965 resultados para GenoType® Mycobacterium CM
P>Thirty-five lymph node samples were taken from animals with macroscopic lesions consistent with Mycobacterium bovis infection. The animals were identified by postmortem examination in an abattoir in the northwestern region of state of Parana, Brazil. Twenty-two of the animals had previously been found to be tuberculin skin test positive. Tissue samples were decontaminated by Petroff`s method and processed for acid-fast bacilli staining, culture in Stonebrink and Lowenstein-Jensen media and DNA extraction. Lymph node DNA samples were amplified by PCR in the absence and presence (inhibitor controls) of DNA extracted from M. bovis culture. Mycobacterium bovis was identified in 14 (42.4%) lymph node samples by both PCR and by culture. The frequency of PCR-positive results (54.5%) was similar to that of culture-positive results (51.5%, P > 0.05). The percentage of PCR-positive lymph nodes increased from 39.4% (13/33) to 54.5% (18/33) when samples that were initially PCR-negative were reanalysed using 2.5 mu l DNA (two samples) and 1 : 2 diluted DNA (three samples). PCR sensitivity was affected by inhibitors and by the amount of DNA in the clinical samples. Our results indicate that direct detection of M. bovis in lymph nodes by PCR may be a fast and useful tool for bovine tuberculosis epidemic management in the region.
Infants who are breast-fed have been shown to have a lower incidence of certain infectious diseases compared with formula-fed infants. Glutamine is one of the most abundant amino acids found in maternal milk and it is essential for the function of immune system cells such as macrophages. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of glutamine supplementation on the function of peritoneal macrophages and on hemopoiesis in early-weaned mice inoculated with Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG). Mice were wearied at 14 d of age and distributed to 2 groups and fed either a glutamine-free diet (n = 16) or a glutamine-supplemented diet (+Gln (n = 16). Both diets were isonitrogenous (with addition of a mixture of nonessential amino acids) and isocaloric. At d 21, 2 subgroups of mice (n = 16) were intraperitoneally injected with BCG and all mice were killed at d 28. Plasma, muscle and liver glutamine concentrations and muscle glutamine synthetase activity were not affected by diet or inoculation with BCG. The +GIn diet led to increased leukocyte and lymphocyte counts in the peripheral blood (P < 0.05) and granulocyte and lymphocyte counts in the bone marrow and spleen (P < 0.05). The +GIn diet increased spreading and adhesion capacities, hydrogen peroxide, nitric oxide, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF alpha) syntheses and the phagocytic and fungicidal activity of peritoneal macrophages (P < 0.05). The interaction between the +GIn diet and BCG inoculation increased the area under the curve of interleukin (IL)-1 beta and TNF alpha syntheses (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the intake of glutamine increases the function of peritoneal macrophages and hemopoiesis in early-weaned and BCG-inoculated mice. These data have important implications for the design of breast milk substitutes for human infants.
Pregnant women are one of the most sensitive populations to the toxic effects associated with lead (Pb) exposure. These effects are primarily associated with plasma Pb (Pb-P), which reflects the most rapidly exchangeable fraction of Pb in the bloodstream, and elevated maternal Pb-P may be more relevant to foetal Pb exposure than whole blood Pb (Pb-B). We investigated how pregnancy affects Pb-B, Pb-P and %Pb-P/Pb-B ratios without the influence of the 6-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) G177C polymorphism, which is a major genetic factor influencing Pb-B, Pb-P and %Pb-P/Pb-B ratios. Genotypes for the ALAD G177C polymorphism were determined by PCR and restriction fragment length digestion in nine pregnant and 20 non-pregnant women, aged 18-33, environmentally exposed to Pb. Here, we included only women with ALAD 1-1 genotype. Pb-P and Pb-B were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, respectively. We found no differences in Pb-B (P > 0.05). However, pregnant women had a 2-fold increase in Pb-P and a 3-fold increase in %Pb-P/Pb-B (both P < 0.01) compared to nonpregnant women. These alterations in Pb concentrations associated with pregnancy are similar to those associated with different ALAD gene variants. We can now better appreciate how pregnancy affects foetal exposure to Pb without the influence of this important genetic factor.
The incidence and progression of disorders associated with an unbalanced immune response has among many factors the gender as a contributory factor. The aims of this work were to evaluate the effects of orchiectomy and the immune response during the experimental Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Young adult, male Calomys callous were i.p. inoculated with 1 x 10(5) blood trypomastigotes of the CM strain of T. cruzi and divided in groups: Control, Sham and Castrated. Castrated group displayed significantly lower values for prostate and seminal vesicle weights indicating a drastic drop of testosterone plasmatic levels. Orchiectomized animals also displayed lesser number of blood parasites, enhanced lytic antibody percentage, splenocyte proliferation and NO concentration when compared to its sham and control counterparts, indicating that steroid gonadal ablation actually influences immune response triggering a more efficient cellular and humoral response which led animals to become more resistant against T cruzi infection. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The course and outcome of infection with mycobacteria are determined by a complex interplay between the immune system of the host and the survival mechanisms developed by the bacilli. Recent data suggest a regulatory role of histamine not only in the innate but also in the adaptive immune response. We used a model of pulmonary Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in histamine-deficient mice lacking histidine decarboxylase (HDC(-/-)), the histamine-synthesizing enzyme. To confirm that mycobacterial infection induced histamine production, we exposed mice to M. tuberculosis and compared responses in C57BL/6 (wild-type) and HDC(-/-) mice. Histamine levels increased around fivefold above baseline in infected C57BL/6 mice at day 28 of infection, whereas only small amounts were detected in the lungs of infected HDC(-/-) mice. Blocking histamine production decreased both neutrophil influx into lung tissue and the release of proinflammatory mediators, such as interleukin 6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), in the acute phase of infection. However, the accumulation and activation of CD4(+) T cells were augmented in the lungs of infected HDC(-/-) mice and correlated with a distinct granuloma formation that contained abundant lymphocytic infiltration and reduced numbers of mycobacteria 28 days after infection. Furthermore, the production of IL-12, gamma interferon, and nitric oxide, as well as CD11c(+) cell influx into the lungs of infected HDC(-/-) mice, was increased. These findings indicate that histamine produced after M. tuberculosis infection may play a regulatory role not only by enhancing the pulmonary neutrophilia and production of IL-6 and TNF-alpha but also by impairing the protective Th1 response, which ultimately restricts mycobacterial growth.
Mast Cells (MCs) express toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2), a receptor known to be triggered by several major mycobacterial ligands and involved in resistance against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infection. This study investigated whether adoptive transfer of TLR2 positive MCs (TLR2(+/+)) corrects the increased susceptibility of TLR2(-/-) mice to MTB infection. TLR2(-/-) mice displayed increased mycobacterial burden, diminished myeloid cell recruitment and proinflammatory cytokine production accompanied by defective granuloma formation. The reconstitution of these mice with TLR2(+/+) MCs, but not TLR2(-/-), confers better control of the infection, promotes the normalization of myeloid cell recruitment associated with reestablishment of the granuloma formation. In addition, adoptive transfer of TLR2(+/+) MC to TLR2(-/-) mice resulted in regulation of the pulmonary levels of IL-beta, IL-6, TNF-alpha, enhanced Th1 response and activated CD8(+) T cell homing to the lungs. Our results suggest that activation of MCs via TLR2 is required to compensate the defect in protective immunity and inability of TLR2(-/-) mice to control MTB infection. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Quasar (QSO) absorption spectra provide an extremely useful probe of possible cosmological variation in various physical constants. Comparison of H i 21-cm absorption with corresponding molecular (rotational) absorption spectra allows us to constrain variation in , where α is the fine-structure constant and gp is the proton g-factor. We analyse spectra of two QSOs, PKS 1413+135 and TXS 0218+357, and derive values of at absorption redshifts of and 0.6847 by simultaneous fitting of the H i 21-cm and molecular lines. We find and respectively, indicating an insignificantly smaller y in the past. We compare our results with other constraints from the same two QSOs given recently by Drinkwater et al. and Carilli et al., and with our recent optical constraints, which indicated a smaller α at higher redshifts.
Genetic markers that distinguish fungal genotypes are important tools for genetic analysis of heterokaryosis and parasexual recombination in fungi. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers that distinguish two races of biotype B of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides infecting the legume Stylosanthes guianensis were sought. Eighty-five arbitrary oligonucleotide primers were used to generate 895 RAPD bands but only two bands were found to be specifically amplified from DNA of the race 3 isolate. These two RAPD bands were used as DNA probes and hybridised only to DNA of the race 3 isolate. Both RAPD bands hybridised to a dispensable 1.2 Mb chromosome of the race 3 isolate. No other genotype-specific chromosomes or DNA sequences were identified in either the race 2 or race 3 isolates. The RAPD markers hybridised to a 2 Mb chromosome in all races of the genetically distinct biotype A pathogen which infects other species of Stylosanthes as well as S. guianensis. The experiments indicate that RAPD analysis is a potentially useful tool for obtaining genotype-and chromosome-specific DNA probes in closely related isolates of one biotype of this fungal pathogen.
Mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were raised against the major capsid protein, L1, of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16), produced in Escherichia coil with the expression plasmid pTrcL1. Epitope specificity could be assigned to 11 of these 12 antibodies using a series of linear peptides and fusion proteins from HPV16. One mAb (MC53) recognized a novel linear epitope that appears to be unique to the HPV16 genotype. A further 11 mAbs were characterized as recognizing novel and previously defined linear and conformational epitopes shared among more than one HPV genotype. The apparently genotype specific mAb could be useful for the development of diagnostic tests for vegetative virus infection in clinical specimens. (C) 1998 Academic Press.
Several activating mutations have recently been described in the common beta subunit for the human interleukin(IL)-3, IL-5, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) receptors (h beta c), Two of these, FI Delta and 1374N, result, respectively, in a 37-amino acid duplication and an isoleucine-to-asparagine substitution in the extracellular domain. A third, V449E, leads to valine-to-glutamic acid substitution in the transmembrane domain. Previous studies have shown that when expressed in murine hemopoietic cells in vitro, the extracellular mutants can confer factor independence on only the granulocyte-macrophage lineage while the transmembrane mutant can do so to all cell types of the myeloid and erythroid compartments. To further study the signaling properties of the constitutively active hpc mutants, we have used novel murine hemopoietic cell lines, which we describe in this report. These lines, FDB1 and FDB2, proliferate in murine IL-3 and undergo granulocyte-macrophage differentiation in response to murine GM-CSF, We find that while the transmembrane mutant, V449E, confers factor-independent proliferation on these cell lines, the extracellular hpc mutants promote differentiation. Hence, in addition to their ability to confer factor independence on distinct cell types, transmembrane and extracellular activated h beta c mutants deliver distinct signals to the same cell type. Thus, the FDB cell lines, in combination with activated h beta c mutants, constitute a powerful new system to distinguish between signals that determine hemopoietic proliferation or differentiation. (C) 2000 by The American Society of Hematology.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an important pathogen of mammals that relies on 2-hydroxyphenyloxazoline-containing siderophore molecules called mycobactins for the acquisition of iron in the restrictive environment of the mammalian macrophage, These compounds have been proposed to be biosynthesized through the action of a cluster of genes that include both nonribosomal peptide synthase and polyketide synthase components. One of these genes encodes a protein, MbtB, that putatively couples activated salicylic acid with serine or threonine and then cyclizes this precursor to the phenyloxazoline ring system. We have used gene replacement through homologous recombination to delete the mbtB gene and replace this with a hygromycin-resistance cassette in the virulent strain of M. tuberculosis H37Rv, The resulting mutant is restricted for growth in iron-limited media but grows normally in iron-replete media. Analysis of siderophore production by this organism revealed that the biosynthesis of all salicylate-derived siderophores was interrupted. The mutant was found to be impaired for growth in macrophage-like THP-1 cells, suggesting that siderophore production is required for virulence of M. tuberculosis, These results provide conclusive evidence linking this genetic locus to siderophore production.
Phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) is the enzyme that converts phenylalanine to tyrosine as a rate-limiting step in phenylalanine catabolism and protein and neurotransmitter biosynthesis. Over 300 mutations have been identified in the gene encoding PAH that result in a deficient enzyme activity and lead to the disorders hyperphenylalaninaemia and phenylketonuria. The determination of the crystal structure of PAH now allows the determination of the structural basis of mutations resulting in PAH deficiency. We present an analysis of the structural basis of 120 mutations with a 'classified' biochemical phenotype and/or available in vitro expression data. We find that the mutations can be grouped into five structural categories, based on the distinct expected structural and functional effects of the mutations in each category. Missense mutations and small amino acid deletions are found in three categories:'active site mutations', 'dimer interface mutations', and 'domain structure mutations'. Nonsense mutations and splicing mutations form the category of 'proteins with truncations and large deletions'. The final category, 'fusion proteins', is caused by frameshift mutations. We show that the structural information helps formulate some rules that will help predict the likely effects of unclassified and newly discovered mutations: proteins with truncations and large deletions, fusion proteins and active site mutations generally cause severe phenotypes; domain structure mutations and dimer interface mutations spread over a range of phenotypes, but domain structure mutations in the catalytic domain are more likely to be severe than domain structure mutations in the regulatory domain or dimer interface mutations.
The polymorphisms of the important xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes CYP2D6, CYP2C19 and CYP2E1 have been studied extensively in a large number of populations and show significant heterogeneity in the frequency of different alleles/genotypes and in the prevalence of the extensive and poor metabolizer phenotypes, Understanding of inter-ethnic differences in genotypes is important in prediction of either beneficial or adverse effects from therapeutic agents and other xenobiotics. Since no data were available for Australian Aborigines, we investigated the frequencies of alleles and genotypes for CYP2D6, CYP2C19 and CYP2E1 in a population living in the far north of Western Australia. Because of its geographical isolation, this population can serve as a model to study the impact of evolutionary forces on the distribution of different alleles for xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes. Twelve CYP2D6 alleles were analysed, The wild-type allele *1 was the most frequent (85.8%) and the non-functional alleles (*4, *5, *16) had an overall frequency of less than 10%. Only one subject (0.4%) was a poor metabolizer for CYP2D6 because of the genotype *5/*5, For CYP2C19, the frequencies of the *1 (wild-type) and the non-functional (*2 and *3) alleles were 50.2%, 35.5% and 14.3%, respectively. The combined CYP2C19 genotypes (*2/*2, *2/*3 or *3/*3) correspond to a predicted frequency of 25.6% for the CYP2C19 poor metabolizer phenotype, For CYP2E1, only one subject had the rare c2 allele giving an overall allele frequency of 0.2%. For CYP2D6 and CYP2C19, allele frequencies and predicted phenotypes differed significantly from those for Caucasians but were similar to those for Orientals indicating a close relationship to East Asian populations. Differences between Aborigines and Orientals in allele frequencies for CYP2D6*10 and CYP2E1 c2 may have arisen through natural selection, or genetic drift, respectively, Pharmacogenetics 11:69-76 (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.