882 resultados para Google Cloud Functions,Serverless,Google Cloud


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Questo documento si interroga sulle nuove possibilità offerte agli operatori del mondo delle Reti di Telecomunicazioni dai paradigmi di Network Functions Virtualization, Cloud Computing e Software Defined Networking: questi sono nuovi approcci che permettono la creazione di reti dinamiche e altamente programmabili, senza disdegnare troppo il lato prestazionale. L'intento finale è valutare se con un approccio di questo genere si possano implementare dinamicamente delle concatenazioni di servizi di rete e se le prestazioni finali rispecchiano ciò che viene teorizzato dai suddetti paradigmi. Tutto ciò viene valutato per cercare una soluzione efficace al problema dell'ossificazione di Internet: infatti le applicazioni di rete, dette middle-boxes, comportano costi elevati, situazioni di dipendenza dal vendor e staticità delle reti stesse, portando all'impossibilità per i providers di sviluppare nuovi servizi. Il caso di studio si basa proprio su una rete che implementa questi nuovi paradigmi: si farà infatti riferimento a due diverse topologie, una relativa al Livello L2 del modello OSI (cioè lo strato di collegamento) e una al Livello L3 (strato di rete). Le misure effettuate infine mostrano come le potenzialità teorizzate siano decisamente interessanti e innovative, aprendo un ventaglio di infinite possibilità per il futuro sviluppo di questo settore.


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Questo documento affronta le novità ed i vantaggi introdotti nel mondo delle reti di telecomunicazioni dai paradigmi di Software Defined Networking e Network Functions Virtualization, affrontandone prima gli aspetti teorici, per poi applicarne i concetti nella pratica, tramite casi di studio gradualmente più complessi. Tali innovazioni rappresentano un'evoluzione dell'architettura delle reti predisposte alla presenza di più utenti connessi alle risorse da esse offerte, trovando quindi applicazione soprattutto nell'emergente ambiente di Cloud Computing e realizzando in questo modo reti altamente dinamiche e programmabili, tramite la virtualizzazione dei servizi di rete richiesti per l'ottimizzazione dell'utilizzo di risorse. Motivo di tale lavoro è la ricerca di soluzioni ai problemi di staticità e dipendenza, dai fornitori dei nodi intermedi, della rete Internet, i maggiori ostacoli per lo sviluppo delle architetture Cloud. L'obiettivo principale dello studio presentato in questo documento è quello di valutare l'effettiva convenienza dell'applicazione di tali paradigmi nella creazione di reti, controllando in questo modo che le promesse di aumento di autonomia e dinamismo vengano rispettate. Tale scopo viene perseguito attraverso l'implementazione di entrambi i paradigmi SDN e NFV nelle sperimentazioni effettuate sulle reti di livello L2 ed L3 del modello OSI. Il risultato ottenuto da tali casi di studio è infine un'interessante conferma dei vantaggi presentati durante lo studio teorico delle innovazioni in analisi, rendendo esse una possibile soluzione futura alle problematiche attuali delle reti.


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This paper addresses the novel notion of offering a radio access network as a service. Its components may be instantiated on general purpose platforms with pooled resources (both radio and hardware ones) dimensioned on-demand, elastically and following the pay-per-use principle. A novel architecture is proposed that supports this concept. The architecture's success is in its modularity, well-defined functional elements and clean separation between operational and control functions. By moving much processing traditionally located in hardware for computation in the cloud, it allows the optimisation of hardware utilization and reduction of deployment and operation costs. It enables operators to upgrade their network as well as quickly deploy and adapt resources to demand. Also, new players may easily enter the market, permitting a virtual network operator to provide connectivity to its users.


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The near-real time retrieval of low stratiform cloud (LSC) coverage is of vital interest for such disciplines as meteorology, transport safety, economy and air quality. Within this scope, a novel methodology is proposed which provides the LSC occurrence probability estimates for a satellite scene. The algorithm is suited for the 1 × 1 km Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data and was trained and validated against collocated SYNOP observations. Utilisation of these two combined data sources requires a formulation of constraints in order to discriminate cases where the LSC is overlaid by higher clouds. The LSC classification process is based on six features which are first converted to the integer form by step functions and combined by means of bitwise operations. Consequently, a set of values reflecting a unique combination of those features is derived which is further employed to extract the LSC occurrence probability estimates from the precomputed look-up vectors (LUV). Although the validation analyses confirmed good performance of the algorithm, some inevitable misclassification with other optically thick clouds were reported. Moreover, the comparison against Polar Platform System (PPS) cloud-type product revealed superior classification accuracy. From the temporal perspective, the acquired results reported a presence of diurnal and annual LSC probability cycles over Europe.


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In this paper, we present a revolutionary vision of 5G networks, in which SDN programs wireless network functions, and where Mobile Network Operators (MNO), Enterprises, and Over-The-Top (OTT) third parties are provided with NFV-ready Network Store. The proposed Network Store serves as a digital distribution platform of programmable Virtualized Network Functions (VNFs) that enable 5G application use-cases. Currently existing application stores, such as Apple's App Store for iOS applications, Google's Play Store for Android, or Ubuntu's Software Center, deliver applications to user specific software platforms. Our vision is to provide a digital marketplace, gathering 5G enabling Network Applications and Network Functions, written to run on top of commodity cloud infrastructures, connected to remote radio heads (RRH). The 5G Network Store will be the same to the cloud as the application store is currently to a software platform.


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El Trabajo Fin de Grado ha consistido en el diseño e implementación de una herramienta para la gestión y administración de los entrenamientos de atletas de deportes individuales. Hasta ahora los deportistas debían gestionar sus entrenamientos a través de hojas de cálculo, teniendo que dedicar tiempo al aprendizaje de herramientas como Microsoft Excel u OpenOffice Excel para personalizar las plantillas y guardar los datos, utilizar otras herramientas como Google Calendar para obtener una visión de un calendario con los entrenamientos realizados o bien utilizar programas hechos a medida para un deporte e incluso para un deportista. El objetivo principal consistía en desarrollar una herramienta que unificara todas las tareas para ofrecer al deportista las funciones de configuración de plantillas, registro y generación de gráficas de los datos registrados y visionado del calendario de entrenamientos de una forma ágil, sencilla e intuitiva, adaptándose a las necesidades de cualquier deporte o deportista. Para alcanzar el objetivo principal realizamos encuestas a atletas de una gran diversidad de deportes individuales, detectando las particularidades de cada deporte y analizando los datos que nos ofrecían para alcanzar el objetivo de diseñar una herramienta versátil que permitiera su uso independientemente de los parámetros que se quisiera registrar de cada entrenamiento. La herramienta generada es una herramienta programada en Java, que ofrece portabilidad a cualquier sistema operativo que lo soporte, sin ser necesario realizar una instalación previa. Es una aplicación plug and play en la que solo se necesita del fichero ejecutable para su funcionamiento; de esta forma facilitamos que el deportista guarde toda la información en muy poco espacio, 6 megabytes aproximadamente, y pueda llevarla a cualquier lado en un pen drive o en sistemas de almacenamiento en la nube. Además, los ficheros en los que se registran los datos son ficheros CSV (valores separados por comas) con un formato estandarizado que permite la exportación a otras herramientas. Como conclusión el atleta ahorra tiempo y esfuerzo en tareas ajenas a la práctica del deporte y disfruta de una herramienta que le permite analizar de diferentes maneras cada uno de los parámetros registrados para ver su evolución y ayudarle a mejorar aquellos aspectos que sean deficientes. ---ABSTRACT---The Final Project consists in the design and implementation of a tool for the management and administration of training logs for individual athletes. Until now athletes had to manage their workouts through spreadsheets, having to spend time in learning tools such as Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice in order to save the data, others tools like Google Calendar to check their training plan or buy specifics programs designed for a specific sport or even for an athlete. The main purpose of this project is to develop an intuitive and straightforward tool that unifies all tasks offering setup functions, data recording, graph generation and training schedule to the athletes. Whit this in mind, we have interviewed athletes from a wide range of individual sports, identifying their specifications and analyzing the data provided to design a flexible tool that registers multitude of training parameters. This tool has been coded in Java, providing portability to any operating system that supports it, without installation being required. It is a plug and play application, that only requires the executable file to start working. Accordingly, athletes can keep all the information in a relative reduced space (aprox 6 megabytes) and save it in a pen drive or in the cloud. In addition, the files whit the stored data are CSV (comma separated value) files whit a standardized format that allows exporting to other tools. Consequently athletes will save time and effort on tasks unrelated to the practice of sports. The new tool will enable them to analyze in detail all the existing data and improve in those areas with development opportunities.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desenvolvimento de Software e Sistemas Interactivos, realizada sob a orientação científica do Doutor Osvaldo Arede dos Santos, Professor Adjunto da Unidade Técnico Científica de Informática da Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco.


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Aim of the study: To introduce and describe FlorNExT®, a free cloud computing application to estimate growth and yield of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) even-aged stands in the Northeast of Portugal (NE Portugal). Area of study: NE Portugal. Material and methods: FlorNExT® implements a dynamic growth and yield modelling framework which integrates transition functions for dominant height (site index curves) and basal area, as well as output functions for tree and stand volume, biomass, and carbon content. Main results: FlorNExT® is freely available from any device with an Internet connection at: http://flornext.esa.ipb.pt/. Research highlights: This application has been designed to make it possible for any stakeholder to easily estimate standing volume, biomass, and carbon content in maritime pine stands from stand data, as well as to estimate growth and yield based on four stand variables: age, density, dominant height, and basal area. FlorNExT® allows planning thinning treatments. FlorNExT® is a fundamental tool to support forest mobilization at local and regional scales in NE Portugal. Material and methods: FlorNExT® implements a dynamic growth and yield modelling framework which integrates transition functions for dominant height (site index curves) and basal area, as well as output functions for tree and stand volume, biomass, and carbon content. Main results: FlorNExT® is freely available from any device with an Internet connection at: http://flornext.esa.ipb.pt/. Research highlights: This application has been designed to make it possible for any stakeholder to easily estimate standing volume, biomass, and carbon content in maritime pine stands from stand data, as well as to estimate growth and yield based on four stand variables: age, density, dominant height, and basal area. FlorNExT® allows planning thinning treatments. FlorNExT® is a fundamental tool to support forest mobilization at local and regional scales in NE Portugal.


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Part 5: Service Orientation in Collaborative Networks


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The recent trend of moving Cloud Computing capabilities to the Edge of the network is reshaping how applications and their middleware supports are designed, deployed, and operated. This new model envisions a continuum of virtual resources between the traditional cloud and the network edge, which is potentially more suitable to meet the heterogeneous Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of diverse application domains and next-generation applications. Several classes of advanced Internet of Things (IoT) applications, e.g., in the industrial manufacturing domain, are expected to serve a wide range of applications with heterogeneous QoS requirements and call for QoS management systems to guarantee/control performance indicators, even in the presence of real-world factors such as limited bandwidth and concurrent virtual resource utilization. The present dissertation proposes a comprehensive QoS-aware architecture that addresses the challenges of integrating cloud infrastructure with edge nodes in IoT applications. The architecture provides end-to-end QoS support by incorporating several components for managing physical and virtual resources. The proposed architecture features: i) a multilevel middleware for resolving the convergence between Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT), ii) an end-to-end QoS management approach compliant with the Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) standard, iii) new approaches for virtualized network environments, such as running TSN-based applications under Ultra-low Latency (ULL) constraints in virtual and 5G environments, and iv) an accelerated and deterministic container overlay network architecture. Additionally, the QoS-aware architecture includes two novel middlewares: i) a middleware that transparently integrates multiple acceleration technologies in heterogeneous Edge contexts and ii) a QoS-aware middleware for Serverless platforms that leverages coordination of various QoS mechanisms and virtualized Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) invocation stack to manage end-to-end QoS metrics. Finally, all architecture components were tested and evaluated by leveraging realistic testbeds, demonstrating the efficacy of the proposed solutions.


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The pervasive availability of connected devices in any industrial and societal sector is pushing for an evolution of the well-established cloud computing model. The emerging paradigm of the cloud continuum embraces this decentralization trend and envisions virtualized computing resources physically located between traditional datacenters and data sources. By totally or partially executing closer to the network edge, applications can have quicker reactions to events, thus enabling advanced forms of automation and intelligence. However, these applications also induce new data-intensive workloads with low-latency constraints that require the adoption of specialized resources, such as high-performance communication options (e.g., RDMA, DPDK, XDP, etc.). Unfortunately, cloud providers still struggle to integrate these options into their infrastructures. That risks undermining the principle of generality that underlies the cloud computing scale economy by forcing developers to tailor their code to low-level APIs, non-standard programming models, and static execution environments. This thesis proposes a novel system architecture to empower cloud platforms across the whole cloud continuum with Network Acceleration as a Service (NAaaS). To provide commodity yet efficient access to acceleration, this architecture defines a layer of agnostic high-performance I/O APIs, exposed to applications and clearly separated from the heterogeneous protocols, interfaces, and hardware devices that implement it. A novel system component embodies this decoupling by offering a set of agnostic OS features to applications: memory management for zero-copy transfers, asynchronous I/O processing, and efficient packet scheduling. This thesis also explores the design space of the possible implementations of this architecture by proposing two reference middleware systems and by adopting them to support interactive use cases in the cloud continuum: a serverless platform and an Industry 4.0 scenario. A detailed discussion and a thorough performance evaluation demonstrate that the proposed architecture is suitable to enable the easy-to-use, flexible integration of modern network acceleration into next-generation cloud platforms.


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Trees from tropical montane cloud forest (TMCF) display very dynamic patterns of water use. They are capable of downwards water transport towards the soil during leaf-wetting events, likely a consequence of foliar water uptake (FWU), as well as high rates of night-time transpiration (Enight) during drier nights. These two processes might represent important sources of water losses and gains to the plant, but little is known about the environmental factors controlling these water fluxes. We evaluated how contrasting atmospheric and soil water conditions control diurnal, nocturnal and seasonal dynamics of sap flow in Drimys brasiliensis (Miers), a common Neotropical cloud forest species. We monitored the seasonal variation of soil water content, micrometeorological conditions and sap flow of D. brasiliensis trees in the field during wet and dry seasons. We also conducted a greenhouse experiment exposing D. brasiliensis saplings under contrasting soil water conditions to deuterium-labelled fog water. We found that during the night D. brasiliensis possesses heightened stomatal sensitivity to soil drought and vapour pressure deficit, which reduces night-time water loss. Leaf-wetting events had a strong suppressive effect on tree transpiration (E). Foliar water uptake increased in magnitude with drier soil and during longer leaf-wetting events. The difference between diurnal and nocturnal stomatal behaviour in D. brasiliensis could be attributed to an optimization of carbon gain when leaves are dry, as well as minimization of nocturnal water loss. The leaf-wetting events on the other hand seem important to D. brasiliensis water balance, especially during soil droughts, both by suppressing tree transpiration (E) and as a small additional water supply through FWU. Our results suggest that decreases in leaf-wetting events in TMCF might increase D. brasiliensis water loss and decrease its water gains, which could compromise its ecophysiological performance and survival during dry periods.


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A compact frequency standard based on an expanding cold (133)CS cloud is under development in our laboratory. In a first experiment, Cs cold atoms were prepared by a magneto-optical trap in a vapor cell, and a microwave antenna was used to transmit the radiation for the clock transition. The signal obtained from fluorescence of the expanding cold atoms cloud is used to lock a microwave chain. In this way the overall system stability is evaluated. A theoretical model based on a two-level system interacting with the two microwave pulses enables interpretation for the observed features, especially the poor Ramsey fringes contrast. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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Context. Analysis of ages and metallicities of star clusters in the Magellanic Clouds provide information for studies on the chemical evolution of the Clouds and other dwarf irregular galaxies. Aims. The aim is to derive ages and metallicities from integrated spectra of 14 star clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud, including a few intermediate/old age star clusters. Methods. Making use of a full-spectrum fitting technique, we compared the integrated spectra of the sample clusters to three different sets of single stellar population models, using two fitting codes available in the literature. Results. We derive the ages and metallicities of 9 intermediate/old age clusters, some of them previously unstudied, and 5 young clusters. Conclusions. We point out the interest of the newly identified as intermediate/old age clusters HW1, NGC 152, Lindsay 3, Lindsay 11, and Lindsay 113. We also confirm the old ages of NGC 361, NGC 419, Kron 3, and of the very well-known oldest SMC cluster, NGC 121.


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The formation of clouds is an important process for the atmosphere, the hydrological cycle, and climate, but some aspects of it are not completely understood. In this work, we show that microorganisms might affect cloud formation without leaving the Earth's surface by releasing biological surfactants (or biosurfactants) in the environment, that make their way into atmospheric aerosols and could significantly enhance their activation into cloud droplets. In the first part of this work, the cloud-nucleating efficiency of standard biosurfactants was characterized and found to be better than that of any aerosol material studied so far, including inorganic salts. These results identify molecular structures that give organic compounds exceptional cloud-nucleating properties. In the second part, atmospheric aerosols were sampled at different locations: a temperate coastal site, a marine site, a temperate forest, and a tropical forest. Their surface tension was measured and found to be below 30 mN/m, the lowest reported for aerosols, to our knowledge. This very low surface tension was attributed to the presence of biosurfactants, the only natural substances able to reach to such low values. The presence of strong microbial surfactants in aerosols would be consistent with the organic fractions of exceptional cloud-nucleating efficiency recently found in aerosols, and with the correlations between algae bloom and cloud cover reported in the Southern Ocean. The results of this work also suggest that biosurfactants might be common in aerosols and thus of global relevance. If this is confirmed, a new role for microorganisms on the atmosphere and climate could be identified.