889 resultados para Glass Transitions
The spectroscopic properties of Tm3+-doped fluoroindate glasses (FIG) were described by single wavelength pumping in the red region. The Judd-Ofelt (J-O) theory was used to obtain the quantum efficiency of the 4f-4f transitions and other spectroscopic parameters. The dynamics of the fluorescence was investigated and energy transfer (ET) processes among Tm3+ ions were studied. The results indicate that a two-step one-photon absorption process is responsible for the ultraviolet upconversion (UC) emissions, and dipole-dipole interaction provides the main contribution for ET rate is equal to the decay rate of noninteracting among active ions.
In this report we investigate the optical properties and energy-transfer upconversion luminescence of Ho3+- and Tb3+/Yb 3+-codoped PbGeO3-PbF2-CdF2 glass-ceramic under infrared excitation. In Ho3+/Yb 3+-codoped sample, green(545 nm), red(652 nm), and near-infrared(754 nm) upconversion luminescence corresponding to the 4S 2(5F4) → 5I8, 5F5 → 5I8, and 4S2(5F4) → 5I 7, respectively, was readly observed. Blue(490 nm) signals assigned to the 5F2,3 → 5I8 transition was also detected. In the Tb3+/Yb3+ system, bright UV-visible emission around 384, 415, 438, 473-490, 545, 587, and 623 nm, identified as due to the 5D3(5G6) → 7FJ(J=6,5,4) and 5D4→ 7FJ(J=6,5,4,3) transitions, was measured. The comparison of the upconversion process in glass ceramic and its glassy precursor revealed that the former samples present much higher upconversion efficiencies. The dependence of the upconversion emission upon pump power, and doping contents was also examined. The results indicate that successive energy-transfer between ytterbium and holmium ions and cooperative energy-transfer between ytterbium and terbium ions followed by excited-state absorption are the dominant upconversion excitation mechanisms herein involved. The viability of using the samples for three-dimensional solid-state color displays is also discussed.
Blue and ultraviolet luminescence in (Pr3+, Gd3+) doped fluoroindate glass is studied for excitation in the red region (≈590 nm). Frequency upconversion (UC) is observed due to energy transfer (ET) among three Pr3+ ions initially excited to the D21 state corresponding to the ET process D21 + D21 + D21 → S01 + H53 + H53. Additionally, UC luminescence from states P 72 6 and I 72 6 of Gd3+ is observed for an excitation wavelength resonant with transitions of the Pr3+ ions. The characterization of the luminescence signals allowed to determine ET rate among the Pr3+ ions and provides evidence of interconfigurational ET between Gd3+ and Pr3+ ions. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.
An analytical model developed to describe the crystallization kinetics of spherical glass particles has been derived in this work. A continuous phase transition from three-dimensional (3D)-like to 1D-like crystal growth has been considered and a procedure for the quantitative evaluation of the critical time for this 3D-1D transition is proposed. This model also allows straightforward determination of the density of surface nucleation sites on glass powders using differential scanning calorimetry data obtained under different thermal conditions. © 2009 The American Ceramic Society.
Changing the sample's temperature from 200 K to 535 K, we observed 670-fold enhancement of a phonon-assisted upconversion emission at ≈754 nm obtained from a Nd3+-doped tellurite glass excited by 5 ns laser pulses at 805 nm. A rate-equation model, including the relevant energy levels and temperature dependent transition rates, is proposed to describe the process. The results fit well with the data when one considers the nonradiative transitions contributing for the 754 nm luminescence are promoted by an effective phonon mode with energy of 700 cm-1. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.
Relative to the Er3 +:gold-nanoparticle (Er3 +:Au-NP) axis, the polarization of the gold nanoparticle can be longitudinal (electric dipole parallel to the Er3 +:Au-NP axis) or transverse (electric dipole perpendicular to the Er3 +:Au-NP axis). For longitudinal polarization, the plasmon resonance modes of gold nanoparticles embedded in Er3 +-doped germanium-tellurite glass are activated using laser lines at 808 and 488 nm in resonance with radiative transitions of Er3 + ions. The gold nanoparticles were grown within the host glass by thermal annealing over various lengths of time, achieving diameters lower than 1.6 nm. The resonance wavelengths, determined theoretically and experimentally, are 770 and 800 nm. The absorption wavelength of nanoparticles was determined by using the Frohlich condition. Gold nanoparticles provide tunable emission resulting in a large enhancement for the 2H11/2 → 4I13/2 (emission at 805 nm) and 4S 3/2 → 4I13/2 (emission at 840 nm) electronic transitions of Er3 + ions; this is associated with the quantum yield of the energy transfer process. The excitation pathways, up-conversion and luminescence spectra of Er3 + ions are described through simplified energy level diagrams. We observed that up-conversion is favored by the excited-state absorption due to the presence of the gold nanoparticles coupled with the Er3 + ions within the glass matrix. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
This work reports on the infrared-to-visible CW frequency upconversion from planar waveguides based on Er3+-Yb3+-doped 100-xSiO(2)-xTa(2)O(5) obtained by a sol-gel process and deposited onto a SiO2-Si substrate by dip-coating. Surface morphology and optical parameters of the planar waveguides were analyzed by atomic force microscopy and the m-line technique. The influence of the composition on the electronic properties of the glass-ceramic films was followed by the band gap ranging from 4.35 to 4.51 eV upon modification of the Ta2O5 content. Intense green and red emissions were detected from the upconversion process for all the samples after excitation at 980 nm. The relative intensities of the emission bands around 550 nm and 665 nm, assigned to the H-2(11/2) -> I-4(15/2), S-4(3/2) -> I-4(15/2), and F-4(9/2) -> I-4(15/2) transitions, depended on the tantalum oxide content and the power of the laser source at 980 nm. The upconversion dynamics were investigated as a function of the Ta2O5 content and the number of photons involved in each emission process. Based on the upconversion emission spectra and 1931CIE chromaticity diagram, it is shown that color can be tailored by composition and pump power. The glass ceramic films are attractive materials for application in upconversion lasers and near infrared-to-visible upconverters in solar cells.
In this paper, we report on luminescence and absorbance effects of Er+3:Au-doped tellurite glasses synthesized by a melting-quenching and heat treatment technique. After annealing times of 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0 h, at 300 A degrees C, the gold nanoparticles (GNP) effects on the Er+3 are verified from luminescence spectra and the corresponding levels lifetime. The localized surface plasmon resonance around 800 nm produced a maximum fluorescence enhancement for the band ranging from 800 to 840 nm, corresponding to the transitions H-4(11/2) -> aEuro parts per thousand I-4(13/2) (805 nm) and S-4(3/2) -> aEuro parts per thousand I-4(13/2) (840 nm), with annealing time till 7.5 h. The measured lifetime of the levels H-4(11/2) and S-4(3/2) confirmed the lifetime reduction due to the energy transfer from the GNP to Er+3, causing an enhanced photon emission rate in these levels.
In this paper I review the ways in which the glassy state is obtained both in nature and in materials science and highlight a "new twist"--the recent recognition of polymorphism within the glassy state. The formation of glass by continuous cooling (viscous slowdown) is then examined, the strong/fragile liquids classification is reviewed, and a new twist-the possibility that the slowdown is a result of an avoided critical point-is noted. The three canonical characteristics of relaxing liquids are correlated through the fragility. As a further new twist, the conversion of strong liquids to fragile liquids by pressure-induced coordination number increases is demonstrated. It is then shown that, for comparable systems, it is possible to have the same conversion accomplished via a first-order transition within the liquid state during quenching. This occurs in the systems in which "polyamorphism" (polymorphism in the glassy state) is observed, and the whole phenomenology is accounted for by Poole's bond-modified van der Waals model. The sudden loss of some liquid degrees of freedom through such weak first-order transitions is then related to the polyamorphic transition between native and denatured hydrated proteins, since the latter are also glass-forming systems--water-plasticized, hydrogen bond-cross-linked chain polymers (and single molecule glass formers). The circle is closed with a final new twist by noting that a short time scale phenomenon much studied by protein physicists-namely, the onset of a sharp change in d
The glass transition temperature and the second transition (the endothermic change between the glass transition and melting temperatures) of fructose were studied. The thermal history strongly affected both transitions of fructose. Storage for 10 days at 22degreesC increased the dynamic glass transition temperature from 16 to 25degreesC and decreased the second transition of fructose from 110 to 98degreesC in the first differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) scan. The amplitude of the second transition increased slightly with storage time and reached 260% of the first transition for vacuum oven dried samples. The effect of thermal history on the glass transition temperature of fructose can be removed by scanning the sample in a DSC to 130degreesC. The effects of water content, glucose and sucrose on the two transitions were also investigated.
Magneto-vibratory separation of glass and bronze granular mixtures immersed in a paramagnetic liquid
A fluid-immersed granular mixture may spontaneously separate when subjected to vertical vibration, separation occurring when the ratio of particle inertia to fluid drag is sufficiently different between the component species of the mixture. Here, we describe how fluid-driven separation is influenced by magneto-Archimedes buoyancy, the additional buoyancy force experienced by a body immersed in a paramagnetic fluid when a strong inhomogeneous magnetic field is applied. In our experiments glass and bronze mixtures immersed in paramagnetic aqueous solutions of MnCl2 have been subjected to sinusoidal vertical vibration. In the absence of a magnetic field the separation is similar to that observed when the interstitial fluid is water. However, at modest applied magnetic fields, magneto-Archimedes buoyancy may balance the inertia/fluid-drag separation mechanism, or it may dominate the separation process. We identify the vibratory and magnetic conditions for four granular configurations, each having distinctive granular convection. Abrupt transitions between these states occur at well-defined values of the magnetic and vibrational parameters. In order to gain insight into the dynamics of the separation process we use computer simulations based on solutions of the Navier-Stokes' equations. The simulations reproduce the experimental results revealing the important role of convection and gap formation in the stability of the different states.
Witches' broom disease (WBD) of cacao differs from other typical hemibiotrophic plant diseases by its unusually long biotrophic phase. Plant carbon sources have been proposed to regulate WBD developmental transitions; however, nothing is known about their availability at the plant-fungus interface, the apoplastic fluid of cacao. Data are provided supporting a role for the dynamics of soluble carbon in the apoplastic fluid in prompting the end of the biotrophic phase of infection. Carbon depletion and the consequent fungal sensing of starvation were identified as key signalling factors at the apoplast. MpNEP2, a fungal effector of host necrosis, was found to be up-regulated in an autophagic-like response to carbon starvation in vitro. In addition, the in vivo artificial manipulation of carbon availability in the apoplastic fluid considerably modulated both its expression and plant necrosis rate. Strikingly, infected cacao tissues accumulated intracellular hexoses, and showed stunted photosynthesis and the up-regulation of senescence markers immediately prior to the transition to the necrotrophic phase. These opposite findings of carbon depletion and accumulation in different host cell compartments are discussed within the frame of WBD development. A model is suggested to explain phase transition as a synergic outcome of fungal-related factors released upon sensing of extracellular carbon starvation, and an early senescence of infected tissues probably triggered by intracellular sugar accumulation.
Several medical and dental schools have described their experience in the transition from conventional to digital microscopy in the teaching of general pathology and histology disciplines; however, this transitional process has scarcely been reported in the teaching of oral pathology. Therefore, the objective of the current study is to report the transition from conventional glass slide to virtual microscopy in oral pathology teaching, a unique experience in Latin America. An Aperio ScanScope® scanner was used to digitalize histological slides used in practical lectures of oral pathology. The challenges and benefits observed by the group of Professors from the Piracicaba Dental School (Brazil) are described and a questionnaire to evaluate the students' compliance to this new methodology was applied. An improvement in the classes was described by the Professors who mainly dealt with questions related to pathological changes instead of technical problems; also, a higher interaction with the students was described. The simplicity of the software used and the high quality of the virtual slides, requiring a smaller time to identify microscopic structures, were considered important for a better teaching process. Virtual microscopy used to teach oral pathology represents a useful educational methodology, with an excellent compliance of the dental students.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical performance of glass ionomer cement (GIC) restorations comparing two minimally invasive methods in permanent teeth after 12 months. Fifty pregnant women (second trimester of pregnancy), mean age 22 ± 5.30 years, were treated by two previously trained operators. The treatment approaches tested were: chemomechanical method (CarisolvTM; MediTeam) and atraumatic restorative treatment (ART). A split-mouth study design was used in which the two treatments were randomly placed in 50 matched pairs of permanent teeth. The chemomechanical method (CM) was the test group and the ART was the control group. The treatments were performed in Public Health Centers. The tested restorative material was a high-strength GIC (Ketac Molar; 3M/ESPE). The restorations were placed according to the ART guidelines. Two calibrated independent examiners evaluated the restorations in accordance with ART criteria. The inter-examiner kappa was 0.97. Data were analyzed using 95% confidence interval on the binomial distribution and Fisher's exact test at 5% significance level. In a 12-month follow-up, 86% of the restorations were evaluated. In the test group (CM), 100% (CI=93.3-100%) of the restorations were considered successful. In the control group (ART) 97.6% (CI=87.4-99.9%) of the restorations were considered successful and 2.4% unsuccessful (marginal defect >0.5 mm). There was no statistically significant difference between the 12-mounth success rate for both groups (Fisher's exact test: P=0.49) and between the two operators (Fisher's exact test: P=1.00). Both minimally invasive methods, chemomechanical method and ART, showed a similar clinical performance after 12 months of follow up.
The present study aimed to compare the fluoride (F-) release pattern of a nanofilled resin-modified glass ionomer cement (GIC) (Ketac N100 - KN) with available GICs used in dental practice (resin-modified GIC - Vitremer - V; conventional GIC - Ketac Molar - KM) and a nanofilled resin composite (Filtek Supreme - RC). Discs of each material (n=6) were placed into 4 mL of deionized water in sealed polyethylene vials and shaken, for 15 days. F- release (μg F-/cm²) was measured each day using a fluoride-ion specific electrode. Cumulative F- release means were statistically analyzed by linear regression analysis. In order to analyze the differences among materials and the influence of time in the daily F- release, 2-way ANOVA test was performed (α=0.05). The linear fits between the cumulative F- release profiles of RC and KM and time were weak. KN and V presented a strong relationship between cumulative F- release and time. There were significant differences between the daily F- release overtime up to the third day only for GICs materials. The daily F- release means for RC were similar overtime. The results indicate that the F- release profile of the nanofilled resin-modified GIC is comparable to the resin-modified GIC.