, 2004; RPQ; Raine et at, 2006), dispositional cognitive and affective empathy (BES; Jolliffe & Farrington, 2006; TES; Spreng, McKinnon, Mar, & Levine, 2009), and situational cognitive and affective empathy in response to neutral and empathy eliciting video clips. Physiological indices (heart rate & electrodermal activity) of affective empathy were also obtained while participants viewed the neutral and empathy eliciting videos. Findings indicated that Factor I psychopathy traits predicted proactive aggression. In addition, results demonstrated that affective empathy predicted both Factor I psychopathy traits and proactive aggression. However, the association between affective empathy and proactive aggression appeared to be dependent on the conceptualization and measurement of affective empathy. Conversely, affective empathy did not appear to account for the relationship between Factor I psychopathy traits and proactive aggression. Overall, results demonstrated partial support for the IES model. Implications of the results, limitations of the study and future research directions are discussed.


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A receipt for Royal Insurance Company British and Foreign, dated 12 April 1884. The receipt reads" Royal Insurance Company British and Foreign Assets: Upwards of $27,000,000 No. 133848 Grimsby Agency, April 12th 1884 Received from Mrs. Adolphus Nelles the sum of Ten Dollars, being the premium for an Insurance against Loss or Damage by Fire, effected with this Company, to the extent of $1200.00 on Property described in Application of this date, for 36 months, subject to the "Statutory" Conditions (endorsed hereon) of the Policy which will be issued within Thirty Days unless the Application is declined within that period, in which case the amount received will be refunded, less the Premium for the time so insured. Premium $9.00 this receipt not valid unless countersigned by N.V. Hare Sub-Agt. Countersigned by David McLellan Agent.


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The current study sought to investigate the nature of empathic responding and emotion processing in persons who have experienced Mild Head Injury (MHI) and how this relationship between empathetic responding and head injury status may differ in those with higher psychopathic characteristics (i.e., subclinical psychopathy). One-hundred university students (36% reporting having a previous MHI) completed an Emotional Processing Task (EPT) using images of neutral and negative valence (IAPS, 2008) designed to evoke empathy; physiological responses were recorded. Additionally, participants completed measures of cognitive competence and various individual differences (empathy - QCAE; Reniers, 2011; Psychopathy - SRP-III, Williams, Paulhus & Hare, 2007) and demographics questionnaires. MHI was found to be associated with lower affective empathy and physiological reactivity (pulse rate) while viewing images irrespective of valence, reflecting a pattern of generalized underarousal. The empathic deficits observed correlated with the individual’s severity of injury such that the greater number of injury characteristics and symptoms endorsed by a subject, the more dampened the affective and cognitive empathy reactions to stimuli and the lower his/her physiological reactivity. Importantly, psychopathy interacted with head injury status such that the effects of psychopathy were significant only for individuals indicating a MHI. This group, i.e., MHI subjects who scored higher on psychopathy, displayed the greatest compromise in empathic responding. Interestingly, the Callous Affect component of psychopathy was found to account for the empathic and emotion processing deficits observed for individuals who report a MHI; in contrast, the Interpersonal Manipulation component emerged as a better predictor of empathic and emotion deficits observed in the No MHI group. These different patterns may indicate the involvement of different underlying processes in the manifestation of empathic deficits associated with head injury or subclinical psychopathy. It also highlights the importance of assessing for prior head injury in populations with higher psychopathic characteristics due to the possible combined/enhanced influences. The results of this study have important social implications for persons who have experienced a concussion or limited neural trauma since even subtle injury to the head may be sufficient to produce dampened emotion processing, thereby impacting one’s social interactions and engagement (i.e., at risk for social isolation or altered interpersonal success). Individuals who experience MHI in conjunction with certain personality profiles (e.g., higher psychopathic characteristics) may be particularly at risk for being less capable of empathic compassion and socially-acceptable pragmatics and, as a result, may not be responsive to another person’s emotional well-being.


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Certificate measuring 64 cm. x 48 cm. on the occasion of Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff’s retirement from the Water Works Commission of the City of St. Catharines. Mr. Woodruff served the commission from 1875 to 1899. He also served as chairman of the commission. This is signed by Lucius S. Oille, George C. Carlisle and Connolly B. Hare (members of the committee), Jan. 2, 1900.