963 resultados para Germans in Pennsylvania.


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Also published separately, Philadelphia, 1899.


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In the age of globalisation dominated by mass communication, the flow of information contributes to a big extent to the worldviews of its "global citizens". From this point of view the mass media can be seen as one of the most salient sources of cross-cultural communication. This study investigates mass communication across cultures, focusing on South East Asia (Malaysia and Singapore), Australia and Germany. The centre of attention is the Western media coverage of South East Asia and vice versa. In this context a content analysis of newspapers of the three regions has been conducted. In addition, working practices and conditions of Western foreign correspondents in South East Asia have been examined. Apart from the investigation of inter-cultural media coverage, another focus of attention will be the examination of two levels of communication: The business level, concentrating on issues like e.g. the Asian business etiquette; and the private level, looking into the transition to a different culture from the perspective of Australian and German expatriates. Apart from investigating mass communication across cultures and to provide a written analysis of the findings, a series of radio documentaries in English and in German has been produced. They cover the following issues: Foreign correspondents in South East Asia, the expatriate-lifestyle of Australians and Germans in South East Asia, business etiquette in Asia, student exchange Germany-Asia, image and prejudices East-West and Tourism.


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Les questions identitaires sont depuis des années au cœur des débats et des réflexions chez les Germano-Canadiens; les évènements du XXe siècle les ont poussés à constamment (re)définir leur identité face à la majorité (anglo-)canadienne. C’est notamment par le biais de médias ethniques qu’ils ont été en mesure de réfléchir à ces questions, sujettes aux débats les plus houleux. Le Kanada Kurier, un hebdomadaire germanophone du Canada, publié à l’échelle nationale pendant plus de cent ans, leur permettait notamment de s’exprimer sur cette question. Le mémoire s’interroge sur le discours identitaire produit par ce groupe et vise à mieux le décrire. Par une analyse de contenu des lettres de lecteurs de 1981, nous mettons en lumière les thèmes qui animent la communauté. Le corpus permet d’abord de voir la place importante qu’occupe la politique allemande, de constater la présence d’un discours identitaire duel, puisant ses références dans les contextes tant allemand que canadien, renforcé par des idéologies (politiques) communes chez certains germanophones du Canada et d’Europe. L’utilisation du concept de transnationalisme permet de soulever la question de la Heimat, sujet devenu éminemment politique après 1945, et illustre la complexité de la notion de patrie dans le cas allemand, surtout face aux revendications des « revanchistes » qui souhaitaient récupérer les territoires annexés par la Pologne et l’URSS après 1945. Au cœur de la majorité des lettres, nous apercevons le rapport complexe qu’entretiennent les Germano-Canadiens avec la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, véritable lieu de mémoire de la communauté. Finalement, le corpus montre surtout un journal dont le rôle aura été multiple et qu’on peut en définitive qualifier de journal diasporique.


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We compared migrating behavior of Broad-winged Hawks (Buteo platypterus) at two sites along their migration corridor: Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in eastern Pennsylvania and the Kéköldi Indigenous Reserve in Limón, Costa Rica. We counted the number of times focal birds intermittently flapped their wings and recorded the general flight type (straight-line soaring and gliding on flexed wings versus circle-soaring on fully extended wings). We used a logistic model to evaluate which conditions were good for soaring by calculating the probability of occurrence or absence of wing flaps. Considering that even intermittent flapping is energetically more expensive than pure soaring and gliding flight, we restricted a second analysis to birds that flapped during observations, and used the number of flaps to evaluate factors influencing the cost of migration. Both the occurrence and extent of flapping were greater in Pennsylvania than in Costa Rica, and during periods of straight-line soaring and gliding flight compared with circle-soaring. At both sites, flapping was more likely during rainy weather and early and late in the day compared with the middle of the day. Birds in Costa Rica flew in larger flocks than those in Pennsylvania, and birds flying in large flocks flapped less than those flying alone or in smaller flocks. In Pennsylvania, but not in Costa Rica, the number of flaps was higher when skies were overcast than when skies were clear or partly cloudy. In Costa Rica, but not in Pennsylvania, flapping decreased as temperature increased. Our results indicate that birds migrating in large flocks do so more efficiently than those flying alone and in smaller flocks, and that overall, soaring conditions are better in Costa Rica than in Pennsylvania. We discuss how differences in instantaneous migration costs at the two sites may shift the species' migration strategy from one of time minimization in Pennsylvania to one of energy minimization in Costa Rica.


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Raccoons are the reservoir for the raccoon rabies virus variant in the United States. To combat this threat, oral rabies vaccination (ORV) programs are conducted in many eastern states. To aid in these efforts, the genetic structure of raccoons (Procyon lotor) was assessed in southwestern Pennsylvania to determine if select geographic features (i.e., ridges and valleys) serve as corridors or hindrances to raccoon gene flow (e.g., movement) and, therefore, rabies virus trafficking in this physiographic region. Raccoon DNA samples (n = 185) were collected from one ridge site and two adjacent valleys in southwestern Pennsylvania (Westmoreland, Cambria, Fayette, and Somerset counties). Raccoon genetic structure within and among these study sites was characterized at nine microsatellite loci. Results indicated that there was little population subdivision among any sites sampled. Furthermore, analyses using a model-based clustering approach indicated one essentially panmictic population was present among all the raccoons sampled over a reasonably broad geographic area (e.g., sites up to 36 km apart). However, a signature of isolation by distance was detected, suggesting that widths of ORV zones are critical for success. Combined, these data indicate that geographic features within this landscape influence raccoon gene flow only to a limited extent, suggesting that ridges of this physiographic system will not provide substantial long-term natural barriers to rabies virus trafficking. These results may be of value for future ORV efforts in Pennsylvania and other eastern states with similar landscapes.


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Der Ökotourismus hat sich in den letzten Jahren zu einer Tourismussparte entwickelt, die nicht nur immer mehr Interessenten unter den Nutzern findet, sondern auch vielfältige Forschungsmöglichkeiten eröffnet.rnAus interdisziplinärer Betrachtungsweise kann man sowohl in den Gebieten der Biologie, der Wirtschaft, der Geographie, aber auch der Politik forschend tätig werden. rnDa der Tourismus in den letzten Jahren eine immer größere Bedeutung gerade für Länder mit weitestgehend intakten Naturressourcen erlangt hat, stellt sich die Frage inwieweit die Wirtschaft eines Landes auf diese Einnahmequelle angewiesen ist und ob nicht die ökologischen Belange immer weiter in den Hintergrund treten.rnAus diesem Ansatz heraus erfolgte zunächst eine qualitative und quantitative Bestandsaufnahme, die ein klares Bild vom derzeitigen Zustand in der Region ermöglicht. Darüber hinaus werden im Rahmen der Untersuchungen Zukunftsperspektiven aufgezeigt. Diese sollen verdeutlichen, inwieweit man steuernd in solche dynamischen Entwicklungsprozesse eingreifen kann oder soll.rnDie Schwerpunkte dieser Arbeit liegen in dem Bereich der Befragung von Touristen und in der Ausarbeitung eines digitalen Geländemodells zur späteren Nutzung in einem aufzubauenden Nationalpark-Infozentrum. Auf der Grundlage dieser Untersuchungen wurde ein touristisches Nutzungskonzept entwickelt und auf seine ökologischen Umsetzungschancen hin untersucht. Der Aspekt des Ökotourismus wird einleitend erörtert und definiert. Anschließend werden die Potenziale der norwegischen Tourismuswirtschaft untersucht. Die Befragungsergebnisse sowohl der norwegischen Besucher als auch der ausländischen Touristen werden in verschiedenen Korrelationen näher untersucht.rnEin gesonderter Bereich der Untersuchungen gilt dem Problemfeld des Wildcampings in Norwegen. Die dramatischen Entwicklungen der letzten Jahre rufen immer mehr Aktivisten auf den Plan. Da die Deutschen die größte Besuchergruppe darstellen, wurden innerhalb der Jahre 2003 bis 2006 Einzelinterviews geführt, um einen Überblick über das Übernachtungsverhalten der Deutschen in Norwegen gewinnen zu können. In den vergangenen 10 Jahren sind die deutschen Besucherzahlen in Norwegen leicht rückläufig, während die der Niederländer kontinuierlich steigen.rnAuf diesen Ergebnissen basierend wurden problemzentrierte Interviews mit Wohnmobilreisenden, der größten Gruppe der Individualreisenden, durchgeführt. rnMehr als 600.000 Nächte pro Jahr verbrachten die deutschen Wohnmobilreisenden außerhalb der Campingplätze, was ökologische und ökonomische Auswirkungen hat und nicht mehr mit dem in Norwegen geltenden „Allemansrett“, dem Jedermannsrecht, vereinbar ist. rnGerade die Touristen, die mit dem Wohnmobil reisen, können nur schwer mit anderen Reisenden verglichen werden, da sie mit einer völlig anderen Reiseauffassung mehr oder weniger autark unterwegs sind. Dabei legen sie besonders große Distanzen zurück und haben sich zum Ziel gesetzt, möglichst viel in kurzer Zeit zu sehen und zu erleben. Für alle Touristengruppen wurde untersucht, auf welchem Weg die Informationen für die geplante Reise beschafft wurden. Der Reiseführer ist der hauptsächliche Informationslieferant und ist teilweise für das Verhalten der Urlauber mitverantwortlich. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass das Image des Landes und die Reisemotive das Reiseverhalten und die Wahrnehmung determinieren. Eine Untersuchung der so genannten Pull- und Push-Faktoren ergab, dass die nahezu noch unberührte Natur, die raue Landschaft sowie Ruhe und Erholung die entscheidenden Pull-Faktoren für Norwegenreisende sind. Dabei überprägt das Image Norwegens als „wildes Naturland“ die Wahrnehmung für verschiedene Problembereiche, die in Norwegen, wie auch in vielen anderen Ländern Europas, durchaus vorhanden sind. rnProblemfelder, wie Landschaftsausbeutung, Wildcamping, reduziertes Konsumverhalten und damit einhergehende rückläufige Besucherzahlen, können aber durch innovative Tourismuskonzepte und neue Reiseformen abgebaut werden. Hierbei sind Medien, wie Reiseführer, Internet und Reisemagazine, in die Pflicht zu nehmen.


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Although associated with adverse outcomes in other cardiopulmonary diseases, limited evidence exists on the prognostic value of anaemia in patients with acute pulmonary embolism (PE). We sought to examine the associations between anaemia and mortality and length of hospital stay in patients with PE. We evaluated 14,276 patients with a primary diagnosis of PE from 186 hospitals in Pennsylvania, USA. We used random-intercept logistic regression to assess the association between anaemia at the time of presentation and 30-day mortality and discrete-time logistic hazard models to assess the association between anaemia and time to hospital discharge, adjusting for patient (age, gender, race, insurance type, clinical and laboratory variables) and hospital (region, size, teaching status) factors. Anaemia was present in 38.7% of patients at admission. Patients with anaemia had a higher 30-day mortality (13.7% vs. 6.3%; p <0.001) and a longer length of stay (geometric mean, 6.9 vs. 6.6 days; p <0.001) compared to patients without anaemia. In multivariable analyses, anaemia remained associated with an increased odds of death (OR 1.82, 95% CI: 1.60-2.06) and a decreased odds of discharge (OR 0.85, 95% CI: 0.82-0.89). Anaemia is very common in patients presenting with PE and is independently associated with an increased short-term mortality and length of stay.


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In an effort to understand some of the ways that accountability-based reform efforts have influenced teacher education, this article details the politics of accountability in Pennsylvania that motivated sweeping changes in the policies governing teacher preparation in 2006. This case study provides a poignant example of the kind of complex accountability systems now being constructed across the United States in an effort to change teacher preparation. By analyzing primary documents including the legal statutes governing teacher preparation in Pennsylvania, correspondence from the Pennsylvania Department of Education, related newsletters, memos, reports, transcripts of meetings, and testimony before the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, the complex nature of the conflicts underlying the development and implementation of teacher education reform is brought into focus. The study's findings suggest that a deep and uncritical acceptance of accountability-based teacher education reform on the part of educational policy makers is likely to do more harm than good. The article concludes by outlining a framework for developing more intelligent measures of accountability that might preserve professional autonomy and judgment.


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Through studying German, Polish and Czech publications on Silesia, Mr. Kamusella found that most of them, instead of trying to objectively analyse the past, are devoted to proving some essential "Germanness", "Polishness" or "Czechness" of this region. He believes that the terminology and thought-patterns of nationalist ideology are so deeply entrenched in the minds of researchers that they do not consider themselves nationalist. However, he notes that, due to the spread of the results of the latest studies on ethnicity/nationalism (by Gellner, Hobsbawm, Smith, Erikson Buillig, amongst others), German publications on Silesia have become quite objective since the 1980s, and the same process (impeded by under funding) has been taking place in Poland and the Czech Republic since 1989. His own research totals some 500 pages, in English, presented on disc. So what are the traps into which historians have been inclined to fall? There is a tendency for them to treat Silesia as an entity which has existed forever, though Mr. Kamusella points out that it emerged as a region only at the beginning of the 11th century. These same historians speak of Poles, Czechs and Germans in Silesia, though Mr. Kamusella found that before the mid-19th century, identification was with an inhabitant's local area, religion or dynasty. In fact, a German national identity started to be forged in Prussian Silesia only during the Liberation War against Napoleon (1813-1815). It was concretised in 1861 in the form of the first Prussian census, when the language a citizen spoke was equated with his/her nationality. A similar census was carried out in Austrian Silesia only in 1881. The censuses forced the Silesians to choose their nationality despite their multiethnic multicultural identities. It was the active promotion of a German identity in Prussian Silesia, and Vienna's uneasy acceptance of the national identities in Austrian Silesia which stimulated the development of Polish national, Moravian ethnic and Upper Silesian ethnic regional identities in Upper Silesia, and Polish national, Czech national, Moravian ethnic and Silesian ethnic identities in Austrian Silesia. While traditional historians speak of the "nationalist struggle" as though it were a permanent characteristic of Silesia, Mr. Kamusella points out that such a struggle only developed in earnest after 1918. What is more, he shows how it has been conveniently forgotten that, besides the national players, there were also significant ethnic movements of Moravians, Upper Silesians, Silesians and the tutejsi (i.e. those who still chose to identify with their locality). At this point Mr. Kamusella moves into the area of linguistics. While traditionally historians have spoken of the conflicts between the three national languages (German, Polish and Czech), Mr Kamusella reminds us that the standardised forms of these languages, which we choose to dub "national", were developed only in the mid-18th century, after 1869 (when Polish became the official language in Galicia), and after the 1870s (when Czech became the official language in Bohemia). As for standard German, it was only widely promoted in Silesia from the mid 19th century onwards. In fact, the majority of the population of Prussian Upper Silesia and Austrian Silesia were bi- or even multilingual. What is more, the "Polish" and "Czech" Silesians spoke were not the standard languages we know today, but a continuum of West-Slavic dialects in the countryside and a continuum of West-Slavic/German creoles in the urbanised areas. Such was the linguistic confusion that, from time to time, some ethnic/regional and Church activists strove to create a distinctive Upper Silesian/Silesian language on the basis of these dialects/creoles, but their efforts were thwarted by the staunch promotion of standard German, and after 1918, of standard Polish and Czech. Still on the subject of language, Mr. Kamusella draws attention to a problem around the issue of place names and personal names. Polish historians use current Polish versions of the Silesian place names, Czechs use current Polish/Czech versions of the place names, and Germans use the German versions which were in use in Silesia up to 1945. Mr. Kamusella attempted to avoid this, as he sees it, nationalist tendency, by using an appropriate version of a place name for a given period and providing its modern counterpart in parentheses. In the case of modern place names he gives the German version in parentheses. As for the name of historical figures, he strove to use the name entered on the birth certificate of the person involved, and by doing so avoid such confusion as, for instance, surrounds the Austrian Silesian pastor L.J. Sherschnik, who in German became Scherschnick, in Polish, Szersznik, and in Czech, Sersnik. Indeed, the prospective Silesian scholar should, Mr. Kamusella suggests, as well as the three languages directly involved in the area itself, know English and French, since many documents and books on the subject have been published in these languages, and even Latin, when dealing in depth with the period before the mid-19th century. Mr. Kamusella divides the policies of ethnic cleansing into two categories. The first he classifies as soft, meaning that policy is confined to the educational system, army, civil service and the church, and the aim is that everyone learn the language of the dominant group. The second is the group of hard policies, which amount to what is popularly labelled as ethnic cleansing. This category of policy aims at the total assimilation and/or physical liquidation of the non-dominant groups non-congruent with the ideal of homogeneity of a given nation-state. Mr. Kamusella found that soft policies were consciously and systematically employed by Prussia/Germany in Prussian Silesia from the 1860s to 1918, whereas in Austrian Silesia, Vienna quite inconsistently dabbled in them from the 1880s to 1917. In the inter-war period, the emergence of the nation-states of Poland and Czechoslovakia led to full employment of the soft policies and partial employment of the hard ones (curbed by the League of Nations minorities protection system) in Czechoslovakian Silesia, German Upper Silesia and the Polish parts of Upper and Austrian Silesia. In 1939-1945, Berlin started consistently using all the "hard" methods to homogenise Polish and Czechoslovakian Silesia which fell, in their entirety, within the Reich's borders. After World War II Czechoslovakia regained its prewar part of Silesia while Poland was given its prewar section plus almost the whole of the prewar German province. Subsequently, with the active involvement and support of the Soviet Union, Warsaw and Prague expelled the majority of Germans from Silesia in 1945-1948 (there were also instances of the Poles expelling Upper Silesian Czechs/Moravians, and of the Czechs expelling Czech Silesian Poles/pro-Polish Silesians). During the period of communist rule, the same two countries carried out a thorough Polonisation and Czechisation of Silesia, submerging this region into a new, non-historically based administrative division. Democratisation in the wake of the fall of communism, and a gradual retreat from the nationalist ideal of the homogeneous nation-state with a view to possible membership of the European Union, caused the abolition of the "hard" policies and phasing out of the "soft" ones. Consequently, limited revivals of various ethnic/national minorities have been observed in Czech and Polish Silesia, whereas Silesian regionalism has become popular in the westernmost part of Silesia which remained part of Germany. Mr. Kamusella believes it is possible that, with the overcoming of the nation-state discourse in European politics, when the expression of multiethnicity and multilingualism has become the cause of the day in Silesia, regionalism will hold sway in this region, uniting its ethnically/nationally variegated population in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity championed by the European Union.


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Although associated with adverse outcomes in other cardiovascular diseases, the prognostic value of an elevated white blood cell (WBC) count, a marker of inflammation and hypercoagulability, is uncertain in patients with pulmonary embolism (PE). We therefore sought to assess the prognostic impact of the WBC in a large, state-wide retrospective cohort of patients with PE. We evaluated 14,228 patient discharges with a primary diagnosis of PE from 186 hospitals in Pennsylvania. We used random-intercept logistic regression to assess the independent association between WBC count levels at the time of presentation and mortality and hospital readmission within 30 days, adjusting for patient and hospital characteristics. Patients with an admission WBC count <5.0, 5.0-7.8, 7.9-9.8, 9.9-12.6, and >12.6 × 10(9) /L had a cumulative 30-day mortality of 10.9%, 6.2%, 5.4%, 8.3%, and 16.3% (P < 0.001), and a readmission rate of 17.6%, 11.9%, 10.9%, 11.5%, and 15.0%, respectively (P < 0.001). Compared with patients with a WBC count 7.9-9.8 × 10(9) /L, adjusted odds of 30-day mortality were significantly greater for patients with a WBC count <5.0 × 10(9) /L (odds ratio [OR] 1.52, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.14-2.03), 9.9-12.6 × 10(9) /L (OR 1.55, 95% CI 1.26-1.91), or >12.6 × 10(9) /L (OR 2.22, 95% CI 1.83-2.69), respectively. The adjusted odds of readmission were also significantly increased for patients with a WBC count <5.0 × 10(9) /L (OR 1.34, 95% CI 1.07-1.68) or >12.6 × 10(9) /L (OR 1.29, 95% CI 1.10-1.51). In patients presenting with PE, WBC count is an independent predictor of short-term mortality and hospital readmission.


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Collection of documents, supplemented by the companion series "Pennsylvania archives". (See preliminary reports of the committees, and of the editors, S. Hazard, and the Act providing for the publication, 1837, in Pennsylvania archives, v.1, p. 1-23, especially p. 7 and 17-23, where the present collection is officially designated as the "Colonial records", a title not used in printing, the vols. having special titles only, as given in "Contents" below)


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Reports of surveys ordered published by the committee, first separately printed.


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List of Bar Associations in Pennsylvania, in v. 2 (1896)-


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Mode of access: Internet.