972 resultados para GENUS ALOUATTA
Analysis of the 16S rDNA sequences of species currently assigned to the genus Herpetosiphon revealed intrageneric phylogenetic heterogeneity. The thermotolerant freshwater species Herpetosiphon geysericola is most closely related to the type species Herpetosiphon aurantiacus in the Chloroflexus Subdivision of the green non-sulfur bacteria, The marine species Herpetosiphon cohaerens, Herpetosiphon nigricans and Herpetosiphon persicus, on the other hand, were found to form a cluster with the sheathed bacterium Haliscomenobacter hydrossis in the Saprospira group of the Flexibacter-Bacteroides-Cytophaga (FBC) phylum. A proposal is made to transfer these marine species to the genus Lewinella gen. nov. as Lewinella cohaerens comb, nov., Lewinella nigricans comb. nov, and Lewinella persica comb. nov. The marine sheathed gliding bacterium Flexithrix dorotheae was also found to be a member of the FBC phylum but on a separate phylogenetic line to the marine herpetosiphons now assigned to the genus Lewinella.
Allozyme variation in species of the mangrove genus Avicennia was screened in 25 populations collected from 22 locations in the Indo-West Pacific and eastern North America using 11 loci. Several fixed gene differences supported the specific status of Avicennia alba, A. integra, A. marina, and A. rumphiana from the Indo-West Pacific, and A. germinans from the Atlantic-East Pacific. The three varieties of A. marina, var. marina, var. eucalyptifolia, and var. australasica, had higher genetic similarities (Nei's I) and no fixed gene differences, confirming their conspecific status. Strong genetic structuring was observed in A. marina, with sharp changes in gene frequencies at the geographical margins of varietal distributions. The occurrence of alleles found otherwise in only one variety, in only immediately adjacent populations of another variety, provided evidence of introgession between varieties. The varieties appear to have diverged recently in the Pleistocene and are apparently not of ancient Cretaceous origin, as suggested earlier. Despite evidence of high degrees of outcrossing, gene flow among populations was relatively low (N(e)m less than or equal to 1-2), except where populations were geographically continuous, questioning assumptions that these widespread mangrove species achieve high levels of long-distance dispersal.
Bioassay-directed fractionation of the ethanol extracts of two Amphimedon spp. collected during trawling operations in the Great Australian Eight yielded four new macrocyclic lactone/lactams, amphilactams A-D (1-4). The amphilactams possess potent in vitro nematocidal properties, and their structures were assigned on the basis of detailed spectroscopic analysis and comparison with synthetic model compounds. The amphilactams feature both carbon skeletons and an enamino lactone/lactam moiety unprecedented in the natural products literature.
We examined the phylogeny of ticks (Acari:Parasitiformes:Ixodida) and their closest known mite relatives (Acari:Parasitiformes:Mesostigmata and Holothyrida) using 18S rRNA sequences. In our analyses, we included sequences from 36 taxa. Sequences for 13 hard ticks (Family Ixodidae), 5 soft ticks (Family Argasidae), and 2 mesostigmatid mites were obtained from the GenBank database and we generated sequences for 15 hard ticks and 1 holothyrid mite. Ten of these tick species were endemic to Australia. Our analyses indicated that the suborder Holothyrida is more closely related to Ixodida than to Mesostigmata, the group used as outgroup in earlier molecular studies. This finding is consistent with Lehtinen's (1991) hypothesis that the Holothyrida rather than the Mesostigmata is the sister-group to the Ixodida. Within the hard ticks the genus Aponomma and thus the family Amblyomminae were paraphyletic. Taxonomic revision of these taxa is needed. The genus Amblyomma was paraphyletic without the inclusion of typical Aponomma species (Ap. latum and Ap. fimbriatum). There was a basal divergence between endemic Australian and other species in both the Metastriata and the Prostriata divisions of the hard ticks. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
As a consequence of the transfer of the type species Conglomeromonas largomobilis subsp. largomobilis to the genus Azospirillum, the name of the genus Conglomeromonas must be changed in accordance with Rule 37a(1) of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria. Consequently, it is proposed that the subspecies Conglomeromonas largomobilis subsp, parooensis be transferred to the genus Skermanella gen, nov. as the type species Skermanella parooensis gen, nov., sp, nov. This taxon belongs to an isolated subline of descent in the Azospirillum branch of the alpha-Proteobacteria. The spelling of the specific epithet of Azospirillum largomobile is corrected to Azospirillum largimobile.
Two species of Deretrema (Zoogonidae) are reported from labrid fishes from the Great Barrier Reef. D. nahaense Yamaguti, 1942 is recorded from the gall-bladders of the labrids Thalassoma hardwicke (Bennett), T. jansenii (Bleeker), T. lunare (Linnaeus) and T. lutescens (Lay & Bennett). This species is recognised, despite having been formerly synonymised with D. pacificum Yamaguti, 1942. In addition to morphological distinction, D. nahaense appears to have strict host-specificity for the genus Thalassoma. D. woolcockae n.sp. is described from the gall-bladder of Hemigymnus fasciatus (Bloch). The new species is close to D. acutum Pritchard, 1963 and D. plotosi Yamaguti, 1940, but differs slightly in the distribution of the vitelline follicles, the sucker-ratio and the position of the cirrus-sac. In addition, this species also appears to have a distinct host-specificity, being restricted to one labrid species.
Rhamdella cainguae, a new species of the family Heptapteridae is described from the Arroyo Cuna-Piru, a tributary of the Rio Parana, in the subtropical forest of Misiones, northeastern Argentina. The presence of a large differentiated ovoid area on the supraorbital laterosensory canal along the frontal-sphenotic boundary, delimited by the slender dorsal walls of the bones, and with no foramen for a laterosensory branch, is an autapomorphy for R. cainguae. A detailed description of the skeleton and laterosensory system of R. cainguae is provided. The genus Rhamdella is rediagnosed on the basis of three autapomorphies: a very large opening in the frontal for the exit of the s6 ( epiphyseal) branch of the supraorbital laterosensory canal ( reversed in R. rusbyi), a large optic foramen, and a dark stripe along the lateral surface of the body ( reversed in R. rusbyi). Rhamdella is considered to be the sister group of a large heptapterid clade composed of the Nemuroglanis sub-clade plus the genera Brachyglanis, Gladioglanis, Leptorhamdia, and Myoglanis. Rhamdella is herein restricted to five valid species: R. aymarae, R. cainguae, R. eriarcha, R. longiuscula, and R. rusbyi. A sister group relationship between R. aymarae and R. rusbyi is supported by three synapomorphies. Rhamdella cainguae shares 12 apomorphic features with R. eriarcha and R. longiuscula.
Kuhlmanniodendron Fiaschi & Groppo, a new genus of the tribe Lindackerieae (Achariaceae sensu lato) is created to accommodate Carpotroche apterocarpa Kuhlm, a species previously described based on incomplete floriferous and fruiting material from the rainforests of Espirito Santo state, eastern Brazil. The genus is defined by a unique set of character states, including leaves with Clusia-like venation and scaly trichomes, flowers with glabrous stamen filaments and three free styles, and indehiscent fruits with a smooth surface (sometimes with vertical ribs when dried). A description and illustration are provided, with comments on geographical distribution, phenology and generic relationships, and an emended key to neotropical genera of Lindackerieae. (c) 2008 The Linnean Society of London.
Five New World species of Chrysotus Meigen are redescribed, four of them herein transferred from Diaphorus Meigen: C. angustifrons (Robinson), comb.nov., C. maculatus (Parent), comb.nov. (= D. maculipennis Robinson), C. robustus(Robinson), comb. nov., C. spectabilis (Loew) and C. wirthi (Robinson), comb. nov. The female of C. maculatus is described for the first time. Terminalia of both males and females are illustrated. The previous suggestion that C. angustifrons, C. robustus, C. wirthi, and C. spectabilis and the Neotropical genus Lyroneurus Loew are closely related based on wing venation similarities is analyzed and rejected.
Three Neotropical species of Phthinia Winnertz have been described to date. The genus is known from Chile and southern Argentina. Four new species are herein described for the genus in the region, two from Brazil-Phthinia theresae, sp. n., from the State of Espirito Santo, and Phithinia urubici, sp. n., from the State of Santa Catarina-and two from Chile-Phthinia freemani, sp. n., and Phthinia parafurcata, sp. n. Comments are made about the relationships between the Neotropical species. Some notes are added about P. furcata Freeman, P. flagellata Freeman, and P. fasciata Freeman, from Chile and southern Argentina. Attention is called for the fact that Phthinia has two species in Brazil disjunct from the other temperate species of the genus in South America, differently from most similar cases, that have a single known representative in Brazil.
(Triphora uniflora A.C. Ferreira, Baptista & Pansarin (Orchidaccae: Triphorcae): a new species and the first record of the genus Triphora Nutt. for Sao Paulo state, Brazil). Triphora uniflora A. C. Ferreira, Baptista & Pansarin, a new species of Orchidaceae, is described and illustrated. Furthermore, this is the first report of the genus Triphora for Sao Paulo state, Brazil. The relationship of this new species to other taxa of the genus and the need to preserve the natural habitat of this Triphora species are discussed.
The genus Macrobrachium Bate, 1868 is one of the best examples of widespread crustacean genera distributed globally throughout tropical and subtropical waters. Previous investigators have noted the systematic complexity of the group, and have suggested rearrangements within the family Palaemonidae. Our phylogenetic analysis of new mitochondrial DNA sequences of 58 species of Macrobrachium distributed mainly in America support the hypothesis of monophyly of this genus, if Cryphiops Dana, 1852 is accepted as a generic synonym. We concluded that the independent evolution of different types of life cycle (abbreviated larval development-ALD and extended larval development-ELD) must have occurred more than once in the history of the group. Similarly, we also concluded that the current type species of the genus, Macrobrachium americanum Bate, 1868, should not be considered valid, as previously proposed. The synonymy of two members of the `olfersi` species complex (M. birai Lobao, Melo&Fernandes, 1986 and M. holthuisi Genofre&Lobao, 1978) with M. olfersi (Wiegmann, 1836) was confirmed. Similar results were found in comparing M. petronioi Melo, Lobao&Fernandes, 1986 and M. potiuna (Muller, 1880), in which the genetic divergence placed M. petronioi within the level of intraspecific variation of M. potiuna. The taxonomic status of the genus Cryphiops, as well as theories on the origin of Macrobrachium, is also called into question.
Detailed description of the cranial anatomy of the rhynchosaur previously known as Scaphonyx sulcognathus allows its assignment to a new genus Teyumbaita. Two nearly complete skulls and a partial skull have been referred to the taxon, all of which come from the lower part of the Caturrita Formation, Upper Triassic of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Cranial autapomorphies of Teyumbaita sulcognathus include anterior margin of nasal concave at midline, prefrontal separated from the ascending process of the maxilla, palatal ramus of pterygoid expanded laterally within palatines, dorsal surface of exoccipital markedly depressed, a single tooth lingually displaced from the main medial tooth-bearing area of the maxilla, and a number of other characters (such as skull broader than long; a protruding orbital anterior margin; anguli oils extending to anterior ramus of the jugal; bar between the orbit and the lower temporal fenestra wider than 0.4 of the total orbital opening; mandibular depth reaching more than 25% of the total length) support its inclusion in Hyperodapedontinae. T. sulcognathus is the only potential Norian rhynchosaur, suggesting that the group survived the end-Carnian extinction event.
Three new species of Celetrigona are described: C. euclydiana sp. nov., from Acre, Brazil, C. hirsuticornis sp. nov., from Rondonia, Brazil and C. manauara sp. nov., from the northern Amazon. Additional geographic records are provided for C. longicornis (Friese, 1903), the only previously known species; its nest and the male are described and illustrated for the first time. Diagnosis and an identification key for species are provided, which are distinguished by the pattern of pilosity on the antenna.
We investigated the production of a hepatotoxic, cyclic heptapeptide, microcystin, by a filamentous branched cyanobacterium belonging to the order Stigonematales, genus Fischerella. The freshwater Fischerella sp. strain CENA161 was isolated from spring water in a small concrete dam in Piracicaba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, and identified by combining a morphological description with 16S rRNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. Microcystin (MCYST) analysis performed using an ELISA assay on cultured cells gave positive results. High performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) analysis detected 33.6 mu g MCYST-LR per gram dry weight of cyanobacterial cells. Microcystin profile revealed by quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry (Q-TOF-MS/MS) analysis confirmed the production of MCYST-LR. Furthermore, genomic DNA was analyzed by PCR for sequences similar to the ketosynthase (KS) domain of the type I polyketide synthase gene, which is involved in microcystin biosynthesis. This revealed the presence of a KS nucleotide fragment similar to the mcyD and ndaD genes of the microcystin and nodularin synthetase complexes. Phylogenetic analysis grouped the Fischerella KS sequence together with mcyD sequences of the three known microcystin synthetase operon (Microcystis, Planktothrix and Anabaena) and ndaD of the nodularin synthetase operon, with 100% bootstrap support. Our findings demonstrate that Fischerella sp. CENA161 produces MYCST-LR and for the first time identify a nucleotide sequence putatively involved in microcystin synthesis in this genus. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.