995 resultados para H-13 steel


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Nickel, a component of stainless steels (SS) applied in orthopedic implants may cause allergic processes in human tissues P558 nickel free SS was studied to verify its viability as a substitute for stainless steel containing nickel Its performance is compared to ISO 5832-9 and F138 most used nowadays grades in implants fabrications, in minimum essential medium. MEM, at 37 degrees C. Potentiodynamic polarization curves, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and ""in vitro"" cytotoxicity were used as techniques. From the electrochemical point of view P558 SS is comparable to ISO 5832-9 SS in MEM It remains passivated until the transpassivation potential, above which generalized corrosion occurs F138 presents pitting corrosion at 370 mV/SCE. The cytotoxicity results showed that P558. ISO 5832-9 and F138 do not present cytotoxic character Therefore, these results suggest that P558 SS can be applied in orthopedic implants (C) 2010 Elsevier BV All rights reserved


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A magnesium alloy of eutectic composition (33 wt-'%Al) was directionally solidified in mild steel tubes at two growth rates, 32 and 580 mum s(-1,) in a temperature gradient between 10 and 20 K mm(-1). After directional solidification, the composition of each specimen varied dramatically, from 32'%Al in the region that had remained solid to 18%Al (32 mum s(-1) specimen) and 13%Al (580 mum s(-1) specimen) at the plane that had been quenched from the eutectic temperature. As the aluminium content decreased, the microstructure contained an increasing volume fraction of primary magnesium dendrites and the eutectic morphology gradually changed from lamellar to partially divorced. The reduction in aluminium content was caused by the growth of an Al-Fe phase ahead of the Mg-Al growth front. Most of the growth of the Al-Fe phase occurred during the remelting period before directional solidification. The thickness of the Al-Fe phase increased with increased temperature and time of contact with the molten Mg-Al alloy. (C) 2003 Maney Publishing.


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The aqueous corrosion behavior of low-alloy steel with aluminum contents was examined in a 10 wt% H2SO4 (pH 0.13) solution using electrochemical techniques and surface analyses. The corrosion resistance of the new alloy steel was evaluated in terms of electrochemical parameters, such as passive current density, film, and charge transfer resistances. The results showed that a high Al content in the steel imparted better passivation behavior resulting in a lower corrosion rate. It related to the enrichment of iron carbonate and hydrocarbon by the dissolution of the carbide phase.


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In this work, AISI 1010 steel samples were plasma nitrided into 20% N 2 100 Pa and 400 Pa for N 2 and H 2 , respectively), temperatures of 500 and 580 °C, during 2 h. Three different procedures for cooling were accomplished after nitriding. In the first procedure the cooling occurred naturally, that is, the sample was kept on substrate holder. In the second one the sample was pulled off and cooling in a cold surface. Finally, in the third cooling process the sample was pulled off the substrate holder down into special reservoir filled with oil held at ambient temperature. The properties of the AISI 1010 steel samples were characterized by optical and electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy and microhardness tests. Thermal gradient inside the sample kept on substrate holder during cooling process was measured by three inserted thermocouples at different depths. When samples were cooled rapidly the transformation of ϵ-Fe 2 − 3 N to γ′-Fe 4 N was inhibited. Such effect is indicated by the high concentration of ϵ-Fe compound zone. To get solid state solution of nitrogen in the diffusion zone, instead of precipitates of nitride phases, the cooling rate should be higher than a critical value of about 0.95 °C/s. When this value is reached at any depth of the diffusion zone, two distinct diffusion zones will appear. Temperature gradients were measured inside the samples as a consequence of the plasma treatment. It's suggested the need for standardization of the term “treatment temperature” for plasma treatment because different nitrided layer properties could be reported for the same “treatment temperature”.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Duplex and superduplex stainless steels are class of materials of a high importance for engineering purposes, since they have good mechanical properties combination and also are very resistant to corrosion. It is known as well that the chemical composition of such steels is very important to maintain some desired properties. In the past years, some works have reported that γ 2 precipitation improves the toughness of such steels, and its quantification may reveals some important information about steel quality. Thus, we propose in this work the automatic segmentation of γ 2 precipitation using two pattern recognition techniques: Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) and a Bayesian classifier. To the best of our knowledge, this if the first time that machine learning techniques are applied into this area. The experimental results showed that both techniques achieved similar and good recognition rates. © 2012 Taylor & Francis Group.


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Supermartensitic stainless steels (SMSSs) are a new generation of the classic 13%Cr martensitic steels, lower in carbon and with additional alloying of nickel and molybdenum offering better weldabilty and low temperature toughness. Several works have shown that plasma nitriding and nitrocarburising of stainless steels at low temperatures produces a hard surface layer which results in increased wear resistance. In this work, SMSS samples were plasma nitrided and nitrocarburised at 400, 450 and 500 °C. The plasma treated SMSS samples were characterised by means of optical microscopy, microhardness, X-ray diffraction and dry wear tests. The thickness of the layers produced increases as temperature is raised, for both plasma nitriding and nitrocarburising. X-ray diffraction demonstrates that the chromium nitride content grows with temperature for nitriding and nitrocarburising, which also showed increasing content of iron and chromium carbides with temperature. After plasma treating, it was found that the wear volume decreases for all temperatures and the wear resistance increased as the treatment temperature was raised. The main wear mechanism observed for both treated and untreated samples was grooving abrasion. © 2012 IHTSE Partnership Published by Maney on behalf of the Partnership.


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The purpose of this work is the deposition of films in order to increase the corrosion resistance of AISI 304 steel, which is a material used to construct the reactors for bioethanol production. This deposition inhibits the permeation of corrosive species to the film-metal interface. Thin films were prepared by radio-frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (RF-PECVD) method using plasmas of hexamethyldisiloxane/argon/oxygen mixtures excited by signals of different powers. The plasma was generated by the application of RF power of 13.56 MHz to the sample holder while keeping grounded the topmost electrode and the chamber walls. The effect of the RF power on the properties of the samples was investigated by perfilometry, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), contact angle, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The results of the corrosion resistance tests of the AISI 304 steel were interpreted in terms of the energy delivered to the growing layer by plasma excitation power.


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The influence of different Cr and C contents upon the solidification interval of ASTM A352M-06 Grade CA6NM cast martensitic stainless steel has been investigated using computational thermodynamics, and checked against DTA measurements in samples taken from 13 large cast parts, in order to identify potential sources for improvement on the part castability. Calculation results suggest, indeed, that this would be the case for C: when its content increases from 0.018 to 0.044 wt.% C (within the allowed range in the alloy specification), the solidification intervals increases from 25 to 43 K, which suggests improved castability with decreasing C contents. DTA results, however, do not support this prediction, showing a fairly constant solidification interval around 23 K for all investigated samples. The results are discussed both regarding the impact in alloy processing and the fitness of the existing databases to reproduce experimental results in these limiting cases.


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Understanding the interaction of sea ice with offshore structures is of primary importance for the development of technology in cold climate regions. The rheological properties of sea ice (strength, creep, viscosity) as well as the roughness of the contact surface are the main factors influencing the type of interaction with a structure. A device was developed and designed and small scale laboratory experiments were carried out to study sea ice frictional interaction with steel material by means of a uniaxial compression rig. Sea-ice was artificially grown between a stainless steel piston (of circular cross section) and a hollow cylinder of the same material, coaxial to the former and of the same surface roughness. Three different values for the roughness were tested: 1.2, 10 and 30 μm Ry (maximum asperities height), chosen as representative values for typical surface conditions, from smooth to normally corroded steel. Creep tests (0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.6 kN) were conducted at T = -10 ºC. By pushing the piston head towards the cylinder base, three different types of relative movement were observed: 1) the piston slid through the ice, 2) the piston slid through the ice and the ice slid on the surface of the outer cylinder, 3) the ice slid only on the cylinder surface. A cyclic stick-slip motion of the piston was detected with a representative frequency of 0.1 Hz. The ratio of the mean rate of axial displacement to the frequency of the stick-slip oscillations was found to be comparable to the roughness length (Sm). The roughness is the most influential parameter affecting the amplitude of the oscillations, while the load has a relevant influence on the their frequency. Guidelines for further investigations were recommended. Marco Nanetti - seloselo@virgilio.it


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El objetivo de la presentación es mostrar las posibilidades estructurales del uso del sistema steel framing (LGSF) en España. En la ponencia se mostrarán dos ejemplos ejecutados en el año 2014 que pondrán de manifiesto los aspectos más ventajosos del sistema. En primer lugar se mostrará una vivienda unifamiliar donde la novedad estructural reside en el uso de cerchas en la cubierta para “colgar” la estructura consiguiendo así luces libres de 8x10m. Ha sido un proyecto que sufrido muchas modificaciones en el proyecto básico, por lo que el sistema estructural tuvo que ir adaptándose para absorber los diversos cambios. Se mostrarán aspectos relevantes del diseño así como un reportaje fotográfico de la ejecución. En segundo lugar se presentará el diseño y la ejecución del estrado para la beatificación de d. Álvaro del Portillo. Se trata de un estrado de 68 x 13 m. El estrado, al ser una estructura efímera se había planteado inicialmente para su resolución mediante mecanotubo, sin embargo la apariencia estética que aportaba esta solución estructural hizo que se buscaran nuevas soluciones, y se planteó ejecutar la obra con steel framing.


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O desenvolvimento dos aços inoxidáveis Super-Martensíticos (SM) nasce da necessidade de implementar novas tecnologias, mais econômicas e amigáveis ao meio ambiente. Os aços inoxidáveis SM são uma derivação dos aços inoxidáveis martensíticos convencionais, diferenciando-se basicamente no menor teor de carbono, na adição de Ni e Mo. Foram desenvolvidos como uma alternativa para aços inoxidáveis duplex no uso de dutos para a extração de petróleo offshore em meados dos anos 90. Para que esses aços apresentem as propriedades mecânicas de resistência à tração e tenacidade é necessário que sejam realizados tratamentos de austenitização, seguido de têmpera, e de revenimento, onde, particularmente para este último, há várias opções de tempos e temperaturas. Como os tratamentos térmicos geram as propriedades mecânicas através de transformações de fase (precipitação) podem ocorrer alterações da resistência à corrosão. São conhecidos os efeitos benéficos da adição de Nb em aços inoxidáveis tradicionais. Por isso, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar aços inoxidáveis SM contendo Nb. Foi pesquisada a influência da temperatura de revenimento sobre a resistência à corrosão de três aços inoxidáveis SM, os quais contêm 13% Cr, 5% Ni, 1% a 2% Mo, com e sem adições de Nb. No presente trabalho, foram denominados de SM2MoNb, SM2Mo e SM1MoNb, que representam aços com 2% Mo, 1% Mo e 0,11% Nb. Dado que os principais tipos de corrosão para aços inoxidáveis são a corrosão por pite (por cloreto) e a corrosão intergranular (sensitização), optou-se por determinar os Potenciais de Pite (Ep) e os Graus de Sensitização (GS) em função da temperatura de revenimento. Os aços passaram por recozimento a 1050°C por 48 horas, para eliminação de fase ferrita delta. Em seguida foram tratados a 1050 °C por 30 minutos, com resfriamento ao ar, para uniformização do tamanho de grão. A estrutura martensítica obtida recebeu tratamentos de revenimento em temperaturas de: 550 °C, 575 °C, 600 °C, 625 °C, 650 °C e 700 °C, por 2 horas. O GS foi medido através da técnica de reativação eletroquímica potenciodinâmica na versão ciclo duplo (DL-EPR), utilizando-se eletrólito de 1M H2SO4 + 0,01M KSCN. Para determinar o Ep foram realizados ensaios de polarização potenciodinâmica em 0,6M NaCl. Os resultados obtidos foram discutidos através das variações microestruturais encontradas. Foram empregadas técnicas de microscopia ótica (MO), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), simulação termodinâmica de fases através do programa Thermo-Calc e determinação de austenita revertida mediante difração de raios X (DRX) e ferritoscópio. A quantificação da austenita por DRX identificou que a partir de 600 °C há formação desta fase, apresentando máximo em 650 °C, e novamente diminuindo para zero a 700 °C. Por sua vez, o método do ferritoscópio detectou austenita nas condições em que a analise de DRX indicou valor nulo, sendo as mais críticas a do material temperado (sem revenimento) e do aço revenido a 700 °C. Propõe-se que tais diferenças entre os dois métodos se deve à morfologia fina da austenia retida, a qual deve estar localizada entre as agulhas de martensita. Os resultados foram discutidos em termos da precipitação de Cr23C6, Mo6C, NbC, fase Chi, austenita e ferrita, bem como das consequências do empobrecimento em Cr e Mo, gerados por tais microconstituintes. São propostos três mecanismos para explicar a sensitização: o primeiro é devido a precipitação de Cr23C6, o segundo a precipitação de fase Chi (rica em Cr e Mo) e o terceiro é devido a formação de ferrita durante o revenimento. O melhor desempenho quanto ao GS foi obtido para os revenimentos a 575 °C e 600°C, por 2 horas. Os resultados de Ep indicaram que o aço SM2MoNb, revenido a 575°C, tem o melhor desempenho quanto à resistência à corrosão por cloreto. Isso associado ao baixo GS coloca este aço, com este tratamento térmico, numa posição de destaque para aplicações onde a resistência à corrosão é um critério de seleção de material, uma vez que, segundo a literatura a temperatura de 575 °C está no intervalo de temperaturas de revenimento onde são obtidas as melhores propriedades mecânicas.