185 resultados para Gutta-percha.


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Alendronate is a known inhibitor of root resorption and the development of alendronate paste would enhance its utilization as intracanal medication. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the biocompatibility of experimental alendronate paste in subcutaneous tissue of rats, for utilization in teeth susceptible to root resorption. The study was conducted on 15 male rats, weighing similar to 180-200 grams. The rats' dorsal regions were submitted to one incision on the median region and, laterally to the incision, the subcutaneous tissue was raised and gently dissected for introduction of two tubes, in each rat. The tubes were sealed at one end with gutta-percha and taken as control. The tubes were filled with experimental alendronate paste. The animals were killed at 7, 15 and 45 days after surgery and the specimens were processed in laboratory. The histological sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and analyzed by light microscopy. Scores were assigned to the in. ammatory process and statistically compared by the Tukey test (P < 0.05). Alendronate paste promoted severe inflammation process at 7 days, with statistically significant difference compared to the control (P < 0.05%). However, at 15 days, there was a regression of in. ammation and the presence of connective tissue with collagen fibers, fibroblasts and blood vessels was observed. After 45 days, it was observed the presence of well-organized connective tissue, with collagen fibers and fibroblasts, and few in. ammatory cells. No statistical difference was observed between the control and experimental paste at 15 and 45 days. The experimental alendronate paste was considered biocompatible with subcutaneous tissue of rat.


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Purpose: Euro-Collins solution was developed for the preservation of organs for transplantation, whose characteristics have raised interest for its use as a storage medium for avulsed teeth before replantation. This study evaluated histologically and morphometrically the healing process of dog teeth replanted after storage in Euro-Collins solution or bovine milk.Materials and Methods: Eighty roots of 4 young adult mongrel clogs were randomly assigned to 4 groups (n = 20) and the root canals were instrumented and obturated with gutta-percha and a calcium hydroxide-based sealer. After 2 weeks, the teeth were extracted and subjected to the following protocols: GI (negative control), replantation immediately after extraction; GII (positive control), bench-drying for 2 hours before replantation; GIII and GIV, immersion in 10 mL of whole bovine milk and Euro-Collins solution at 4 C, respectively, for 8 hours before replantation. The animals were sacrificed 90 days postoperatively. The pieces containing the replanted teeth were subjected to routine processing for histologic and histometric analyses under light microscopy and polarized light microscopy.Results: Root resorption was observed in all groups. GII exhibited the greatest loss of dental structure (P < .01), and inflammatory resorption was predominant in this group. Storage in milk showed poorer results than immediate replantation and storage in Euro-Collins solution (P < .01). The teeth stored in Euro-Collins solution presented similar extension of root resorption and periodontal ligament reorganization to those of immediately replanted teeth.Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that the Euro-Collins solution is an adequate storage medium for keeping avulsed teeth for up to 8 hours before replantation.


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This study evaluated periapical tissue healing and orthodontic root resorption of endodontically treated teeth sealed with calcium hydroxide in dogs. The sample consisted of three contralateral pairs of maxillary incisors and two contralateral pairs of mandibular incisors in each of two dogs using a split mouth design. After biomechanical preparation of the teeth in the first group (n = 10), a Ca(OH)(2) dressing was placed for 14 days before root canal filling with Ca(OH)(2)-based sealer (Sealapex) and gutta-percha points. In the second group (n = 10), root canals were obturated immediately after the mechanical preparation with gutta-percha points and zinc oxide and eugenol (ZOE)-based sealer (Endofill). After completion of endodontic treatment, the teeth were moved with an orthodontic appliance with a calibrated force of 200 g, reactivated every 21 days. After 105 days, the animals were killed and the teeth were removed upon completion of active treatment, without a period of recovery, and prepared for histomorphological analysis. All sections of each tooth were graded subjectively on a scale from one to four to obtain the average of the 16 histomorphological parameters analysed. Evaluation of the differences between the two treatment protocols was made with Mann-Whitney U-test. It was observed that the teeth treated with Ca(OH)(2)-based materials provided better outcomes (P = 5%), with complete repair of all root resorption areas, high rate of biological closure of the main canal and apical accessory canals by newly formed cementum, less intense and extensive chronic inflammatory infiltrate, and better organization of the periodontal ligament. Under the tested conditions, Ca(OH)(2)-based materials had a favourable action on periapical tissue healing and repair of orthodontic root resorption in endodontically treated dogs' teeth.


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The major concern in the therapeutics of tooth replantation refers to the occurrence of root resorption and different approaches have been proposed to prevent or treat these complications. The purpose of this study was to evaluate tissue response to delayed replantation of anterior rat teeth treated endodontically using calcium hydroxide, Sealapex, and Endofill without the placement of gutta-percha cones. Thirty rats had their right upper incisor extracted and maintained in dry storage for 60 min. After removal of the dental papilla, enamel organ, pulp tissue, and periodontal ligament remnants, the teeth were immersed in 2% sodium fluoride phosphate acidulated, pH 5.5, for 10 min. The root canals were dried with absorbent paper points and the teeth were assigned to three groups (n = 10) according to the filling material. Group I - calcium hydroxide and propyleneglycol paste, Group II - Sealapex, and Group III - Endofill. The sockets were irrigated with saline and the teeth were replanted. Replacement resorption, inflammatory resorption and ankylosis were observed in all groups. Although the occurrence of inflammatory resorption was less frequent in Group I, there were no statistically significant differences among the groups. It may be concluded that compared to the paste, filling the root canals with Sealapex and Endofill sealers without the placement of gutta-percha cones did not provide better results.


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Foi propósito deste trabalho observar o processo de reparo de dentes de cães após obturação dos canais com dois cimentos diferentes, fazendo ou não a patência apical. Após uma sobreinstrumentação, os canais receberam um curativo de uma solução de corticosteróide-antibiótico por 7 dias, com o objetivo de obter invaginação de tecido conjuntivo para dentro dos canais. Após esse período, esse tecido foi totalmente removido em metade dos casos (grupos com patência apical) e preservados no restante dos casos (grupos sem patência apical). Os canais foram obturados pela técnica da condensação lateral empregando um cimento a base de hidróxido de cálcio (Sealer Plus) ou um cimento de Grossman (Fill Canal). Os animais foram sacrificados por overdose anestésica 60 dias após o tratamento endodôntico e as peças anatômicas foram obtidas e preparadas para análise histológica. Os dados obtidos foram analisados com base em diversos parâmetros histomorfológicos. Os resultados foram melhores nos grupos sem patência apical (p=0,01) do que nos grupos com patência. Dentre os cimentos estudados, os melhores resultados foram observados com o cimento Sealer Plus (p=0,01). em conclusão, tanto a patência apical (presença ou ausência) quanto o tipo de material obturador de canal influíram no processo de reparo apical de dentes de cães com polpas vitais após tratamento endodôntico. O emprego de um cimento a base de hidróxido de cálcio em dentes sem patência apical promoveu os melhores resultados, dentre as condições experimentais propostas.


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Foi propósito deste estudo analisar a influência da infiltração marginal coronária no comportamento dos tecidos periapicais de dentes de cães após obturação de canal e preparo para pino. Quarenta canais de dentes de cães foram instrumentados e obturados pela técnica da condensação lateral com cones de guta percha e os cimentos Roth e Sealer 26. Após preparo para pino, o remanescente da obturação foi protegido ou não com um plug do cimento temporário Lumicon. Após exposição ao meio oral por 90 dias, os animais foram sacrificados e as peças preparadas para análise histomorfológica. A técnica de Brown e Brenn mostrou 70% de casos com infiltração de microrganismos para o cimento Roth e 20% com o Sealer 26. Quando um plug de Lumicon foi empregado ocorreu 30% de casos de infiltração de microrganismos com o cimento Roth e 0,0% com o cimento Sealer 26. Reação inflamatória crônica foi mais freqüentemente observada com o cimento Roth do que com o Sealer 26. Foi concluído que o plug de Lumicon é eficiente no controle da infiltração coronária (p=0.05) e que o Sealer 26 foi mais biocompatível e selou melhor os canais radiculares do que o cimento Roth (p=0.01).


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Objective: This study evaluated the response of periapical tissues to the endodontic sealer Endomethasone in root canal fillings short of or beyond the apical foramen. Material and Methods: Twenty root canals of premolars and incisors of 2 mongrel dogs were used. After coronal access and pulp extirpation, the canals were instrumented up to a size 55 K-file and the apical cemental barrier was penetrated with a size 15 K-file to obtain a main apical foramen, which was widened to a size 25 K-file. The canals were irrigated with saline at each change of file. The root canals were obturated either short of or beyond the apical foramen by the lateral condensation of gutta-percha and Endomethasone, originating 2 experimental groups: G1: Endomethasone/short of the apical foramen; G2: Endomethasone/beyond the apical foramen. The animals were killed by anesthetic overdose 90 days after endodontic treatment. The individual roots were obtained and serial histological sections were prepared for histomorphological analysis (H&E and Brown & Brenn techniques) under light microscopy. The following parameters were examined: closure of the apical foramen of the main root canal and apical opening of accessory canals, apical cementum resorption, intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate, presence of giant cells and thickness and organization of the apical periodontal ligament. Each parameter was scored 1 to 4, 1 being the best result and 4 the worst. Data were analyzed statistically by the Wilcoxon nonparametric tests (p=0.05). Results: Comparing the 2 groups, the best result (p<0.05) was obtained with root canal filling with Endomethasone short of the apical foramen but a chronic inflammatory infiltrate was present in all specimens. Conclusions: Limiting the filling material to the root canal space apically is important to determine the best treatment outcome when Endomethasone is used as sealer.


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Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of apical foramen widening on the healing of chronic periapical lesions in dogs' teeth after root canal filling with Sealer 26 or Endomethasone.Study design. Forty root canals of dogs' teeth were used. After pulp extirpation, the canals were exposed to the oral cavity for 180 days for induction of periapical lesions, and then instrumented up to a size 55 K-file at the apical cemental barrier. In 20 roots, the cemental canal was penetrated and widened up to a size 25 K-file; in the other 20 roots, the cemental canal was preserved (no apical foramen widening). All canals received a calcium hydroxide intracanal dressing for 21 days and were filled with gutta-percha and 1 of the 2 sealers: group 1: Sealer 26/apical foramen widening; group 2: Sealer 26/no apical foramen widening; group 3: Endomethasone/apical foramen widening; group 4: Endomethasone/no apical foramen widening. The animals were killed after 180 days, and serial histologic sections from the roots were prepared for histomorphologic analysis. Scores were assigned according to preestablished histomorphologic parameters and analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests.Results. Regarding new cementum formation, repair of cementum and bone resorption areas, presence of microorganisms, inflammatory cell infiltrate and periodontal ligament conditions, significantly better periapical healing was obtained when foramen widening was done and Sealer 26 was used.Conclusion. Apical foramen widening and calcium hydroxide-containing sealer were more favorable to the healing of chronic periapical lesions. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010;109:932-940)


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This study evaluated the response of periapical tissues to the endodontic sealer EndoREZ in root canal fillings short of or beyond the apical foramenlike communication. Twenty root canals of premolars and incisors of 2 mongrel dogs were used. After coronal access and pulp extirpation, the canals were instrumented up to a size 55 K-file and the apical cemental barrier was penetrated with a size 15 K-file to create an apical foramenlike communication, which was widened to a size 25 K-file. The canals were irrigated with saline at each change of file. The root canals were obturated either short of or beyond the apical foramenlike opening by the lateral condensation of gutta-percha and EndoREZ, originating 2 experimental groups: G1, EndoREZ/short of the apical foramenlike opening, and G2, EndoREZ/beyond the apical foramenlike opening. The animals were killed by anesthetic overdose 90 days after endodontic treatment. The individual roots were obtained and serial histological sections were prepared for histomorphological analysis (H&E and Brown and Brenn techniques) under light microscopy. The following parameters were examined: closure of the apical foramenlike communication and apical opening of accessory canals, apical cementum resorptions, intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate, presence of giant cells, and thickness and organization of the apical periodontal ligament. Each parameter was scored 1 to 4, 1 being the best result and 4 the worst. Data were analyzed statistically by the Wilcoxon nonparametric tests (P = .05). Comparing the 2 groups, the best result (P = .05) was obtained with root canal filling with EndoREZ short of the apical foramenlike opening. In conclusion, limiting the filling material to the root canal space apically was important to determine the best treatment outcome when EndoREZ was used as the sealer. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 109: e94-e99)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate two root canal filling techniques used in teeth that had their apical foramen disrupted and compare the apical infiltration with an ideal clinical situation. Twenty-seven freshly extracted single-rooted teeth were selected and radiographed to confirm the existence of a single and straight root canal. The crowns were removed at a mean distance of 11 mm from the apex. The teeth had the root canals instrumented and were randomly assigned to 3 groups (n=9): ND group-root canals were filled using the lateral compaction technique and no disruption was performed; DRF group-the apical constriction was disrupted by advancing a #40 K-file 1 mm beyond the original working length, the canals were reinstrumented to create an apical ledge at 1 mm from the apical foramen and were obturated with a master gutta-percha cone with same size as the last file used for reinstrumentation; DF group - the teeth had the apical constriction disrupted and the canals were obturated with a master gutta-percha cone that fit at 1 mm from the apex. The teeth were submitted to dye leakage test with Rhodamine B for 7 days, using vaccum on the initial 5 min. The teeth were sectioned longitudinally and the leakage was measured in a linear fashion from apex to crown. There was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) between the groups that had the apical foramen disrupted (DF, DRF), but significant difference was found between the disrupted groups and the non-disrupted one (p<0.01). In conclusion, none of the evaluated techniques was able to prevent apical infiltration, so working length so the working length determination has to be established and maintained carefully.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this ex vivo study was to evaluate bacterial penetration after filling root canals using 3 different techniques. Three experimental groups of 25 teeth each, obturated with lateral-warm-vertical condensation of gutta-percha, Microseal technique and EndoREZ (R) system, respectively, were tested in a split chamber model system using Enterococcus faecalis and monitored for 180 days to determine bacterial penetration. A statistical analysis was performed using the Kaplan-Meier method. Median survival time was 25 days for Microseal system, 41 for lateral-warm-vertical condensation and 81 for EndoREZ (R). Significant differences were demonstrated between Microseal and EndoREZ (R) (p<0.001) and between Microseal and lateral-warm-vertical condensation technique (p<0.05). No statistically significant differences were observed between EndoREZ (R) and lateral-warm-vertical condensation. After 180 days of assessment, 20% of the EndoREZ (R) samples resisted bacterial penetration and furthermore, the EndoREZ (R) system has the potential to be a filler system compatible with other currently used systems.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objective. The goal of this study was to check whether leakage results of the same specimens measured by 2 different leakage models are similar.Study design. Canine root canals were prepared and filled with cold gutta-percha cones and 1 of 4 sealers (20 canals for each sealer). The 80 specimens were first connected to a fluid transport model where air-bubble movement was measured. The same specimens were later connected to a glucose penetration model where the concentration of glucose was measured. In both models, a headspace pressure of 30 kPa was used to accelerate leakage.Results. In both models, 4 sealers ranked the same regarding the leakage they allowed, and a significant correlation between the results of the 2 models was confined (Spearman test coefficient = 0.65; P = .000001).Conclusion. Under the conditions of this study, leakage results of 80 specimens recorded in the fluid transport model and glucose penetration model were similar.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)