97 resultados para Granit, Ragnar


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F. 1 Ordinations. F. 47 De altaris portabilis consecratione. F. 55 Ordo chrismalis secundum modum ecclesiae Magalonensis (incompl. de la fin).


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Abbaye Saint-Maur-des-Fossés ; cf. B. de Montfaucon, Bibliotheca bibliothecarum, II, 1739, p.1141-1143 : "16/2. membran. XIII. vel XIV. saeculi Pandectes , seu Digestum vetus". Ex-libris : F. 1: "Ex-libris monasterii Sancti Germani a Pratis Parisiorum Congregationis Sancti Mauri, ordinis Sancti Benedicti.". — "Sancti Germani a Pratis" (XVIIIe s.). France.


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Abbaye Saint-Maur-des-Fossés ; cf. B. de Montfaucon, Bibliotheca bibliothecarum, II, 1739, p.1141-1143 : "7. 1031. Liber Psalmorum & Vitae Sanctorum, & sermones multi". Ex-libris : F 1 : signature: « Savan ». Saint-Maur-des-Fossés (d'après le sanctoral).


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Abbaye Saint-Maur-des-Fossés ; cf. B. de Montfaucon, Bibliotheca bibliothecarum, II, 1739, p.1141-1143 : "43. 1066. Boëtii de Philosophica consolatione". Ex-libris : F. 2 : "Ex-libris Monasterii Sancti Germani a Pratis Parisiorum". France.


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Contient : Chansons notées de Gautier de Coinci. Cf. G. Raynaud, Bibliographie des Chansonniers français des xiiieet xivesiècles, t. I, p. 184 ; La Nativité Nostre Seigneur Jhesucrist et ses enfances ; « La vie et la mors saint Julien, pour quoi on dist bon ostel. » Début : « Uns praidom raconte la vie monseigneur saint Julien, que il translata... » ; « La vie la benoite Magdelainne et saint Maxemin l'evesque. » Début : « Après ce que nostre sire Jhesucris, qui est moiens de Dieu et de l'omme.., » ; « La vie monseigneur saint Gile le beneoit confessor. » Début : « Nus crestiens n'est en terre qui Nostre Seigneur vueille amer... » ; « De l'invention sainte Croiz. » Début : « Deus cenz ans et XXXIII dou regne dou vaillant empereor de Romme... » ; « La vie sainte Marthe. » Début : « La beneoite honourée hostesse nostre seigneur Jhesucrist... » ; « Li Purgatoires saint Patrice de Irlande. » Début : « En ce tans que sainz Patrices li granz preeschoit... » Cf. P. Meyer, Romania, t. XVII, p. 382 ; « La nativité et la vie de Antecrist. » Début : « Vos devez savoir premierement que Antecris est apeléz Antecris... » ; « Comment la Conceptions Nostre Dame fu establie, » par Wace


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Export has assumed an important place in the development of any country and considered as the engine of economic growth. India requires huge amount of foreign exchange for its essential import and for achieving rapid growth. Millions of job opportunities have to be created to utilise the youth for nation building. Even though the country has different sources of foreign exchange, export earning is the safe way of obtaining it in the long run. Export of high valued traditional products not only gives foreign exchange, but also employment to large number of people. Spices are the traditional products of India whose production process is highly intensive in semi and unskilled labour, and high domestic and foreign market prices compared to other traditional products. The new world trade scenario with the establishment of WTO has affected India’s spices export considerably. The study examines the export performance of Indian spices in the WTO regime taking the export of major spices from 1985 to 2013 using the growth of export, trend and instability in growth rate, changes in the composition and direction of spices, export performance ratio and the prospects of spices in earning foreign exchange during the WTO period and Pre-WTO period. The analysis reveals that the overall performance of Indian spices exports during the WTO regime are satisfactory. Export volume and value increased much during this period. But the decrease in market share of spices export during the WTO period reflects that, the favourable conditions in the international market are not exploited by India. High Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Value Elasticity (EV) of major spices amidst the low export shares shows that export performance of Indian spices during the WTO regime was not mainly affected by external demand factors as suggested by Ragnar Nurkse in his Demand Deficiency Thesis, but because of internal supply factors as suggested in Supply Deficiency Thesis, (supported by K.S Dhinsha, Dacosta, Goddamwar,etc.). But the fluctuations of export during the recession and prosperity periods show that external demand is also a determinant of Indian spices export. From this one can conclude that both the domestic supply factors and foreign demand factors influence the export performance of Indian spices. The long term performance of Indian spices exports are mainly influenced by domestic supply factors as suggested by Supply Deficiency Thesis and short term performance is mostly influenced by external demand factors as suggested by Demand Deficiency Thesis.


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This paper proposes a political economy explanation of bailouts to declining industries. A model of probabilistic voting is developed, in which two candidates compete for the vote of two groups of the society through tactical redistribution. We allow politicians to have core support groups they understand better, this implies politicians are more or less effective to deliver favors to some groups. This setting is suited to reproduce pork barrels or machine politics and patronage. We use this model to illustrate the case of an economy with both an efficient industry and a declining one, in which workers elect their government. We present the conditions under which the political process ends up with the lagged-behind industry being allowed to survive.


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The amorphous silica (opal-A) speleothems associated to the open structural system of granitic rocks where the slow circulation of runoff is produced are mainly the result of the biological degradation of the rock. These speleothems are found in many different geographic, climatic and geological environments though always associated to granitoids. They show two different morphologies: cylindrical or long bodies and laminar or layered forms. They are internally formed by a mass of clasts and spheres of opal-Awith a porous texture that evolves to compact and massive due to the reiteration of the re-dissolution/re-precipitation of the amorphous opal by the water that circulates through it after each rainfall period. A final characteristic of each growth stage (end of rainy period) is the development of whiskers of minerals, normally gypsum, on the water output points of the speleothems. The dimensions of the speleothems are millimetric (length and/or thickness). In this paper their morphology and mineralogy are described based on their study by SEM, XRD and XRF, and there is established a new and more complete genetic hypothesis than the one that exists up to now to understand their formation


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In 2003 the European Commission started using Impact Assessment (IA) as the main empirical basis for its major policy proposals. The aim was to systematically assess ex ante the economic, social and environmental impacts of EU policy proposals. In parallel, research proliferated in search for theoretical grounds for IAs and in an attempt to evaluate empirically the performance of the first sets of IAs produced by the European Commission. This paper combines conceptual and evaluative studies carried out in the first five years of EU IAs. It concludes that the great discrepancy between rationale and practice calls for a different theoretical focus and a higher emphasis on evaluating empirically crucial risk economics aspects of IAs, such as the value of statistical life, price of carbon, the integration of macroeconomic modelling and scenario analysis.


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Cet article décrit et analyse le travail des enfants dans une carrière de granit d’un quartier de la ville de Ouagadougou, interroge le rapport entre l’école et le travail du point de vue des acteurs du site pour apprécier l’argument de la scolarisation comme solution alternative au travail des enfants. Les données proviennent d’une enquête réalisée dans le cadre de notre recherche doctorale au Burkina Faso, de février à avril 2009, dont la carrière de Pissy a été un des terrains d’enquête1. Les enquêtés sont constitués de parents et de leurs enfants âgés de moins de 16 ans ayant des trajectoires différentes : non scolarisés,scolarisés, déscolarisés et à la fois écoliers et travailleurs. Les personnes ont été choisies aléatoirement selon leur accord et disponibilité, en variant leur emplacement. L’approche choisie privilégie le point de vue des différents acteurs du site,l’analyse de leurs discours et l’observation de leurs pratiques de travail. La prise en compte du point de vue des enfants s’appuie sur la perspective théorique développée par James & Prout (1997), où les enfants sont des acteurs compétents dans la sphère du travail et de la vie sociale. L’article présente d’abord le processus d’institutionnalisation de l’école et la situation du travail des enfants au Burkina Faso, puis décrit les logiques autour du travail des enfants dans la carrière en montrant que celui-ci n’est pas seulement lié à la nécessité économique. Enfin, il confronte les alternatives au travaildes enfants invoquées par les enfants et leurs parents aux solutions d’éducation proposées par l’état et la société civile. This article is about a particular case of children in working situation: children crushing the granite in the quarry of Pissy. Their working conditions are considered as dangerous by national and international legal texts. This article aims to grasp the experience of children who work in this frame in order to test the hypothesis according to which schooling would be an effective tool of struggle against child labour. The fieldwork reveals that child labour in the quarry is not only guided by economic aspects. The wish of the parents (and of some children and teenagers) to find another job for working children reopen the debate on “the right to work” for children.


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This paper describe a model from system theory that can be used as a base for better understanding of different situations in the firms evolution. This change model is derived from the theory of organic systems and divides the evolution of the system into higher complexity of the system structure in three distinctive phases. These phases are a formative phase, a normative phase and an integrative phase. After a summary of different types of models of the dynamics of the firm the paper makes a theoretical presentation of the model and how this model is adaptable for better understanding of the need for change in strategic orientation, organization form and leadership style over time.