976 resultados para Gravel and aggregates


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Reverse osmosis (RO) brine produced at a full-scale coal seam gas (CSG) water treatment facility was characterized with spectroscopic and other analytical techniques. A number of potential scalants including silica, calcium, magnesium, sulphates and carbonates, all of which were present in dissolved and non-dissolved forms, were characterized. The presence of spherical particles with a size range of 10–1000 nm and aggregates of 1–10 microns was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Those particulates contained the following metals in decreasing order: K, Si, Sr, Ca, B, Ba, Mg, P, and S. Characterization showed that nearly one-third of the total silicon in the brine was present in the particulates. Further, analysis of the RO brine suggested supersaturation and precipitation of metal carbonates and sulphates during the RO process should take place and could be responsible for subsequently capturing silica in the solid phase. However, the precipitation of crystalline carbonates and sulphates are complex. X-ray diffraction analysis did not confirm the presence of common calcium carbonates or sulphates but instead showed the presence of a suite of complex minerals, to which amorphous silica and/or silica rich compounds could have adhered. A filtration study showed that majority of the siliceous particles were less than 220 nm in size, but could still be potentially captured using a low molecular weight ultrafiltration membrane.


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Room temperature, magnesium ion conducting binary molten electrolyte consisting of acetamide and magnesium perchlorate has been prepared and characterized. The molten liquid is very stable and shows high ionic conductivity, of the order of several mS cm(-1) at 25 degrees C with other favourable physicochemical properties. Vibrational spectroscopic studies reveal that the free ion concentration is higher than that of ion pairs and aggregates in the melt. The electrochemical reversibility of magnesium deposition and dissolution is demonstrated using voltammetry and impedance studies. Preliminary studies on rechargeable batteries assembled using gamma-MnO2 and Mg metal as the electrodes together with the molten electrolyte show high discharge capacity.


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Amyloid beta (A beta) is the major etiological factor implicated in Alzheimer's disease (AD). A beta(42) self-assembles to form oligomers and fibrils via multiple aggregation process. The recent studies aimed to decrease A beta levels or prevention of A beta aggregation which are the major targets for therapeutic intervention. Natural products as alternatives for AD drug discovery are a current trend. We evidenced that Caesalpinia crista leaf aqueous extract has anti-amyloidogenic potential. The studies on pharmacological properties of C. crista are very limited. Our study focused on ability of C. crista leaf aqueous extract on the prevention of (i) the formation of oligomers and aggregates from monomers (Phase I: A beta(42) + extract co-incubation); (ii) the formation of fibrils from oligomers (Phase II: extract added after oligomers formation); and (iii) dis-aggregation of pre-formedfibrils (Phase III: aqueous extract added to matured fibrils and incubated for 9 days). The aggregation kinetics was monitored using thioflavin-T assay and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results showed that C. crista aqueous extract could able to inhibit the A beta(42) aggregation from monomers and oligomers and also able todis-aggregate the pre-formed fibrils. The study provides an insight on finding new natural products for AD therapeutics. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The accumulation of fly ash throughout the world is several million tons per day. The main problem with the usage of fly ash is the slow rate of strength gain, primarily due to slow pozzolanic reactions. Existing methods of proportioning fly ash concrete are lacking. These methods are involved and do not directly take into account the properties of the constituent materials. The Generalized Approach for Mix Proportioning developed at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, is the basis for the development of the proposed method, which takes into account the characteristics of cement, fly ash, and aggregates. Based on the basic trial mix data obtained by using the American Concrete Institute (ACI 211.1-81) method, the proportions of fly-ash concrete mixes were arrived at using the Generalized Approach for Mix Proportioning. The method proposed was applied to and found applicable for fly-ash concretes using fly ashes from two different sources.


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A new numerical procedure is proposed to investigate cracking behaviors induced by mismatch between the matrix phase and aggregates due to matrix shrinkage in cement-based composites. This kind of failure processes is simplified in this investigation as a purely spontaneous mechanical problem, therefore, one main difficulty during simulating the phenomenon lies that no explicit external load serves as the drive to propel development of this physical process. As a result, it is different from classical mechanical problems and seems hard to be solved by using directly the classical finite element method (FEM), a typical kind of "load -> medium -> response" procedures. As a solution, the actual mismatch deformation field is decomposed into two virtual fields, both of which can be obtained by the classical FEM. Then the actual response is obtained by adding together the two virtual displacement fields based on the principle of superposition. Then, critical elements are detected successively by the event-by-event technique. The micro-structure of composites is implemented by employing the generalized beam (GB) lattice model. Numerical examples are given to show the effectiveness of the method, and detailed discussions are conducted on influences of material properties.


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The paper reviews the methodology of attempts to assess the importance of washout as a cause of loss of salmonid eggs and alevins. The results of this study are presented of various small-scale field trials using buried artificial salmonid eggs and tethered table tennis balls. The results suggested that, even when few eggs were actually lost by washout, some downstream movement of the upper layers of gravel and of artificial eggs might have taken place.


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There are two main ways in which gravel composition and changes therein arising from siltation, can influence the survival of young salmonids. First, the composition of the gravel will affect its permeability and, hence, may influence the survival of eggs and alevins through its effect upon the rate of supply of oxygen and the rate of removal of metabolic products. Second, the composition of the gravel may affect the ease, or otherwise, of emergence at the time of swim-up and alevins may become trapped in the gravel and perish. This aspect is the main concern of the present report. Experiments were conducted to examine the effects upon fry emergence of a sand layer deposited on the gravel surface. The study concludes that fry of brown trout and Atlantic salmon emerged through layers of sand up to 8 cm thick but the percentage emergence, even from the controls with no sand, was relatively low (5 - 68%). There was no firm evidence that the experimental treatments influenced percentage emergence, timing of emergence or weight of fry at the time of emergence.


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In organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) the electrical characteristics of polymeric semiconducting materials suffer from the presence of structural/morphological defects and grain boundaries as well as amorphous domains within the film, hindering an efficient transport of charges. To improve the percolation of charges we blend a regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) with newly designed N = 18 armchair graphene nanoribbons (GNRs). The latter, prepared by a bottom-up solution synthesis, are expected to form solid aggregates which cannot be easily interfaced with metallic electrodes, limiting charge injection at metal-semiconductor interfaces, and are characterized by a finite size, thus by grain boundaries, which negatively affect the charge transport within the film. Both P3HT and GNRs are soluble/dispersible in organic solvents, enabling the use of a single step co-deposition process. The resulting OFETs show a three-fold increase in the charge carrier mobilities in blend films, when compared to pure P3HT devices. This behavior can be ascribed to GNRs, and aggregates thereof, facilitating the transport of the charges within the conduction channel by connecting the domains of the semiconductor film. The electronic characteristics of the devices such as the Ion/Ioff ratio are not affected by the addition of GNRs at different loads. Studies of the electrical characteristics under illumination for potential use of our blend films as organic phototransistors (OPTs) reveal a tunable photoresponse. Therefore, our strategy offers a new method towards the enhancement of the performance of OFETs, and holds potential for technological applications in (opto)electronics.


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在干旱半干旱地区,砂石覆盖作为一项传统的覆盖技术,可以明显减少土壤蒸发,为作物生长提供良好的水分条件。为研究不同粒径和厚度砂石覆盖对土壤蒸发的影响,进行了室内模拟试验,对3种粒径(2.5~10、10~25和25~40 mm)和2种覆盖厚度(8 cm和14 cm)以及不同粒径砂石配比条件下土壤水分蒸发进行了研究。结果表明,砂石覆盖能有效地抑制土壤蒸发,在土壤含水量较高的阶段,这种抑制作用更加明显。砂石覆盖对土壤蒸发的抑制作用与粒径和覆盖厚度密切相关,在2.5~40 mm粒径范围内,随着砂石粒径的增大,砂石覆盖对蒸发的抑制作用降低,对蒸发过程的影响减弱,覆盖厚度越大,蒸发量越小。有效的砂石配比应选择细砂石处理,不宜过粗。


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A bar on the Brazos River near Calvert, Texas, has been analyzed in order to determine the geologic meaning of certain grain size parameters and to study the behavior of the size fractions with transport. The bar consists of a strongly bimodal mixture of pebble gravel and medium to fine sand; there is a lack of material in the range of 0.5 to 2 mm, because the source does not supply particles of this size. The size distributions of the two modes, which were established in the parent deposits, are nearly invariant over the bar because the present environment of deposition only affects the relative proportions of the two modes, not the grain size properties of the modes themselves. Two proportions are most common; the sediment either contains no gravel or else contains about 60% gravel. Three sediment types with characteristic bedding features occur on the bar in constant stratigraphic order, with the coarsest at the base. Statistical analysis of the data is based on a series of grain size parameters modified from those of Inman (1952) to provide a more detailed coverage of non-normal size curves. Unimodal sediments have nearly normal curves as defined by their skewness and kurtosis. Non-normal kurtosis and skewness values are held to be the identifying characteristics of bimodal sediments even where such modes are not evident in frequency curves. The relative proportions of each mode define a systematic series of changes in numerical properties; mean size, standard deviation and skewness are shown to be linked in a helical trend, which is believed to be applicable to many other sedimentary suites. The equations of the helix may be characteristic of certain environments. Kurtosis values show rhythmic pulsations along the helix and are diagnostic of two-generation sediments.


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Superfine mineral materials are mainly resulted from the pulverization of natural mineral resources, and are a type of new materials that can replace traditional materials and enjoy the most extensive application and the highest degree of consumption in the present day market. As a result, superfine mineral materials have a very broad and promising prospect in terms of market potential. Superfine pulverization technology is the only way for the in-depth processing of most of the traditional materials, and is also one of the major means for which mineral materials can realize their application. China is rich in natural resources such as heavy calcite, kaolin, wollastonite, etc., which enjoy a very wide market of application in paper making, rubber, plastics, painting, coating, medicine, environment-friendly recycle paper and fine chemical industries, for example. However, because the processing of these resources is generally at the low level, economic benefit and scale for the processing of these resources have not been realized to their full potential even up to now. Big difference in product indices and superfine processing equipment and technologies between China and advanced western countries still exists. Based on resource assessment and market potential analysis, an in-depth study was carried out in this paper about the superfine pulverization technology and superfine pulverized mineral materials from the point of mineralogical features, determination of processing technologies, analytical methods and applications, by utilizing a variety of modern analytical methods in mineralogy, superfine pulverization technology, macromolecular chemistry, material science and physical chemistry together with computer technology and so on. The focus was placed on the innovative study about the in-depth processing technology and the processing apparatus for kaolin and heavy calcite as well as the application of superfine products. The main contents and the major achievements of this study are listed as follows: 1. Superfine pulverization processing of mineral materials shall be integrated with the study of their crystal structures and chemical composition. And special attention shall be put on the post-processing technologies, rather than on the indices for particle size, of these materials, based on their fields of application. Both technical feasibility and economic feasibility shall be taken into account for the study about superfine pulverization technologies, since these two kinds of feasibilities serve as the premise for the industrialized application of superfine pulverized mineral materials. Based on this principle, preposed chemical treatment method, technology of synchronized superfine pulverization and gradation, processing technology and apparatus of integrated modification and depolymerization were utilized in this study, and narrow distribution in terms of particle size, good dispersibility, good application effects, low consumption as well as high effectiveness of superfine products were achieved in this study. Heavy calcite and kaolin are two kinds of superfine mineral materials that enjoy the highest consumption in the industry. Heavy calcite is mainly applied in paper making, coating and plastics industries, the hard kaolin in northern China is mainly used in macromolecular materials and chemical industries, while the soft kaolin in southern China is mainly used for paper making. On the other hand, superfine pulverized heavy calcite and kaolin can both be used as the functional additives to cement, a kind of material that enjoys the biggest consumption in the world. A variety of analytical methods and instruments such as transmission and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, infrared analysis, laser particle size analysis and so on were applied for the elucidation of the properties and the mechanisms for the functions of superfine mineral materials as used in plastics and high-performance cement. Detection of superfine mineral materials is closely related to the post-processing and application of these materials. Traditional detection and analytical methods for superfine mineral materials include optical microscopy, infrared spectral analysis and a series of microbeam techniques such as transmission and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, and so on. In addition to these traditional methods, super-weak luminescent photon detection technology of high precision, high sensitivity and high signal to noise ratio was also utilized by the author for the first time in the study of superfine mineral materials, in an attempt to explore a completely new method and means for the study of the characterization of superfine materials. The experimental results are really exciting! The innovation of this study is represented in the following aspects: 1. In this study, preposed chemical treatment method, technology of synchronized superfine pulverization and gradation, processing technology and apparatus of integrated modification and depolymerization were utilized in an innovative way, and narrow distribution in terms of particle size, good dispersibility, good application effects, low consumption as well as high effectiveness of superfine products were achieved in the industrialized production process*. Moreover, a new modification technology and related directions for producing the chemicals were invented, and the modification technology was even awarded a patent. 2. The detection technology of super-weak luminescent photon of high precision, high sensitivity and high signal to noise ratio was utilized for the first time in this study to explore the superfine mineral materials, and the experimental results can be compared with those acquired with scanning electron microscopy and has demonstrated its unique advantages. It can be expected that further study may possibly help to result in a completely new method and means for the characterization of superfine materials. 3. During the heating of kaolinite and its decomposition into pianlinite, the diffraction peaks disappear gradually. First comes the disappearance of the reflection of the basal plane (001), and then comes the slow disappearance of the (hkl) diffraction peaks. And this was first discovered during the experiments by the author, and it has never before reported by other scholars. 4. The first discovery of the functions that superfine mineral materials can be used as dispersants in plastics, and the first discovery of the comprehensive functions that superfine mineral materials can also be used as activators, water-reducing agents and aggregates in high-performance cement were made in this study, together with a detailed discussion. This study was jointly supported by two key grants from Guangdong Province for Scientific and Technological Research in the 10th Five-year Plan Period (1,200,000 yuan for Preparation technology, apparatus and post-processing research by using sub-micron superfine pulverization machinery method, and 300,000 yuan for Method and instruments for biological photon technology in the characterization of nanometer materials), and two grants from Guangdong Province for 100 projects for scientific and technological innovation (700,000 yuan for Pilot experimentation of superfine and modified heavy calcite used in paper-making, rubber and plastics industry, and 400,000 yuan for Study of superfine, modified wollastonite of large length-to-diameter ratio).


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We have examined the interaction of recombinant lily pollen ADF, LIADF1, with actin and found that whilst it bound both G- and F-actin, it had a much smaller effect on the polymerization and depolymerization rate constants than the maize vegetative ADF, ZmADF3. An antiserum specific to pollen ADF, antipADF, was raised and used to localize pollen ADF in daffodil - a plant in which massive reorganizations of the actin cytoskeleton have been seen to occur as pollen enters and exits dormancy. We show, for the first time, an ADF decorating F-actin in cells that did not result from artificial increase in ADF concentration. In dehydrated pollen this ADF:actin array is replaced by actin:ADF rodlets and aggregates of actin, which presumably act as a storage form of actin during dormancy. In germinated pollen ADF has no specific localization, except when an adhesion is made at the tip where actin and ADF now co-localize. These activities of pollen ADF are discussed with reference to the activities of ZmADF3 and other members of the ADF/cofilin group of proteins.


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The concept of green concrete has been progressively introduced in concrete technology. At the same time, new generations of superplasticisers have become widely available and self-compacting concrete is being increasingly implemented. The aim of this research is to study the impact that different sustainable materials have on both fresh and hardened properties of Self-Compacting Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SCFRC) in order to implement their use in a precast concrete company. Different combinations of cement, mineral additions (active and inert), polypropylene fibres, superplasticisers, and aggregates have been considered. Fresh state performance has been assessed by means of: slump flow test, V-funnel, and J-ring. Concrete compressive strength values at different ages have been retained as representative of the material's performance in its hardened state. All these properties have been correlated with SCFRC proportioning parameters. The importance of interactions between mineral additions and between these and superplasticiser is emphasised, as well as the different consequences of using powders as cement replacement or as mineral additions.

Optimisation of Environment-friendly SCFRC mixes use in precast Concrete Industry (PDF Download Available). Available from: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/263304799_Optimisation_of_Environment-friendly_SCFRC_mixes_use_in_precast_Concrete_Industry [accessed Jun 5, 2015].


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The aim of this research was to study the impact that different mineral powders have on the properties of self-compacting concrete (SCC) in order to obtain relations that make it possible to optimize their dosages for being used in precast concrete applications. Different combinations and contents of cement, mineral additions (active and inert), superplasticizers, and aggregates are considered. A new approach for determining the saturation point of superplasticizers is introduced. The fresh state performance was assessed by means of the following tests: slump flow, V-funnel, and J-ring. Concrete compressive strength values at different ages up to 56 days have been retained as representative of the materials’ performance in its hardened state. All these properties have been correlated with SCC proportioning. As a result, a number of recommendations for the precast concrete industry arise to design more stable SCC mixes with a reduced carbon footprint.


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In fluvial ecosystems mineral erosion, carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) fluxes are linked via organo-mineral complexation, where dissolved organic molecules bind to mineral surfaces. Biofilms and suspended aggregates represent major aquatic microbial lifestyles whose relative importance changes predictably through fluvial networks. We tested how organo-mineral sorption affects aquatic microbial metabolism, using organo-mineral particles containing a mix of 13C, 15N-labelled amino acids. We traced 13C and 15N retention within biofilm and suspended aggregate biomass and its mineralisation. Organo-mineral complexation restricted C and N retention within biofilms and aggregates and also their mineralisation. This reduced the efficiency with which biofilms mineralise C and N by 30 % and 6 %. By contrast, organo-minerals reduced the C and N mineralisation efficiency of suspended aggregates by 41 % and 93 %. Our findings show how organo-mineral complexation affects microbial C:N stoichiometry, potentially altering the biogeochemical fate of C and N within fluvial ecosystems.