1000 resultados para Hôtels -- France -- Cannes
The Mid Miocene marine formations of Salles area (former "Sallomacian" stage) have been studied again from numerous outcrops and cores. The deep structural framework influences notably of the characteristics and distribution of the deposits, which are neritic. The stratigraphy is stated precisely thanks to the planktonic fauna and floradetailed examination (probably Serravallian zones NN6 - N12). Several paleobiofacies are reconstituted from the rich invertebrate faunas, which give also paleoclimatic data.
Climatic reconstructions based on palynological data from Aquitaine outcrops emphasize an important degradation phase during the Lower Serravallian. Climatic and environmental changes can be related to sea-level variations (Bur 5 / Lan 1, Lan 2 / Ser 1 and Ser 2 cycles). Transgressive phases feature warmer conditions and more open environments whereas regressive phases are marked by a cooler climate and an extent of the forest cover. From Langhian to Middle Serravallian, a general cooling is highlighted, with disappearance of most megathermic taxa and a transition from warm and dry climate to warm-temperate and much more humid conditions. Conclusions are consistent with studies on bordering areas and place the major degradation phase around 14 My. The palynologic data allow filling a gap in the climatic evolution of Southern France, as a connection between Lower and Upper Miocene, both well recorded. These results document, on Western Europe scale, latitudinal climatic gradient across Northern hemisphere while featuring a transition between Mediterranean area and northeastern Atlantic frontage.
La légende des Trois Maries, les demi-soeurs nées du trinubium de sainte Anne, fut largement diffusée à partir du XIIIe siècle par la Légende dorée de Jacques de Voragine. L’émergence précoce du culte et de l’iconographie des Trois Maries à Paris, à partir du milieux du XIVe siècle, a été favorisée par la rencontre entre un miracle de guérison, en ordre religieux: les Carmes, en quête de légitimation et une reine de France: Jeanne d’Evreux, dont la descendance fut exclue de la succession au trône. L’iconographie des Trois Maries, dont Jean Venette, auteur carme, raconta l’histoire dans un long récit versifi é, est attestée dans les manuscrits et sur d’autres supports.
v.1 (1854)
v.2 (1855)
v.3 (1856)
v.4 (1857)
v.5 (1858)
v.6 (1859)
v.7 (1860)
v.8 (1861)
v.9 (1862)
v.10 (1863)