974 resultados para Graziani, Antonio Maria
This paper presents a method for indirect orientation of aerial images using ground control lines extracted from airborne Laser system (ALS) data. This data integration strategy has shown good potential in the automation of photogrammetric tasks, including the indirect orientation of images. The most important characteristic of the proposed approach is that the exterior orientation parameters (EOP) of a single or multiple images can be automatically computed with a space resection procedure from data derived from different sensors. The suggested method works as follows. Firstly, the straight lines are automatically extracted in the digital aerial image (s) and in the intensity image derived from an ALS data-set (S). Then, correspondence between s and S is automatically determined. A line-based coplanarity model that establishes the relationship between straight lines in the object and in the image space is used to estimate the EOP with the iterated extended Kalman filtering (IEKF). Implementation and testing of the method have employed data from different sensors. Experiments were conducted to assess the proposed method and the results obtained showed that the estimation of the EOP is function of ALS positional accuracy.
When registering spectral radiance from surface targets, digital numbers recorded by the imagery sensor may vary. Such variation causes imperfections on the images coming from aerial surveys. Variation in the image brightness related to the distance from the center of the image is known as the vignetting effect. Correcting this effect aims at achieving an homogeneous image brightness. The purpose of this paper is to present a specific methodology to determine a model in order to minimize this vignette effect based on a model fit by Least Squares Method (LSM), using digital numbers (DN) from shadowed regions. The main hypothesis is that the recorded DN of shadow pixels should be suitable to model the vignetting effect. Considering that the vignetting effect could be modeled as a trend of spatial image variation, a trend surface analysis of a sample of pixels from shadowed regions was carried out. Two approaches were adopted to represent the shadow regions of an image. The first one takes into account the components R, G, B of the aerial image within the visible spectral band, and the second one considers the component I of the HSI image. In order to evaluate the methodology, a study case with a color aerial image was carried out. The findings showed that the best results were obtained by applying the model in the RGB components, which allows to conclude that the vignetting effect can be modeled based on trend surfaces fit on shadow regions DN.
Avaliação de uma técnica para geração de modelos digitais de superfície utilizando múltiplas imagens
The efficient generation of digital surface model (DSM) from optical images has been explored for many years and the results are dependent on the project characteristics (image resolution, size of overlap between images, among others), of the image matching techniques and the computer capabilities for the image processing. The points generated from image matching have a direct impact on the quality of the DSM and, consequently, influence the need for the costly step of edition. This work aims at assessing experimentally a technique for DSM generation by matching of multiple images (two or more) simultaneously using the vertical line locus method (VLL). The experiments were performed with six images of the urban area of Presidente Prudente/SP, with a ground sample distance (GSD) of approximately 7cm. DSMs of a small area with homogeneous texture, repetitive pattern, moving objects including shadows and trees were generated to assess the quality of the developed procedure. This obtained DSM was compared to cloud points acquired by LASER (Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation) scanning as wells as with a DSM generated by Leica Photogrammetric Suite (LPS) software. The accomplished results showed that the MDS generated by the implemented technique has a geometric quality compatible with the reference models.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper presents a proposal for the automation of the camera calibration process, locating and measuring image points in coded targets with sub-pixel precision. This automatic technique helps minimize localization errors, regardless of camera orientation and image scale. To develop this technique, several types of coded targets were analyzed and the ARUCO type was chosen due to its simplicity, ability to represent up to 1024 different targets and availability of source code implemented with the OpenCV library. ARUCO targets were generated and two calibration sheets were assembled to be used for the acquisition of images for camera calibration. The developed software can locate targets in the acquired images and it automatically extracts the coordinates of the four corners with sub-pixel accuracy. Experiments were conducted with real data showing that the targets are correctly identified unless excessive noise or fragmentation occurs mainly in the outer target square. The results with the calibration of a low cost camera showed that the process works and that the measurement accuracy of the corners achieves sub-pixel precision.
The surprising discovery of the X(3872) resonance by the Belle experiment in 2003, and subsequent confirmation by BaBar, CDF and D0, opened up a new chapter of QCD studies and puzzles. Since then, detailed experimental and theoretical studies have been performed in attempt to determine and explain the proprieties of this state. Since the end of 2009 the world’s largest and highest-energy particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), started its operations at the CERN laboratories in Geneva. One of the main experiments at LHC is CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid), a general purpose detector projected to address a wide range of physical phenomena, in particular the search of the Higgs boson, the only still unconfirmed element of the Standard Model (SM) of particle interactions and, new physics beyond the SM itself. Even if CMS has been designed to study high energy events, it’s high resolution central tracker and superior muon spectrometer made it an optimal tool to study the X(3872) state. In this thesis are presented the results of a series of study on the X(3872) state performed with the CMS experiment. Already with the first year worth of data, a clear peak for the X(3872) has been identified, and the measurement of the cross section ratio with respect to the Psi(2S) has been performed. With the increased statistic collected during 2011 it has been possible to study, in bins of transverse momentum, the cross section ratio between X(3872) and Psi(2S) and separate their prompt and non-prompt component.
Felicita Sartori, nata a Pordenone nel 1714 ca. come figlia del notaio Felice Sartori e di Tommasa Scotti, ricevette la sua prima formazione artistica intorno al 1724 da suo zio, il calcografo Antonio dall'Agata a Gorizia. Tramite lo zio la quattordicenne si trasferisce a Venezia dove entra nella bottega-casa di Rosalba Carriera per perfezionarsi nella miniatura e nella pittura a pastello senoché nelle varie tecniche della grafica. Durante gli anni seguenti Felicita diventa, accanto alle sorelle di Rosalba, la collaboratrice piú stretta della Carriera che in questi anni tocca il colmo della fama artistica, dovuto soprattutto al suo strepitoso successo riscosso durante il soggiorno a Parigi dal 1720 al 1721. I numerosissimi incarichi che le giungono da tutta l'Europa incrementano la produttivitá e lasciano supporre che la bottega abbia contribuito in misura notevole a contentare tali richieste. Negli anni dopo il 1730 l'attività di Felicita oltre le varie attività pittoriche entro la bottega della Carriera si estende alla produzione di incisioni per le pubblicazioni di Gaspare Stampa e di Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet. Incide inoltre le stampe dai disegni di Giovanni Battista Piazetta, pubblicati da Antonio Maria Zanetti. La finora anonima collaboratrice della famosa veneziana esce dall'ombra quando, nel 1741, viene nominata artista di corte da Augusto III, principe elettore di Sassonia e ré di Polonia. Trasferitosi a Dresda, si unisce poche settimane dopo la nomina in matrimonio al consigliere di corte Franz Joseph von Hoffmann, che probabilmente aveva concosciuto nel 1740 nello studio veneziano di Rosalba spesso frequentato dall'elettore e del suo seguito. Felicita continua la su attività a Dresda dove nella Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister si conservano tuttora 15 miniature di sua mano. Grazie alle ricerche dedicate a queste opere è stato possibile di aumentare l'œuvre della Sartori di altre opere tra cui una Betsabea al bagno (coll. priv. München) già nelle collezioni reali sassoni. Sembra che l'artista dopo la morte del marito nel 1749, si sia trasferito con un secondo marito a Bamberg ma altre fonti citano la sua presenza a Dresda nel 1753 dove secondo le notizie fornite da Jean Pierre Mariette muore nel 1760 all'età di soli 46 anni.
ab Antonio Maria Biscionio digestus atque edit. ... [ [Publ. Andreas Petrus Iulianellius]]
Imprint varies.
At head of title: Atti del Reale istituto veneto di scienze, lettere, ed arti, anno accademico 1901-1902, tomo LXI, pt. 2 (annessi).