944 resultados para Google Book Project
With the advent of mass digitization projects, such as the Google Book Search, a peculiar shift has occurred in the way that copyright works are dealt with. Contrary to what has so far been the case, works are turned into machine-readable data to be automatically processed for various purposes without the expression of works being displayed to the public. In the Google Book Settlement Agreement, this new kind of usage is referred to as ‘non-display uses’ of digital works. The legitimacy of these uses has not yet been tested by Courts and does not comfortably fit in the current copyright doctrine, plainly because the works are not used as works but as something else, namely as data. Since non-display uses may prove to be a very lucrative market in the near future, with the potential to affect the way people use copyright works, we examine non-display uses under the prism of copyright principles to determine the boundaries of their legitimacy. Through this examination, we provide a categorization of the activities carried out under the heading of ‘non-display uses’, we examine their lawfulness under the current copyright doctrine and approach the phenomenon from the spectrum of data protection law that could apply, by analogy, to the use of copyright works as processable data.
Digitization is big news; it's a good idea; and it's inevitable. But let's not get all goggle-eyed over Google right away. Here are five reasons not to tear up your library card quite yet.
On 14 November 2013, the US District Court of the Southern District of New York issued a major ruling in favour of the Google Books project, concluding that Google’s unauthorized scanning and indexing of millions of copyrighted books in the collections of participating libraries and subsequently making snippets of these works available online through the “Google Books” search tool qualifies as a fair use under section 107 USCA. After assuming that Google’s actions constitute a prima facie case of copyright infringement, Judge Chin examined the four factors in section 107 USCA and concluded in favour of fair use on the grounds that the project provides “significant public benefits,” that the unauthorized use of copyrighted works (a search tool of scanned full-text books) is “highly transformative” and that it does not supersede or supplant these works. The fair use defence also excluded Google’s liability for making copies of scanned books available to the libraries (as well as under secondary liability since library actions were also found to be protected by fair use): it is aimed at enhancing lawful uses of the digitized books by the libraries for the advancement of the arts and sciences. A previous ruling by the same court of 22 March 2011 had rejected a settlement agreement proposed by the parties, on the grounds that it was “not fair, adequate, and reasonable”. The Authors Guild has appealed the ruling.
Tras liderar la investigación e indización de la información por cerca de una década, el motor de búsqueda Google se ha convertido en un sistema económico que influye nuestro mundo contemporáneo, contribuyendo grandemente a la transformación de nuestro mundo en un único globo virtual. En años recientes, Google ha comenzado a ofrecer a los usuarios globales aplicaciones o software que son usados para nuestra herencia cultural. Este software se resalta aquí en su potencial, desde un punto de vista económico, cultural y turístico. Tratamos de describir lo más importante del software de Google (como Google Maps, Google Street View, Google Earth, Google SketchUp, Google Books y Google Art Project), con el mayor y más evidente impacto en los sectores culturales y turísticos. Este ensayo muestra la digitalización y promoción de la herencia cultural italiana en Google, a través de sus programas informáticos (por ejemplo, Google Street View que ha llevado al uso de vistas tridimensionales remotas de algunos de los más importantes monumentos y sitios arqueológicos de Italia; el uso de Google SketchUp ha llevado al diseño de reconstrucción tridimensional del histórico centro de la ciudad de L'Aquila, devastada luego del terremoto de abril de 2009 y nunca reconstruida), y a través de diversos programas asociados específicos con el Ministerio Italiano de Cultura
Tras liderar la investigación e indización de la información por cerca de una década, el motor de búsqueda Google se ha convertido en un sistema económico que influye nuestro mundo contemporáneo, contribuyendo grandemente a la transformación de nuestro mundo en un único globo virtual. En años recientes, Google ha comenzado a ofrecer a los usuarios globales aplicaciones o software que son usados para nuestra herencia cultural. Este software se resalta aquí en su potencial, desde un punto de vista económico, cultural y turístico. Tratamos de describir lo más importante del software de Google (como Google Maps, Google Street View, Google Earth, Google SketchUp, Google Books y Google Art Project), con el mayor y más evidente impacto en los sectores culturales y turísticos. Este ensayo muestra la digitalización y promoción de la herencia cultural italiana en Google, a través de sus programas informáticos (por ejemplo, Google Street View que ha llevado al uso de vistas tridimensionales remotas de algunos de los más importantes monumentos y sitios arqueológicos de Italia; el uso de Google SketchUp ha llevado al diseño de reconstrucción tridimensional del histórico centro de la ciudad de L'Aquila, devastada luego del terremoto de abril de 2009 y nunca reconstruida), y a través de diversos programas asociados específicos con el Ministerio Italiano de Cultura
Tras liderar la investigación e indización de la información por cerca de una década, el motor de búsqueda Google se ha convertido en un sistema económico que influye nuestro mundo contemporáneo, contribuyendo grandemente a la transformación de nuestro mundo en un único globo virtual. En años recientes, Google ha comenzado a ofrecer a los usuarios globales aplicaciones o software que son usados para nuestra herencia cultural. Este software se resalta aquí en su potencial, desde un punto de vista económico, cultural y turístico. Tratamos de describir lo más importante del software de Google (como Google Maps, Google Street View, Google Earth, Google SketchUp, Google Books y Google Art Project), con el mayor y más evidente impacto en los sectores culturales y turísticos. Este ensayo muestra la digitalización y promoción de la herencia cultural italiana en Google, a través de sus programas informáticos (por ejemplo, Google Street View que ha llevado al uso de vistas tridimensionales remotas de algunos de los más importantes monumentos y sitios arqueológicos de Italia; el uso de Google SketchUp ha llevado al diseño de reconstrucción tridimensional del histórico centro de la ciudad de L'Aquila, devastada luego del terremoto de abril de 2009 y nunca reconstruida), y a través de diversos programas asociados específicos con el Ministerio Italiano de Cultura
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação
The Biblioteca de Catalunya (BC) was created in 1907 by the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC). In 1914 the Mancomunitat de Catalunya gave the library its condition of cultural and public service, open to researchers and scholars. The library underwent several changes as a consequence of political events, along the most of 20th century. In 1981 it was recognized by law as national library and it recovered its foundational aim of gathering, preserving and disseminating the bibliographical output of Catalonia and the production related with the Catalan linguistic field. As the proud host of ANADP2, the BC wants to show the attendees to the conference how, since 2004, has positioned itself to face the challenge of the new informational and technological paradigm. The library strategy for oncoming years includes giving open and free access online to the digitization of many of his collections through the portals MDC (Digital Memory of Catalonia), ARCA (Old Catalan Serials Archive) and Google Books project; the creation of the Web Archive of Catalonia and, as the last step in the consolidation of its policy, a high-security preserving repository named COFRE, based on the international guidelines and initiatives and the experience of the BC itself.
This book is dedicated to celebrate the 60th birthday of Professor Rainer Huopalahti. Professor Rainer “Repe” Huopalahti has had, and in fact is still enjoying a distinguished career in the analysis of food and food related flavor compounds. One will find it hard to make any progress in this particular field without a valid and innovative sample handling technique and this is a field in which Professor Huopalahti has made great contributions. The title and the front cover of this book honors Professor Huopahti’s early steps in science. His PhD thesis which was published on 1985 is entitled “Composition and content of aroma compounds in the dill herb, Anethum graveolens L., affected by different factors”. At that time, the thesis introduced new technology being applied to sample handling and analysis of flavoring compounds of dill. Sample handling is an essential task that in just about every analysis. If one is working with minor compounds in a sample or trying to detect trace levels of the analytes, one of the aims of sample handling may be to increase the sensitivity of the analytical method. On the other hand, if one is working with a challenging matrix such as the kind found in biological samples, one of the aims is to increase the selectivity. However, quite often the aim is to increase both the selectivity and the sensitivity. This book provides good and representative examples about the necessity of valid sample handling and the role of the sample handling in the analytical method. The contributors of the book are leading Finnish scientists on the field of organic instrumental analytical chemistry. Some of them are also Repe’ s personal friends and former students from the University of Turku, Department of Biochemistry and Food Chemistry. Importantly, the authors all know Repe in one way or another and are well aware of his achievements on the field of analytical chemistry. The editorial team had a great time during the planning phase and during the “hard work editorial phase” of the book. For example, we came up with many ideas on how to publish the book. After many long discussions, we decided to have a limited edition as an “old school hard cover book” – and to acknowledge more modern ways of disseminating knowledge by publishing an internet version of the book on the webpages of the University of Turku. Downloading the book from the webpage for personal use is free of charge. We believe and hope that the book will be read with great interest by scientists working in the fascinating field of organic instrumental analytical chemistry. We decided to publish our book in English for two main reasons. First, we believe that in the near future, more and more teaching in Finnish Universities will be delivered in English. To facilitate this process and encourage students to develop good language skills, it was decided to be published the book in English. Secondly, we believe that the book will also interest scientists outside Finland – particularly in the other member states of the European Union. The editorial team thanks all the authors for their willingness to contribute to this book – and to adhere to the very strict schedule. We also want to thank the various individuals and enterprises who financially supported the book project. Without that support, it would not have been possible to publish the hardcover book.
Depuis longtemps déjà, les arts visuels se démarquent par leurs rapports proches quoique créatifs avec les développements technologiques des sociétés modernes. Pour les musées, Internet constitue une opportunité de rejoindre des publics qui s’avèrent de prime abord moins accessibles. Ce nouvel acteur dans le monde de l'art occupe une place croissante dans la présentation des oeuvres tout en jouant un rôle déterminant dans la diffusion et donc dans le retentissement qu'elles ont auprès de publics aux attentes changeantes. Alors que le musée diffusait autrefois ses collections et connaissances par les expositions et les catalogues, le cyberespace est aujourd’hui un nouveau lieu public qu’il lui convient d’investir. L’internaute est souvent isolé dans sa quête d’une « trouvaille » parmi la diversité de l’offre technologique. Nous proposons l’image alternative du flâneur comme métaphore opérationnelle afin d’analyser la relation entre l’internaute et l’exposition. Les oeuvres sont transposées dans le virtuel par le médium numérique, le même langage qui sous-tend l’exposition dans son ensemble, un transfert dont les implications sont nombreuses. La reproduction, par sa nature désacralisée, autorise la manipulation virtuelle. C’est une nouvelle forme de participation qui est exigée des spectateurs, non pas en termes d’acquisition rationnelle de connaissances, mais de manière ludoéducative, par cette même manipulation de l’image. Dans le but de souligner l’authenticité de l’oeuvre originale par la présentation de son équivalent numérique, l’exposition virtuelle est souvent médiatrice et documentaire avant tout, privilégiant l’observation technologique didactique.
In my last rustication, I opined the details of the 300-page Google Book Deal settlement made in late 2008 between Google and authors and publishers vis-à-vis Google’s massive digitization scheme (those cases, viz., Authors Guild et al v. Google and McGraw-Hill et al v. Google).
Will libraries survive the Google Book Search deal?