923 resultados para GENERAL-METHOD


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A general method is presented for solving the plane elasticity problem of finite plates with multiple microcracks. The method directly accounts for the interactions between different microcracks and the effect of outer boundary of a finite plate. Analysis is based on a superposition scheme and series expansions of the complex potentials. By using the traction-free conditions on each crack surface and resultant forces relations along outer boundary, a set of governing equations is formulated. The governing equations are solved numerically on the basis of a boundary collocation procedure. The effective Young's moduli for randomly oriented cracks and parallel cracks are evaluated for rectangular plates with microcracks. The numerical results are compared with those from various micromechanics models and experimental data. These results show that the present method provides a direct and efficient approach to deal with finite solids containing multiple microcracks.


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This thesis presents a technique for obtaining the stochastic response of a nonlinear continuous system. First, the general method of nonstationary continuous equivalent linearization is developed. This technique allows replacement of the original nonlinear system with a time-varying linear continuous system. Next, a numerical implementation is described which allows solution of complex problems on a digital computer. In this procedure, the linear replacement system is discretized by the finite element method. Application of this method to systems satisfying the one-dimensional wave equation with two different types of constitutive nonlinearities is described. Results are discussed for nonlinear stress-strain laws of both hardening and softening types.


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The general theory of Whitham for slowly-varying non-linear wavetrains is extended to the case where some of the defining partial differential equations cannot be put into conservation form. Typical examples are considered in plasma dynamics and water waves in which the lack of a conservation form is due to dissipation; an additional non-conservative element, the presence of an external force, is treated for the plasma dynamics example. Certain numerical solutions of the water waves problem (the Korteweg-de Vries equation with dissipation) are considered and compared with perturbation expansions about the linearized solution; it is found that the first correction term in the perturbation expansion is an excellent qualitative indicator of the deviation of the dissipative decay rate from linearity.

A method for deriving necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a general uniform wavetrain solution is presented and illustrated in the plasma dynamics problem. Peaking of the plasma wave is demonstrated, and it is shown that the necessary and sufficient existence conditions are essentially equivalent to the statement that no wave may have an amplitude larger than the peaked wave.

A new type of fully non-linear stability criterion is developed for the plasma uniform wavetrain. It is shown explicitly that this wavetrain is stable in the near-linear limit. The nature of this new type of stability is discussed.

Steady shock solutions are also considered. By a quite general method, it is demonstrated that the plasma equations studied here have no steady shock solutions whatsoever. A special type of steady shock is proposed, in which a uniform wavetrain joins across a jump discontinuity to a constant state. Such shocks may indeed exist for the Korteweg-de Vries equation, but are barred from the plasma problem because entropy would decrease across the shock front.

Finally, a way of including the Landau damping mechanism in the plasma equations is given. It involves putting in a dissipation term of convolution integral form, and parallels a similar approach of Whitham in water wave theory. An important application of this would be towards resolving long-standing difficulties about the "collisionless" shock.


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The Fokker-Planck (FP) equation is used to develop a general method for finding the spectral density for a class of randomly excited first order systems. This class consists of systems satisfying stochastic differential equations of form ẋ + f(x) = m/Ʃ/j = 1 hj(x)nj(t) where f and the hj are piecewise linear functions (not necessarily continuous), and the nj are stationary Gaussian white noise. For such systems, it is shown how the Laplace-transformed FP equation can be solved for the transformed transition probability density. By manipulation of the FP equation and its adjoint, a formula is derived for the transformed autocorrelation function in terms of the transformed transition density. From this, the spectral density is readily obtained. The method generalizes that of Caughey and Dienes, J. Appl. Phys., 32.11.

This method is applied to 4 subclasses: (1) m = 1, h1 = const. (forcing function excitation); (2) m = 1, h1 = f (parametric excitation); (3) m = 2, h1 = const., h2 = f, n1 and n2 correlated; (4) the same, uncorrelated. Many special cases, especially in subclass (1), are worked through to obtain explicit formulas for the spectral density, most of which have not been obtained before. Some results are graphed.

Dealing with parametrically excited first order systems leads to two complications. There is some controversy concerning the form of the FP equation involved (see Gray and Caughey, J. Math. Phys., 44.3); and the conditions which apply at irregular points, where the second order coefficient of the FP equation vanishes, are not obvious but require use of the mathematical theory of diffusion processes developed by Feller and others. These points are discussed in the first chapter, relevant results from various sources being summarized and applied. Also discussed is the steady-state density (the limit of the transition density as t → ∞).


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Part I

Solutions of Schrödinger’s equation for system of two particles bound in various stationary one-dimensional potential wells and repelling each other with a Coulomb force are obtained by the method of finite differences. The general properties of such systems are worked out in detail for the case of two electrons in an infinite square well. For small well widths (1-10 a.u.) the energy levels lie above those of the noninteresting particle model by as much as a factor of 4, although excitation energies are only half again as great. The analytical form of the solutions is obtained and it is shown that every eigenstate is doubly degenerate due to the “pathological” nature of the one-dimensional Coulomb potential. This degeneracy is verified numerically by the finite-difference method. The properties of the square-well system are compared with those of the free-electron and hard-sphere models; perturbation and variational treatments are also carried out using the hard-sphere Hamiltonian as a zeroth-order approximation. The lowest several finite-difference eigenvalues converge from below with decreasing mesh size to energies below those of the “best” linear variational function consisting of hard-sphere eigenfunctions. The finite-difference solutions in general yield expectation values and matrix elements as accurate as those obtained using the “best” variational function.

The system of two electrons in a parabolic well is also treated by finite differences. In this system it is possible to separate the center-of-mass motion and hence to effect a considerable numerical simplification. It is shown that the pathological one-dimensional Coulomb potential gives rise to doubly degenerate eigenstates for the parabolic well in exactly the same manner as for the infinite square well.

Part II

A general method of treating inelastic collisions quantum mechanically is developed and applied to several one-dimensional models. The formalism is first developed for nonreactive “vibrational” excitations of a bound system by an incident free particle. It is then extended to treat simple exchange reactions of the form A + BC →AB + C. The method consists essentially of finding a set of linearly independent solutions of the Schrödinger equation such that each solution of the set satisfies a distinct, yet arbitrary boundary condition specified in the asymptotic region. These linearly independent solutions are then combined to form a total scattering wavefunction having the correct asymptotic form. The method of finite differences is used to determine the linearly independent functions.

The theory is applied to the impulsive collision of a free particle with a particle bound in (1) an infinite square well and (2) a parabolic well. Calculated transition probabilities agree well with previously obtained values.

Several models for the exchange reaction involving three identical particles are also treated: (1) infinite-square-well potential surface, in which all three particles interact as hard spheres and each two-particle subsystem (i.e. BC and AB) is bound by an attractive infinite-square-well potential; (2) truncated parabolic potential surface, in which the two-particle subsystems are bound by a harmonic oscillator potential which becomes infinite for interparticle separations greater than a certain value; (3) parabolic (untruncated) surface. Although there are no published values with which to compare our reaction probabilities, several independent checks on internal consistency indicate that the results are reliable.


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This thesis presents methods by which electrical analogies can be obtained for nonlinear systems. The accuracy of these methods is investigated and several specific types of nonlinear equations are studied in detail.

In Part I a general method is given for obtaining electrical analogs of nonlinear systems with one degree of freedom. Loop and node methods are compared and the stability of the loop analogy is briefly considered.

Parts II and III give a description of the equipment and a discussion of its accuracy. Comparisons are made between experimental and analytic solutions of linear systems.

Part IV is concerned with systems having a nonlinear restoring force. In particular, solutions of Duffing's equation are obtained, both by using the electrical analogy and also by approximate analytical methods.

Systems with nonlinear damping are considered in Part V. Two specific examples are chosen: (1) forced oscillations and (2) self-excited oscillations (van der Pol’s equation). Comparisons are made with approximate analytic solutions.

Part VI gives experimental data for a system obeying Mathieu's equation. Regions of stability are obtained. Examples of subharmonic, ultraharmonic, and ultrasubharmonic oscillat1ons are shown.


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The general method of study of the performance of any dynamic system is to have an understanding of the various influencing factors. These include the dynamic parameters developed by the system as well as the external factors. In the case of a trawl net under operation there are many hydrodynamic forces acting on it. Since the trawl net is operated much below the water surface, visual observation is rather difficult. Model testing is an alternative method. However, as a model cannot be an exact replica of the original in all respects, model testing has only a limited application and an ultimate test with the actual gear in the true field conditions is necessary.


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We live in an era of abundant data. This has necessitated the development of new and innovative statistical algorithms to get the most from experimental data. For example, faster algorithms make practical the analysis of larger genomic data sets, allowing us to extend the utility of cutting-edge statistical methods. We present a randomised algorithm that accelerates the clustering of time series data using the Bayesian Hierarchical Clustering (BHC) statistical method. BHC is a general method for clustering any discretely sampled time series data. In this paper we focus on a particular application to microarray gene expression data. We define and analyse the randomised algorithm, before presenting results on both synthetic and real biological data sets. We show that the randomised algorithm leads to substantial gains in speed with minimal loss in clustering quality. The randomised time series BHC algorithm is available as part of the R package BHC, which is available for download from Bioconductor (version 2.10 and above) via http://bioconductor.org/packages/2.10/bioc/html/BHC.html. We have also made available a set of R scripts which can be used to reproduce the analyses carried out in this paper. These are available from the following URL. https://sites.google.com/site/randomisedbhc/.


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We propose a more general method for detecting a set of entanglement measures, i.e., negativities, in an arbitrary tripartite quantum state by local operations and classical communication. To accomplish the detection task using this method, three observers do not need to perform partial transposition maps by the structural physical approximation; instead, they only need to collectively measure some functions via three local networks supplemented by a classical communication. With these functions, they are able to determine the set of negativities related to the tripartite quantum state.


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Following the idea of Xing et al., we investigate a general method for constructing families of pseudorandom sequences with low correlation and large linear complexity from elliptic curves over finite fields in this correspondence. With the help of the tool of exponential sums on elliptic curves, we study their periods, linear complexities, linear complexity profiles, distributions of r-patterns, periodic correlation, partial period distributions, and aperiodic correlation in detail. The results show that they have nice randomness.


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为了探讨密闭仁用杏园衰败的原因,采用常规的方法研究了间伐对仁用杏园土壤养分、水分及树体生长等方面的影响。结果表明:间伐减小了土壤容重,略微增加了土壤孔隙度;间伐显著提高了0-40 cm土层土壤有机质、0-20 cm土层土壤全氮,略微提高了0-20 cm土层土壤全磷;间伐显著提高了0-80 cm土层土壤速效氮、0-40 cm土层土壤速效磷和0-60 cm土层土壤速效钾,且间伐强度越大土壤养分越高;间伐显著提高了0-500cm土层土壤水分,在干旱的春季、夏季优为显著,且间伐强度越大,土壤水分越高;间伐显著促进了仁用杏生长,提高了坐果率和杏仁产量。白于山山区仁用杏间伐后密度应为167~222株/hm2。


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A theoretical investigation of ballistic electron transport in a quantum wire with soft wall confinement is presented. A general method of the electron transmission calculation is proposed for structures with complicated geometries. The effects of the lateral guiding potential on ballistic transport are investigated using three soft wall confinement models and the results are compared with those obtained from the hard wall confinement approximation. It is shown that the calculated transmission coefficients are notably dependent on the lateral confining potential especially when the incident electron energy is larger than the energy of the second transverse mode. It is found that the transmission profile obtained from soft wall confinement models exhibits simpler resonance structures than that obtained from the hard wall confinement approximation. Our results suggest that only in the single-channel regime the hard wall confinement approximation can give reasonable results.


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Synthesis of segmented all-Pt nanowires is achieved by a template-assisted method. The combination of a suitably chosen electrolyte/template system with pulse-reverse electrodeposition allows the formation of well-defined segments linked to nanowires. Manipulation of the morphology is obtained by controlling the electrokinetie effects on the local electrolyte distribution inside the nanochannels during the nanowire growth process, allowing a deviation from the continuously cylindrical geometry given by the nanoporous template. The length of the segments can be adjusted as a function of the cathodic pulse duration. Applying constant pulses leads to segments with homogeneous shape and dimensions along most of the total wire length. X-ray diffraction demonstrates that the preferred crystallite orientation of the polycrystalline wires varies with the average segment length. The results are explained considering transitions in texture formation with increasing thickness of the electrodeposit. A mechanism of segment formation is proposed based on structural characterizations. Nanowires with controlled segmented morphology are of great technological importance, because of the possibility to precisely control their substructure as a means of tuning their electrical, thermal, and optical properties. The concept we present in this work for electrodeposited platinum and track-etched polycarbonate membranes can be applied to other selected materials as well as templates and constitutes a general method to controlled nanostructuring and synthesis of shape controlled nanostructures.


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Initially, pore walls of mesoporous silica SBA-15 with template were modified with chlorotrimethylsilane. Then imidazolium salts were similarly incorporated covalently in the inner pore walls of mesoporous silica SBA-15 albeit without the template. Finally, palladium salts were introduced into the pore channels of the previously processed mesoporous silica via electrostatic interaction. The resulting palladium catalysts demonstrated exceptional activity for the room-temperature Suzuki Coupling reaction in aqueous-organic mixed solvents and good recycling ability for at least 4-6 times.


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We report a general method for incorporation of nanoparticles into polyelectrolyte multilayer (PEM) thin films by utilizing the excess charges and associated counterions present in the PEMs. Silver ions were introduced directly into multilayers assembled from poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDDA) and poly(styrene sulfonate) (PSS), (PDDA/PSS)(n), by a rapid ion exchange process, which were then converted into silver nanoparticles via in situ reduction to create composite thin films. The size and the content of the nanoparticles in the film call be tuned by adjusting the ionic strength in the polyelectrolyte solutions used for the assembly. Spatial control over the distribution of the nanoparticles in the PEM was achieved via the use of multilayer heterostructure containing PDDA/PSS bilayer blocks assembled at different salt concentrations. Because excess charges and counterions are always present in any PEM, this approach can be applied to fabricate a wide variety of composite thin Films based on electrostatic self-assembly.