997 resultados para Gas diffusion


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We report and discuss molecular and isotopic properties of hydrate-bound gases from 55 samples and void gases from 494 samples collected during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 204 at Hydrate Ridge offshore Oregon. Gas hydrates appear to crystallize in sediments from two end-member gas sources (deep allochthonous and in situ) as mixtures of different proportions. In an area of high gas flux at the Southern Summit of the ridge (Sites 1248-1250), shallow (0-40 m below the seafloor [mbsf]) gas hydrates are composed of mainly allochthonous mixed microbial and thermogenic methane and a small portion of thermogenic C2+ gases, which migrated vertically and laterally from as deep as 2- to 2.5-km depths. In contrast, deep (50-105 mbsf) gas hydrates at the Southern Summit (Sites 1248 and 1250) and on the flanks of the ridge (Sites 1244-1247) crystallize mainly from microbial methane and ethane generated dominantly in situ. A small contribution of allochthonous gas may also be present at sites where geologic and tectonic settings favor focused vertical gas migration from greater depth (e.g., Sites 1244 and 1245). Non-hydrocarbon gases such as CO2 and H2S are not abundant in sampled hydrates. The new gas geochemical data are inconsistent with earlier models suggesting that seafloor gas hydrates at Hydrate Ridge formed from gas derived from decomposition of deeper and older gas hydrates. Gas hydrate formation at the Southern Summit is explained by a model in which gas migrated from deep sediments, and perhaps was trapped by a gas hydrate seal at the base of the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ). Free gas migrated into the GHSZ when the overpressure in gas column exceeded sealing capacity of overlaying sediments, and precipitated as gas hydrate mainly within shallow sediments. The mushroom-like 3D shape of gas hydrate accumulation at the summit is possibly defined by the gas diffusion aureole surrounding the main migration conduit, the decrease of gas solubility in shallow sediment, and refocusing of gas by carbonate and gas hydrate seals near the seafloor to the crest of the local anticline structure.


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Radon gas (Rn) is a natural radioactive gas present in some soils and able to penetrate buildings through the building envelope in contact with the soil. Radon can accumulate within buildings and consequently be inhaled by their occupants. Because it is a radioactive gas, its disintegration process produces alpha particles that, in contact with the lung epithelia, can produce alterations potentially giving rise to cancer. Many international organizations related to health protection, such as WHO, confirm this causality. One way to avoid the accumulation of radon in buildings is to use the building envelope as a radon barrier. The extent to which concrete provides such a barrier is described by its radon diffusion coefficient (DRn), a parameter closely related to porosity (ɛ) and tortuosity factor (τ). The measurement of the radon diffusion coefficient presents challenges, due to the absence of standard procedures, the requirement to establish adequate airtightness in testing apparatus (referred to here as the diffusion cell), and due to the fact that measurement has to be carried out in an environment certified for use of radon calibrated sources. In addition to this calibrated radon sources are costly. The measurement of the diffusion coefficient for non-radioactive gas is less complex, but nevertheless retains a degree of difficulty due to the need to provide reliably airtight apparatus for all tests. Other parameters that can characterize and describe the process of gas transport through concrete include the permeability coefficient (K) and the electrical resistivity (ρe), both of which can be measured relatively easily with standardized procedure. The use of these parameters would simplify the characterization of concrete behaviour as a radon barrier. Although earlier studies exist, describing correlation among these parameters, there is, as has been observed in the literature, little common ground between the various research efforts. For precisely this reason, prior to any attempt to measure radon diffusion, it was deemed necessary to carry out further research in this area, as a foundation to the current work, to explore potential relationships among the following parameters: porosity-tortuosity, oxygen diffusion coefficient, permeability coefficient and resistivity. Permeability coefficient measurement (m2) presents a more straightforward challenge than diffusion coefficient measurement. Some authors identify a relationship between both coefficients, including Gaber (1988), who proposes: k= a•Dn Equation 1 Where: a=A/(8ΠD020), A = sample cross-section, D020 = diffusion coefficient in air (m2/s). Other studies (Klink et al. 1999, Gaber and Schlattner 1997, Gräf and Grube et al. 1986), experimentally relate both coefficients of different types of concrete confirming that this relationship exists, as represented by the simplified expression: k≈Dn Equation 2 In each particular study a different value for n was established, varying from 1.3 to 2.5, but this requires determination of a value for n in a more general way because these proposed models cannot estimate diffusion coefficient. If diffusion coefficient has to be measured to be able to establish n, these relationships are not interesting. The measurement of electric resistivity is easier than diffusion coefficient measurement. Correlation between the parameters can be established via Einstein´s law that relates movement of electrical charges to media conductivity according to the expression: D_e=k/ρ Equation 3 Where: De = diffusion coefficient (cm2/s), K = constant, ρ = electric resistivity (Ω•cm). The tortuosity factor is used to represent the uneven geometry of concrete pores, which are described as being not straight, but tortuous. This factor was first introduced in the literature to relate global porosity with fluid transport in a porous media, and can be formulated in a number of different ways. For example, it can take the form of equation 4 (Mason y Malinauskas), which combines molecular and Knudsen diffusion using the tortuosity factor: D=ε^τ (3/2r √(πM/8RT+1/D_0 ))^(-1) Equation 4 Where: r = medium radius obtained from MIP (µm), M = gas molecular mass, R = ideal gases constant, T = temperature (K), D0 = coefficient diffusion in the air (m2/s). Few studies provide any insight as to how to obtain the tortuosity factor. The work of Andrade (2012) is exceptional in this sense, as it outlines how the tortuosity factor can be deduced from pore size distribution (from MIP) from the equation: ∅_th=∅_0•ε^(-τ). Equation 5 Where: Øth = threshold diameter (µm), Ø0 = minimum diameter (µm), ɛ = global porosity, τ = tortuosity factor. Alternatively, the following equation may be used to obtain the tortuosity factor: DO2=D0*ɛτ Equation 6 Where: DO2 = oxygen diffusion coefficient obtained experimentally (m2/s), DO20 = oxygen diffusion coefficient in the air (m2/s). This equation has been inferred from Archie´s law ρ_e=〖a•ρ〗_0•ɛ^(-m) and from the Einstein law mentioned above, using the values of oxygen diffusion coefficient obtained experimentally. The principal objective of the current study was to establish correlations between the different parameters that characterize gas transport through concrete. The achievement of this goal will facilitate the assessment of the useful life of concrete, as well as open the door to the pro-active planning for the use of concrete as a radon barrier. Two further objectives were formulated within the current study: 1.- To develop a method for measurement of gas coefficient diffusion in concrete. 2.- To model an analytic estimation of radon diffusion coefficient from parameters related to concrete porosity and tortuosity factor. In order to assess the possible correlations, parameters have been measured using the standardized procedures or purpose-built in the laboratory for the study of equations 1, 2 y 3. To measure the gas diffusion coefficient, a diffusion cell was designed and manufactured, with the design evolving over several cycles of research, leading ultimately to a unit that is reliably air tight. The analytic estimation of the radon diffusion coefficient DRn in concrete is based on concrete global porosity (ɛ), whose values may be experimentally obtained from a mercury intrusion porosimetry test (MIP), and from its tortuosity factor (τ), derived using the relations expressed in equations 5 y 6. The conclusions of the study are: Several models based on regressions, for concrete with a relative humidity of 50%, have been proposed to obtain the diffusion coefficient following the equations K=Dn, K=a*Dn y D=n/ρe. The final of these three relations is the one with the determination coefficient closest to a value of 1: D=(19,997*LNɛ+59,354)/ρe Equation 7 The values of the obtained oxygen diffusion coefficient adjust quite well to those experimentally measured. The proposed method for the measurement of the gas coefficient diffusion is considered to be adequate. The values obtained for the oxygen diffusion coefficient are within the range of those proposed by the literature (10-7 a 10-8 m2/s), and are consistent with the other studied parameters. Tortuosity factors obtained using pore distribution and the expression Ø=Ø0*ɛ-τ are inferior to those from resistivity ρ=ρ0*ɛ-τ. The closest relationship to it is the one with porosity of pore diameter 1 µm (τ=2,07), being 7,21% inferior. Tortuosity factors obtained from the expression DO2=D0*ɛτ are similar to those from resistivity: for global tortuosity τ=2,26 and for the rest of porosities τ=0,7. Estimated radon diffusion coefficients are within the range of those consulted in literature (10-8 a 10-10 m2/s).ABSTRACT El gas radón (Rn) es un gas natural radioactivo presente en algunos terrenos que puede penetrar en los edificios a través de los cerramientos en contacto con el mismo. En los espacios interiores se puede acumular y ser inhalado por las personas. Al ser un gas radioactivo, en su proceso de desintegración emite partículas alfa que, al entrar en contacto con el epitelio pulmonar, pueden producir alteraciones del mismo causando cáncer. Muchos organismos internacionales relacionados con la protección de la salud, como es la OMS, confirman esta causalidad. Una de las formas de evitar que el radón penetre en los edificios es utilizando las propiedades de barrera frente al radón de su propia envolvente en contacto con el terreno. La principal característica del hormigón que confiere la propiedad de barrera frente al radón cuando conforma esta envolvente es su permeabilidad que se puede caracterizar mediante su coeficiente de difusión (DRn). El coeficiente de difusión de un gas en el hormigón es un parámetro que está muy relacionado con su porosidad (ɛ) y su tortuosidad (τ). La medida del coeficiente de difusión del radón resulta bastante complicada debido a que el procedimiento no está normalizado, a que es necesario asegurar una estanquidad a la celda de medida de la difusión y a que la medida tiene que ser realizada en un laboratorio cualificado para el uso de fuentes de radón calibradas, que además son muy caras. La medida del coeficiente de difusión de gases no radioactivos es menos compleja, pero sigue teniendo un alto grado de dificultad puesto que tampoco está normalizada, y se sigue teniendo el problema de lograr una estanqueidad adecuada de la celda de difusión. Otros parámetros que pueden caracterizar el proceso son el coeficiente de permeabilidad (K) y la resistividad eléctrica (ρe), que son más fáciles de determinar mediante ensayos que sí están normalizados. El uso de estos parámetros facilitaría la caracterización del hormigón como barrera frente al radón, pero aunque existen algunos estudios que proponen correlaciones entre estos parámetros, en general existe divergencias entre los investigadores, como se ha podido comprobar en la revisión bibliográfica realizada. Por ello, antes de tratar de medir la difusión del radón se ha considerado necesario realizar más estudios que puedan clarificar las posibles relaciones entre los parámetros: porosidad-tortuosidad, coeficiente de difusión del oxígeno, coeficiente de permeabilidad y resistividad. La medida del coeficiente de permeabilidad (m2) es más sencilla que el de difusión. Hay autores que relacionan el coeficiente de permeabilidad con el de difusión. Gaber (1988) propone la siguiente relación: k= a•Dn Ecuación 1 En donde: a=A/(8ΠD020), A = sección de la muestra, D020 = coeficiente de difusión en el aire (m2/s). Otros estudios (Klink et al. 1999, Gaber y Schlattner 1997, Gräf y Grube et al. 1986) relacionan de forma experimental los coeficientes de difusión de radón y de permeabilidad de distintos hormigones confirmando que existe una relación entre ambos parámetros, utilizando la expresión simplificada: k≈Dn Ecuación 2 En cada estudio concreto se han encontrado distintos valores para n que van desde 1,3 a 2,5 lo que lleva a la necesidad de determinar n porque no hay métodos que eviten la determinación del coeficiente de difusión. Si se mide la difusión ya deja de ser de interés la medida indirecta a través de la permeabilidad. La medida de la resistividad eléctrica es muchísimo más sencilla que la de la difusión. La relación entre ambos parámetros se puede establecer a través de una de las leyes de Einstein que relaciona el movimiento de cargas eléctricas con la conductividad del medio según la siguiente expresión: D_e=k/ρ_e Ecuación 3 En donde: De = coeficiente de difusión (cm2/s), K = constante, ρe = resistividad eléctrica (Ω•cm). El factor de tortuosidad es un factor de forma que representa la irregular geometría de los poros del hormigón, al no ser rectos sino tener una forma tortuosa. Este factor se introduce en la literatura para relacionar la porosidad total con el transporte de un fluido en un medio poroso y se puede formular de distintas formas. Por ejemplo se destaca la ecuación 4 (Mason y Malinauskas) que combina la difusión molecular y la de Knudsen utilizando el factor de tortuosidad: D=ε^τ (3/2r √(πM/8RT+1/D_0 ))^(-1) Ecuación 4 En donde: r = radio medio obtenido del MIP (µm), M = peso molecular del gas, R = constante de los gases ideales, T = temperatura (K), D0 = coeficiente de difusión de un gas en el aire (m2/s). No hay muchos estudios que proporcionen una forma de obtener este factor de tortuosidad. Destaca el estudio de Andrade (2012) en el que deduce el factor de tortuosidad de la distribución del tamaño de poros (curva de porosidad por intrusión de mercurio) a partir de la ecuación: ∅_th=∅_0•ε^(-τ) Ecuación 5 En donde: Øth = diámetro umbral (µm), Ø0 = diámetro mínimo (µm), ɛ = porosidad global, τ = factor de tortuosidad. Por otro lado, se podría utilizar también para obtener el factor de tortuosidad la relación: DO2=D0*-τ Ecuación 6 En donde: DO2 = coeficiente de difusión del oxígeno experimental (m2/s), DO20 = coeficiente de difusión del oxígeno en el aire (m2/s). Esta ecuación está inferida de la ley de Archie ρ_e=〖a•ρ〗_0•ɛ^(-m) y la de Einstein mencionada anteriormente, utilizando valores del coeficiente de difusión del oxígeno DO2 obtenidos experimentalmente. El objetivo fundamental de la tesis es encontrar correlaciones entre los distintos parámetros que caracterizan el transporte de gases a través del hormigón. La consecución de este objetivo facilitará la evaluación de la vida útil del hormigón así como otras posibilidades, como la evaluación del hormigón como elemento que pueda ser utilizado en la construcción de nuevos edificios como barrera frente al gas radón presente en el terreno. Se plantean también los siguientes objetivos parciales en la tesis: 1.- Elaborar una metodología para la medida del coeficiente de difusión de los gases en el hormigón. 2.- Plantear una estimación analítica del coeficiente de difusión del radón a partir de parámetros relacionados con su porosidad y su factor de tortuosidad. Para el estudio de las correlaciones posibles, se han medido los parámetros con los procedimientos normalizados o puestos a punto en el propio Instituto, y se han estudiado las reflejadas en las ecuaciones 1, 2 y 3. Para la medida del coeficiente de difusión de gases se ha fabricado una celda que ha exigido una gran variedad de detalles experimentales con el fin de hacerla estanca. Para la estimación analítica del coeficiente de difusión del radón DRn en el hormigón se ha partido de su porosidad global (ɛ), que se obtiene experimentalmente del ensayo de porosimetría por intrusión de mercurio (MIP), y de su factor de tortuosidad (τ), que se ha obtenido a partir de las relaciones reflejadas en las ecuaciones 5 y 6. Las principales conclusiones obtenidas son las siguientes: Se proponen modelos basados en regresiones, para un acondicionamiento con humedad relativa de 50%, para obtener el coeficiente de difusión del oxígeno según las relaciones: K=Dn, K=a*Dn y D=n/ρe. La propuesta para esta última relación es la que tiene un mejor ajuste con R2=0,999: D=(19,997*LNɛ+59,354)/ρe Ecuación 7 Los valores del coeficiente de difusión del oxígeno así estimados se ajustan a los obtenidos experimentalmente. Se considera adecuado el método propuesto de medida del coeficiente de difusión para gases. Los resultados obtenidos para el coeficiente de difusión del oxígeno se encuentran dentro del rango de los consultados en la literatura (10-7 a 10-8 m2/s) y son coherentes con el resto de parámetros estudiados. Los resultados de los factores de tortuosidad obtenidos de la relación Ø=Ø0*ɛ-τ son inferiores a la de la resistividad (ρ=ρ0*ɛ-τ). La relación que más se ajusta a ésta, siendo un 7,21% inferior, es la de la porosidad correspondiente al diámetro 1 µm con τ=2,07. Los resultados de los factores de tortuosidad obtenidos de la relación DO2=D0*ɛτ son similares a la de la resistividad: para la porosidad global τ=2,26 y para el resto de porosidades τ=0,7. Los coeficientes de difusión de radón estimados mediante estos factores de tortuosidad están dentro del rango de los consultados en la literatura (10-8 a 10-10 m2/s).


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The use of a solid polymeric electrolyte, spe, is not commonly found in organic electrosynthesis despite its inherent advantages such as the possible elimination of the electrolyte entailing simpler purification processes, a smaller sized reactor and lower energetic costs. In order to test if it were possible to use a spe in industrial organic electrosynthesis, we studied the synthesis of 1-phenylethanol through the electrochemical hydrogenation of acetophenone using Pd/C 30 wt% with different loadings as cathode and a hydrogen gas diffusion anode. A Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Electrochemical Reactor, PEMER, with a fuel cell structure was chosen to carry out electrochemical reduction with a view to simplifying an industrial scale-up of the electrochemical process. We studied the influence of current density and cathode catalyst loading on this electroorganic synthesis. Selectivity for 1-phenylethanol was around 90% with only ethylbenzene and hydrogen detected as by-products.


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The pre-pilot scale synthesis of 1-phenylethanol was carried out by the cathodic hydrogenation of acetophenone in a 100 cm2 (geometric area) Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Electrochemical Reactor. The cathode was a Pd/C electrode. Hydrogen oxidation on a gas diffusion electrode was chosen as anodic reaction in order to take advantage of the hydrogen evolved during the reduction. This hydrogen oxidation provides the protons needed for the synthesis. The synthesis performed with only a solid polymer electrolyte, spe, has lower fractional conversion although a higher selectivity than that carried out using a support–electrolyte–solvent together with a spe. However, the difference between these two cases is rather small and since the work-up and purification of the final product are much easier when only a spe is used, this last process was chosen for the pre-pilot electrochemical synthesis of 1-phenylethanol.


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Fluctuations of trace gas activity as a response to variations in weather and microclimate conditions were monitored over a year in a shallow volcanic cave (Painted Cave, Galdar, Canary Islands, Spain). 222Rn concentration was used due to its greater sensitivity to hygrothermal variations than CO2 concentration. Radon concentration in the cave increases as effective vapour condensation within the porous system of the rock surfaces inside the cave increases due to humidity levels of more than 70%. Condensed water content in pores was assessed and linked to a reduction in the direct passage of trace gases. Fluctuations in radon activity as a response to variations in weather and microclimate conditions were statistically identified by clustering entropy changes on the radon signal and parameterised to predict radon concentration anomalies. This raises important implications for other research fields, including the surveillance of shallow volcanic and seismic activity, preventive conservation of cultural heritage in indoor spaces, indoor air quality control and studies to improve understanding of the role of subterranean terrestrial ecosystems as reservoirs and/or temporary sources of trace gases.


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A novel polymer electrolyte membrane electrochemical reactor (PEMER) configuration has been employed for the direct electrooxidation of propargyl alcohol (PGA), a model primary alcohol, towards its carboxylic acid derivatives in alkaline medium. The PEMER configuration comprised of an anode and cathode based on nanoparticulate Ni and Pt electrocatalysts, respectively, supported on carbonaceous substrates. The electrooxidation of PGA was performed in 1.0 M NaOH, where a cathode based on a gas diffusion electrode was manufactured for the reduction of oxygen in alkaline conditions. The performance of a novel alkaline anion-exchange membrane based on Chitosan (CS) and Poly(vinyl) alcohol (PVA) in a 50:50 composition ratio doped with a 5 wt.% of poly (4-vinylpyridine) organic ionomer cross-linked, methyl chloride quaternary salt resin (4VP) was assessed as solid polymer electrolyte. The influence of 4VP anionic ionomer loading of 7, 12 and 20 wt.% incorporated into the electrocatalytic layers was examined by SEM and cyclic voltammetry (CV) upon the optimisation of the electroactive area, the mechanical stability and cohesion of the catalytic ink onto the carbonaceous substrate for both electrodes. The performance of the 4VP/CS:PVA membrane was compared with the commercial alkaline anion-exchange membrane FAA −a membrane generally used in direct alcohol alkaline fuel cells- in terms of polarisation plots in alkaline conditions. Furthermore, preparative electrolyses of the electrooxidation of PGA was performed under alkaline conditions of 1 M NaOH at constant current density of 20 mA cm−2 using a PEMER configuration to provide proof of the principle of the feasibility of the electrooxidation of other alcohols in alkaline media. PGA conversion to Z isomers of 3-(2-propynoxy)-2-propenoic acid (Z-PPA) was circa 0.77, with average current efficiency of 0.32. Alkaline stability of the membranes within the PEMER configuration was finally evaluated after the electrooxidation of PGA.


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The operation of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) with dry feeds has been examined with different fuel cell flow channel designs as functions of pressure, temperature and flow rate. Auto-humidified (or self-humidifying) PEMFC operation is improved at higher pressures and low gas velocities where axial dispersion enhances back-mixing of the product water with the dry feed. We demonstrate auto-humidified operation of the channel-less, self-draining fuel cell, based on a stirred tank reactor; data is presented showing auto-humidified operation from 25 to 115 degrees C at 1 and 3 atm. Design and operating requirements are derived for the auto-humidified operation of the channel-less, self-draining fuel cell. The auto-humidified self-draining fuel cell outperforms a fully humidified serpentine flow channel fuel cell at high current densities. The new design offers substantial benefits for simplicity of operation and control including: the ability to self-drain reducing flooding, the ability to uniformly disperse water removing current gradients and the ability to operate on dry feeds eliminating the need for humidifiers. Additionally, the design lends itself well to a modular design concept. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Carbon possesses unique electrical and structural properties that make it an ideal material for use in fuel cell construction. In alkaline, phosphoric acid and proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), carbon is used in fabricating the bipolar plate and the gas-diffusion layer. It can also act as a support for the active metal in the catalyst layer. Various forms of carbon - from graphite and carbon blacks to composite materials - have been chosen for fuel-cell components. The development of carbon nanotubes and the emergence of nanotechnology in recent years has therefore opened up new avenues of matenials development for the low-temperature fuel cells, particularly the hydrogen PEMFC and the direct methanol PEMFC. Carbon nanotubes and aerogels are also being investigated for use as catalyst support, and this could lead to the production of more stable, high activity catalysts, with low platinum loadings (< 0.1 Mg cm(-2)) and therefore low cost. Carbon can also be used as a fuel in high-temperature fuel cells based on solid oxide, alkaline or molten carbonate technology. In the direct carbon fuel cell (DCFC), the energy of combustion of carbon is converted to electrical power with a thermodynamic efficiency close to 100%. The DCFC could therefore help to extend the use of fossil fuels for power generation as society moves towards a more sustainable energy future. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Oxygen equilibrium curves have been widely used to understand oxygen transport in numerous organisms. A major challenge has been to monitor oxygen binding characteristics and concomitant pH changes as they occur in vivo, in limited sample volumes. Here we report a technique allowing highly resolved and simultaneous monitoring of pH and blood pigment saturation in minute blood volumes. We equipped a gas diffusion chamber with a broad range fibre optic spectrophotometer and a micro-pH optode and recorded changes of pigment oxygenation along PO2 and pH gradients to test the setup. Oxygen binding parameters derived from measurements in only 15 µl of haemolymph from the cephalopod Octopus vulgaris showed low instrumental error (0.93%) and good agreement with published data. Broad range spectra, each resolving 2048 data points, provided detailed insight into the complex absorbance characteristics of diverse blood types. After consideration of photobleaching and intrinsic fluorescence, pH optodes yielded accurate recordings and resolved a sigmoidal shift of 0.03 pH units in response to changing PO2 from 0-21 kPa. Highly resolved continuous recordings along pH gradients conformed to stepwise measurements at low rates of pH changes. In this study we showed that a diffusion chamber upgraded with a broad range spectrophotometer and an optical pH sensor accurately characterizes oxygen binding with minimal sample consumption and manipulation. We conclude that the modified diffusion chamber is highly suitable for experimental biologists who demand high flexibility, detailed insight into oxygen binding as well as experimental and biological accuracy combined in a single set up.


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La carbonatation minérale dans les résidus miniers est un moyen sûr et permanent de séquestrer le CO2 atmosphérique. C’est un processus naturel et passif qui ne nécessite aucun traitement particulier et donc avantageux d’un point de vue économique. Bien que la quantité de CO2 qu’il soit possible de séquestrer selon ce processus est faible à l’échelle globale, dans le cadre d’un marché du carbone, les entreprises minières pourraient obtenir des crédits et ainsi revaloriser leurs résidus. À l’heure actuelle, il y a peu d’informations pour quantifier le potentiel de séquestration du CO2 de façon naturelle et passive dans les piles de résidus miniers. Il est donc nécessaire d’étudier le phénomène pour comprendre comment évolue la réaction à travers le temps et estimer la quantité de CO2 qui peut être séquestrée naturellement dans les piles de résidus. Plusieurs travaux de recherche se sont intéressés aux résidus miniers de Thetford Mines (Québec, Canada), avec une approche principalement expérimentale en laboratoire. Ces travaux ont permis d’améliorer la compréhension du processus de carbonatation, mais ils nécessitent une validation à plus grande échelle sous des conditions atmosphériques réelles. L’objectif général de cette étude est de quantifier le processus de carbonatation minérale des résidus miniers sous des conditions naturelles, afin d’estimer la quantité de CO2 pouvant être piégée par ce processus. La méthodologie utilisée repose sur la construction de deux parcelles expérimentales de résidus miniers situées dans l’enceinte de la mine Black Lake (Thetford Mines). Les résidus miniers sont principalement constitués de grains et de fibres de chrysotile et lizardite mal triés, avec de petites quantités d’antigorite, de brucite et de magnétite. Des observations spatiales et temporelles ont été effectuées dans les parcelles concernant la composition et la pression des gaz, la température des résidus, la teneur en eau volumique, la composition minérale des résidus ainsi que la chimie de l’eau des précipitations et des lixiviats provenant des parcelles. Ces travaux ont permis d’observer un appauvrissement notable du CO2 dans les gaz des parcelles (< 50 ppm) ainsi que la précipitation d’hydromagnésite dans les résidus, ce qui suggère que la carbonatation minérale naturelle et passive est un processus potentiellement important dans les résidus miniers. Après 4 ans d’observations, le taux de séquestration du CO2 dans les parcelles expérimentales a été estimé entre 3,5 et 4 kg/m3/an. Ces observations ont permis de développer un modèle conceptuel de la carbonatation minérale naturelle et passive dans les parcelles expérimentales. Dans ce modèle conceptuel, le CO2 atmosphérique (~ 400 ppm) se dissout dans l’eau hygroscopique contenue dans les parcelles, où l’altération des silicates de magnésium forme des carbonates de magnésium. La saturation en eau dans les cellules est relativement stable dans le temps et varie entre 0,4 et 0,65, ce qui est plus élevé que les valeurs de saturation optimales proposées dans la littérature, réduisant ainsi le transport de CO2 dans la zone non saturée. Les concentrations de CO2 en phase gazeuse, ainsi que des mesures de la vitesse d’écoulement du gaz dans les cellules suggèrent que la réaction est plus active près de la surface et que la diffusion du CO2 est le mécanisme de transport dominant dans les résidus. Un modèle numérique a été utilisé pour simuler ces processus couplés et valider le modèle conceptuel avec les observations de terrain. Le modèle de transport réactif multiphase et multicomposant MIN3P a été utilisé pour réaliser des simulations en 1D qui comprennent l’infiltration d’eau à travers le milieu partiellement saturé, la diffusion du gaz, et le transport de masse réactif par advection et dispersion. Même si les écoulements et le contenu du lixivat simulés sont assez proches des observations de terrain, le taux de séquestration simulé est 22 fois plus faible que celui mesuré. Dans les simulations, les carbonates précipitent principalement dans la partie supérieure de la parcelle, près de la surface, alors qu’ils ont été observés dans toute la parcelle. Cette différence importante pourrait être expliquée par un apport insuffisant de CO2 dans la parcelle, qui serait le facteur limitant la carbonatation. En effet, l’advection des gaz n’a pas été considérée dans les simulations et seule la diffusion moléculaire a été simulée. En effet, la mobilité des gaz engendrée par les fluctuations de pression barométrique et l’infiltration de l’eau, ainsi que l’effet du vent doivent jouer un rôle conséquent pour alimenter les parcelles en CO2.