66 resultados para Glove


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Grain boundaries (GBs), particularly ferrite: ferrite GBs, of X70 pipeline steel were characterized using analytical electron microscopy (AEM) in order to understand its intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) mechanism(s). The microstructure consisted of ferrite (alpha), carbides at ferrite GBs, some pearlite and some small precipitates inside the ferrite grains. The precipitates containing Ti, Nb, V and N were identified as complex carbo-nitrides and designated as (Ti, Nb, WC, N). The GB carbides occurred (1) as carbides along ferrite GBs, (2) at triple points, and (3) at triple points and extending along the three ferrite GBs. The GB carbides were Mn rich, were sometimes also Si rich, contained no micro-alloying elements (Ti, Nb, V) and also contained no N. It was not possible to measure the GB carbon concentration due to surface hydrocarbon contamination despite plasma cleaning and glove bag transfer from the plasma cleaner to the electron microscope. Furthermore, there may not be enough X-ray signal from the small amount of carbon at the GBs to enable measurement using AEM. However, the microstructure does indicate that carbon does segregate to alpha : alpha GBs during microstructure development. This is particularly significant in relation to the strong evidence in the literature linking the segregation of carbon at GBs to IGSCC. It was possible to measure all other elements of interest. There was no segregation at alpha : alpha GBs, in particular no S, P and N, and also no segregation of the micro-alloying elements, Ti, Nb and V. (C) 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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Hand hygiene is critical in the healthcare setting and it is believed that methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), for example, is transmitted from patient to patient largely via the hands of health professionals. A study has been carried out at a large teaching hospital to estimate how often the gloves of a healthcare worker are contaminated with MRSA after contact with a colonized patient. The effectiveness of handwashing procedures to decontaminate the health professionals' hands was also investigated, together with how well different healthcare professional groups complied with handwashing procedures. The study showed that about 17% (9-25%) of contacts between a healthcare worker and a MRSA-colonized patient results in transmission of MRSA from a patient to the gloves of a healthcare worker. Different health professional groups have different rates of compliance with infection control procedures. Non-contact staff (cleaners, food services) had the shortest handwashing times. In this study, glove use compliance rates were 75% or above in all healthcare worker groups except doctors whose compliance was only 27%. (C) 2004 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This thesis describes the work carried out on the development of a novel digit actuator system with tactile perception feedback to a user and demonstrated as a master-slave system. For the tactile surface of the digit, contrasting sensor elements of resistive strain gauges and optical fibre Bragg grating sensors were evaluated. A distributive tactile sensing system consisting of optimised neural networking schemes was developed, resulting in taxonomy of artificial touch. The device is suitable for use in minimal invasive surgical (MIS) procedures as a steerable tip and a digit constructed wholly from polymers makes it suitable for use in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) environments enabling active monitoring of the patient during a procedure. To provide a realistic template of the work the research responded to the needs of two contrasting procedures: palpation of the prostate and endotracheal intubation in anaesthesia where the application of touch sense can significantly assist navigation. The performance of the approach was demonstrated with an experimental digit constructed for use in the laboratory in phantom trials. The phantom unit was developed to resemble facets of the clinical applications and digit system is able to evaluate reactive force distributions acting over the surface of the digit as well as different descriptions of contact and motion relative to the surface of the lumen. Completing control of the digit is via an instrumented glove, such that the digit actuates in sympathy with finger gesture and tactile information feedback is achieved by a combination of the tactile and visual means.


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Investigations are carried out into the mass gain behaviour of fired clay ceramics following drying (130°C) and reheating (500°C), and the application of these mass gain properties to the dating of archaeological ceramics using a modified rehydroxylation dating (RHX) methodology, a component based approach. Gravimetric analysis is conducted using a temperature and humidity controlled glove box arrangement (featuring a top-loading balance) on eighteen samples of varied known ages and contexts; this occurs following transfer from environmentally controlled chambers where subsamples of these samples are aged at three temperatures (25°C, 35°C, 45°C) following drying and reheating. The sample set consists principally of post-medieval bricks, but also includes some post-medieval pottery as well as both Etruscan and Roman ceramics. A suite of techniques are applied to characterise these ceramics, including XRD, FTIR, p-XRF, thin-section petrography, BET analysis, TG-MS and permeametry.


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A presente dissertação foca-se na análise do dualismo esquerda-direita tanto em termos de motricidade humana, como em relação ao universo material e simbólico criado pelo homem. Para além do contraste simbólico entre a esquerda, com carácter negativo, e a direita, com carácter positivo, o mundo artificial está claramente orientado para promover a preferência de utilização da mão direita. Esta condição acentua uma maior assimetria na preferência e desempenho manuais dos destros, mas, em contrapartida, incentiva involuntariamente a que a generalidade dos esquerdinos apresente uma maior ambivalência motora entre as duas mãos. Neste documento são analisadas as vantagens desta estimulação psicomotora tanto com o objectivo de compensar o desequilíbrio motor entre esquerda e direita, como na consequente acepção simbólica e psicológica dos termos. A investigação resulta na aplicação prática da concepção de um jogo / brinquedo que, sob a forma de uma luva calçada pela mão preferida, permitirá o desenvolvimento de exercícios de motricidade fina realizados pela mão preterida. Com este projecto julgamos poder contribuir para uma sociedade mais inclusiva e desenvolvimento do potencial humano.


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Este artículo presenta el proceso de implementación de una API (Application Programming Interface) que permite la interacción del guante P5 de Essential Reality1 con un entorno virtual desarrollado en el lenguaje de programación Java y su librería Java 3D.2 Por otra parte, se describe un ejemplo implementado, haciendo uso de la API en cuestión. Con base en este ejemplo se presentan los resultados de la ejecución de pruebas de requerimientos de recursos físicos como la CPU y memoria física. Finalmente, se especifican las conclusiones y resultados obtenidos.