896 resultados para Gehan-type weight function
If deprived of wild-type p53 function, the body loses a guardian that protects against cancer. Restoration of p53 function has, therefore, been proposed as a means of counteracting oncogenesis. This concept of therapy requires prior knowledge with regard to proper balance of p53 function in a given target tissue. We have addressed this problem by targeting expression of the wild-type human p53 gene to the lens, a tissue entirely composed of epithelial cells that differentiate into elongated fiber cells. Transgenic mice expressing wild-type human p53 develop microphthalmia as a result of a defect in fiber formation that sets in shortly after birth. We see apoptotic cells that fail to undergo proper differentiation. In an effort to directly link the observed lens phenotype to the activity of the wild-type human p53 transgene, we also generated mice expressing a mutant human p53 allele that lacks wild-type function. A normal lens phenotype is restored in double transgenic animals that carry both wild-type and mutant human p53 alleles. Our study highlights the difficulties that can arise if p53 levels are improperly balanced in a differentiating tissue.
In the long term, productivity and especially productivity growth are necessary conditions for the survival of a farm. This paper focuses on the technology choice of a dairy farm, i.e. the choice between a conventional and an automatic milking system. Its aim is to reveal the extent to which economic rationality explains investing in new technology. The adoption of robotics is further linked to farm productivity to show how capital-intensive technology has affected the overall productivity of milk production. The empirical analysis applies a probit model and an extended Cobb-Douglas-type production function to a Finnish farm-level dataset for the years 2000–10. The results show that very few economic factors on a dairy farm or in its economic environment can be identified to affect the switch to automatic milking. Existing machinery capital and investment allowances are among the significant factors. The results also indicate that the probability of investing in robotics responds elastically to a change in investment aids: an increase of 1% in aid would generate an increase of 2% in the probability of investing. Despite the presence of non-economic incentives, the switch to robotic milking is proven to promote productivity development on dairy farms. No productivity growth is observed on farms that keep conventional milking systems, whereas farms with robotic milking have a growth rate of 8.1% per year. The mean rate for farms that switch to robotic milking is 7.0% per year. The results show great progress in productivity growth, with the average of the sector at around 2% per year during the past two decades. In conclusion, investments in new technology as well as investment aids to boost investments are needed in low-productivity areas where investments in new technology still have great potential to increase productivity, and thus profitability and competitiveness, in the long run.
The first two tables are lithoprinted from the author's Generalizations of the normal curve of error. [1930]
In this work a superposition technique for designing gradient coils for the purpose of magnetic resonance imaging is outlined, which uses an optimized weight function superimposed upon an initial winding similar to that obtained from the target field method to generate the final wire winding. This work builds on the preliminary work performed in Part I on designing planar insertable gradient coils for high resolution imaging. The proposed superposition method for designing gradient coils results in coil patterns with relatively low inductances and the gradient coils can be used as inserts into existing magnetic resonance imaging hardware. The new scheme has the capacity to obtain images faster with more detail due to the deliver of greater magnetic held gradients. The proposed method for designing gradient coils is compared with a variant of the state-of-the-art target field method for planar gradient coils designs, and it is shown that the weighted superposition approach outperforms the well-known the classical method.
We construct a set of functions, say, psi([r])(n) composed of a cosine function and a sigmoidal transformation gamma(r) of order r > 0. The present functions are orthonormal with respect to a proper weight function on the interval [-1, 1]. It is proven that if a function f is continuous and piecewise smooth on [-1, 1] then its series expansion based on psi([r])(n) converges uniformly to f so long as the order of the sigmoidal transformation employed is 0 < r
Based on a simple convexity lemma, we develop bounds for different types of Bayesian prediction errors for regression with Gaussian processes. The basic bounds are formulated for a fixed training set. Simpler expressions are obtained for sampling from an input distribution which equals the weight function of the covariance kernel, yielding asymptotically tight results. The results are compared with numerical experiments.
AMS Subj. Classification: 65D07, 65D30.
An integrated, dual-phase study design assessed the health and nutritional status and practices of African-American (A-A), Caribbean (A-C), and white non-Hispanic (W-A) women during perimenopause (40–55 years). During Phase I, four focus groups (n = 37) of male and female participants discussed the health and social implications of perimenopause. A conceptual framework for the main study (Phase II) was developed from the focus groups' findings, in concert with the main study's specific aims and objectives. ^ The main study, a cross-sectional survey, quantitatively assessed the health and nutritional status of a convenience sample of 109 women (25 A-A, 31 A-C and 53 W-A), who met specific eligibility criteria. Using seven instruments, sociodemographic, dietary, medical, reproductive health, health practice and anthropometric data were collected. ^ The groups were of comparable age, education, and socioeconomic status (SES). Despite these similarities, statistically significant interethnic nutritional status differences were found. Significantly more total energy and energy from fat were consumed by A-A than W-A and A-C women. Also, significantly more A-A and A-C than W-A women were overweight or obese with android-type weight patterning. ^ Overall, iron and calcium Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA's) were not met by 35% and 68% of participants, respectively. Iron deficiency anemia was reported by 29% of participants while 33% reported heavier menstrual bleeding. Coupled with suboptimal iron intakes, this is likely to present a serious public health problem. Similarly, increased bone demineralization characteristic of perimenopause, coupled with suboptimal calcium intakes could precipitate another public health problem, osteoporosis. ^ Participants had different expectations about the role of medical care during perimenopause. Significantly more white (57%) than black (38% [A-A and AC]) women sought medical attention for symptoms. Whereas Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) was prescribed for 25% of them, only 13% were compliant at enrollment. ^ The trends and statistically significant findings of this study have huge public health policy implications. It is imperative that appropriate policies are formulated to ensure that America's ethnically diverse perimenopausal women have ready access to culturally appropriate care. This would optimize their health outcomes, and enhance their quality of life and productive capacities at this critical juncture of their lives. ^
Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) comprise a heterogenenous group of greater than 50 malignancies of putative mesenchymal cell origin and as such they may arise in diverse tissue types in various anatomical locations throughout the whole body. Collectively they account for approximately 1% of all human malignancies yet have a spectrum of aggressive behaviours amongst their subtypes. They thus pose a particular challenge to manage and remain an under investigated group of cancers with no generally applicable new therapies in the past 40 years and an overall 5-year survival rate that remains stagnant at around 50%. From September 2000 to July 2006 I undertook a full time post-doctoral level research fellowship at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA in the department of Surgical Oncology to investigate the biology of soft tissue sarcoma and test novel anti- sarcoma adenovirus-based therapy in the preclinical nude rat model of isolated limb perfusion against human sarcoma xenografts. This work, in collaboration with colleagues as indicated herein, led to a number of publications in the scientific literature furthering our understanding of the malignant phenotype of sarcoma and reported preclinical studies with wild-type p53, in a replication deficient adenovirus vector, and oncolytic adenoviruses administered by isolated limb perfusion. Additional collaborative and pioneering preclinical studies reported the molecular imaging of sarcoma response to systemically delivered therapeutic phage RGD-4c AAVP. Doxorubicin chemotherapy is the single most active broadly applicable anti-sarcoma chemotherapeutic yet only has an approximate 30% overall response rate with additional breakthrough tumour progression and recurrence after initial chemo-responsiveness further problematic features in STS management. Doxorubicin is a substrate for the multi- drug resistance (mdr) gene product p-glycoprotein drug efflux pump and exerts its main mode of action by induction of DNA double-strand breaks during the S-phase of the cell cycle. Two papers in my thesis characterise different aspects of chemoresistance in sarcoma. The first shows that wild-type p53 suppresses Protein Kinase Calpha (PKCα) phosphorylation (and activation) of p-glycoprotein by transcriptional repression of PKCα through a Sp-1 transcription factor binding site in its -244/-234 promoter region. The second paper demonstrates that Rad51 (a central mediator of homologous recombination repair of double strand breaks) has elevated levels in sarcoma and particularly in the S- G2 phase of the cell cycle. Suppression of Rad51 with small interfering RNA in sarcoma cell culture led to doxorubicin chemosensitisation. Reintroduction of wild-type p53 into STS cell lines resulted in decreased Rad51 protein and mRNA expression via transcriptional repression of the Rad51 promoter through increased AP-2 binding. In light of poor response rates to chemotherapy, escape from local control portends a poor prognosis for patients with sarcoma. Two papers in my thesis characterise aspects of sarcoma angiogenesis, invasion and metastasis. Human sarcoma samples were found to have high levels of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) with expression levels that correlated with p53 mutational status. MMP-9 is known to degrade extracellular collagen, contribute to the control of the angiogenic switch necessary in primary tumour progression and facilitate invasion and metastasis. Reconstitution of wild-type p53 function led to decreased levels of MMP-9 protein and mRNA as well as zymography-assessed MMP-9 proteolytic activity and decreased tumour cell invasiveness. Reintroduction of wild-type p53 into human sarcoma xenografts in-vivo decreased tumour growth and MMP-9 protein expression. Wild-type p53 was found to suppress mmp-9 transcription via decreased binding of NF-κB to its -607/-595 mmp-9 promoter element. Studies on the role of the VEGF165 in sarcoma found that sarcoma cells stably transfected with VEGF165 formed more aggressive xenografted tumours with increased vascularity, growth rate, metastasis, and resistance to chemotherapy. Use of the anti-VEGFR2 antibody DC101 enhanced doxorubicin sensitivity at sub-conventional dosing, inhibited tumour growth, decreased development of metastases, and reduced tumour micro-vessel density while increasing the vessel maturation index. These effects were explained primarily through effects on endothelial cells (e.c.s), rather than the tumour cells per se, where DC101 induced e.c. sensitivity to doxorubicin and suppressed e.c. production of MMPs. The p53 tumour suppressor pathway is the most frequently mutated pathway in sarcoma. Recapitulation of wild-type p53 function in sarcoma exerts a number of anti-cancer outcomes such as growth arrest, resensitisation to chemotherapy, suppression of invasion, and attenuation of angiogenesis. Using a modified nude rat-human sarcoma xenograft model for isolated limb perfusion (ILP) delivery of wild-type p53 in a replication deficient adenovirus vector I showed that functionally competent wild-type p53 could be delivered to and detected in human leiomyosarcoma xenografts confirming preclinical feasibility - although not efficacious due to low transgene expression. Viral fibre modification to express the RGD tripeptide motif led to greater viral uptake by sarcoma cells in vitro (transductional targeting) and changing the transgene promoter to a response element active in cells with active telomerase expression restricted the transgene expression to the tumour intracellular environment (transcriptional targeting). Delivery of the fibre-modified, selectively replication proficient oncolytic adenovirus Ad.hTC.GFP/ E1a.RGD by ILP demonstrated a more robust, and tumour-restricted, transgene expression with evidence of anti-sarcoma effect confirmed microscopically. Collaborative studies using the fibre modified phage RGD-4C AAVP confirmed that systemic delivery specifically, efficiently, and repeatedly targets human sarcoma xenografts, binds to αv integrins in tumours, and demonstrates a durable, though heterogeneous, transgene expression of 1-4 weeks. Incorporation of the Herpes Simplex Virus thymidine kinase (HSVtk) transgene into RGD-4C AAVP permitted CT-PET spatial and temporal molecular imaging in vivo of transgene expression and allowed quantification of tumour metabolic activity both before and after interval administration of a systemic cytotoxic with predictable and measurable response to treatment before becoming apparent clinically. These papers further the medical and scientific community’s understanding of the biology of soft tissue sarcoma and report preclinical studies with novel and promising anti- sarcoma therapeutics.
Bariatric surgery in morbidly obese type 2 diabetic (T2DM) patients is associated with high rates of diabetes remission. We investigated the mechanisms of the anti-diabetic effect of the laparoscopic ileal interposition with sleeve gastrectomy (LII-SG) in normal weight (NW), overweight (OW) and obese (OB) T2DM patients. Ninety-four patients (aged 54 +/- 8 years) with long-standing (median 10 years), treated diabetes (median HbA(1c) = 8.6%), who were NW (15), OW (64) or OB (15) based on BMI, underwent LII-SG. Insulin sensitivity and parameters of -cell function were measured from an Oral Glycaemic Tolerance Test pre- and post-operatively. At a median of 13.4 months post-operatively, weight loss averaged 9.4 +/- 1.3, 16.8 +/- 0.8 and 23.2 +/- 1.7 kg in NW, OW and OB subjects, respectively (p < 0.0001). Insulin sensitivity was fully restored (395 [108] vs 208 [99] ml min(-1) m(-2)), fasting insulin secretion rate decreased (68 [52] vs 146 [120] pmol min(-1) m(-2)) and total insulin output increased (52 [26] vs 39 [28] nmol m(-2), all p a parts per thousand currency signaEuro parts per thousand 0.001). -cell glucose sensitivity doubled (37 [33] vs 18 [24] mol min(-1) m(-2) mM(-1), p < 0.0001). The only parameter predicting remission of diabetes was a lower baseline insulin sensitivity (p = 0.005). LII-SG induced changes on T2DM by mechanisms in part distinct from weight loss, principally involving restoration of insulin sensitivity and improvement of -cell function.
Exogenous oxidized cholesterol disturbs both lipid metabolism and immune functions. Therefore, it may perturb these modulations with ageing. Effects of the dietary protein type on oxidized cholesterol-induced modulations of age-related changes in lipid metabolism and immune function was examined using differently aged (4 weeks versus 8 months) male Sprague-Dawley rats when casein, soybean protein or milk whey protein isolate (WPI) was the dietary protein source, respectively. The rats were given one of the three proteins in diet containing 0.2% oxidized cholesterols mixture. Soybean protein, as compared with the other two proteins, significantly lowered both the serum thiobarbituric acid reactive substances value and cholesterol, whereas it elevated the ratio of high density lipoprotein-cholesterol/cholesterol in young rats, but not in adult. Moreover, soybean protein, but not casein and WPI, suppressed the elevation of Delta6 desaturation indices of phospholipids in both liver and spleen, particularly in young. On the other hand, WPI, compared to the other two proteins, inhibited the leukotriene B4 production of spleen, irrespective of age. Soybean protein reduced the ratio of CD4(+)/CD8(+) T-cells in splenic lymphocytes. Therefore, the levels of immunoglobulin (Ig)A, IgE and IgG in serum were lowered in rats given soybean protein in both age groups except for IgA in adult, although these observations were not shown in rats given other proteins. Thus, various perturbations of lipid metabolism and immune function caused by oxidized cholesterol were modified depending on the type of dietary protein. The moderation by soybean protein on the change of lipid metabolism seems to be susceptible in young rats whose homeostatic ability is immature. These observations may be exerted through both the promotion of oxidized cholesterol excretion to feces and the change of hormonal release, while WPI may suppress the disturbance of immune function by oxidized cholesterol in both ages. This alleviation may be associated with a large amount of lactoglobulin in WPI. These results thus showed a possibility that oxidized cholesterol-induced perturbations of age-related changes of lipid metabolism and immune function can be moderated by both the selection and combination of dietary protein.
Objective: To compare the effects of a 4-month strength training (ST) versus aerobic endurance training (ET) program on metabolic control, muscle strength, and cardiovascular endurance in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D). Design: Randomized controlled trial. Setting: Large public tertiary hospital. Participants: Twenty-two T21) participants (I I men, I I women; mean age +/- standard error, 56.2 +/- 1.1 y; diabetes duration, 8.8 +/- 3.5y) were randomized into a 4-month ST program and 17 T2D participants (9 men, 8 women; mean age, 57.9 +/- 1.4y; diabetes duration, 9.2 +/- 1.7y) into a 4-month ET program. Interventions: ST (up to 6 sets per muscle group per week) and ET (with an intensity of maximal oxygen consumption of 60% and a volume beginning at 15min and advancing to a maximum of 30min 3X/wk) for 4 months. Main Outcome Measures: Laboratory tests included determinations of blood glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin (Hb A(1c)), insulin, and lipid assays. Results: A significant decline in Hb A, was only observed in the ST group (8.3% +/- 1.7% to 7.1% +/- 0.2%, P=.001). Blood glucose (204 +/- 16mg/dL to 147 +/- 8mg/dL, P <.001) and insulin resistance (9.11 +/- 1.51 to 7.15 +/- 1.15, P=.04) improved significantly in the ST group, whereas no significant changes were observed in the ET group. Baseline levels of total cholesterol (207 +/- 8mg/dL to 184 +/- 7mg/dL, P <.001), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (120 +/- 8mg/dL to 106 +/- 8mg/dL, P=.001), and triglyceride levels (229 +/- 25mg/dL to 150 +/- 15mg/dL, P=.001) were significantly reduced and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (43 +/- 3mg/dL to 48 +/- 2mg/dL, P=.004) was significantly increased in the ST group; in contrast, no such changes were seen in the ET group. Conclusions: ST was more effective than ET in improving glycemic control. With the added advantage of an improved lipid profile, we conclude that ST may play an important role in the treatment of T2D.
Background: Diabetes and diabetes-related complications are major causes of morbidity and mortality in the United States. Depressive symptoms and perceived stress have been identified as possible risk factors for beta cell dysfunction and diabetes. The purpose of this study was to assess associations between depression symptoms and perceived stress with beta cell function between African and Haitian Americans with and without type 2 diabetes. Participants and Methods: Informed consent and data were available for 462 participants (231 African Americans and 231 Haitian Americans) for this cross-sectional study. A demographic questionnaire developed by the Primary Investigator was used to collect information regarding age, gender, smoking, and ethnicity. Diabetes status was determined by self-report and confirmed by fasting blood glucose. Anthropometrics (weight, and height and waist circumference) and vital signs (blood pressure) were taken. Blood samples were drawn after 8 10 hours over-night fasting to measure lipid panel, fasting plasma glucose and serum insulin concentrations. The homeostatic model assessment, version 2 (HOMA2) computer model was used to calculate beta cell function. Depression was assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) and stress levels were assessed using the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). Results: Moderate to severe depressive symptoms were more likely for persons with diabetes (p = 0.030). There were no differences in perceived stress between ethnicity and diabetes status (p = 0.283). General linear models for participants with and without type 2 diabetes using beta cell function as the dependent variable showed no association with depressive symptoms and perceived stress; however, Haitian Americans had significantly lower beta cell function than African Americans both with and without diabetes and adjusting for age, gender, waist circumference and smoking. Further research is needed to compare these risk factors in other race/ethnic groups.
To assess sexual function (SF) and quality of life (QOL) in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess 56 women with PCOS and 102 control women with regular menstrual cycles. To assess SF and QOL in Brazilian women with PCOS with Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and the WHOQOL-bref questionnaires. Women with PCOS had a worse evaluation to arousal, lubrication, satisfaction, pain and total FSFI, and there was no difference in sexual desire and orgasm. Besides, they had a worse evaluation concerning health status than controls. The body mass index was inversely correlated to the QOL, especially to the physical, psychological, environment aspects and self-assessment of QOL, but it did not show correlation to the SF. Women with PCOS had a worse sexual function and self-assessment of health condition in comparison to controls. The body weight as isolated symptom was correlated to the worsening in quality of life, but not with the worsening of sexual function.