984 resultados para Good News


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Standard macroeconomic models that assume an exogenous stochastic process for multifactor productivity offer the interpretation that recessions are the result of ''bad news'' (technological regress) and expansions are the result of ''good news'' (technological advancement). The view taken here is that both expansions and recessions are the result of ''good news'' in the sense that in both cases, aggregate production possibilities have increased. Recessions can be thought of as the transition from one technological frontier to the next.


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Dos elementos permiten reflexionar sobre el futuro de los seres humanos: La buena noticia es que a través de la ciencia los seres humanos pueden vivir más de 80 años. La noticia negativa es que de acuerdo con las estadísticas, entre los 60 y 80 años de edad las personas van a sufrir algún tipo de discapacidad. Esta situación hace que muchos países trabajen hoy para hacer una contribución, por pequeña que parezca, que ayude a mantener los aspectos sanitarios susceptibles a la enfermedad. Estas contribuciones están directamente vinculadas a las acciones de atención primaria, educación en salud oral en las instituciones educativas que reúnen a los niños con discapacidad, sus familias y profesores, y teniendo en cuenta que los bebés y los niños con discapacidad se encuentran en vulnerabilidad desde la salud oral. Los objetivos de este trabajo son: compartir experiencias de educación para la salud oral en instituciones educativas especiales en Perú y Argentina y proporcionar recursos didácticos a través de herramientas educativas que permitan ayudar a los niños, maestros, padres y comunidad en el aprendizaje del cuidado de la salud oral en especial las instituciones educativas de ambos países. Desde la población en estudio se seleccionó una muestra aleatoria entre 2.010 escuelas especiales en la región de Lima, Perú y Mendoza, Argentina. Se acordaron temas básicos de promoción de la salud bucal como: higiene bucal, salud bucal, enfermedades prevalentes, caries, enfermedad periodontal, maloclusión, medidas de prevención, nutrición, etc. y se realizó una encuesta entre los padres para evaluar los conocimientos en los tópicos mencionados y el grado de compromiso de los maestros para aplicar estrategias de higiene en el ámbito escolar. Conclusión: La creación de espacios comunitarios para insertar la salud oral es un desafío. Ambos países desarrollan metodologías similares, resultando muy rica la experiencia de compartir las actividades que realizan cada uno de ellos. La premisa “Lo normal es ser diferente" es compartida por nosotros desde la idea de personalizar e individualizar las acciones con un fin común. En Promoción de la Salud Bucal para niños especiales Perú y Argentina se encuentran en la misma dirección.


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We analyzed 87Sr/86Sr ratios in foraminifera, pore fluids, and fish teeth for samples ranging in age from Eocene to Pleistocene from four Ocean Drilling Program sites distributed around the globe: Site 1090 in the Cape Basin of the Southern Ocean, Site 757 on the Ninetyeast Ridge in the Indian Ocean, Site 807 on the Ontong-Java Plateau in the western equatorial Pacific, and Site 689 on the Maud Rise in the Southern Ocean. Sr isotopic ratios for dated foraminifera consistently plot on the global seawater Sr isotope curve. For Sites 1090, 757, and 807 Sr isotopic values of the pore fluids are generally less radiogenic than contemporaneous seawater values, as are values for fossil fish teeth. In contrast, pore fluid 87Sr/86Sr values at Site 689 are more radiogenic than contemporaneous seawater, and the corresponding fish teeth also record more radiogenic values. Thus, Sr isotopic values preserved in fossil fish teeth are consistently altered in the direction of the pore fluid values; furthermore, there is a correlation between the magnitude of the offset between the pore fluids and the seawater curve, and the associated offset between the fish teeth and the seawater curve. These data suggest that the hydroxyfluorapatite of the fossil fish teeth continues to recrystallize and exchange Sr with its surroundings during burial and diagenesis. Therefore, Sr chemostratigraphy can be used to determine rough ages for fossil fish teeth in these cores, but cannot be used to fine-tune age models. In contrast to the Sr isotopic system, our Nd concentration data, combined with published isotopic and rare earth element data, suggest that fish teeth acquire Nd during early diagenesis while they are still in direct contact with seawater. The concentrations of Nd acquired at this stage are extremely high relative to the concentrations in surrounding pore fluids. As a result, Nd isotopes are not altered during burial and later diagenesis. Therefore, fossil fish teeth from a variety of marine environments preserve a reliable and robust record of deep seawater Nd isotopic compositions from the time of deposition.


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Sampling a network with a given probability distribution has been identified as a useful operation. In this paper we propose distributed algorithms for sampling networks, so that nodes are selected by a special node, called the source, with a given probability distribution. All these algorithms are based on a new class of random walks, that we call Random Centrifugal Walks (RCW). A RCW is a random walk that starts at the source and always moves away from it. Firstly, an algorithm to sample any connected network using RCW is proposed. The algorithm assumes that each node has a weight, so that the sampling process must select a node with a probability proportional to its weight. This algorithm requires a preprocessing phase before the sampling of nodes. In particular, a minimum diameter spanning tree (MDST) is created in the network, and then nodes weights are efficiently aggregated using the tree. The good news are that the preprocessing is done only once, regardless of the number of sources and the number of samples taken from the network. After that, every sample is done with a RCW whose length is bounded by the network diameter. Secondly, RCW algorithms that do not require preprocessing are proposed for grids and networks with regular concentric connectivity, for the case when the probability of selecting a node is a function of its distance to the source. The key features of the RCW algorithms (unlike previous Markovian approaches) are that (1) they do not need to warm-up (stabilize), (2) the sampling always finishes in a number of hops bounded by the network diameter, and (3) it selects a node with the exact probability distribution.


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From the Introduction. On October 12th the Nobel Committee announced that the annual Nobel Peace Prize would be awarded to the European Union for, “promoting peace, democracy and human rights over six decades”.1 This was a bit of good news for the EU who had produced nothing but bad press with the Euro Crisis, the bailouts of struggling countries like Greece, and protests in the southern member states of Spain, Portugal, and Italy. At such a momentous occasion the EU’s next challenge was to figure out who would be the rightful head of the EU to accept the award. The EU has made their decision by opting to send its top three officials Jose Manuel Barroso the President of the European Commission, Herman Van Rompuy the President of the European Council, and Martin Schulz the President of the European Parliament2 as a sign that the EU is not headed by one person but instead is an supranational economic and political bloc that seeks to unify the European continent. Their symbolic acceptance of the award is in response to what Geir Lundestad, the Secretary of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, called, “an accumulated record.”3 This record has ushered the EU into the international spotlight as a beacon for countries in the EU’s periphery to want to join the bloc.


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For many of those who remember the hostile EU-US trade relations of the 1980’s and the various trade disputes that have emerged between these two trade partners since then, the opening of negotiations on a joint free trade area would be good news. Strengthened trade cooperation between the partners holds the promise of expanding their mutual exchange of goods and services, not the least by solving obstacles to integration on less transparent issues such as the extent to which product characteristics should be defined by their regional characteristics (e.g. can Budweiser be produced outside the Budweis region in the Czech Republic?).


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The European Council meeting on 7 and 8 February 2013 attracted an unusual level of attention from media and citizens. For a couple of days, Europe played a more important role in national politics and news. Sensation-frenzied media and excited politicians spouted notions of ‘a battle’, ‘winners’, ‘losers’ or ‘striking deals’, as if Europe had gone back to the time when its military powers still conflicted. After more than 24 hours of intense negotiations, the respective Member States leaders left Brussels with ‘good news’ for their citizens. However, those with more Euro-federalist feelings were left with a sense of non-accomplishment and missed opportunities, not only because the EU budget for the first time in history was set for a net decrease, but also because the European Council’s conclusions did not contain any ground-breaking changes to this system. Nevertheless, the European Parliament (EP) immediately reminded Europe about its role and outlined its conditions for further negotiations. Thus, the supporters of a modern and stronger EU budget still see a chance in the consent procedure and hope to shift the focus of the debate from the juste retour spirit to the consideration of the European common good. Is there still a chance for such a shift? What issues are at stake?


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Notwithstanding the erratic stock market responses around the world, this CEPS Commentary argues that while a slowdown of the world’s second-largest economy may not be good news for Europe, its effects will not be as bad as headlines would have us believe. In the short term, it finds that the biggest risks from the Chinese slowdown may be political, stemming from a weakening of the Renminbi, either from actions taken by China’s central bank and/or from large capital outflows.


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Introduction.--Dr. Cotton Mather's life of Governor William Bradford.--The Bradford manuscript.--Scrooby.--Amsterdam.--Leyden.--The resolution to migrate to America.--The negotiations of the Pilgrim church.--The voyage to America.--A relation, or journal, of the beginning and proceedings of the English plantation, settled at Plymouth.--The complaint of certain adventurers and inhabitants of the plantation in New England.--E. W. [Edward Winslow] Good news from New England.--A brief relation of a credible intelligence of the present state of Virginia.--A postscript.--Index.


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Crowds and machines -- Letting the crowds be good -- Letting the crowd be beautiful -- Crowds and heroes -- Good news and hard work.


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Estudo sobre a Rádio Comunitária Boa Nova FM do município de Senhora de Oliveira-MG, no que se refere às suas configurações e as relações com a comunidade local. Os objetivos são identificar o sistema de funcionamento da rádio comunitária como forma de compreender até que ponto ela se insere no cotidiano oliveirense e articula a movimentação local, sobretudo em períodos eleitorais; averiguar o tipo de informação veiculada; observar o sentimento dos ouvintes em relação à mesma. O estudo se baseia em pesquisa bibliográfica para tecer as teorias e nortear todo o processo de pesquisa e no estudo de caso por meio de procedimentos metodológicos como a pesquisa documental, a pesquisa participante e entrevistas semi-estruturadas, além de uma pesquisa de recepção junto aos ouvintes. Conclui-se que a rádio Boa Nova, que convive harmoniosamente com a comunicação comunitária estabelecida também pelo alto falante, articula de forma simplória a informação e a cultura local em suas práticas, pois há reprodução de conteúdo da mídia convencional, além de não haver uma participação ampla da associação comunitária que é sua mantenedora. Apesar da falta de conhecimento técnico da maioria dos locutores e da relação político partidária presente na emissora, há compatibilidade entre o que a rádio veicula e o interesse dos ouvintes.