979 resultados para Grapevine rust mite


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ABSTRACT Viticulture is an activity of great social and economic importance in the lower-middle region of the São Francisco River valley in northeastern Brazil. In this region, the fertility of soils under vineyards is generally poor. To assess the effects of organic and nitrogen fertilization on chemical properties and nitrate concentrations in an Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo (Typic Plinthustalf), a field experiment was carried out in Petrolina, Pernambuco, on Syrah grapevines. Treatments consisted of two rates of organic fertilizer (0 and 30 m3 ha-1) and five N rates (0, 10, 20, 40, and 80 kg ha-1), in a randomized block design arranged in split plots, with five replications. The organic fertilizer levels represented the main plots and the N levels, the subplots. The source of N was urea and the source of organic fertilizer was goat manure. Irrigation was applied through a drip system and N by fertigation. At the end of the third growing season, soil chemical properties were determined and nitrate concentration in the soil solution (extracted by porous cups) was determined. Organic fertilization increased organic matter, pH, EC, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, sum of bases, base saturation, and CEC, but decreased exchangeable Cu concentration in the soil by complexation of Cu in the organic matter. Organic fertilization raised the nitrate concentration in the 0.20-0.40 m soil layer, making it leachable. Nitrate concentration in the soil increased as N rates increased, up to more than 300 mg kg-1 in soil and nearly 800 mg L-1 in the soil solution, becoming prone to leaching losses.


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Information about the population genetic structures of parasites is important for an understanding of parasite transmission pathways and ultimately the co-evolution with their hosts. If parasites cannot disperse independently of their hosts, a parasite's population structure will depend upon the host's spatial distribution. Geographical barriers affecting host dispersal can therefore lead to structured parasite populations. However, how the host's social system affects the genetic structure of parasite populations is largely unknown. We used mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to describe the spatio-temporal population structure of a contact-transmitted parasitic wing mite (Spinturnix bechsteini) and compared it to that of its social host, the Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii). We observed no genetic differentiation between mites living on different bats within a colony. This suggests that mites can move freely among bats of the same colony. As expected in case of restricted inter-colony dispersal, we observed a strong genetic differentiation of mites among demographically isolated bat colonies. In contrast, we found a strong genetic turnover between years when we investigated the temporal variation of mite haplotypes within colonies. This can be explained with mite dispersal occuring between colonies and bottlenecks of mite populations within colonies. The observed absence of isolation by distance could be the result from genetic drift and/or from mites dispersing even between remote bat colonies, whose members may meet at mating sites in autumn or in hibernacula in winter. Our data show that the population structure of this parasitic wing mite is influenced by its own demography and the peculiar social system of its bat host.


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Fent un repas de les principals interpretacions del mite d'El polític platonic, que, en general, no donen importancia a la multiplicitat de finalitats que el mite presenta, fem notar que quan el mite no és interpretat en relació amb el dialeg que el conté en resulten interpretacions divergents. En segon lloc, quan s'interpreta conjuntament amb la resta del dialeg, normalment el mite no acaba de ser ben situat. Com a resultat obtenim I'obertura d'una nova possibilitat interpretativa que respecti la forma compositiva del mite i la seva inserció en l'estructura del dialeg.


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Els almogàvers foren un grup de guerrers mercenaris que se singularitzava en el si dels exèrcits de la Corona d'Aragó. Esmentats per Jaume el Conqueridor i descrits per Desclot, són els protagonistes dels capítols en què Ramon Muntaner narra la seva màxima gesta: l'aventura en terres bizantines, a conseqüència de la qual els reis d'Aragó seran ducs d'Atenes i Neopàtria. Posteriorment el seu exemple serà al·legat en temps de dificultat Guerra de Successi, Guerra contra Napoleó fins que la Renaixença els reivindicarà i en farà un mite. El present article estudia com els tractà la literatura catalana, i també la castellana, des dels primers textos i sobretot durant els segles XIX i XX, en un recorregut en què es revela com un mite imperfecte, car els aspectes violents remarcats per la propaganda hel·lènica han estat un llast impossible d'eliminar.


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En aquest article s’ofereix un perfil del pensament de Rousseau a partir de la seva relació amb la filosofia estoica i la seva dependència respecte de les idees de Montaigne, alhora que es remarca —atenint-se a la Professió de fe del vicari savoià— la dimensió religiosa i espiritual de la seva cosmovisió. Sobre la base d’aquests supòsits es revisa l’impacte de les idees de Rousseau en el Romanticisme del segle xix, sense perdre de vista les crítiques que la seva pedagogia va merèixer dels ideòlegs del Noucentisme (Eugeni d’Ors, Joaquim Xirau). Finalment, es conclou que la presència de la pedagogia de Rousseau en el Moviment de Renovació Pedagògica, viscut durant les primeres dècades del segle xx a Catalunya, constitueix més un horitzó que no pas una realitat bastida sistemàticament i sòlidament.


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The objective of this work was to assess the parasitism potential of Acarophenax lacunatus (Cross & Krantz) on Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). The experimental units encompassed Petri dishes containing 25 g of wheat infested with 20 adults of this beetle species. After seven days of infestation, different mite densities (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 females) were inoculated into the Petri dishes. The increase in mite density led to a linear increase in parasitism, and a consequent reduction in populations of this insect. It is possible to use this mite species in the biological control of T. castaneum.


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The objective of this work was to produce and characterize specific antisera against Brazilian isolates of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 2 (GLRaV-2) and Grapevine virus B (GVB), developed from expressed coat proteins (CPs) in Escherichia coli, and to test their possible use for the detection of these two viruses in diseased grapevines. The coat protein (CP) genes were RT-PCR-amplified, cloned and sequenced. The CP genes were subsequently subcloned, and the recombinant plasmids were used to transform E. coli cells and express the coat proteins. The recombinant coat proteins were purified, and their identities were confirmed by SDS-PAGE and Western blot and used for rabbit immunizations. Antisera raised against these proteins were able to recognize the corresponding recombinant proteins in Western blots and to detect GLRaV-2 and GVB in infected grapevine tissues, by indirect ELISA, discriminating healthy and infected grapevines with absorbances (A405) of 0.08/1.15 and 0.12/1.30, respectively. Expressing CP genes can yield high amount of viral protein with high antigenicity, and GLRaV-2 and GVB antisera obtained in this study can allow reliable virus disease diagnosis.


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The objective of this work was to characterize the grape germplasm in Santa Catarina, Brazil, using microsatellite DNA markers (simple sequence repeats - SSR). The DNA samples were collected from leaves and shoots of accessions of public and private collections from the counties Urussanga, Nova Trento, Rodeio, São Joaquim, Campos Novos, Videira, and Água Doce. Ten SSR loci (VVS2, VVMD5, VVMD7, VVMD27, VrZAG62, VrZAG79, VVMD25, VVMD28, VVMD31, and VVMD32) were analysed by capillary electrophoresis. Molecular profiling was conducted for 190 grapevines (European, American, and hybrids), and 67 genotypes were obtained. The data were compared with each other and with those from the literature and from online databases, in order to identify varieties and discover cases of synonymy and homonymy. Forty molecular profiles corresponded to known varieties, while 27 genotypes were described for the first time. The existence of typical germplasm composed mainly of American and hybrid varieties is an important finding for local viticulture. Applications of the results rely on quality control and certification at the nursery level. Increasing precision in the characterization of grapevine genotypes may help breeding programs.


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The objective of this work was to assess the soil oribatid mite communities in four sites of the Upper Paraná Bosque Atlántico, in the Iguazú National Park, Argentina and in surrounding areas: bamboo forest, palm forest and two mixed forests. A comparison between each pair of sites, based on the presence-absence of oribatid species, was performed using Jaccard's index. This is the first systematic sampling of oribatid mites in this area. A total of 56 genera and 96 oribatid species were found, 25 and 49 of them, respectively, are new citation for Argentina. The highest similarity was found between mixed forests. Almost 68% and 34% of the genera were cited for similar biotopes in Brazil and Paraguay, respectively.


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The objectives of this work were to identify parents resistant to Asian soybean rust using diallel crosses, obtain information on the genetic control of soybean resistance to the pathogen and verify whether the combining ability estimates interact with the environment (year or time of assessment). The F1 generation was obtained in a greenhouse from crosses between five contrasting parents for the trait resistance to soybean rust, in a complete diallel without reciprocals. Two rust-severity assessments were carried out on individual soybean plants of 25 treatments (parents and F2 and F3 populations) in 2006/2007 and 2007/2008, in an experimental field at Embrapa Soja, Londrina, PR, Brazil. Additive effects predominated in the genetic control of soybean resistance to Asian rust, and the interaction of the segregant populations with the environment, although significant, did not alter the genetic parameter's general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability estimates, indicating that estimates obtained in one year and one assessment can be extrapolated to others. BR01-18437 inbred line is resistant to Asian rust and showed high GCA effects. This line should be used as parent if the objective is the resistance to Phakopsora pachyrhizi.


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The objective of this work was to identify the best selection strategies for the more promising parental combinations to obtain lines with good resistance to soybean Asian rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi). Two experiments were carried out in the field during the 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 growing seasons, to determine the percentage of infected leaf area of individual plants of five parents and their segregant F2 and F3 populations. The data obtained indicates that additive genetic variance predominates in the control of soybean resistance to Asian rust, and that the year and time of assessment do not significantly influence the estimates of the genetic parameters obtained. The narrow-sense heritability (h²r) ranged from 23.12 to 55.83%, and indicates the possibility of successful selection of resistant individuals in the early generations of the breeding program. All the procedures used to select the most promising populations to generate superior inbred lines for resistance to P. pachyrhizi presented similar results and identified the BR01-18437 x BRS 232 population as the best for inbred line selection.


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The objective of this work was to assess the potential of interspecific hybridization of Vitis labruscana and Muscadinia rotundifolia by using artificial cross-pollinations. Microsatellite markers were used to confirm interspecific hybridizations and the identity of the parental genotypes. In crosses in which M. rotundifolia was used as the female parent, no true hybrids were obtained. In the reciprocal crosses, 114 seedlings were identified as true V. labruscana x M. rotundifolia hybrids. Self pollination occurred in direct and in reciprocal crosses. The crossings between 'Bordo' x 'Carlos', 'Magnolia', 'Regale' and' Roanoke', and between' Isabel' x 'Bountiful', 'Carlos', 'Magnolia', 'Regale' and 'Roanoke' were confirmed. The 15 markers evaluated showed that two M. rotundifolia parental genotypes had the same fingerprint profile, indicating a like lyplanting error. The success of hybridization depends mainly on the species and on the cultivar used as the female parent. Microsatellite markers are efficient to confirm the paternity of interspecific F1 hybrids and to determine the correct identity of M. rotundifolia cultivars.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate shoot growth of the grapevine varieties Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon, during 2006/2007, and Cabernet Sauvignon, during 2008/2009, in São Joaquim, SC, Brazil. The experiment was carried out in a commercial vineyard trained on a vertical trellis system. The shoots of the central part of the plants were selected, and the lengths from the base to the apex of 20 shoots per cultivar were evaluated. In 2006/2007, monitoring began at pruning, on 9/15/2006, and ended on 2/6/2007, totalizing 144 days of evaluation. During the 2008/2009 cycle, phenology and shoot growth for 'Cabernet Sauvignon' were assessed from grape development (1/13/2009) (pea-sized grapes) until shoot vegetative growth had ceased. Budburst occurred in the second half of September, and shoot-growth cessation occurred during ripening. Higher growth rates (about 4 cm per day) were observed in pre- and post-flowering, followed by reduction due to the competition for photosynthates for the formation of flowers and bunches. Temperature and photoperiod induce grapevine shoots to cease growth in the highland regions of Santa Catarina State, Brazil.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the large-scale propagation of grapevine genotypes after short-term storage in vitro. Microshoots from ten grapevine genotypes were used. The following storage temperatures were evaluated: 10, 20, and 25°C. After short-term storage, the shoots were propagated in up to five successive subcultures, to assess the large-scale propagation of the germplasm maintained under conditions of minimal growth. The propagated shoots were rooted in different concentrations of indolbutiric acid (IBA) and acclimatized in greenhouse. The best temperature for short-term storage in vitro and survival of the genotypes was 20°C. In the propagation phase, the highest number of shoots per explant was found in the subcultures 4 and 5, with averages of 4.9 and 4.8 shoots per explant, respectively. In the rooting phase, the best results for number of roots were obtained using a culture medium supplemented with 0.4 µmol L-1 of IBA, with an average of three roots per shoot. During the acclimation phase, a survival rate higher than 95% was achieved after 30 days in the greenhouse. Grapevine genotypes maintained for six months in vitro, at 20ºC, can be micropropagated in large scale.