150 resultados para Globus Pallidus
The quantitative assessment of the age-dependent number of neuritic plaques is essential for the diagnosis of Alzheimer type dementia. This study reports the superiority of a modified Hortega-Globus stain compared to Bielschowsky and Bodian stains applied to samples obtained from ten brains of patients with a clinical history of progressive dementia. In two of ten cases only the modified Hortega-Globus stain allowed confirmation of the diagnosis of senile dementia of the Alzheimer type (SDAT). The counts of neuritic plaques in sections stained by other methods were not sufficient to establish the histological diagnosis of SDAT. These results indicate that the choice of the most sensitive staining method is critical for the correct histopathologic diagnosis of the Alzheimer type dementia.
Faksimile Martin Behaimin kartasta vuodelta 1492
Faksimile Johannes Scönerin kartasta vuodelta 1520
Fulgias Ludovicus
Editor: 1861- , K. Andree.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based differential display was used to screen for alterations in gene expression in the mesolimbic system of the human alcoholic brain. Total RNA was extracted from the nucleus accumbens of five alcoholic and five control brains. A selected subpopulation of mRNA was reverse-transcribed to cDNA and amplified by PCR. A differentially expressed cDNA fragment was recovered, cloned, and sequenced. Full sequence analysis of this 467 bp fragment revealed 98.2% homology with the human mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene. Dot-blot analysis showed increased expression of this gem in nucleus accumbens and hippocampus, but not in the superior frontal cortex, primary motor cortex, caudate, and pallidus/putamen In a total of eight human alcoholic brains, compared with seven control brains. A similar increased expression was observed by dot-blot analysis, using RNA from the cerebral cortex of rats chronically treated with alcohol vapor. Hybridization of a 16S rRNA oligonucleotide probe indicated that the expression of both rRNAs genes was significantly increased in nucleus accumbens. These results indicate that chronic alcohol consumption induces alteration in expression of mitochondrial genes in selected brain regions. The altered gene expression may reflect mitochondrial dysfunction In the alcohol-affected brain.
The distribution and cellular morphology of serotonergic neurons in the brain of two species of monotremes are described. Three clusters of serotonergic neurons were found: a hypothalamic cluster, a cluster in the rostral brainstem and a cluster in the caudal brainstem. Those in the hypothalamus consisted of two groups, the periventricular hypothalamic organ and the infundibular recess, that were intimately associated with the ependymal wall of the third ventricle. Within the rostral brainstem cluster, three distinct divisions were found: the dorsal raphe nucleus (with four subdivisions), the median raphe nucleus and the cells of the supralemniscal region. The dorsal raphe was within and adjacent to the periaqueductal gray matter, the median raphe was associated with the midline ventral to the dorsal raphe, and the cells of the supralemniscal region were in the tegmentum lateral to the median raphe and ventral to the dorsal raphe. The caudal cluster consisted of three divisions: the raphe obscurus nucleus, the raphe pallidus nucleus and the raphe magnus nucleus. The raphe obscurus nucleus was associated with the dorsal midline at the caudal-most part of the medulla oblongata. The raphe pallidus nucleus was found at the ventral midline of the medulla around the inferior olive. Raphe magnus was associated with the midline of the medulla and was found rostral to both the raphe obscurus and raphe pallidus. The results of our study are compared in an evolutionary context with those reported for other mammals and reptiles. Copyright (C) 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Schwanomas são tumores benignos, de crescimento lento, encapsulados, que surgem da bainha das células de Schwann de nervos motores, sensitivos ou cranianos, não contendo elementos nervosos. A localização na laringe é extremamente rara, existindo relatos esporádicos na literatura mundial. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso de schwanoma laríngeo atendido em nosso meio. O paciente de 82 anos de idade, sexo feminino, procurou nosso serviço com queixa de disfagia para sólidos de longa data e sensação de globus faríngeo. A laringoscopia com telescópio rígido de 70º evidenciou um tumor submucoso, arredondado, na região interaritenóidea. A tomografia computadorizada de pescoço mostrou tratar-se de lesão aparentemente sólida, sem necrose central e sem extensão para planos profundos, medindo aproximadamente 2,5 cm no maior diâmetro. A paciente foi submetida a microcirurgia de laringe, com ressecção completa da lesão. O exame histopatológico revelou tratar-se de um schwanoma laríngeo. A paciente evoluiu bem, sem sinais de tumor residual ou recidiva em dois anos de seguimento clínico.
No presente trabalho é dada uma introdução à família Tarsonemidae e são relatadas as seguintes espécies: Polyphagotarsus latus (Banks, 1904) Beer & Nucifora, 1965; Tarsonemus setifer Ewing, 1939; Steneotarsonemus ananas (Tryon, 1898) Beer, 1954; S. pallidus (Banks, 1901) Beer, 1954; S. hyaleos Beer, 1954 e Rhynohotarsonemus sp. Uma chave para a separação dos gêneros e outra para a separação das espécies de Steneotarsonemus é apresentada.
Four new species of the spider genus Cybaeodamus Mello-Leitão, 1938 are described and illustrated: C. meridionalis sp. nov. from Brazil and Argentina, C. taim sp. nov. from Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, C. brescoviti sp. nov. and C. tocantins sp. nov. from setentrional region of Brazil. For the species Cybaeodamus enigmaticus (Mello-Leitão, 1939), C. lycosoides (Nicolet, 1849) and C. ornatus Mello-Leitão, 1938, new illustrations based on the examination of the types are presented. The species Cybaeodamus nigrovittatus Mello-Leitão, 1941 which the holotype is an immature specimen, C. pallidus (Mello-Leitão, 1943) which the type was not located, C. rastellifer (Mello-Leitão, 1940) and C. scottae Mello-Leitão, 1941, both described upon juvenile specimens, all from Argentina, are considered as species inquirendae.
Last October 2nd the Author smeared nine tubes of Loewenstein medium with material obtained from closed pustulae of a seven years old boy, L2 case of leprosy. This material was very rich in Hansen bacilli in its different forms, inclusive globus, as is seen in the figures 2 and 3 of Plate 1. Part of this material obtained from pustulae opened by galvanocautery, was inoculated, at the same day, into white rats and guinea-pigs. November 26th a new biopsy gave more rich material, which was smeared again into Loewenstein fresh medium. December 15th three of the first and two of the second series of tubes of cultures showed germination of a yellow, dry and rough culture, covering almost the total surface of the medium. Microscopic examination of the culture showed that it was a pure culture of an acid-fast organism. Passages into glycerinated potatoes germinated well covering the surface of the same with a clear yellow granulated culture remaining the fluid (glycerinated water) quite limpid. The germination in glycerinated broth produced a yellow velum in the surface of the medium, as is seen in fig. 3 of Plate 2, without becoming turbid. The microorganism isolated twice from the same source of material was cocciforme (as Mycobacterium pulviforme of Marchoux), in the original culture, becoming more bacilliforme, always acid-fast, after passage into glycerinated media. The A. sent his culture to foreigner colleagues to study it and will inoculate it soon into laboratory animals.
L'anestèsia peribulbar és una tècnica anestèsica vàlida per a la cirurgia de cataractes. Consisteix en dues puncions que produeixen bloqueig motor i sensitiu del globus ocular. Per disminuir el dolor i l'ansietat de la punció es pot sedar els pacients. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és avaluar la seguretat de la sedació profunda amb propofol (un fàrmac hipnòtic), en termes de variabilitat hemodinàmica, depressió respiratòria i presència de moviments involuntaris que dificultin la punció.
Treball consistent en la construcció d'un exportador a format KML de mapes temàtics pel producte Geomedia PRO 6.1 possibilitant l'observació del component del temps sobre un globus virtual com és Google Earth. Mitjançant les dades de la xarxa XEMEC, es mostrarà un mapa temàtic d'exemple amb les dades d'intensitat i direcció del vent recollides en un període d'un any.